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规格5m以上×8~12cm5m以上×14~16cm5m以上×18cm以上4~6.8m×8~12cm4~6.8m×14~16cm4~6.8m×18cm以上2~3.8m×20~28cm2~3.8m×30cm以上2~3.8m×20~28cm2~3.8m×30cm以上2m×12~18cm1~3级4~7级2.5m×6cm各种规格1220mm×2440mm×16mm1220mm×2440mm×12~15mm1220mm×2440mm×3~5mm1220mm×2440mm×10mm板坯600(900)mm×90(75)mm×18(15)mm一级优级杉棒锯材木胶合板中密度纤维板硬质纤维板竹胶合板木地板竹地板松香松节油品名松原木杂原木坑木间伐木价格480元/m3520元/m3580元/m3550元/m3600元/m3700元/m3550元/m3720元/m3660元/m3860元/m336…  相似文献   

樱桃红颈天牛防治技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
樱桃(Cerasus pseudocerasus)落叶乔木。株高可达8m。嫩枝无毛或微被毛。叶卵圆形至卵状椭圆形,长7~16cm,宽4~8cm,先端渐尖,基部圆形,边缘具大小不等的重锯齿,锯齿上有腺体,上面无毛或微具毛,下面被稀疏柔毛;叶柄长0.8~1.5cm,有短柔毛,  相似文献   

研究表明,10种观赏木兰在千岛湖区栽培不仅适应性强,而且速生性好,4年生的高生长达3.12~5.35 m,胸径4.55~7.51 cm,冠幅1.68~2.61 m,其中Ⅰ类4种木兰的高、径、冠生长分别为4.46 m、6.69 cm、2.30 m,生长最突出的杂交马褂木的高、径、冠生长分别为5.35 m、6.96 cm、2.61 m。观赏木兰经过4 a培育达到Ⅰ、Ⅱ类的苗木规格,作为园林绿化建设用苗,可获得良好的效益。  相似文献   

木兰科,含笑属。常绿乔木,高10~15m。叶革质,椭圆状矩形,长8~16cm,宽3~4.5cm;基部楔形,叶两面无毛,顶芽具疏毛。单花腋生,黄色。花瓣条状披针形。果梗长1.5~3cm,披疏毛。花期4-5月,果期10-11月。产湖南西部、贵州,海拔600~1200m,稍耐阴,喜肥沃润湿土壤。适应性强,城市栽培生长良好。生长速度中等,前期较快,高生长可达70~120cm/a;后期较慢,高生长约50~70cm/a。用于城市行道树或公园、庭院布置。种子繁殖,10-11月采种,置阴凉通风处,裂开后取出种子。然后洗种,沙藏。翌年3~4月份播种,播种量12~13kg/667m2。黄心夜合Michelia martiniiü(Lévl.…  相似文献   

材种规格场地价格(含税)松枕木Ⅰ类1070元/立方米松枕木Ⅱ类940元/立方米松原木2m×14~18cm440元/立方米松原木2m×20~28cm540元/立方米松原木2m×30cm以上650元/立方米松纸材2m×8~12cm300元/立方米松纸材2m×14~18cm360元/立方米松纸材2m×20cm以上380元/立方米杉原木4m×4~8cm490元/立方米杉原木4m×10cm以上520元/立方米杉原条自然长×8~14cm400元/立方米杉原条自然长×6~20cm450元/立方米杉方2.8~3m5.6×9.9cm750元/立方米杉方2.5m4.4×9.4cm700元/立方米杉方2.2~2.4m5.7×7.7cm 3.8×5.8cm600元/立方米杉方2.2m4.6×9.6cm …  相似文献   

湖南省木材参考销售价格注:1、价格为缴清税费的火车站交货待运价杉原条杉原木松原木杉板坊材6m以上×8cm8m以上×10~12cm10m以上×14~16cm12m以上×18cm12m以上×20cm以上2m~2.6m×10~12cm2m~2.6m×14cm2m~2.6m×16cm2m~2.6m×18cm2m~2.6m×20cm2m~2.6m×22cm2m~2.6m×24~26cm2m~2.6m×28cm以上2m~2.6m×10~12cm2m~2.6m×14~18cm2m~2.6m×20~26cm2m~2.6m×28~38cm2m~2.6m×40cm以上4m×10cm×5cm4m×5cm×4cm4m×3cm×4cm2~2.6m×10cm×5cm2~2.6m×5cm×4cm2~2.6m×4cm×3cm怀化440480540580720450490520660770…  相似文献   

<正>大叶速生槐为造林、治沙、造纸、能源于一体的多功能耐旱速生落叶乔木,自然生长高度15m~20m,是荒山、荒坡及荒漠化土地造林的速生树种。一是生长快,出材量高。大叶速生槐栽植当年生长高度2m~3m,2年生4m~5m,8年生可达14m~16m,胸径18cm~20cm。  相似文献   

<正>大叶速生槐为造林、治沙、造纸、能源于一体的多功能耐旱速生落叶乔木,自然生长高度15m~20m,是荒山、荒坡及荒漠化土地造林的速生树种。一是生长快,出材量高。大叶速生槐栽植当年生长高度2m~3m,2年生4m~5m,8年生可达14m~16m,胸径18cm~20cm。二是耐旱耐  相似文献   

茶陵贮木场(铁路货场)木材价格材种规格场地价格(含税)松枕木Ⅰ类1070元/立方米松枕木Ⅱ类940元/立方米松原木2m×14~18cm440元/立方米松原木2m×20~28cm540元/立方米松原木2m×30cm以上650元/立方米松纸材2m×8~12cm300元/立方米松纸材2m×14~18cm360元/立方米松纸材2m×20cm以上380元/立方米杉原木4m×4~8cm490元/立方米杉原木4m×10cm以上520元/立方米杉原条自然长×8~14cm400元/立方米杉原条自然长×6~20cm450元/立方米杉方2.8~3m5.6×9.9cm750元/立方米杉方2.5m4.4×9.4cm700元/立方米杉方2.2~2.4m5.7×7.7cm3.8×5.8cm600元/立方米杉…  相似文献   

陈定如 《广东园林》2010,32(6):78-79
<正>幌伞枫(罗伞树)Heteropanax fragrans(Roxb.)Seem.常绿乔木,高8~30 m。树皮暗灰色,纵裂,具圆形明显凸起皮孔,内皮淡紫红色;枝条短粗,茎枝嫩时具"V"形叶柄痕迹。树冠圆伞形。叶大,互生,多在茎枝顶部聚生,通常三至四回羽状复叶,羽片和小叶均对生;小叶近革质,椭圆形或卵形,长6~15 cm,宽3~7 cm,先端尾尖或突尖,基部宽楔形或近  相似文献   

The distribution of Phellinus tremulae in stems of Populus tremula was studied visually, macroscopically as well as microscopically, and by means of isolation of the fungus in pure culture. Evidence suggests that P. tremulae occurs alone in most of the tree. Microorganisms associated with P. tremulae in the wood are suggested to be independent invaders or secondary invaders. A dark reaction zone was formed in certain parts of the wood and consisted microscopically of melanized hyphes and brown material in the ray cells. An inner wood, formed as a result of the death of nearby brandies, is apparently the main part infected by P. tremulae, and its outer border may basically limit the spread of the fungus in the trunk. The formation of “heartwood” in aspen is discussed, and a suggested outline shown for the infection and decay processes caused by the fungus.  相似文献   

Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr. (syn. Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. v. Muell.) is a large tree, native to tropical America, which has now become widespread throughout the humid and subhumid tropics. Although noted as a promising agroforestry species, there is little specific research that substantiates this potential. On the basis of a review of its biology, ecology and recorded uses, it is concluded that the most appropriate use for S. saman would be in an extensive silvopastoral system for cattle production. The tree provides excellent protective shade, and produces highly palatable pods that are suitable as a dry season feed supplement. Additionally, there are reports of enhanced grass production beneath its canopy indicating a potential role in maintaining or improving the productivity of tropical grasslands. It is concluded that the tree should receive more research attention, focusing particularly on its interaction with the herbaceous understorey and the identification of provenances adapted to a variety of environmental conditions. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

梁山慈竹播种育苗技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对梁山慈竹种子贮藏时间、播种覆盖方式及实生苗移植时间、合理密度的研究,其结果表明,采种后在自然条件下贮藏10 d是比较理想的贮藏期(即5月下旬至6月上旬播种);遮阴是获得较多和较好幼苗的关键技术措施,用地膜+遮阴网覆盖的方法,是理想的覆盖方法;梁山慈竹幼苗移植应在8月20日前进行;苗圃生产中以采用30cm×35cm的移植密度较好.  相似文献   

南方红豆杉扦插繁殖技术研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2003~2004年应用2年生南方红豆杉幼苗进行扦插试验研究,结果表明:不同时间扦插的插穗生根时间最多相差2个月,2月中旬至3月中旬为最适宜扦插季节,扦插后3~5个月的生根率高于其它月份。用河沙与红泥作基质扦插,在不同季节扦插中以河沙作基质的生根效果比红泥的好。用生根剂处理有利于插穗提早生根及增加生根数量,以冬季及早春应用的效果较为明显,应用生根剂的插穗在扦插3~5个月后的生根率和生根数量与对照比有显著差异。不同类型插穗的扦插生根率在不同月份扦插的结果不同,但其差异不显著。  相似文献   

三花假卫矛三萜类化学成分的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过核磁共振和质普分析对三花假卫矛藤茎的化学成分进行研究,分离并鉴定了6个三萜类化学成分,分别为β-香树脂醇(Ⅰ)、齐墩果酸(Ⅱ)、β-香树脂醇棕榈酸脂(Ⅲ)、羽扇豆醇(Ⅳ)、20(30)-羽扇豆烯-3-酮(Ⅴ)及20(30)-羽扇豆烯-3β, 29-二醇(Ⅵ)。经检索,所有化合物均为首次从三花假卫矛中分得。  相似文献   

Acacia sinuata is a valuable multipurpose tree in Southern India. The tree is over exploited, but its regeneration rate in natural habitat is low. Therefore, it is important to study if it can be regenerated through in vitro micro-propagation. Cotyledonary node and shoot-tip explants excised from 15 day-old in vitro grown seedlings were used to initiate cultures. Maximum number of shoots was induced from cotyledonary node explants on Murashige and Skoog's (MS) medium containing6.66 µM 6-benzylamino purine (BAP) and 4.65µM kinetin (Kn). Subculturing was done in the fresh medium of same composition. The number of shoots formed was comparatively greater in the first subculture. Maximum shoot elongation was achieved (5.5 cm)when subcultured on MS medium supplemented with 1.75 µMgibberellic acid (GA3). In vitro regenerated shoots produced roots when transferred to half strength MS medium supplemented with 7.36 µM indolebutyric acid (IBA). From each cotyledonarynode 30 shoots were obtained within 90 days after two subcultures. The success rate of establishing the rooted plantlets in the field was 55%.This revised version was published online in November 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

On Grovesiella abieticola (Zell. and Goodd.) Morelet and Gremmen . Grovesiella abieticola (=Scleroderris abieticola) is an inoperculate Discomycete (related but distinct from the genera Godronia Moug. et Lév., Durandiella Seaver and Pragmopora Massal.), occurring in Europe and North America on species of the genus Abies Miller. The fungus is associated with branch cankers and dieback of twigs, although its pathogenicity has not been proved so far. After a three-weeks period of growth in vitro the fungus develops plurilocular pycnidia oozing bacilliform, unicellular microconidia. It demonstrates an optimal growth at 18–20°C.  相似文献   

Arenga pinnata is the most important sugar palm of the humid tropics. Besides yielding sugar, it provides a great number of products and benefits to its users, and is one of the most diverse multipurpose tree species in culture.The various ways in which this palm is used are illustrated for the native population of four Indonesian provinces. Although all people make use of the palm, the intensity of use, and the products which are used, vary widely among places. The peoples of East Kalimantan where there is a very low population density and a Muslim population, makes relatively little use of the palm. The peoples of North Sumatra, with a mostly Christian population, and of West Java, with a very high population density make intensive use of the sugar palm. The most advanced cropping and cultivation patterns have developed in North Sulawesi, where many old traditions are based on sugar palm cultivation.The potentials of A. pinnata in cropping systems including agroforestry are presented. Prerequisites for intensified cultivation are discussed.  相似文献   

Storm-felled trees left in the forest for a shorter or longer period, affect the quality of the logs. The change in quality is mainly because of attack of fungi and insects, which in turn depends on the moisture content (MC) of the sapwood. The purpose of this study was to receive more knowledge about drying of storm-felled trees by investigating how fast winter storm-felled Norway spruce and Scots pine dried when left in the forest. Sixteen storm-felled spruces with part of the roots still in ground contact were selected from three stands and in addition to 10 pines from one of the stands. The trees were examined for MC in the sapwood until 21 months after the storm. This study indicates that wind-thrown trees with roots still connected to the soil can survive one summer without any value loss caused by draught, fungi and insects. The stand conditions can be of importance as the storm-felled trees in the stand, with scattered windthrow, were in best condition after one year, as they were shadowed by the trees still standing. Comparing spruces and pines with the stand with scattered windthrow, pines were more sensitive to drought and reached critical MC earlier.  相似文献   

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