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玉米受多种植物寄生性线虫的侵袭,尽管和美国南部根结线虫时常侵害玉米,但有关玉米对这些线虫易感性的报导却不一致。Windham 等(1987)对64个作为寄主的商用玉米杂交种对根结线虫 M.arenaria 2号小种和黄麻根结线虫(M.incognita)4号小种群体的寄生适应性进行了评价。  相似文献   

花生根结线虫(Meloidogyne are-naria)是一种能引起花生重大损失的病原物。据估计,得克萨斯州26%的花生田有花生根结线虫,该线虫也广泛分布于美国东南部。目前还没有培育出高抗花生根结线虫的栽培品种,但已在花生属的不同种中鉴定出抗线性。Nelson等报道,许多花生野生种抗花生根结线虫,此外,他们发现了两个种间杂种抗这种线虫。抗性杂种之一T P—129是杂交组合[A.bat-izocoi×(A.cardenasiiGK P—10017×A.chacoensisGK P—10602)]4x的  相似文献   

为了明确南方根结线虫对不同南瓜砧木嫁接冬瓜苗生长发育的影响,以期为冬瓜生产筛选抗根结线虫砧木品种,促进产业可持续发展。本文采用人工接种南方根结线虫,研究比较了‘海砧1号’、‘海砧2号’和‘银龙黄籽’3种南瓜砧木的冬瓜嫁接苗及冬瓜自根苗的抗性水平及植株生物量的差异。结果表明:不同南瓜砧木冬瓜嫁接苗和自根苗的病情指数、根结指数、卵粒指数和繁殖指数均随着生育期延长而不断升高,抗性水平发生不同程度变化;以‘海砧2号’为砧木的嫁接苗在全生育期均表现为抗病,以‘海砧1号’和‘银龙黄籽’为砧木的嫁接苗表现为高感,‘清远黑皮冬瓜’自根苗表现为感病。在茎叶鲜重和单果鲜重方面,生长中后期以‘海砧2号’为砧木的嫁接苗显著高于以‘海砧1号’和‘银龙黄籽’为砧木的嫁接苗以及‘清远黑皮冬瓜’自根苗,但与未接种的‘清远黑皮冬瓜’自根苗无显著差异。研究结果证实,南方根结线虫明显抑制了感病砧木冬瓜嫁接苗的生长和产量,对抗病砧木嫁接苗无明显影响。  相似文献   

在实验室内的凹玻片测试结果表明:接种淡紫拟青霉(Paecilomyces lilacinus)后,使南方根结线虫1号生理小种卵的孵化率明显降低,接种5天后的孵化率比对照降低一半,接种11天后卵寄生率达58.20%;温室盆栽试验结果表明:每40平方米1.5公斤、3.0公斤用量下,当季对花生北方根结线虫的卵寄生率达62.09%。53.99%;相同用量的大田试验结果表明;前期卵寄生率分别为18.72%—63.08%、22.92—32.76%,后期卵寄生率分别为19.42%,21.13%,防治效果分别为5.13%—22.45%,23.04%—25.50%,说明淡紫拟青霉对南方根结线虫1号生理种、花生北方根结线虫确有一定的防治效果。  相似文献   

采用浸渍法测定13科20种植物乙醇提取物对南方根结线虫的毒杀活性。结果表明:酸豆、牛角瓜、番荔枝、苦楝乙醇提取物以10 mg/mL处理后24 h,供试2龄线虫校正死亡率分别为82.13%、85.71%、89.28%、89.28%,处理后48 h,校正死亡率分别为89.01%、96.34%、92.67%和96.34%,均具有强杀线虫活性;毒力测定结果表明:处理后24 h和48 h,4种提取物的LC50由小到大顺序为:酸豆<牛角瓜<番荔枝<苦楝。  相似文献   

以南方根结线虫延长因子2基因(Mi-eft2)T克隆质粒为模板,克隆该基因的3个部分片段(各200 bp),作为体外合成ds RNA的模版,利用该ds RNA(F1ds,F2ds,F3ds)干扰南方根结线虫2龄幼虫(J2)的Mi-eft2表达。结果显示,利用real-time PCR作为检测方法,干扰处理后的J2线虫Mi-eft2的表达量(F1、F2、F3),与对照处理的J2线虫Mi-eft2的表达量(F0)相比,分别降低了21%、69%、0.02%。将经过干扰处理的J2线虫和作为对照处理的J2线虫(500头/株)分别接种5株番茄,培养45 d后观察表型。发现干扰处理后J2线虫与对照处理的J2线虫接种番茄后产生的根结数相比较,分别减少了57.09%、68.94%、7.01%。说明Mi-eft2表达的沉默效应会使南方根结线虫对番茄造成的危害程度相应降低,也说明了利用RNAi干扰该基因表达的方法有利于对南方根结线虫病害防治方法的探索。  相似文献   

为选育抗线虫花生品种,在北方花生根结线虫分布较均匀的自然病田中种植了102份花生种质,收获时对其进行抗性鉴定调查,得到高感材料14份、中感材料76份、中抗材料12份、耐病材料1份,未发现免疫和高抗种质材料;调查发现种间杂种的杂交后代抗性较强,中抗材料较多;自然病田田间观察发现,紫色种皮花生种质的抗性表现较好。  相似文献   

花生对北方根结线虫病抗性遗传规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
用对花生根结线虫病表现抗性和感病的材料进行杂交,并将杂交得到的F1代种子及F1代自交得到的F2代种子种植在病圃内,调查植株的抗感病性,结果显示,F1代植株全部表现为感病,F2代抗病植株与感病植株的分离比率为1∶3,符合遗传分离规律。初步认为,亲本花生抗病材料的抗性是受一对隐性基因控制。  相似文献   

粉红粘帚菌(Gliocladium spp.)是一类对植物病原菌具有潜在生物控制作用的真菌,为了探讨粘帚菌对南方根结线虫(Meloidogyne incognita)的抑制作用,实验室条件下研究了粉红粘帚菌挥发性代谢产物和非挥发性代谢产物不同稀释度对南方根结线虫卵孵化及二龄幼虫活性的影响.结果显示非挥发性代谢产物在原液...  相似文献   

The root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, is one of the major limiting factors affecting plant growth and yield causing an estimated $100 billion loss per year worldwide. Synthetic pesticides, though instantaneously effective, are usually prohibitively expensive, not readily available, may cause hazards to both man and livestock, and inflict injury to the environment. Notable among the alternatives to nematicides is the use of resistant cultivars which are inexpensive and eco-friendly. In the present studies, twelve okra (Abelmoschus esculentus L) cultivars were evaluated for their resistance against M. incognita under field conditions. Ten-day old okra plants of test cultivars were inoculated with 3000 freshly hatched second stage juveniles of M. incognita. The nematode caused reductions in various growth parameters of all the cultivars to varying levels over their respective controls. None of the cultivars was found completely resistant. The cultivar ‘Sharmeeli’ was highly susceptible as >100 galls were recorded on the roots. Sharmeeli also showed maximum reductions in growth among the cultivars evaluated. The cultivars Anmol and Sindha were susceptible with 71–100 galls. The cultivars Sabz Pari, Super Star, PMS-55 and PMS Beauty were moderately susceptible with 31–70 galls and comparatively less reductions in growth. Cultivars Sanam, Dikshah, Arka Anamika, Ikra-1 and Ikra-2 with 11–30 galls were rated as moderately resistant and showed less damage by the nematode as compared to susceptible cultivars and their planting could provide a useful tool to control root-knot nematodes.  相似文献   

Forty-one clones of 34 accessions belonging to 25 tuber-bearingSolanum species were tested for their reaction to root knot nematode,Meloidogyne incognita. A high degree of resistance was found inS. bulbocastanum, S. gandarillasii, S. lignicaule, S. ajanhuiri andS. tuberosum groupandigena. S. vernei andS. spegazzinii were the most resistant species.  相似文献   

Root–knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are major pests of vegetables especially in the tropics and subtropics. All commercial okra varieties are susceptible to root knot nematodes and cause substantial losses. The objective of this study is to find out resistant germplasm in order to facilitate our breeders for gene manipulation. A greenhouse study was conducted to evaluate 28 okra cultivars against Meloidogyne incognita inoculated with 5000 eggs. Five cultivars (Bamya Yalova, 19,232, 19,236, 1,922,121, and Green Wonder) had significantly fewer root galls and eggs and less reduction in plant growth (shoot weight and root length), than most of the other entries. A positive relationship was demonstrated between root galls and reduction in plant growth parameters measured. These cultivars may improve okra production in fields infested with M. incognita. During our study, none of the cultivars tested were observed to be immune or resistant to nematode infection according to a scale where: good host [susceptible] when Pf/Pi (Pf = Final population of nematodes after harvest and Pi = Initial population of nematodes which was used as inoculum during experiment) > 5.0, fair, better [moderately resistant] if 5.0 ≥ Pf/Pi > 1, poor if 1 > Pf/Pi > 0, and non-host [resistant] when Pf/Pi = 0. The cultivars, including 19,224, 19,235, Pusa Sawami, Ikra-1, Ikra-2 and Sabzperi China Red, were found to be susceptible with Pf/Pi > 5.0, and they were declared as good hosts of M. incognita. While all the other cultivars were moderately resistant, with 0 ≥ Pf/Pi > 1 but still a significant penetration of nematodes was found. The regression studies showed positive and significant relationships between the number of galls and the reduction in shoot weight (r2 = 0.95), number of galls and reduction in shoot length (r2 = 0.81), and number of galls and decrease in root length (r2 = 0.89).  相似文献   

Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.) are one of the most destructive pathogens of vegetables. The cultivars resistant to root-knot nematodes have comparatively better crop yield than susceptible varieties and can be employed as a component of integrated nematode management. In the present study, 15 cultivars of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) were tested for their response to Meloidogyne incognita by inoculating with 3000 2nd stage juveniles of the nematode. All cultivars varied significantly in causing reductions in growth parameters over their controls. Likewise, all cultivars behaved differently regarding formation of galls and egg masses and reproductive factor. It was found that none of the tested cultivars was found immune or highly resistant. Long Green was the only cultivar which was found resistant against M. incognita as it showed minimum galls (8.2) and reductions in growth parameters. On the other hand, cultivars Mehran, Mirage, Thamin-II, and Royal Sluis were highly susceptible as evident by maximum galls (>100) on their roots and reductions in growth parameters. Similarly, the cultivars Green Wonder, Cucumber Citriolo and Poinsett were moderately susceptible (31–70 galls) while Babylon, Cobra and Falcon-560 (71–100 galls) were susceptible and reductions in growth parameters of these cultivars were less than those in highly susceptible cultivars. Four cultivars, Marketmore, Dynasty, Pioneer-II, and Summer Green, were rated as moderately resistant (11–30 galls) as these cultivars showed less damage by the nematode than moderately susceptible, susceptible and highly susceptible cultivars.  相似文献   

为了通过对花生抗线虫鉴定方法的比较,确定更加快速有效的抗性鉴定技术,作者于2002~2003年在佐治亚大学的Tifton试验站进行了温室盆栽试验。结果表明,侵染期幼虫与虫卵均可用于花生抗线性鉴定的温室接种,但与使用虫卵接种相比,以侵染期幼虫作为接种体需要多花3~5d的时间收集幼虫;接种后14d,可以依据0~5级的虫瘿分级标准将供试的4份花生种质区分开来;接种后6~10周依据卵块数量或每克根中的虫卵数可以进一步确认花生的抗性水平。虫瘿级数、虫瘿数量、卵块数量及每克根中的卵量之间存在着极显著(P<0.01)的正相关关系。根据研究结果提出了温室中花生抗线虫鉴定的程序方法:以8000粒卵/株为适宜接种量,接种后14d依据0~5级的虫瘿分级标准进行初筛,对初筛入选的材料再在接种后6周根据卵块数量或卵量验证其抗性。  相似文献   

为了通过对花生抗线虫鉴定方法的比较,确定更加快速有效的抗性鉴定技术,作者于2002~2003年在佐治亚大学的Tifton试验站进行了温室盆栽试验.结果表明侵然期幼虫(2000~4000条/株)与虫卵(8000~16000粒/株)均可以用于花生抗线性鉴定的温室接种,但与使用虫卵接种相比,以侵染期幼虫作为接种体需要多花3~5d的时间收集幼虫;接种后14d,可以依据0~5级的虫瘿分级标准将供试的4份花生种质区分开来;接种后6~10周依据卵块数量或每克根中的虫卵数可以进一步确认花生的抗性水平.虫瘿级数、虫瘿数量、卵块数量及每克根中的卵量之间存在着极显著(P<0.01)的正相关关系.根据研究结果提出了温室中花生抗线虫鉴定的程序方法以8000粒卵/株为适宜接种量,接种后14d依据0~5级的虫瘿分级标准进行初筛,对初筛入选的材料再在接种后6周根据卵块数量或卵量验证其抗性.  相似文献   

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