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通过田间系统调查,采集病害标本,症状观察和病原鉴定,初步明确了修文县猕猴桃生产中的常见病害,其中真菌性病害6种,分别为褐斑病、灰霉病、黑斑病、白粉病、根腐病、软腐病;细菌性病害3种,分别为花腐病、根癌病、溃疡病;病毒病1种;非侵染性病害4种。褐斑病、根腐病、花腐病、软腐病、灰霉病、黑斑病、软腐病发生普遍,根结线虫病、根腐病在猕猴桃苗圃发生较重,根癌病、溃疡病零星发生。  相似文献   

为明确贵州柑橘主要真菌病害种类,采集柑橘病害标本,并分离鉴定其中的真菌病原。结果表明,贵州柑橘常见的真菌病害有炭疽病、白粉病、煤污病、树脂病、脚腐病、青霉病、绿霉病、黑腐病、黑星病,分别由刺盘孢菌、白粉菌、煤炱菌、球壳菌、镰刀菌、意大利青霉菌、指状青霉菌、丝梗孢菌和茎点霉菌引起。  相似文献   

2011至2013年在广西香蕉主产区开展病害种类调查,共调查鉴定出为害广西香蕉的病害21种,其中真菌性病害14种,细菌性病害3种,病毒病害3种,线虫类病害1种。文章对调查病害的病原及症状进行了逐一描述,为香蕉病害的诊治提供借鉴。  相似文献   

枣铁皮病病原鉴定   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
 枣铁皮病主要为害大枣果实,可导致果实腐烂和提早落果,据症状特点可分为铁皮型和缩果型2种类型。1993~1995年对河北和河南2省6个不同枣区大枣铁皮病病果进行分离、接种和再分离,证实枣铁皮病病原为:链格孢Alternaria alternata(Fr.) Keissler;实腐茎点霉Phoma destructiva Plowr,壳梭孢属一种真菌Fusicoccum sp.3种病原真菌可以单独或混合侵染。  相似文献   

全面调查了祁连山自然保护区山杨林的病虫害。查明山杨病害16种,病原19种,查到保护区病原新记录4种,甘肃省病原新记录3种;其中,真菌病原17种,节肢动物四足螨2种。查明取食山杨的昆虫有397种,其中,采到国内新记录2种、省内新记录32种、区内新记录94种。提出了山杨林病虫害的控制策略、措施。  相似文献   

笔者通过林木病害调查和病原鉴定技术,对江西省十余个市,县杨树造林区进行了广泛调查,共采集标本56号,按常规的病原鉴定方法进行了鉴定,共鉴定出6种枝干病害,其中5种为侵染性病害,1种为生理性病害,由真菌Dothiorella gregaria Sace,引起的枝干溃疡危害广且重,为杜绝病害的扩展蔓延,提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   

1991年8月上旬,我区中卫县农技推广中心报告,该县水稻上发生一种病情严重的无名病害。我站去人进行了调查并采集病害标本室内镜检,初步认定本病系由草芽枝霉真菌[Cladosporium herbarum(Pers)Link ex Gray]引起的水稻污点病(日人称怍煤病)后将标样经宁夏农科院植保所送中国科学院微生物研究所郭英兰先生鉴定,进一步确认病原为草芽枝霉。  相似文献   

重庆地区水葫芦上发现一种叶部病害,通过对病原菌分离、纯化获得一种真菌,再根据科赫氏证病律步骤进行病害诊断,确定了病原菌.病害的典型症状是在被侵染的植株叶片上出现黄色小圆斑,以后病斑扩大为椭圆形,或多个病斑合并成不规则形.病斑中央黑褐色,周围有明显的黄色晕圈带.病原真菌为链格孢(Alternaria sp.),在马铃薯蔗糖琼脂(PSA)上菌落生长良好,表面气生菌丝绒毛状,后期菌落黑褐色.常规培养条件下约20d产生少量分生孢子.分生孢子深褐色,分1~3横格,短喙或无喙.接种初步观察,该病原真菌的致病性很强,在水葫芦的生物控制中可能具有重要的应用前景.  相似文献   

豌豆根病是一种在世界上分布极广的病害,也是我省中部干旱地区豌豆生产中的主要病害,为害极其严重。国外对豌豆根病的病原、防治等方面的研究工作开展较早,已报道的病原真菌有30多种。我国对豌豆根病的研究报道较少,据唐德志等(1993)研究,甘肃省豌豆根病的病...  相似文献   

从全国6省12个地区的26种植物根围采集到土壤样本50份。经室内分离、纯化后得到以芽孢杆菌为主的细菌菌株226个。以水稻、小麦和棉花等6种农作物上主要病原菌(8种真菌,4种细菌)为指示菌对这226个菌株进行平板双培养法抑菌测定,分别筛选到至少对1种病原真菌或细菌有颉颃活性的菌株95个和78个。对进一步研制防治不同作物病害的生物制剂建立了一个颉颃菌资源库。  相似文献   

2种沙蒿根围AM真菌时空分异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为阐明荒漠生境中沙生植物根围AM真菌时空分布规律及其与土壤因子的关系,在陕西省榆林市北部沙地设立样地,于2007年4月、7月、10月在密集型克隆植物黑沙蒿(Artemisia ordosica)和白沙蒿(Artemisia sphaero-cephala)根围分0~10 cm,10~20 cm,20~30 cm,30~...  相似文献   

Phytophthora gummosis and phytophthora root rot are the most important fungal diseases of citrus in the State of São Paulo, Brazil. Phytophthora citrophthora and P. nicotianae var. parasitica are the main species that incite both diseases in all the citrus-growing areas of the State. Studies on the control of gummosis and root rot with systemic fungicides have been under way in the State since 1980. The efficacy of fosetyl-A1 and metataxyl to control gummosis incited by both fungi in lemon and sweet orange trees was confirmed. The best control was achieved when foliar sprays of fosetyl-A1 were combined with soil applications of metataxyl. The best timing was determined for application of these systemic products to control gummosis in the state.  相似文献   

研究极端干旱区植物叶片生长特征对筛选防风固沙植物有重要意义。在塔克拉玛干沙漠腹地塔中植物园柽柳专类园区,选择8种不同柽柳,研究了生长季内叶片生长规律。结果显示:1)柽柳属不同种的单叶表面积增长模型较为类似,总体差异不大,但其增长的规律性极强,以y=ax2+bx-c二项式增长模型为主;2)方差分析发现,不同柽柳种间单叶面积差异极显著(F>F0.01);单叶鲜重和干重的差异亦明显;3)柽柳单叶表面积与其干重存在正相关关系,以y=axb的乘幂关系为主。说明塔中沙漠植物园不同柽柳叶面积增长特征有所不同,防护林和固沙树种选择过程中可优先考虑叶面积增长迅速,生物量积累快的柽柳-长穗柽柳和刚毛柽柳。  相似文献   

Species of Botryosphaeria are well-recognized pathogens of pome and stone fruit trees. The taxonomy of these fungi, however, has been confused in the past. Recent taxonomic changes to the Botryosphaeriaceae further influence the literature pertaining to these fungi. This study reviews the taxonomic status of Botryosphaeriaceae associated with fruit tree diseases, identifies them in South Africa and elsewhere, and develops a reliable identification technique for them. Comparisons were made using DNA sequence data from the nuclear ITS rRNA operon and anamorph morphology. These analyses distinguished six clades amongst isolates associated with fruit tree diseases, corresponding to Neofusicoccum ribis (=  B. ribis ), N. parvum (=  B. parva ), N. australe (=  B. australis ), B. dothidea , Diplodia mutila (=  B. stevensii ) and ' Botryosphaeria ' obtusa (the genus Botryosphaeria is no longer available for the fungus known as B. obtusa , but a new name has not been proposed yet). Isolates from fruit trees in South Africa were grouped in the N. australe and ' Botryosphaeria' obtusa clades. This is the first report of N. australe from fruit trees. PCR-RFLP analysis using the restriction endonucleases Cfo I and Hae III distinguished the major clades. However, two groups of closely related species, N. ribis and N. parvum , and N. australe and N. luteum (=  B. lutea ), had identical RFLP profiles. Using RFLP, it was shown that ' Botryosphaeria ' obtusa is the dominant species on fruit trees in the Western Cape Province of South Africa. These results and methods will be useful in future epidemiological studies and disease management of Botryosphaeriaceae from fruit trees.  相似文献   

Some ambrosia beetles are primary attackers of healthy, living trees, but in recent years normally secondary species have been increasingly observed attacking living trees, either as exotics or in their native geographic ranges. We identified five factors that could underlie an increasing prevalence of attack by secondary ambrosia beetles on living trees: (1) early flight before the host tree has recovered the ability to resist attack in the spring, possibly associated with climate change; (2) nutritional independence from the host that may enable ambrosia beetles to feed on ambrosia fungi that live on dead tissue in a living tree; (3) potentially pathogenic fungi that could become more pathogenic with climate change or through hybridization with exotic strains; (4) cryptic behavior that facilitates international transport and the establishment of exotic species and genotypes; and (5) a complex chemical ecology that enables secondary ambrosia beetles to locate stressed living trees that may temporarily appear to be suitable hosts for secondary beetles. We propose four avenues of research that will lead to an increased understanding of attack of living trees by ambrosia beetles, and may facilitate the implementation of effective pest management strategies and tactics: (1) intensive surveys, particularly for exotic beetle species and associated fungal strains; (2) molecular genetics studies that would facilitate the identification of known and new strains and genotypes, particularly of ambrosia fungi; (3) studies of the pathogenicity of ambrosia fungi as well as other fungi that could predispose trees to attack; and (4) investigations of the chemical ecology of tree-attacking species that could lead to new pest management tools and tactics.  相似文献   

系统调查了河北省不同果树种植生态区域内盲蝽种类组成和种群发生规律。调查结果表明,河北省不同果树生态区域内,盲蝽主要发生种类均为绿盲蝽。调查结果还揭示了绿盲蝽在棉花-果树生态区、粮食-果树生态区和果树单独种植区内的种群动态和发生规律。基于以上调查结果,讨论了河北省不同果树种植生态区域内的盲蝽分区治理策略。  相似文献   

Rust fungi are obligate plant parasites belonging to the order Pucciniales; they comprise about 7,800 species throughout the world. Some species seriously damage crops, vegetables, fruits and trees. Of these species, wheat stem rust (Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici), Asian soybean rust (Phakopsora pachyrhizi) and myrtle rust (Puccinia psidii) have recently become major concerns worldwide, and this review, discusses recent rust disease outbreaks of Asian soybean rust and myrtle rust. Both rusts have very wide host ranges. Asian soybean rust has spread from its original region of distribution (eastern Asia) to many areas of soybean cultivation around the world. Myrtle rust is a new disease in areas where host plants were first introduced and has spread to other parts of the world including the areas where the host plants are indigenous. New diseases of economically important plants can occur by host shifts from wild host plants or host jumps from phylogenetically unrelated plant species. Recent advances in molecular phylogenetic studies have contributed to a revision of rust taxonomy. Molecular phylogenetic analyses, together with precise morphological observations and inoculation experiments, have identified taxonomic groups among populations that are morphologically very similar. Systematic, ecological and other basic biological studies of rust fungi in both cultivated and wild host plants are very important for developing methods to control rust diseases. Recent changes in the International Code of Botanical Nomenclature will surely affect the systematics of rust fungi.  相似文献   

为了解云南省滇牡丹叶部病害的发生动态, 本研究开展了3个海拔区域滇牡丹主要叶部病害周年调查及病原真菌初步鉴定, 并探讨海拔高度、温度和降雨量对滇牡丹病害发生的影响。结果表明, 3个海拔区域滇牡丹主要叶部病害为黑斑病、红斑病和炭疽病, 病原菌分别为链格孢属Alternaria、枝孢属Cladosporium和刺盘孢属Colletotrichum的真菌。其中黑斑病和炭疽病在稗子乡(2 000 m)发病较重, 其次是梁王山(2 400 m)和香格里拉(3 400 m), 发病率和病情指数呈现随海拔升高逐渐下降的趋势。此外, 稗子乡的病害发生动态与月平均温度、降雨量的变化规律基本趋于一致, 且3种病害的发病程度与月平均温度、降雨量显著相关。综上所述, 低海拔且温湿度较大的区域滇牡丹叶部病害发生较重, 本研究为滇牡丹病害防治提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The pathogenicity of two isolates of each of four bark beetle-associated blue-stain fungi was evaluated after mass inoculation of about 40-year-old Norway spruce trees (Picea abies). Trees were inoculated with a different isolate of each fungus in 1995 and 1996 at a density of 400 inoculations per m(2) in a 1.2-m-wide band on the lower bole (about 270 inoculations per tree). Trees were felled 15 weeks after inoculation. In 1995, Ceratocystis polonica was the only fungus that had stained the sapwood (56.3% of cross-sectional sapwood area). It induced five times longer phloem necroses, 21 times more dead cambium, and 11 times more dead phloem than any other fungus. In 1996, C. polonica induced less extensive host symptoms and an unidentified Ambrosiella sp. induced comparable symptoms to C. polonica in the phloem and cambium. No trees showed any foliar symptoms 15 weeks after inoculation, but six out of eight trees inoculated with C. polonica in 1995 had only 0 to 25% functional sapwood and probably would have died if felling had been delayed. This study confirms that C. polonica, an associate of the aggressive bark beetle Ips typographus, is pathogenic to Norway spruce. The pathogenicity of the Ambrosiella sp., which is associated with a nonaggressive bark beetle, seems moderate and varies between isolates. The two remaining fungi included in this study (Ophiostoma piceae and a dark fungus with sterile mycelium), which are associated with nonaggressive bark beetles, were nonpathogenic in both experiments. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that aggressive bark beetle species vector virulent fungi that may help them kill trees, but the results also show that some nonaggressive bark beetles may vector phytopathogenic fungi.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍喷洒渣油乳液配合栽种植物固沙的方法和乳液配方、生产制备、喷洒的理论及工艺技术问题。通过多年试验研究和应用,在大面积整治沙害中具有科学价值与良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

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