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对124例不全阻塞性大肠便秘自然病马分组投服碳酸盐缓冲合剂(两个配方)和/或药物阻断(2%盐酸普普卡因液100毫升)胸腰段交感神经干,进行了治疗试验。结果表明,碳酸盐缓冲合剂一号方(碳酸钠150.0,碳酸氢钠250.0,氯化钠100.0,氯化钾20.0,常水8~14升)的疗效最佳,对57例不全阻塞性犬肠便秘(胃状膨大部28例,左下大结肠15例,轻症盲肠便秘14例)的治疗率为100%,投用方剂数为1.2±0.17付,结粪消散时间为26.7±5.21小时;对47例重症盲肠便秘的治愈率为93.6%,投用方剂数为1.5±0.98付,结粪消散时间为35.5±20.78小时。药物阻断交感神经干的疗效则甚差,6例不全阻塞性大肠便秘虽全部治愈,而4例重症盲肠便秘仅治愈1例。通过治疗试验,不仅探索出治疗马不全阻塞性大肠便秘的又一途径,而且初步证实了盲肠等大肠各段的不全阻塞性便秘,通常主要起因于肠道内环境特别是酸硷环境改变所致的肠弛缓的观点。  相似文献   

<正>马肠便秘又称肠阻塞、便秘疝、结症等,是由于肠管运动机能紊乱,粪便停滞,使某段肠管发生完全或不完全阻塞性肠便秘。主要发生于小肠、小结肠、骨盆曲、左上大结肠等部位;完全阻塞主要发生于盲肠,左下大结肠及胃状膨大部。临床上以不同程度的腹痛、肠音减弱或停止、直肠检查可摸到秘结的粪便为特征。1病因1.1饮水不足动物饮水不足时,消化液分泌减少,草料在胃肠内得不到充分消化,同时,由于机体缺水,胃肠黏膜对水  相似文献   

笔者遇到2例便秘和肠弛缓马(骡)因盲目给予过多的碱性药,而人为造成碱中毒的病例,现简介如下。 一、发病情况 4254号骡,8岁,骟,84年8月6日因不吃、卧地而来我院就诊。初步诊断为不全阻塞性大肠便秘,灌服10%结晶碳酸钠10000毫升,后直肠检查,除部  相似文献   

大肠便秘是马骡的一种常见多发病。近来年在治疗大肠便秘方面虽然出现了许多新方法,但究其疏通机理,则无非是软化、破除秘结粪块和恢复肠管运动机能。据此,我们用破结Ⅲ号剂(碳酸盐缓冲合剂)对马骡大肠便秘进行治疗,取得了满意的结果。现报告如下: 一、材料与方法 (一)试验病例:选经临床检查和直肠检查确诊为大肠便秘的自然病马。 (二)破结Ⅲ号剂:碳酸钠150克,碳  相似文献   

牛肠阻塞是饲草或异物在某个肠段发生阻塞,而引起肠管运动机能和分泌机能紊乱的一种腹痛病,又称肠便秘,为黄牛、奶牛常见病之一.据统计,奶牛肠阻塞发生部位,回肠阻塞占5%、空肠阻塞占10%、结肠阻塞占20%、十二指肠阻塞占65%,盲肠积粪和盲肠扩张在奶牛也有发生.由于肠弛缓是肠阻塞的基础,因此病牛同时伴有肠弛缓现象.本病没有季节性,一般见于成牛,并以老龄成牛发病率较高.  相似文献   

肠阻塞俗称肠便秘、秘结、结症,是马属动物常发的腹痛病。其原因是由于肠道内消化,运动及分泌机能减弱,粪便、结石或食物停滞于某段肠道,致使肠道发生阻塞的一种急性腹痛病。按其发生部位不同,分为小肠便秘、大肠便秘(盲肠、小结肠、直肠)等。如不能早期将肠道内阻塞物排除,将会导致不良后果。  相似文献   

提出临床表现为全小结肠便秘乃至泛大肠便秘的实质是肠弛缓性麻痹,并设想其起因于胃肠植物神经功能紊乱,特别是交感神经对大肠运动机能抑制作用过强以及肠道内环境主要是其酸硷度和含水量的改变。据此,以投服碳酸盐缓冲合剂(一号方)、1~2%盐酸普鲁卡因阻断胸腰部交感神经干和内脏大小神经(三号方)、小量(3毫克)多次肌注甲基硫酸新斯的明(五号方)以及深部灌肠和浸泡灌肠等为主要处置,对13例自然病马(全小结肠便秘5例.泛大结肠便秘2例、泛结肠便秘5例、泛大肠便秘1例)进行了试验性治疗,结果全部获得治愈。结粪消散时间依病例不同为20~142小时,施用处置的平均频数分别为一号方2.1付,三号方2.3剂,五号方8.2剂,深部灌肠或浸泡灌肺2.1次。此外,对马弛弛缓性麻痹的病因以及各治疗处置的作用机理作了讨论。  相似文献   

牛肠便秘是由于肠运动和分泌机能紊乱,导致一段或几段肠管被饲草或粪便阻塞的腹痛病,又称肠秘结。常见于成年牛,其中老年牛发病率较高。1 病因多因长期饲喂粗硬草料,如甘薯藤、花生藤、稻草和麦秸等,刺激肠管,或在饲料中混有泥沙、毛等,导致肠弛缓。肠弛缓是肠便秘发病的基础,连续饲喂粗硬的粗纤维饲料、饲料营养成分不全、运动不足、久渴失饮,会加重肠便秘的发生。急性热性病的过程中也能诱发本病。夏季某些肠道寄生虫如莫尼茨绦虫、犊牛新蛔虫等阻塞,亦可继发肠便秘。极少数牛因舐毛使毛球进入肠道,或过食稻谷及铡短的麦秸而引起。  相似文献   

马不全阻塞性肠便秘多发生在盲肠、左下大结肠、胃状膨大 部.起病缓,病程长,因肠管粗大,有肠弛缓.投腹泻药,药物常 以结粪旁通过,不能有效软化结症,易引发胃肠炎,治愈后也极 易复发,故治疗较为棘手.用槟榔散治疗较为理想,近年来,共 治疗37例,治愈率100%.……  相似文献   

反刍兽胃肠弛缓动物模型的建立及治疗实验   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
利用瘤胃、盲肠造瘘羊,投给0.45mol/L醋酸1L或0.75mol/L碳酸钠溶液1L,成功地复制了胃肠弛缓模型,胃肠弛缓至少持续4h。投服碳酸盐缓冲合剂(CBM)或醋酸盐缓冲合剂(ABM),能迅速纠正实验性胃肠弛缓羊瘤胃内容物的pH值,恢复瘤胃电、肠电的活动性,解除胃肠弛缓。健康羊投服CBM或ABM,瘤胃内环境参数呈一时性异常,持续时间不超过1h,且可自行缓解。由此表明,瘤胃内环境特别是酸碱度的相对恒定,对维持瘤胃乃至肠道的运动性至关重要,瘤胃内容物酸度或碱度增高,会降低胃肠的运动性,引发胃肠弛缓;投服CBM或ABM能迅速纠正酸过多性或碱过多性胃肠弛缓。  相似文献   

为进一步验证碳酸盐缓冲合剂对牛胃肠弛缓自然病例的治疗效果 ,对前胃弛缓 (5 2例 )、瘤胃积食 (42例 )、瘤胃酸中毒 (18例 )、瓣胃秘结 (6例 )、肠便秘 (2例 )等以酸过多性胃肠弛缓为临床特征的 12 0例病牛投服了碳酸盐缓冲合剂 (Na2 CO35 0 g,Na HCO342 0 g,KCl 2 0 g,Na Cl 10 0 g,常水 10 L )。结果平均治愈率高达 95 % ,平均投用方剂数为(1.4± 0 .5 )付。从而认为 ,对起因于胃肠酸碱环境改变的酸过多性胃肠弛缓疾病投服碳酸盐缓冲合剂可有效纠正胃肠弛缓状态 ,为反刍兽胃肠弛缓开辟了新的防治途径 ,创立了又一个病因 -发病机理疗法 ,  相似文献   

观察了拟胆碱药甲基硫酸新斯的明和氨甲酰胆碱对健康羊和实验性胃肠弛缓羊瘤胃内环境参数和胃肠电活动性的效应,以及碳酸盐缓冲合剂(CBM)和醋酸盐缓冲合剂(ABM)配合新斯的明对实验性胃肠弛缓的治疗效应。上述2种药物均可增强健康羊瘤胃电、盲肠电活动性,但效应不明显(P>0.05),且作用时间短暂(0.5~1.0h)。单纯使用新斯的明不能纠正实验性酸碱性胃肠弛缓,配合应用CBM或ABM亦无促进或辅助治疗作用。结果表明,起因于胃肠内环境特别是酸碱度改变的胃肠弛缓可能不伴有副交感神经兴奋性降低,可不使用拟胆碱类药物。  相似文献   

为探索胃肠弛缓与交感神经机能状态的关系,观察了腰交感神经干阻断对健康羊和实验性胃肠弛缓羊胃肠运动机能的影响,并比较了碳酸盐缓冲合剂或醋酸盐缓冲合剂配合腰交感神经干阻断对酸过多性或碱过多性胃肠弛缓羊胃肠内环境参数、电活动性及植物神经调控指标的影响。结果表明,腰交感神经干阻断对健康羊胃肠电活动性影响不大;单纯腰交感神经干阻断对实验性胃肠弛缓无明显治疗效应;碳酸盐缓冲合剂或醋酸盐缓冲合剂配合腰交感神经干阻断对实验性胃肠弛缓的恢复亦无促进或辅助作用。由此认为,在起因于胃肠内环境特别是酸碱度改变的胃肠弛缓,交感神经兴奋性过高可能不是主要的致病因素。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To study the in vitro effects of cecal contents incubated with corn starch on colonic permeability in horses. ANIMALS: 4 healthy adult ponies. PROCEDURE: Mucosal specimens were obtained from the right ventral colon and mounted in Ussing chambers. Changes in short circuit current, conductance, and large-molecule permeability in response to addition of cecal contents and cecal contents incubated with corn starch were evaluated for 120 minutes. RESULTS: Incubation of cecal contents with corn starch for 8 hours resulted in a decrease in cecal content pH and an increase in lactic acid concentration. These changes were similar to those reported in vivo for ponies given corn starch. Exposure of colonic mucosa to cecal contents incubated with corn starch resulted in an increase in tissue conductance and permeability of technetium Tc 99m pentetate, compared with mucosa exposed to cecal contents alone. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: In vitro exposure of colonic mucosa to cecal contents incubated with starch resulted in increased paracellular permeability. Fermentation of excessive amounts of carbohydrate in the intestinal lumen of horses may directly induce increased intestinal permeability associated with carbohydrate-induced laminitis.  相似文献   

Simulated small intestinal volvulus in the anesthetized horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Experimental closed loop small intestinal volvulus was studied in the anesthetized horse. Volvulus was simulated by ligation of the mesenterial veins to a segment of small intestine. Physical signs and hemodynamic, hematologic, clinical chemical, bacteriologic and peritoneal fluid values were examined. Compared to conscious horses anesthesia highly delayed and modified the clinical signs of shock (changes in mucosal colour, dehydration, decreased skin temperature, elevated pulse rate, low blood pressures) and of small intestinal volvulus (altered peristalsis, gastric dilation). Plasma glucose response to shock was also modified by unconsciousness. However, a dose response relationship was indicated between the extent of small intestinal damage and clinical symptoms. The same was applicable to changes in blood pressures, blood acid-base balance, lactate, potassium, chloride, glucose, inorganic phosphorus, creatinine, creatine kinase, red blood cell and total white blood cell counts and serum total protein. The relationship was also indicated in the following peritoneal fluid values: volume, lactate, pH, total white cell counts, alkaline phosphatase and bacteriology. Changes related to shock (insufficient tissue perfusion) were low blood pressures and metabolic acidosis due to anaerobic glycolysis with accumulation of lactic acid. Also low plasma glucose and elevated plasma potassium, creatinine, inorganic phosphorus and creatine kinase were regarded as consequences of shock.  相似文献   

Cecal cannulation is necessary for sampling of intestinal contents for a variety of nutritional or digestive physiology studies. This report describes a 2-stage technique for permanent cecal cannulation in standing horses. For the first procedure, a right flank laparotomy is performed and a small pouch of the cecal base exteriorized and sutured to the body wall. The second procedure is performed approximately 1 wk later. During the second procedure, the exposed cecal pouch is removed and the cannula inserted. Ten horses were cannulated using this technique. After the first procedure, 1 horse developed a cecal impaction unresponsive to medical therapy and ruptured its cecum, whereas 2 other horses developed mild transient colic that responded to medical management. Insertion of the cecal cannula after creation of the stoma in the second procedure resulted in transient colic in 4 of 9 horses, but they responded to analgesic therapy in less than 24 h in all instances. The time to complete healing of the cannula site was approximately 30 d. The technique described in this report decreases the risk of peritonitis due to intestinal leakage and is technically easier to perform than previously described techniques.  相似文献   

By means of the Astrup equilibration method the values of the acid-base balance of the blood were determined in 104 cows, 99 horses, 100 pigs, 15 sheep, 20 goats, and in 101 dogs. The pH values of the blood, the partial pressure of CO2, the base excess, the base buffer, the standard bicarbonate, the actual bicarbonate, and the total CO2 were processed statistically and are presented in tables.  相似文献   

动脉血气分析评价几种麻醉方法对马呼吸功能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以动脉血气分析做为手段,对静松灵、水合氯醛、激光三种麻醉方法进行评价,激光麻醉对实验马血气及酸碱值没有显著影响;静松灵(1mg/kg体重,im)和水合醛(12g/100kg体重,iv)都能使PO2、Sat.O2,C-O2等显著下降,但水合氯醛出现较早,在注射在30至60min时最低;而静松灵出现较晚,以注射后60-90min显著,但都未构成低氧血症,更未达呼吸衰竭。此外,静松灵对PH,T-CO2,  相似文献   

We studied changes in the parameters of the acid-base balance of the blood in cattle before animal transport to the slaughterhouses, after transport, after stunning and before bleeding. At the same time we studied the occurrence of DFD meat by measuring the pH value of the muscle and by determining the meat color. We found out that the disorder of acid-base balance was less manifest, with respect to the large capacity of the buffer systems of the blood, than the changes caused by glycogenolysis in the muscle.  相似文献   

醋酸盐缓冲合剂对碱过多性胃肠弛缓的疗效   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
对69例前胃弛缓和瘤胃积食等胃肠弛缓自然病牛的瘤胃内环境参数和植物神经调控指标进行了检测。前胃弛缓、瘤胃积食病牛的瘤胃内环境参数基本一样,特征是pH值明显升高,分别为(7.93±0.47)和(8.04±0.59),漂浮沉降时间明显缩短,次甲蓝反应时间明显延长,总酸度降低至(13.10±4.75)U和(11.23±4.55)U,纤毛虫数量减少、活力减退,细菌以G-者为主,乳酸增多,乙酸、丙酸和VFA总量减少。前胃弛缓、瘤胃积食病牛血清肾上腺素(E)、去甲肾上腺素(NE)、多巴胺(DA)和儿茶酚胺(CA)等第一信使指标,cAMP、cGMP等第二信使指标改变不大。根据瘤胃内环境参数检测结果,结合临床表现,确认69例胃肠弛缓病牛均为碱过多性胃肠弛缓,对其中59例投服醋酸盐缓冲合剂(无水醋酸钠131g,冰醋酸22.92mL,常水10L)进行治疗,治愈率在90%以上,平均投用方剂数仅为1.3付。  相似文献   

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