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指出了乡土树种的保护与开发利用对现代林业发展和生态文明建设具有重要意义,对泰州市乡土树种保护和开发利用现状进行了分析,探讨了种质流失和遗传侵蚀严重、开发利用滞后等存在的问题,并提出了广泛宣传、科学规划、创新科技、落实政策和完善机制等乡土树种保护和开发利用对策。  相似文献   

通过对福建省黄楠资源的现状及目前开发利用中存在问题的调查分析,提出了保护、培育、开发利用相结合的开发利用观点。  相似文献   

樊宏 《内蒙古林业》2008,(11):18-19
人类社会的文明史是一部开发利用自然资源的历史.然而从盲目开发利用转变为理性开发利用经过了漫长的发展过程,人们能够无休止地索取自然资源是因为大自然母亲般的宽厚,然而,人们最终也因此受到了大自然的惩罚。可持续开发利用是人类总结历史经验后产生的理性思维,人们祖祖辈辈一直在尝试、思索、再尝试、再思索……  相似文献   

刺楸资源的培育及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刺楸在我国分布范围广,开发利用价值大,其木材、根皮、树皮、幼芽等原材料、加工制成品及其用于园林绿化的景观效果,均具有广阔的市场潜力。长期以来资源被过量采伐,现被列为国家二级保护珍稀树种。总结了刺楸资源保护和开发利用现状、苗木繁育、人工造林技术和开发利用途径,并就如何进一步开展刺楸资源培育及开发利用提出了建议。  相似文献   

元宝枫及其开发利用途径   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
元宝枫可作为优良的木本油料树种、植物鞣料树种及风景林建设树种,在经济建设、环境生态建设中推广应用,开发利用前景非常广阔。该文介绍了元宝枫的生物学特性及开发利用研究现状,对我省的适宜发展区域及开发利用途径提出了建议。  相似文献   

长江中游滩地综合开发利用经济效益初报李同荣,谭清华,桑倩,魏天钦,覃金平长江中游滩地由于春夏雨季水深,秋冬旱季干涸,长期未被合理利用。为了对长江中游滩地进行合理开发利用,探索投资小、效益大、见效快的开发利用模式,并遵循生态经济的原则,变单元“木材利用...  相似文献   

密蒙花的利用价值和栽培技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了密蒙花的形态特征及药用、天然染料等方面的开发利用价值,以及栽培技术要点,为其开发利用提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

河南省林木生物质能源的现状及开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
林木生物质能源的开发利用是生物质能源领域研究的热点问题。本文介绍了我省林木生物质能源资源的发展现状、开发利用等,针对林木生物质能源的发展方向,提出了加快我省林木生物质能源开发利用的对策及措施。  相似文献   

海南省政府日前批准实施的《海南省生态功能区划》,将全省划分为4个生态区、10个生态亚区和38个生态功能区。根据资源开发和保护的需要,38个生态功能区被分为严格保护生态区、控制性开发利用区和资源开发利用区等3种类型,实行分类开发利用和保护。  相似文献   

湖南药用昆虫资源的开发利用研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
湖南省自然条件优越,药用昆虫资源较为丰富,种类繁多。作者从药用昆虫种类、药用价值、开发利用现状等方面进行了论述,提出了开发利用的具体措施。  相似文献   

西藏墨脱县耕地开发建设与生态保护问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
"刀耕火种、广种薄收、无序开垦、毁林耕垦"是一种古老传统的农耕方式,由于它对生态环境破坏较大,且投劳多、收益低,在我国其它地区已基本消失;在西藏墨脱县由于交通不便,信息闭塞,至今仍沿袭着这种古老而又落后的农耕方式。通过对墨脱全县农村的耕地结构、生产生活方式、生产力水平、农民生计需求以及刀耕火种对当地生态环境的影响进行分析,并从解决农牧民长远生计、强化生态保护的角度出发,提出杜绝刀耕火种、毁林耕垦,加强生态保护的途径和措施。  相似文献   

经研究,模式标本采于江西的植物共有53科143种(含种下分类单位),以槭树科、禾本科、蔷薇科、虎耳草科等10科种类较为丰富;这些植物分布于全省41个地点,以庐山、井冈山、修水、武功山等地最为集中;它们由46位国内外植物学采集者所采集,熊耀国、聂敏祥、赖书绅等采集者贡献最大;保存于国内外20家标本馆中,省内以庐山植物园数量最多,省外以中科院北京植物研究所种类最多。  相似文献   

Summary The differentiation between acute, direct chronic and indirect chronic immissions caused by atmospheric pollution brought about by emissions having the nature of gas, smoke and dust is described. Several positive examples are quoted to the question whether indirect chronic immissions are possible without damage to growth up, yield and/or production.A differentiation has value for autotrophic and heterotrophic life forms:1. Insignificant immissions in the animate world prevail when autotrophic/heterotrophic life forms are not adversely affected, as compared with their condition in their usual situation and surroundings, i. e. when: their anatomical/morphological development, their function, their efficiency, their powers of propagation, their immunity to disease, their longevity and their physiological function and/or psychical well-being are not impaired.2. Considerable immissions in the animate world prevail when the development, function, efficiency, powers of propagation, immunity to disease and/or general well-being of autotrophic/ heterotrophic life forms, as compared with their condition in their usual situation and surroundings, are affected by reversible physiological/ psychical disturbances (direct and indirect chronic immissions) but when their longevity remains unaffected and when anatomical/morphological anomalies, changes and/or damage (acute immissions) do not occur.3. Severe immissions in the animate world prevail when the development, function, efficiency, power of propagation, immunity to disease, longevity and/or general well-being of autotrophic/heterotrophic life forms, as compared with their condition in their usual situation and surroundings, is affected or interrupted by repeated or irreversible physiological/psychical disturbances (direct and indirect chronic immissions), whereby, under certain circumstances, limited but typical anatomical/ morphological anomalies, changes and/or damage (acute immissions) occur to separate organic parts.4. Excessive immissions in the animate world prevail when the development, function, efficiency, power of propagation, immunity to disease, longevity and/or general well-being of autotrophic/ heterotrophic life forms, as compared with their condition in their usual situation and surroundings, are prevented or ended by repeated or irreversible physiological changes or by psychical disturbances (direct and indirect chronic immisssions), whereby, under certain circumstances, some organs or complete organisms suffer extended and typical anatomical/morphological anomalies, changes and/or damage (acute immissions).  相似文献   

Woody leguminous species are valuable crops because of their nutritional, economic, and ecological characteristics. Such crops have aided in the recovery of marginal lands for agricultural development due to their ability to fix nitrogen, control erosion, and act as a refuge for other species, in addition to their capacity to improve soil mineral composition and microbial biodiversity. Nevertheless, some leguminous trees are recognized to be one of the worst invasive species that affect negatively biodiversity and the entire ecosystem balance. In this study, we review new global uses for some woody leguminous crops, highlighting new nutraceutical and pharmacological properties, their uses as bioenergy sources, and their ecological uses for bioremediation opening new possibilities of management. We aim to bring knowledge on the multiple benefits that these woody plants continue to provide to humans from economic, social, and environmental standpoints.  相似文献   

Mcmahon  John P. 《New Forests》1999,17(1-3):329-338
Today several global forces are raising expectations that forestry must be practiced on a sustainable basis. This is true for forestry as practiced in tropical, temperate, and boreal regions, as well as in developed and developing countries. Several institutional processes are in place to develop criteria for and indicators of sustainable forestry. As customers and consumers have become more knowledgeable, they are becoming more demanding about the environmental attributes of the products they buy. Forest products companies and forest landowners who wish to maintain access to these more demanding markets will need to provide assurances of their commitment to sustainable forestry practices.Forest landowners and forest products manufacturers in Washington, Oregon, and California are currently better positioned to meet these expectations than are producers in other regions. In these western states, state forest practices laws and regulations are generally consistent with emerging international criteria and indicators of sustainable management.However, U.S. competitors in such countries as Canada and Sweden are acting rapidly to establish sustainable forestry practices, and to communicate their commitments to their stakeholders and customers. The assurance of sustainable forestry practices is now the latest means by which environmentally aware and demanding customers and consumers differentiate among forest products producers.  相似文献   

The primary purpose of fertilization in nursery soils is to assure production ofhigh—quality planting stock. Therefore,the appropriate information on fertilizers and their use aswell as their effects on seedling growth is important to nursery managers in their nursery practice.Inthis paper,larch seedling growth response to six fertilizers are discussed based on the results ofthree—year studies which were carried out at Dailing Forest Nursery in 1987.  相似文献   

The heterogeneous nature of non-industrial private forest (NIPF) owners and the challenge this heterogeneity presents for effective policy and program design and delivery is widely recognised. Understanding the socio-economic and motivational differences between various types of landowners will better equip policymakers and forest extension professionals to design policies and programs that efficiently promote private sector timber production and forest conservation outcomes. The purpose of this study was to develop a survey-based empirical typology of Tasmanian NIPF owners based on their stated objectives of forest ownership and to relate owner type to a range of observable property and owner characteristics as well as to timber harvesting and forest management behaviour. Using principal component analysis (PCA) followed by means cluster analysis, four distinct groups are identified: income and investment owners, non-timber output owners, agriculturalists, and multi-objective owners. Members of these groups are found to differ significantly in terms of their personal and property characteristics, as well as their timber harvesting and management behaviour. For example, members of the non-timber output owners, who are motivated solely by objectives related to the production and protection of the non-timber outputs of forests, have similar proportions of timber on their property, but are less likely to have harvested timber from their property, than all other groups.  相似文献   

湖南省栎类资源开发利用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对湖南省栎类资源的分布特点,开发利用现状,开发利用途径及开发利用策略进行研究。湖南省栎类资源丰富,分布广泛,是本省残存不多的天然阔叶林中的优势种,有很高的经济价值,除传统上作为用材、淀粉资源、鞣料资源外,还可作为薪炭材、利用栓皮、培养菌菇、饲养柞蚕等;同时还具有涵养水源、保持水土、维持生态平衡等诸多极为重要的生态效益。栎类在本省的分布表现出明显的地带性差异和地域性特点,构成相对集中于湘东、湘南、湘西北山地一线,呈“马蹄形”分布的格局。由于常与其他树种混交,资源零星分散,且分布偏远,造成利用困难。对栎类资源的开发利用必须将保护现有栎类资源,发挥生态效益放在首位;对资源丰富的重要商品原料可加大开发力度;对一些有重要经济价值的栎类树种可进行人工驯化栽培。在开发利用模式上,要走立体开发、综合利用,可持续发展的道路,并注重深加工和新产品开发,将栎类资源优势转变为经济优势。  相似文献   

蒲苇、花叶芦竹和芦苇是目前国内园林应用较为广泛的观赏草。由于同科,生物学特征有许多相似之处,加之科普认知、市场误导等的影响,使3者在行业内外造成了名实混淆的现象。该文通过文献查阅和实践调查,认为"银芦"、"意大利芦苇"应归始正名为蒲苇和花叶芦竹。  相似文献   

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