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本文从播种、田间管理、收获等方面简要介绍了兵团第四师甜菜全程机械化栽培技术.  相似文献   

1我国糖料生产概况 1.1我国糖料生产现状 我国糖料生产也与世界食糖发展一样经历了短缺、饱和、再发展的过程.特别是1998年国家对糖料生产作出战略性调整,先后关、停、并、转了一批制糖企业,甜菜生产逐步缩小.2002年全国甜菜种植面积35.27万hm^2,生产甜菜糖124.1万t,占全国食糖总量的1.67%,2003年种植甜菜21.34万hm^2,生产甜菜糖58.73万t,占全国食糖总量的5.86%.与调整前的1991年相比,我国甜菜面积最高达到78.35万hm^2,最高产糖量达166.55万t,占全国食糖总量的20%左右,2002、2003年我国食糖总产量分别为1 063.2、1 002.3万t.  相似文献   

油菜生产实行全程机械化的重点是机械播种和机械收获两个主要环节。发展油菜生产机械化,既有利于减轻劳动强度,提高生产效率,降低生产成本,又能提高籽粒清洁度,有利于秸秆粉碎还田,减少秸秆焚烧带来的环境污染,从而加快油菜的区域化、规范化种植的步伐。现将油菜生产实行全程机械化的种植技术简介如下:  相似文献   

李静 《种子世界》2009,(3):44-45
奎屯垦区位于新疆天山北麓准格尔盆地西南边缘,干旱少雨,农业资源条件差异显著,拥有山区盆地和绿洲平原两种独特的农业生态区,较适宜发展甜菜生产。近年来垦区甜菜种植面积逐渐缩小,轮作倒茬年限越来越短,个别地方的条田连茬重茬严重,在生产中忽视病虫害的测报和中后期植保投入,病虫害发生频率逐年增加,甜菜品质下降,  相似文献   

唐景斌  姜方新 《种子科技》2012,30(12):29-30
油菜是我县的主要油料作物,常年种植面积15万亩左右,高峰年份一度达到30多万亩。长期以来,其种植和收获环节主要靠人工育苗(穴播)、打宕移栽、收割后晾晒、人工敲打、手搓、过筛清选等方法,移栽和收获用工量多,劳动强度大,很大程度上影响了农民种植积极性。特别是近年来,随着小麦生产机械化技术的推广普及,油菜比较效益下降,面积逐年减少,近两年  相似文献   

以水稻机耕、机插、机防、机收、烘干等主要环节为重点,开展水稻农机农艺融合全程机械化生产示范展示,集成一套适宜当地耕作制度的水稻生产全程机械化作业技术模式,能降低稻作生产成本,调动种粮积极性,确保水稻稳产高产、节本增效,推动全县水稻生产全程机械化。  相似文献   

农九师一六七团是一个以农为主、农牧结合的边境团场,甜菜种植在农业生产中占有很大比重。为了提高甜菜的产量,1995年一六七团引进地膜甜菜栽培技术并进行了大力推广示范。结果表明,甜菜采用地膜栽培,一般可增产25%以上。机械铺膜播种和加强田间管理是大面积甜菜机械化生产和优质、高产的关键性技术。  相似文献   

2009年新疆奎屯地区引进示范种植甜菜新品种BETA356.近两年来种植面积为1360hm^2,平均每667m^2产量为5649kg.最高产量为8580kg;含糖率达15%以上.实现了吨糖田,创造了良好的经济效益。  相似文献   

陈文利 《种子科技》2019,(14):167-168
玉米是我国传统的粮食作物和饲料原料,有一定的市场需求。在生产玉米的过程中实现全程机械化技术不仅能够提高作业质量,同时提高了劳动生产率,在农业增产和增收方面起着重要的作用,对促进我国粮食安全有着重要的意义。主要阐述了玉米全程机械化节本高效生产技术的优势,重点论述了玉米全程机械化节本高效生产技术要点,供参考。  相似文献   

农业部在山东省滨州市召开了黄河流域棉花机械化生产现场会。来自黄河和长江流域两大棉区11个省市有关部门、棉花科研单位的代表近100人参加了会议。会议代表观摩了凯斯、约翰迪尔、贵航、天鹅等大型采棉机现场作业,观看了深松整地、精量播种、中耕施肥、植保、秸秆收获和利用等棉花生产全程机械化配套机具的作业演示及展示,实地参观了机采棉清选加工现场,交流了推进棉花生产全程机械化的具体做法和经验,研讨了机采棉发展趋势、推进措施,并对今后黄河和长江流域加快推进棉花机械化生产工作进行了研究部署。  相似文献   

Summary A population of 2xms sugar beets was crossed with 4x Beta lomatogona F. et M. The 3x F1-plants were male sterile and were backcrossed with 2x and 4x sugar beets and multiplied without pollination as well. After the 1st backcross mainly 3x apomict types arose again and, among others, a small number of successful 4x backcrosses. After pollination by 4x sugar beets this 4x F1 B1 produced. besides predominatly apomictically multiplied 4x plants, also about 7% haploid 2x hybrids. The latter probably possess 1 genome from B. vulgaris and 1 genome from B. lomatogona. In the meiosis of the PMC's a certain amount of homeology between a number of chromosomes of both species could be established. The amphihaploid hybrids can be used as breeding parents for the creation of types in which introgession can occur. During hybridization in addition to 2x and 4x B. vulgaris types a number of 2x-, 3x-, 5x- and 6x-hybrids arose. This is presumably caused by the presence of gametes with the somatic number of chromosomes and the occurrence sometimes of haploid apomictic multiplication.The presence of large numbers of bolters in the F1 and F1 B1 suggests that the bolting tendency of both species is based on different genes.  相似文献   

J. Havel 《Euphytica》1967,16(3):410-412
In a culture of Beta vulgaris L., Czechoslovak semi-sugar-beet variety Choovka, one plant was found of which all flowers came into flower simultaneously; they were distributed with regular density; all glomerules—even at the twig tips—were of the same size and ripened at the same time. These properties which are of a great economic value were fixed by further cultivation.  相似文献   

Summary A tetraploid annual male sterile form of Beta vulgaris L. (2n=4x=36) was crossed with the wild beet species Beta intermedia Bunge (2n=36). The resulting F1-plants were male sterile annuals being two or three times back-crossed to diploid and tetraploid sugar and fodder beets in the next years. Apart from tetraploid material (36 chromosomes) hexaploid (54 chromosomes) and a number of aneuploid plants developed.The results obtained justify the conclusion that, at a tetraploid level the material mostly propagates apomictically after the F1 generation. The presence of penta-, hexa-, septa-and even octaploid plants might be explained by assuming that no meiosis has taken place in the crossing partners. Triploid plants are sometimes found in the progeny of hexaploid material and may presumably be considered haploids. Moreover some pentaploid plants were found in the progeny of the open pollinated F1 which after two generations of bagging are still pentaploids although they produce no pollen. This is another clear indication of apomictic reproduction.The tetraploid generation from the cross between the hexaploid material and diploid sugar beets probably contains the best prospects for breeding.  相似文献   

对盐城市近年来杂交水稻制种全程机械化技术的发展现状进行介绍,分析了现阶段机械化制种所面临的难题,并提出推进措施,以加快杂交水稻制种全程机械化技术的推广、应用、普及。  相似文献   

R. J. Hecker 《Euphytica》1972,21(1):106-111
Summary The effect of inbreeding on vegetative vigor, as measured by root yield, was evaluated in two diploid (2x) and equivalent autotetraploid (4x) sugarbeet strains, and one additional 2x and one 4x strain. Root yields of the 2x and 4x S1 progenies each averaged 86.7% of their comparable open-pollinated progeny. Inbreeding depression of root yield was variable from strain to strain. The selfed 4x populations, when compared with their 2x equivalents, suffered more yield depression than was expected on the basis of the theoretic approach to homozygosity associated with selfing in autotetraploids. The inbreeding depression was partly attributed to (a) the approach to homozygosity, and (b) the fact that partially homozygous 4x S1 individuals were probably unable to make compensating growth when located adjacent to a low vigor aneuploid plant. A major part of root yield depression remained unexplained. Sucrose content within strains and within ploidy levels was not significantly affected by one generation of selfing.Joint contribution of the Crops Research Division, Agricultural Research Service, US Department of Agriculture, the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station, and the Beet Sugar Development Foundation. Published with the approval of the Director of the Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station as Scientific Series No. 1582.  相似文献   

Summary Leaf cuttings without axillary buds were made from young vegetative beet plants. Roots were formed at the petiole end. Adventitious bud formation occurred at a very low frequency and could not be stimulated by application of growth regulators. Leaf cuttings with axillary buds formed plants at a higher frequency but development of buds into shoots was slow and irregular. As no vascular connections were found between petiole and axillary bud, the slow growth of the buds was attributed to insufficient supply of assimilates from the leaves. Axillary buds rapidly developed into shoots when petiole explants with buds were placed on culture media. Nearly all cultures, however, were contaminated with bacteria that originated from the inner tissue of the explants.  相似文献   

In vitro chromosome doubling during ovule culture of sugar and fodder beets (Beta vulgaris L.) was studied with four anti-microtubule herbicides: amiprophos-methyl (APM), oryzalin, pronamide, and trifluralin at concentrations of 0–300 μM. Best chromosome doubling results were obtained by treatment of the ovules with 100 μM APM which produced 4.7 diploid plants per 100 ovules. Highest chromosome doubling was found with oryzalin using 1 μM, with trifluralin at 10 μM, and with pronamide at 10 μM producing 2.8, 2.0, and 2.0 diploid plants per 100 ovules, respectively. The APM treatments showed relatively low toxicity on embryo formation which in combination with a high chromosome doubling effect, resulted in up to 89 diploids per 100 plants regenerated. Oryzalin and trifluralin had more severe toxic effects, which reduced embryo formation, thereby lower percentages of chromosome doubled plants were obtained from these treatments. Pronamide had no significant toxic effect but it induced chromosome doubling at lower frequencies. Compared to colchicine, APM seems to be as efficient for chromosome doubling during beet ovule culture, but at molar concentrations 100 times lower than those used for chromosome doubling with colchicine. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

甜菜源库关系的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
为阐明源、库的关系对甜菜产量形成的影响。运用比较生理学的方法,研究了不同特性甜菜品种群体源、库的形成及其相互关系以及源、库发展在产量形成中的作用。结果表明,甜菜群体LAI和LAD可作为衡量源大小及能力的重要指标。光合源的同化能力直接影响着块根库容的大小,后期较大的光合源会抑制块根库的扩大,影响甜菜产量的形成。揭示了丰产、高糖甜菜品种的源库关系,LAI峰值出现在块根及糖分增长期,最大LAI应在4.3以上,达到峰值后要有20 d左右的相对稳定持续期,糖分积累后期LAI应保持在2.4左右。群体LAD应在块根及糖分增长期达到19.3 m2.d以上,后期呈缓慢下降变化。以上结果可为指导甜菜生产实践提高产量提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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