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Three configurations of cast padding and no cast padding were evaluated for their effects on skin in dogs. Padding was placed over bony prominences, between bony prominences, and over both areas for full-length padding under short-limb walking casts applied to 1 pelvic limb of Greyhounds. Evaluations were performed by pressure measurement over the calcaneal tuberosity, measurement of skin thromboxane B2 (TxB2) concentrations in skin over bony prominences, and measurement of plasma TxB2 concentrations. Pressure studies were performed to evaluate cutaneous pressures related to no cast padding and various configurations of cast padding. Concentrations of TxB2 in the skin were determined to evaluate the skin inflammatory effects of no padding and the padding configurations, and TxB2 concentrations in the plasma were analyzed to ascertain whether they could be used to predict impending dermal pressure lesions. Flexion of casted limbs revealed the greatest pressure over the calcaneal tuberosity with full-length cast padding. This was followed in decreasing order by no cast padding, padding over the prominences, and padding between the prominences. Compared with all other bony prominences and padding configurations, TxB2 skin concentrations were significantly higher over the calcaneal tuberosity when no padding was used and over the lateral base of metatarsal V when padding was placed between the prominences. Over the calcaneal tuberosity, this was attributed to the sharpness of the prominence and its potential for movement. This high TxB2 concentration corresponded to the high pressure found in the pressure studies. Over the lateral base of metatarsal V, the increase in TxB2 concentration was related to the mass of the prominence and the tendency for localized padding to settle around the area.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Endotoxaemia is one of the most severe and ubiquitous disease processes in horses. Although dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO) is used clinically in horses, there is no study indicating its efficacy in endotoxaemic horses. HYPOTHESIS: DMSO ameliorates the clinical response to i.v. lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. METHODS: Eighteen horses were assigned randomly to one of 4 groups: Normosol-LPS (0.2 mug/kg bwt, i.v.); DMSO (1 g/kg bwt, i.v.)-saline; high-dose DMSO (1 g/kg bwt, i.v.)LPS; low-dose DMSO (20 mg/kg bwt, i.v.)-LPS. Horses participating in the DMSO-saline group were later assigned randomly to one of the LPS groups. Data for physical parameters, white blood cell counts, plasma TNF-alpha, and blood lactate and glucose concentrations were examined for the effect of treatment using a repeated-measures mixed-model ANOVA. A value of P<0.05 was considered significant. RESULTS: Endotoxaemia occurred in all horses receiving LPS, as indicated by the clinical score, physical parameters, haemoconcentration and leucopenia. High-dose DMSO ameliorated the effect of LPS on fever. DMSO, at either dose, but did not have a significant effect on LPS-induced changes in all other evaluated parameters. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, DMSO had minimal effects on clinical signs of induced endotoxaemia in horses. The effects were manifested by amelioration of LPS-induced fever.  相似文献   

蜂蜜结晶是长期困扰蜂业的一大难题.本文对不同温度和蜂蜜含水量对蜂蜜结晶的影响进行研究,结果如下:在9℃~15℃的范围内,枇杷蜜、荔枝蜜、鹅掌柴蜜(冬蜜)、桂花蜜最容易结晶的温度是9℃~11℃.枇杷蜜最容易结晶的含水量是20.75%~23.75%,结晶范围是20.75%~26.75%.桂花蜜最容易结晶的含水量是25.75%~29.75%,但是结晶范围较广,在15.75%~29.75%均出现了结晶现象.冬蜜最容易结晶的含水量是20.75%~22.75%,结晶范围是19.75%~25.75%.荔枝蜜最容易结晶的含水量是20.75%~23.75%,结晶范围是20.75%~27.75%.  相似文献   

蜂花粉干燥温度和时间对其活性和水份影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以新鲜蜂花粉为材料,通过不同的干燥温度和时间的处理,测定其活性。以初步探求干燥温度、时间对蜂花粉活性的影响。实验结果表明:蜂花粉活性与干燥温度、时问有密切的关系,在适宜的范围内,呈现出负相关的现象。  相似文献   

蜂花粉干燥温度和时间对其活性和水分影响的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本实验以新鲜蜂花粉为材料,通过不同的干燥温度和时间的处理,测定其活性,以初步探求干燥温度、时间对蜂花粉活性的影响。实验结果表明:蜂花粉活性与干燥温度、时间有密切的关系,在适宜的范围内,呈现出负相关的现象。  相似文献   

本论文研究了饲料加工的两个关键参数(调质温度和时间)对育肥猪颗粒饲料淀粉糊化度和维生素沉积的影响。日粮配方为含30%干酒糟及其可溶物的玉米-豆粕型基础日粮。整个试验中配方保持不变。本试验采用2×3双因子设计,调质温度分别为77℃和88℃,调质时间分别15秒、30秒和60秒。此外,本试验还设置一个对照组,对照组饲料不采用调质制粒工艺,而是采用粉料饲喂。因此,本试验共有7个处理组。采集调质后制粒前(热干粉)、制粒后冷却前(热制粒)、以及制粒冷却后(冷制粒)的样品,并分析这三种样品的总淀粉率、淀粉糊化  相似文献   

研究测定了长白猪屠宰后12h肌肉pH的下降速度、极限值和肌间脂肪氧化速度,及不同储藏温度和时间对肌肉pH值、失水率及脂质氧化的影响。结果表明:屠宰后0~5h长白猪肌肉pH值下降速度较快,9~12hTBA值变化速度较快。4℃条件下,储存时间对长白猪肌肉pH影响不显著,对滴水损失影响极显著,TBA值影响显著;-20℃冷冻条件下,储存时间对长白猪肌肉pH、TBA影响显著,对解冻失水率影响不显著。温度对pH值和TBA值的影响不明显,对滴水损失和解冻失水率有极显著的影响。通过回归分析,长白猪肌肉滴水损失和解冻失水率随pH升高而降低;-20℃条件下TBA值随pH升高而升高。  相似文献   

1. The relationships between oviposition time and specific gravity, shell thickeness, deformation and breaking strength of eggs from six commercial layer strains were examined after 6 and 12 months of production.

2. Shell strength, assessed by any of the methods, was relatively low in eggs collected at 10.00 h and was generally successively greater in those collected at 12.00, 14.00 or 16.00 h. Over the same period egg weight decreased.

3. These time‐related changes in shell strength were similar for the two production ages despite the difference in shell quality due to age.

4. No consistent significant differences were observed between strains in time of oviposition.  相似文献   

1. The daily water intake of adult Brown Leghorn hens was measured at water temperatures of 0, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 45 degrees C. The electrical activity of neurones in the nucleus ventro-lateralis anterior solitarii (NVLAS) of the medulla was also measured when the mouth was stimulated with water at the same temperatures. 2. There was a significant decrease in water intake when the temperature of the water was 10 or 45 degrees C. 3. There was an increase in activity of some of the NVLAS neurones with decreasing water temperature and this activity was in response to specific "cold" receptors. 4. Some NVLAS neurones were identified which showed an increase in activity at temperatures of 45 degrees C and more; it was concluded that these represented responses to thermal pain. 5. It is concluded that the effects of temperature on water intake may in part be explained by the behaviour of the oral receptors.  相似文献   

本实验以两种野桂花蜂蜜样品为实验材料,在不同温度和时间条件下处理,通过试管法测定蜂蜜中淀粉酶值。结果表明:随着温度的升高和处理时间的延长,蜂蜜中的淀粉酶值呈下降趋势。  相似文献   

Stability of ammonia in canine plasma was determined, with regard to temperature and time of storage. Heparinized venous blood samples were collected from 8 healthy dogs, immediately placed in an ice water bath, and centrifuged at 5 C. Plasma was harvested from the blood samples, and the initial analysis of each sample for plasma ammonia was performed within 30 minutes after collection. Separate aliquots of the plasma from each dog were stored at 21 C, 4 C, -15 C, or -40 C. Ammonia concentrations of the aliquots stored at the various temperatures were determined at 24, 48, and 96 hours after collection. Statistical analysis of the data from each dog did not indicate a significant relationship between the initial concentration of plasma ammonia and subsequent determinations. Correlation or significance was not found among samples stored at similar temperatures and evaluated at similar times.  相似文献   

1. Three experiments were carried out with Ross 1 broilers each using four temperatures during the finisher phase. In each experiment there were 64 plots of 100 birds per plot. Temperatures used ranged from 15 to 27 °C. Finisher diets of four nutrient concentrations were fed, (13.3, 12.9, 12.4 and 11.7 MJ ME/kg at 199, 197, 195 and 188 g protein/kg respectively).

2. Cumulative food consumption and body weight at 42, 49 and 56 d decreased with increasing temperature.

3. There were no interactions between temperature and dietary nutrient concentration.  相似文献   

根据中兽医基础理论和幼科动物的特点认为,早期断奶仔猪腹泻的病因是脾虚湿盛,伤食积热,病变部位在脾胃和大小肠。通过健脾燥湿,清热解毒,凉血止痢的治疗方法对临床上仔猪腹泻进行了分组治治疗试验。试验结果表明,应用腹泻益康灵治治疗仔猪腹泻具有良好的治疗效果,治愈率达97.3%,而对照组氟派酸与庆大霉素两组的治愈率仅为86.4和70.3%。  相似文献   

不同温度和基质含水量对垂盆草建植初期生长的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
张蕾  江海东  田娜  杭峰  马琳 《草业学报》2008,17(3):59-64
在模拟的环境下,研究了不同昼夜温度(35/30,30/25和25/20℃)和基质含水量(基质最大持水量的90%,70%和50%)对垂盆草种植初期生长的影响。结果表明,在30/25和25/20℃下,垂盆草新生芽数、最大根长、最大芽长、干物重、叶绿素含量等指标的表现均优于35/30℃。在相同温度下,90%和70%的基质含水量比50%的更有利于垂盆草建植初期的生长,但在50%的含水量下叶绿素含量最高。适宜的温度可以降低水分需求,以温度为30/25℃,基质含水量为70%的组合综合表现最好。  相似文献   

1. The effects of post‐brooding temperature (15 to 27 °C), age (42 to 56 d) and dietary nutrient and concentration energy (11.7 to 13.3 MJ/kg for the finisher diet) on the cumulative food intake and body weight responses of broilers were combined in a predictive simulation model, using multiple regression techniques.

2. An economic model of these responses was developed in which the temperature and age at slaughter are optimised, given food and live body weight prices.

3. If a finisher diet of 13.3 MJ ME and 199 g protein/kg costing 150 £/tonne is fed, and provided the grower diet contains 13.5 MJ and 221 g protein/kg, the optimum temperature is 21 to 22 °C for male and female broilers slaughtered at 61 and 54 d respectively with a live body weight value of £0.50/kg.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) is considered highly labile, but not all samples are analyzed immediately. Changes in the composition of CSF could potentially affect diagnostic test results and thus influence decisions about patient management. There has been little scientific inquiry into how variables such as time, initial composition, and storage conditions affect results of standard laboratory analysis of CSF. OBJECTIVES: The objectives of this study were to determine the effects of time, protein concentration, and presence or absence of exogenous stabilizing agents on standard CSF analysis results. METHODS: Thirty abnormal CSF samples from 26 dogs were evaluated. Samples were divided into aliquots comprising different treatment groups and stored at 4 degrees C. Total nucleated cell count (TNCC), differential cell count (DCC), and cell morphology were evaluated for all groups; protein concentration was measured for selected groups. Unaltered aliquots were analyzed immediately (T0Hr) and at 2, 4, 8, 12, 24, and 48 hours (T2Hr-T48Hr); aliquots with added fetal calf serum (FCS) or hydroxyethyl starch (hetastarch) were analyzed at T48Hr. RESULTS: Significant time-dependent changes were observed in DCC in unaltered samples. Mononuclear cells deteriorated more rapidly than did neutrophils. Based on microscopic examination and subjective scoring of cell morphology, cells were consistently more degenerate by T24Hr compared with T0Hr. Samples with protein concentrations > or =50 mg/dL were less susceptible to cell deterioration than those with lower protein concentrations. Adding either FCS or hetastarch improved sample stability. CONCLUSIONS: Delayed analysis of canine CSF by 4-8 hours is unlikely to alter diagnostic interpretation, especially for samples with protein concentrations > or =50 mg/dL. The likelihood of misinterpretation is higher for samples with low cellularity or low protein concentration. We provide specific recommendations for adding FCS or hetastarch to samples that will not be analyzed within 1 hour.  相似文献   

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