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通过对桤木薪材特性及薪炭林栽培经营技术的研究,结果表明,桤木前期生长快,尤以萌生林为显著,4年生高达5.93m,单株地上部分生物量9.32kg,平茬后单株萌条数多为6~8株,干、枝、叶的热值均在4000kcal/kg以上,是一优良薪材树种;适宜桤木薪炭林的造林密度为10000株/ha,造林后第3年即可首次平茬,轮伐期4年,在一个轮伐期内可获薪材17.758t/ha·a,桤木薪炭林宜采用矮林平茬作业。  相似文献   

辽东栎伐桩萌苗的发育规律   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对黄土高原黄龙山林区辽东栎林固定样地连续6年的调查,研究间伐强度分别为13.4%(弱度间伐)和30.0%(强度间伐)的辽东栎伐桩萌苗的存活与生长规律.结果表明:1)间伐第1年,辽东栎伐桩均有萌生枝发生,每桩萌生枝数量和萌生枝高度在不同强度间无显著差异;2)萌生枝数量受伐桩高度和直径的影响,当伐桩高度较低时,萌生枝数量随伐桩高度的增加而增加,超过20cm后随之减少,呈三次抛物线关系;伐桩萌生枝数量随着伐桩直径增加呈现先增加后减少的趋势,直径30~50cm的伐桩萌生枝数量最多;3)伐桩萌生枝数量与最长萌生枝高度呈显著线性负相关,存在“萌生枝数量——高度权衡”现象;4)间伐第6年,伐桩的存活率为97.01%,强度间伐区萌生枝高度显著高于弱度间伐区;5)调查期间,辽东栎伐桩萌生枝数量逐年下降,伐桩产生的萌生枝数量越多,后期萌生枝死亡的数量也越多,表明伐桩能够自我稀疏,存在“萌代主”现象.在黄土高原地区,辽东栎伐桩萌芽潜力很大,应合理利用;间伐时伐桩高度应尽量低于20cm;伐桩直径在30~50cm更有利于其无性更新;间伐后伐桩应及时除蘖定株,促进萌生枝生长;间伐强度30.0%(强度间伐)更有利于辽东栎伐桩萌生枝的生长.  相似文献   

因木材匮乏,发达国家为保证森林工业的原料供应,发展中国家为保证烧柴供应,都在重视短伐期林业的发展。瑞典农业大学林学院专设短伐期林业系。印度Parmar园艺林业大学也有专家从事短伐期林业研究。他们对短伐期林业所下的定义为:速生树种高密度造林,可以是乔林作业,也可以是矮林作业。可持续经营木材生产轮伐期不超过30年,年每公顷至少产10t木材干重或25m^3木材。  相似文献   

以三倍体毛白杨硬枝容器扦插苗为种植材料,以9990,6660,4995,4440,3330,2490株.hm-2为造林密度在山东兖州建立试验林,在研究三倍体毛白杨超短轮伐纸浆林产量并分析其纤维形态的基础上,探讨超短经营的可行性。结果表明:三倍体毛白杨无性系对超短轮伐纸浆林树高生长影响极显著,对材积生长影响显著;造林密度对胸径与材积生长影响极显著。在9990株.hm-2栽培密度下,3年生三倍体毛白杨超短轮伐纸浆林蓄积量平均达80.1m3.hm-2。3年生三倍体毛白杨超短轮伐纸浆材纤维平均长度介于0.77~0.86mm之间,平均宽度介于24.18~28.07μm之间,长宽比位于28.83~34.59之间,基本符合制浆造纸的要求。  相似文献   

对1—4年生兰桉叶用林栽培试验调查表明,营造叶用林,造林地应选择在土层深厚、肥沃、湿润的地段,用全垦整地种植,林木生长快,1年生树高平均2.83m,胸径2. 02cm,为块状整地的1,5倍和3.2倍,6—8月份采叶加工出油率高,以短轮伐期、萌芽更新矮林作业经营方式,收益早,产量高,经济效益明显。  相似文献   

七十年代以来,薪炭林(即能源林)在国外“起死回生”,重新受到重视和发展。国外能源林有以下一些特点:一、经营方式多以短轮伐期的萌生矮林为主,一次造林多次砍伐;二、选用树种多以易繁殖、萌发力强、可固氮、生物量大,生长快、热值高、多用途、抗性强等为标准,豆科  相似文献   

闽北短伐期阔叶林研究   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
黄清麟  李元红 《林业科学》2000,36(1):97-102
连续7 ~8a 的固定标准地调查结果表明:利用人工促进天然更新可成功培育短伐期闽粤栲林、短伐期米槠林及短伐期丝栗栲林,轮伐期分别为10 、14 及16a ,达轮伐期时的蓄积平均生长量分别高达20-52 、15-99及12-17m3/(hm2·a) :短伐期林分密度大、自然稀疏强烈,高生长异常迅速,高径比大、树枝树叶比例较小,生产力高;短伐期林分均为多树种(12 ~17 种) 混交的单优群落,灌木层中的乔木幼树多样性高、密度大。  相似文献   

刺槐饲料林经营技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用矮林作业经营的饲料林,较传统的乔林作业模式提高产量1.4倍,显著增加了营林效益。通过试验研究,提出了太行山刺槐饲料林的合理营林密度和轮伐期,并建立了饲料林的产量估测模型  相似文献   

短轮伐期矮林作为一种可再生能源原料生产方式,其产品(如生物质成型颗粒燃料、生物乙醇等)可以替代日益匮乏的化石燃料,因此受到广泛关注。文中介绍了国内外杨树短轮伐期矮林培育研究进展情况,主要包括良种选育、营造技术、密度控制、轮伐周期、施肥技术、病虫害防治、收获技术及矮林收获物的化学成分等方面,旨在为今后我国研究和发展杨树短轮伐期矮林提供思路和方法。  相似文献   

通过比较分析国内有关不同立地条件、造林密度下,杨树林分平均胸径、蓄积连年生长量和蓄积年均生长量的生长变化,探讨找出在不同栽培目标和条件下,杨树林的最适轮伐期,为我国杨树林的经营和采伐管理提供科学的指导和建议。综合分析国内现有研究表明:不考虑经济效益,若以培育大径材林为目标,建议最适栽植密度可为500株/hm~2(4.0 m×5.0 m),合理轮伐期可定为10 a;若以培育中径材林为目的,建议最适栽植密度可为2 500株/hm~2(2.0 m×2.0 m),合理轮伐期可定为7 a;若以培育小径材林为目的,建议最适栽植密度可为4 444株/hm~2(1.5 m×1.5 m),合理轮伐期可定为7 a。若考虑经济效益,建议大、中、小径材的合理轮伐期可分别确定为9~11 a、6~7 a和5~7 a。同时,本文重点讨论了国内研究存在的“研究不够系统全面,指导生产实践的适用性不广”“经济效益的评价方法未统一,评价指标不一致,最适轮伐期的确定存在一定难度”“缺少对生态效益评价方面的系统研究”等3个方面的问题和建议。  相似文献   

桉树萌芽林留萌株数对伐期林分结构与材积的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
萌芽林采用随机区组设计,分别留萌1、1.5、2、3株·桩-1,结果表明:在萌芽林6年生时,平均胸径与树高随留萌株数增加而减少,平均胸径变异系数则增加;保存率与留萌株数的关系主要受到台风影响;不同留萌株数的树皮厚度与径级﹑生长量有关;留萌株数对桉树的树高与胸径影响不大;就单位总材积而言,留萌3株·桩-1的林分比1株·桩-1的高50%,2株·桩-1的比1株·桩-1的高10%.  相似文献   

Coppicing was widespread across Europe for many centuries, but during the last 150?years, it has been largely abandoned. Most of the former coppices have been converted to high forest, especially in Central and northwestern Europe. Recently, there has been renewed interest in restoring coppices in some regions, primarily for biomass production and nature conservation. However, there is limited information on the sprouting ability of European tree species, which is the key prerequisite for successful coppice restoration. To address this gap, we evaluated the post-harvest stump sprouting of the three main species of Central European coppices—sessile oak (Quercus petraea (Mattuschka) Liebl.), European hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.) and small-leaved lime (Tilia cordata Mill.)—in relation to the stump diameter and density of residual trees. Lime and hornbeam resprouted from stumps of all diameters, but sprouting ability declined with increasing stump diameter in sessile oak. Lime produced greater numbers of sprouts with greater diameters and heights than either oak or hornbeam. The number of sprouts per stump increased with stump diameter in all three species as did the height of lime and hornbeam sprouts, whereas there was no such effect on the height of oak sprouts. The sprouting of hornbeam and oak increased and decreased, respectively, with an increasing density of residual trees. In conclusion, our study shows that all of the studied species are able to resprout even at an old age and after a long period of neglect; however, there were important differences among the species. The results also indicate that the age of the parent trees at the time of cutting may significantly affect the tree species composition of a newly restored coppice.  相似文献   

For reasons of aesthetics, sheltering, biodiversity, and children’s need of playgrounds, selective coppicing could be a useful and effective silvicultural method in urban areas. A randomised block experiment was carried out in three broad-leaved coppices situated within the fenced area of Arlanda Airport to compare a selective coppice regime (SCR), where all trees above a certain height limit were cut, with a traditional coppice regime, where all trees were felled. The effects of the treatments of the dominating tree species European aspen (Populus tremula L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth and B. pubescens Ehrh.) were studied. During three growing seasons after performed treatment, the proportion of sprouting stools and root shooting of European aspen were reduced in SCR. Birch stools had fewer sprouts stool−1, and sprouts of both birch and European aspen tended to be shorter in SCR. There was a tendency that the sprout mortality was lower in SCR for both birch and European aspen. Residual stands of SCR consisted of proportionally less birch, and more rowan, bird cherry, oak and other species. Coppicing with single tree selection from above suppressed light demanding tree species and promoted the more shade-tolerant species compared to traditional coppicing.  相似文献   

探讨了萌条年龄与根系年龄的不同组合,对刺槐薪炭林结构和生物量的影响。结果表明,未割柴林分的萌条密度、平均高度、平均地径、叶面积指数、生物量和生产量,均随年龄增长而增加。割柴后萌生的林分,萌条数量增长缓慢,其余指标均呈下降趋势。随萌条与根系年龄差距的加大,下降的趋势愈加显著。  相似文献   

5种北美栎树在我国长三角地区的引种生长表现   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
从美国东南部引进属于红栎组的纳塔栎、舒玛栎、水栎、柳叶栎和属于白栎组的弗栎,在我国长江三角洲平原地区多个地点和不同土壤类型条件下进行造林研究.采用1~2年生裸根苗经长途运输后进行栽种,纳塔栎、舒玛栎和水栎成活率达94%以上,柳叶栎为76%~81%,弗栎仅42%~50%.不同树种之间,幼年阶段的根系发育、枝梢生长习性、秋冬叶色变化和虫害状况存在明显差异.在3~6个地点水稻土上建立的前4种栎树人工林,8~10a后在保留密度900~1 500株·hm-2条件下,其年均径生长量和年均高生长量达到0.96~1.76 cm和0.8~1.33 m.在山坡红黄壤地上栽种的纳塔栎、舒玛栎和柳叶栎,其年均径生长量和年均高生长量分别为0.64~1.01cm和0.57~0.78 m.采用2~4年生带土弗栎苗在6个地点滨海盐土上造林的成活率达87%以上,在保留密度1 110~3 900株·hm-2条件下,其7~9 a林木年均径生长量和年均高生长量分别为0.78~1.13 cm和0.59~0.75 m.当树龄达6~9 a时,5种栎树均开始结实.研究表明,5种北美栎树在长江三角洲地区有较强的适应性,水栎、纳塔栎、舒玛栎、柳叶栎可以应用于平原地区生态景观林和城镇园林绿化建设,而弗栎在沿海防护林建设中具有推广前景.  相似文献   

A study was established in the Missouri Ozarks to evaluate coppice regeneration of oak. Five years after a 32-year-old stand was clearcut and regenerated naturally through stump sprouts, the dominant sprout on each stump was identified based upon height. Treated plots were thinned to the single dominant sprout on each stump whereas control plots were not thinned. Twenty-five years later the largest 247, 371, 494, and 618 stems per ha were examined and height of the dominant sprout at age 5 was found to be strongly related to dbh at age 30 in both thinned and unthinned plots. However, in the thinned plots, the largest 494 stems per ha were on average 11%, 28%, and 58% greater, respectively, in height, dbh, and volume compared to similar dominant sprouts in unthinned plots. Logistic regression analysis was used to develop curves for the evaluation of potential gains from clump thinning. In this analysis, the average height of a stand at age 5 was used to estimate thinning gains at age 30.  相似文献   

Heartwood, sapwood and bark content of teak trees grown in Karnataka, India   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We evaluated heartwood, sapwood and bark content in teak trees. A total of 27 sample plots were laid out in teak plantations raised by State Forest Department in Karnataka covering different age groups...  相似文献   

The effects of long rotation periods and heavy low thinning on chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) coppices have been evaluated from a bio-ecological point of view. Aboveground tree biomass and its partitioning, bio-ecological indexes such as litter production, leaf area index (LAI), radiation regime, and growth efficiency have been analyzed for 4 years in thinned and unthinned permanent plots established in a coppice stand aged 11 years under normal rotation (NR) and in a coppice stand aged 35 years under long rotation (LR). A decrease in LAI, litter production and growth rate with the age was observed. LR showed high current annual increments (>16.0 m3 ha−1 per year and 8.0 Mg ha−1 per year for volume and aboveground biomass, respectively). Only slight differences in growth efficiency were observed. The adoption of heavy thinning (one third of basal area removal) affected stocking and determined significant differences in the light regime below the canopy, amount of gaps in canopy cover and LAI values, particularly in the years immediately after thinning, whereas slight differences were observed in growth efficiency. Nevertheless, chestnut showed a good aptitude, more evident in the younger stand, to re-build a homogeneous canopy cover: only a few years after thinning, canopy cover characteristics of thinned plots were similar to those of control plots and differences were not significant. Growth and increments in thinned plots were practically the same as in control plots, a consequence of consistently higher performances of released trees in the thinned plots. The results concur to a positive evaluation of a cultivation system based on long rotation periods and heavy thinnings, not only for the obtainable revenue, but especially from a bio-ecological point of view and make it a valid alternative either to abandonment or traditional over-exploitation of chestnut coppice stands.  相似文献   

Advance regeneration in 52 mature mixed-oak stands was analyzed and described. Red maple (Acer rubrum L.) was the most abundant species in the study area. Among oak (Quercus) species, northern red oak (Q. rubra L.) was the most abundant within the Allegheny Plateau physiographic province, whereas chestnut oak (Q. montana L.) was the most abundant within the Ridge and Valley physiographic province. Sixteen stands, for which data are available through the fourth growing season following harvest, were used to describe stand development. Cumulative height, a composite measure of size and density, was used to describe early stand development. Black gum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.) and black birch (Betula lenta L.) had dramatic increases in stand density and cumulative height after overstory removal. Cumulative height of northern red oak and chestnut oak showed a faster positive response to overstory removal than red maple. Oak retained its dominance in cumulative height for at least 4 years after harvest. Red maple nevertheless remained the most abundant tree species after overstory removal. Our results suggest that the principal advantage of red maple regeneration is its ability to accumulate in large numbers prior to harvest.  相似文献   

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