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The Eucalyptus plantation industry in Indonesia has expanded rapidly during the last few decades. During routine nursery disease surveys, symptoms of a leaf and shoot blight disease were detected on Eucalyptus mother plants. Isolates were obtained from symptomatic tissues and identified using DNA sequence analyses. Phylogenetic analyses showed that the isolates were those of Quambalaria eucalypti. Pathogenicity tests were conducted with isolates of Q. eucalypti on clones of E. pellita and E. grandis × E. pellita hybrids. These resulted in symptoms similar to those observed on naturally infected plants. Eucalyptus genotypes tested showed variation in their susceptibility, highlighting the potential to select and breed for resistance and thus to manage future outbreaks of the disease. This is the first report of the pathogen in Indonesia as well as in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

Teratosphaeria gauchensis and T. zuluensis both cause a stem canker of eucalypts that leads to serious damage in various parts of the world. Until recently, this disease was unknown in Portugal. Nevertheless, severe damage to Eucalyptus globulus has been observed in Portugal since 2006 when symptoms appeared as necrotic spots on young green stems and leaves, twig lesions, and dark oval‐shaped lesions on stems and trunks. The isolates from affected E. globulus tree plantations were identified using sequence data of the ITS1‐5.8S‐ITS2 and EF‐1α clusters, together with morphological characteristics. Based on these results, the causal organism was identified as T. gauchensis, which represents the first report of this pathogen from Portugal.  相似文献   

Saur E  Nambiar EK  Fife DN 《Tree physiology》2000,20(16):1105-1112
We measured patterns of change in concentrations and contents of nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and calcium in fully expanded leaves of young Eucalyptus globulus (Labill.) trees growing in a plantation in southeastern Australia, over a 12-month period beginning at the onset of spring. There was significant net retranslocation of mobile nutrients on a seasonal basis from green leaves, coinciding with continued growth and production of foliage. There was a close positive relationship between initial nutrient content (N, P and K) of the leaf and amount retranslocated, and a tight coupling between N and P retranslocated from leaves. Net retranslocation was significantly correlated with basal area growth increments. Artificial shading of leaves resulted in senescence and reduction in leaf mass. It also induced retranslocation of N, P and K from leaves of different ages and from different position in the canopy. Although the mechanisms underlying the effects of shading intensity on these changes were not elucidated, shading provided an experimental tool for studying retranslocation. Comparison of the results with published data for Pinus radiata (D. Don) grown in the same environment indicated a similarity between the species in patterns of change in foliar nutrient contents and in factors governing foliar nutrient retranslocation, giving rise to unifying principles.  相似文献   

The removal or maintenance of harvest residues in eucalypt plantations may influence site quality and productivity. Removal of slash from the site may facilitate further management operations and provide a valuable energy resource, but effects on site productivity and sustainability for a rotation time span were not yet assessed under Mediterranean conditions. Therefore, a study was carried out to assess the effects of slash (harvest residues plus forest floor litter) management and soil preparation options on stand productivity and understory vegetation dynamics, hypothesizing that those options influence tree growth, forest floor dynamics and understory biomass and diversity. An experiment was installed in West Central Portugal, consisting on: removal of slash without soil preparation (R); broadcast of harvest residues on the soil surface without soil disturbance (S); as in S, but concentrating the woody debris between tree rows (W); incorporation of slash into the soil by harrowing (I); removal of slash followed by harrowing (RH); and as in I followed by ripping (IS). The experiment was monitored for a rotation time span (140 months). Maintenance of slash followed by deep soil disturbance led to the highest wood production, but differences between treatments were not significant (p > 0.05). Forest floor load and understory biomass were also similar between treatments. Ground vegetation played an important role on nutrient cycling in early rotation stages, such effect being irrespective on slash management options. Incorporation of slash into the soil followed by ripping is probably the best option to match production and environmental sustainability of eucalypt plantations in Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

蓝桉、直干桉综合丰产技术试验示范   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验林采用正交设计,因素为树种、整地方式、密度、施肥,各因素取3个水平,3次重复。用生长量、生物量与投入产出进行评价。试验结果:3.5年生蓝桉、直干桉幼林最佳处理平均高9.5m,平均胸径8.9cm,每hm2蓄积量70.5126m3,最佳处理比最差处理树高大28.4%,胸径大34.9%,蓄积量大183%。用已取得的技术成果营造的示范林,3.5年生平均高9.8m,平均胸径6.5cm,累计产桉叶2.43万kg/hm2,3年生左右,通过桉油及薪柴的收入可以回收全部造林及加工成本。  相似文献   

用蓝桉(Eucalyptusglobulus)离体芽器官诱导培养,分化形成丛生芽,年繁殖系数3 ̄(12)。0.1~0.5mg/L的6-BA或0.5~0.8mg/L的KT诱导外植体(带节茎段)腋芽萌动的效果最佳,诱导率分别达80.3%和81.5%。1.5~20mg/L的6~BA或20~2.5mg/L的KT分别与0.5~1.0mg/L的NAA组合,对于促进腋芽分化形成丛生芽及继代培养中芽的增殖具有最佳效果。培养基中的无机盐浓度、蔗糖含量对蓝桉试管苗的生根具有显著影响;IBA促进蓝桉试管苗的生根。至目前为止,在1/2MS无机盐培养基+IBA1.2~1.4mg/L+S5g/L中诱导生根,生根率最高可达26.4%。  相似文献   

We characterized the adventitious rooting response of Eucalyptus globulus Labill. to various concentrations of calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, manganese, zinc, boron and copper. The parameters analyzed were percent rooting, root number, root length and mean rooting time. Root number and root length were significantly affected by mineral nutrition, whereas mean rooting time and rooting percentage seemed to be closely related to auxin availability. Root number was affected by calcium, nitrogen source and zinc, whereas root length was influenced by concentrations of phosphorus, iron and manganese, and by nitrogen source. Based on these results, we evaluated various combinations of several concentrations of these minerals in each rooting phase. Cuttings that were rooted in an optimized mineral nutrient medium and acclimatized to ex-vitro conditions for two months showed significantly higher survival after transplanting and drought stress than cuttings rooted in basal medium and treated in the same way.  相似文献   

This paper represents the first part of the results from a glasshouse experiment designed to compare the competition of ECM and VAM fungi on root colonization and effects on growth of two Eucalyptus species (E.globulus and E.urophylla).One ECM fungus(Laccaria lateritia) and three VAM fungi belonging to genera Glomus,Acaulospora and Scutellospora,along with field soil as well,were used to inoculate Eucalyptus seedlings alone or in combination.Both ECM and VAM fungi colonized and formed mycorrhizal associations on roots of inoculated seedlings,though infective rates of VAM and ECM tips per meter varied according to inoculant fungi and plant ages. There were some regressive interactions for colonization between the two fungi,as a general trend for ECM root colonization levels to increase with time at the expense of VAM colonization was observed during 16 weeks. The effect of phosphorus levels in soils on mycorrhizal formation was discussed.  相似文献   

本项研究历时4年,研究结果显示,营造蓝桉纯林会引起林地土壤肥力明显降低,有机质、全N、有效N、P、K、交换性Ca2+、Mg2+等7项指标均直接受影响。蓝桉人工林,经造林初期林地施肥能提高其生长量,但不能阻止林地土壤肥力下降。由于施肥促进了林木的生长,故也加强了对土壤肥力的消耗。  相似文献   

James SA  Bell DT 《Tree physiology》2000,20(12):815-823
Juvenile and adult leaves of the heteroblastic species Eucalyptus globulus Labill. ssp. globulus did not show active diurnal orientation toward or away from incident radiation. Juvenile leaves of a late-maturing sapling of a Tasmanian provenance were evenly distributed in all azimuth sectors. In contrast, an early-maturing sapling of the same age from Wilsons Promontory, Victoria had a predominance of adult leaf blades facing east and west. Mid-vein and blade angles of juvenile and adult leaves were non-random with an overall vertical declination of the leaves. Both leaf types intercepted a greater irradiance during the morning than at midday. Sub-horizontal juvenile leaves intercepted 22% more irradiance than vertical adult leaves during the middle of the day. The amphistomatal and isobilateral adult leaves intercepted sunlight equally on both leaf surfaces. Stomatal conductance was variable during the period of measurement but was similar for the Tasmanian juvenile (0.4 to 0.9 cm s(-1)) leaves and Wilsons Promontory adult (0.5 to 1.2 cm s(-1)) leaves. Greater light interception by the sub-horizontal juvenile leaves would confer a growth advantage to saplings and regenerating canopies. Reduced light interception and leaf temperature of vertical adult E. globulus leaves would assist in water conservation, particularly at high solar angles.  相似文献   

Adventitious rooting is essential for vegetative propagation of woody species. We studied the effects of auxin and light on the development of adventitious roots in cuttings obtained from seedlings of Eucalyptus saligna Smith and E. globulus Labill in an attempt to characterize the adventitious rooting process and identify factors controlling rhizogenesis. Root development was scored as rooting percentage, root density (roots per rooted cutting), mean rooting time and root length. In both species, rooting time was reduced in the presence of auxin. Cuttings from 2-month-old E. saligna seedlings were responsive to lower auxin concentrations than comparable cuttings from E. globulus seedlings. Cuttings from 3-month-old E. saligna seedlings rooted promptly and rooting was not significantly affected by light conditions. In contrast, rooting of cuttings from 3-month-old E. globulus seedlings exhibited recalcitrant behavior and no roots were formed if illuminated during the root formation phase. Effective root regeneration of E. globulus cuttings was obtained by a 4-day exposure to 10 mg l(-1) IBA and culture in darkness during the root formation step. Loss of rooting capacity with seedling age was more pronounced in E. globulus than in E. saligna. The possibility of switching adventitious rooting off and on by manipulating light regime and exogenous auxin supply in E. globulus, and the constitutive nature of rooting in E. saligna may provide useful models for examining the rooting process at the biochemical and molecular levels in Eucalyptus.  相似文献   

本文对云南省一平浪蓝桉实生种子园的子代测定林进行初期评价。该子代测定采用α-循环设计,21个重复,每个重复有18个不完全区组,每个区组分为15个小区,每小区2株树。全部270个家系均为自由授粉的半同胞家系,按来源分为3个类型(原产地天然林、云南地方品种和种子园),11个地区。调查和分析的数据包括造林后2年时的树高、胸径、冠幅、干形、抗寒性和存活率等性状。分析结果如下:1. 不同的类型在生长表现上存在显著差异,来自种子园的类型为最好。2. 自不同地区的蓝桉在各性状上都表现出显著差异。在生长表现上,来自维克多利亚东部、西部和各种子园的子代比其它地区的好。云南当地蓝桉子代的耐寒性和两年时的保存率为最好,在生长、干形和抗病方面与塔斯马尼亚东部和南部的蓝桉子代表现相似。采用两株小区,明显比单株小区降低小区缺失率,提高分析的可靠性。表3参7。  相似文献   

The genus Mycosphaerella Johanson contains many pathogens capable of causing a severe impact on the growth of susceptible eucalypt species. The lack of knowledge about which species are present in Tasmania and their potential risk to the plantation industry prompted this study into the Mycosphaerella species occurring on Eucalyptus globulus and Eucalyptus nitens plantations in Tasmania. A total of 36 plantation and five road verge sites of E. globulus and E. nitens were sampled. Five Mycosphaerella species and three species from associated anamorph genera were isolated and identified in Tasmania; Mycosphaerella nubilosa, Mycosphaerella cryptica, Mycosphaerella tasmaniensis, Mycosphaerella grandis, Mycosphaerella vespa, Coniothyrium ovatum, Sonderhenia eucalypticola and Sonderhenia eucalyptorum. The most frequently isolated species with the highest incidence and severity of infection were M. cryptica and M. nubilosa. These two species appear to have the greatest potential to damage juvenile eucalypt plantations in Tasmania. A link between Mycosphaerella vespa and Coniothyrium ovatum is described for the first time.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):145-154
Eucalyptus globulus is the main eucalypt species grown in Australian plantations. The focus on seedling deployment systems, coupled with exploitation of large, open-pollinated base populations for breeding purposes over the last two decades, has required a detailed understanding of the reproductive biology of this species. We review our research on the reproductive biology of E. globulus, with a focus on its breeding system and advances made in seed production systems. While most improved seed is still obtained from open-pollinated seedling or grafted seed orchards, the development of the one-stop/single-visit pollination procedure has revolutionised the breeding and deployment of this species. The reduced costs of controlled pollination has meant full pedigree-control can now be maintained in large advanced-generation breeding populations and E. globulus is one of the few eucalypt species where large-scale production of manually pollinated seed for family forestry is being undertaken.  相似文献   

Intumescences or abnormal, non-pathogenic, blister-like protuberant growths, form on Eucalyptus globulus Labill. and, to a much lesser extent, Eucalyptus nitens (Deane and Maiden) Maiden leaves when plants are grown in a high relative humidity environment. We examined the histology of intumescences and their effects on leaf photosynthetic processes. Intumescences were induced by placing E. globulus and E. nitens seedlings in a relative humidity of 80% in a greenhouse for 5 days. Symptomatic and asymptomatic leaves of plants with intumescence development were compared with leaves of control plants. Light-saturated carbon dioxide (CO(2)) assimilation (A(max)) and responses of CO(2) assimilation (A) to varying intercellular CO(2) partial pressure (C(i)) were measured. Symptomatic and asymptomatic leaf samples were fixed and sectioned and cellular structure was examined. Intumescences greatly reduced the photosynthetic capacity of E. globulus leaves and were associated with reduced electron transport rate and ribulose bisphosphate (RuBP) regeneration capacity. Tissue necrotization and cellular collapse of the palisade mesophyll and deposition of phenolic compounds in the affected areas, probably reduced light penetration to photosynthesizing cells as well as reducing the amount of photosynthesizing tissue. Photosynthetic capacity of E. nitens was unaffected. The intumescences resembled simple lenticels, both morphologically and developmentally. To our knowledge, this is the first time that lenticel-like structures developed in response to environmental conditions have been described on leaves.  相似文献   

The Portuguese Landrace of Eucalyptus globulus is of unknown origin, with the earliest plantings of this tree species dating back to the early 19th century. In Portugal it is currently a major seed source for plantations and is also used in breeding programs. Eucalyptus globulus is native to south-eastern Australia. The substantial genetic differentiation of chloroplast and nuclear DNA markers between different native geographic races of this species allowed us to uncover the Australian origins of the Portuguese Landrace and to study its genetic diversity. To achieve this, we sequenced a highly polymorphic region of chloroplast DNA from 47 Portuguese Landrace individuals, and genotyped 34 of these using seven nuclear microsatellites. We compared these individuals to those in a database comprising chloroplast DNA sequence profiles from 292 native trees and seven nuclear microsatellites from 372 native trees. The majority of the Portuguese Landrace samples had closest affinities, in both marker systems, to native trees from south-eastern Tasmania, but some had affinities to trees from south-eastern Victoria. The discrepancies in the affinities indicated by chloroplast versus nuclear DNA markers could be explained by inter-race hybridisation after introduction. The genetic diversity in the Portuguese Landrace was less than that found in native E. globulus at the species level, but was similar to the average diversity found in native races of the species. This study demonstrates the power of using independent marker systems to identify the origins and diversity of domesticated populations, by comparison with variation in native stands.  相似文献   

The importance of eucalypt as a raw material for pulping is steadily growing. Eucalyptus globulus was compared with European hardwood species using two alkaline pulping processes, kraft and alkaline sulfite, anthraquinone pulping (ASA), which is a recently developed modified alkaline sulfite process. All cooks were performed to similar kappa numbers. Poplar cooks resulted in the highest yields followed by eucalypt and birch which were on the same level. Yield of beech pulps was definitely lower. ASA pulps show a moderate higher yield due to the less alkaline pH-profile of the cooking liquor. This yield advantage was maintained and even enhanced after TCF-bleaching. The bleaching response of all pulps was excellent. The birch pulps had the highest tensile strength followed by the poplar and beech pulps. Surprisingly eucalypt pulps had the lowest tensile strength. But this was compensated by the very good tear index of eucalypt pulps. The runnability factor, as an index for the overall strength potential, was on the same level for all pulps. Due to the higher hemicellulose content of the ASA pulps their tensile strengths were higher, but tear strengths lower compared to the kraft pulps. The different morphology of the hardwoods investigated resulted in different volumes and light scattering coefficients of the corresponding pulps. Dedicated to Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult.Walter Liese on the occasion of his 80th birthday.  相似文献   


The main goal of this study was to investigate the visual characteristics, recovery rate, and flexural properties of sawn boards from a fibre-managed plantation Eucalyptus globulus resource as a potential raw material for structural building applications. The impacts of the visual characteristics, strength-reducing features, and variation in basic density and moisture content on the bending modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) of the boards were investigated. The reliabilities of different non-destructive methods in predicting MOE and MOR of the boards were evaluated, including log acoustic wave velocity measurement and numerical modellings. The MOE and MOR of the boards were significantly affected by the slope of grain, percentage of clear wood, and total number of knots in the loading zone of the boards. The normal variation in basic density significantly influenced the MOE of the boards while its effect on the MOR was insignificant. The numerical models developed using the artificial neural network (ANN) showed better accuracies in predicting the MOE and MOR of the boards than traditional multi-regression modelling and log acoustic wave velocity measurement. The ANN models developed in this study showed more than 78.5% and 79.9% success in predicting the adjusted MOE and MOR of the boards, respectively.  相似文献   

Variation in wood anatomy and biometric variables was studied in 14 7-year-old Eucalyptus globulus clones grown in a clonal trial in Arauco, Bio-Bio Region, Chile. Biometric characteristics were measured for each tree and the anatomical variables were measured at three radial positions by image analysis on transverse microsections cut from radial increment cores sampled at breast height. Results showed, that among clones wide ranges of variation were found for vessel frequency, vessel area and vessel coverage. However, narrow ranges of variation were found for fiber wall thickness, fiber diameter and lumen diameter. From pith to bark, mean vessel area and vessel coverage increased gradually, whereas the vessel frequency decreased. The fiber wall thickness did not differ significantly from pith to bark. Mean fiber and lumen diameters showed the same radial pattern, increasing from pith to the midpoint of the radius to reach a plateau close to the bark. Furthermore, important commercial volume gains that can exceed 100% were found. Considering the commercial importance of tree volume, vessel and fiber anatomy in the pulping and papermaking process, it is suggested that the information given in this study may be used as an additional criteria for the selection of E. globulus.  相似文献   

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