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母牛发生难产时,如对难产处理不当,尤其是母牛卧下时实施助产,易造成母牛耻骨断裂。在近几年门诊治疗中,发生了3例母牛耻骨断裂的病例,值得广大养殖户和兽医工作者借鉴。  相似文献   

主要分析诱发妊娠母牛流产的原因,介绍了该病的临床症状、诊断要点和治疗方法,并结合工作实践提出预防母牛流产的措施,以期为有效预防母牛流产提供参考。  相似文献   

主要分析诱发妊娠母牛流产的原因,介绍了该病的临床症状、诊断要点和治疗方法,并结合工作实践提出预防母牛流产的措施,以期为有效预防母牛流产提供参考。  相似文献   

母牛分娩后子宫全部外翻脱出阴门外,为子宫全脱。是母牛常见的产后产科疾病。通常发生在产后12h内,轻者可使母牛丧失生殖能力,重者可导致母牛死亡。笔者在多年的临床实践中,运用烧烙疗法治疗母牛子宫全脱3例,均治愈,且预后良好。现将治疗情况介绍如下。  相似文献   

卵巢疾病是育龄母牛的常见病和多发病。由于诊断和治疗上的困难,该类疾病常引起母牛长时间不育,成为降低母牛繁殖力的主要原因之一。根据最近几年的临床实践,笔者将这类疾病的诊断与治疗做一简介,仅供同行们临床参考。  相似文献   

针对目前母牛产后真胃移位的发生呈逐渐增多的趋势,本文阐述了母牛产后真胃移位的详细诊断和治疗方法,分析了发病原因,提出了预防措施,获得了、满意的治疗效果,为基层牛场该病的诊治提供参考。  相似文献   

母牛隐性子宫炎的诊断治疗王志荣(山东省莱西市兽医院,266600)母牛隐性子宫炎是子宫粘膜的慢性炎症,是导致母牛屡配不孕的重要原因之一。笔者所在兽医院于1993年5月~1994年4月,先后收治属于隐性子宫炎的母牛4头,经治疗患牛康复、受孕。资料199...  相似文献   

近年来,青海省湟源县波航乡兽医站对当地发病母牛进行了统计,其中子宫内膜炎占发情牛数的21%,直接影响着奶牛的繁殖机能。笔者使用洁尔阴与青霉素混合液对发病母牛进行治疗,治愈66例,取得了较好的治疗效果。  相似文献   

胎衣不下,是母牛的常见疾病。目前,一般采用手术剥离治疗,但采用该法治疗,不仅麻烦,而且极易损伤子宫和引起感染,严重的可使母牛失去种用价值。用车前子治母牛胎衣不下。其方法是:取车前子250~350g,在锅内用文火焙干,研细末,然后加入适量温水,一次给母牛灌服,胎衣会很快排出。车前子治母牛胎衣不下$重庆市垫江县畜牧食品局!408300@邓惠宗  相似文献   

近几年来,在我县牛人工冻配品种改良工作中,本地母牛受个体、初配年龄、生长发育等因素的影响,发生难产的现象时有发生。笔者通过手术对难产母牛进行助产和治疗,并对配种母牛加强饲养管理和采取预防措施,取得了明显的效果,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎是奶牛养殖业常见的一种临床疾病,该病是由大肠杆菌、链球菌、葡萄球菌等病原微生物引起的奶牛乳房发炎。该病的发生常常给奶牛养殖业带来极大的损失。本试验采集南京某奶牛场临床型乳房炎患牛的乳汁,并分离到3株细菌,经过对这3株细菌进行分离培养、形态染色、生化试验、药敏试验、致病性试验和血清型鉴定,结果表明这3株细菌均为O2血清型大肠杆菌,为临床预防和治疗提供了依据。  相似文献   

During the last few years, many Danish dairy farmers have expressed increasing concerns regarding a group of cows, which we have chosen to term ‘loser cows’. Until now, a loser cow has not been described scientifically. We defined a loser cow on the basis of a clinical examination of the cow. A total of 15,151 clinical examinations were made on 6,451 individual cows from 39 randomly selected, large Danish dairy herds with loose-housing systems using a clinical protocol. Scores for the clinical signs lameness, body condition, hock lesions, other cutaneous lesions, vaginal discharge, condition of hair coat and general condition were converted into a loser cow score. Cows with a loser cow score of 8 or more were classified as loser cows. The overall prevalence of loser cows was 2.15%, 4.50% and 2.98% during the first, second and third round of herd visits, respectively.

The associations between the loser cow state and milk production, mortality, morbidity, culling and workload for the farmer were evaluated using data from herd visits and from the Danish Cattle Database and a number of different statistical techniques. It was concluded that the loser cow state has significant negative consequences for both the farmer and the cow. On average, loser cows yielded 0.61 to 2.24 kg energy corrected milk less per day than non-loser cows depending on parity. Hazard ratio for death or euthanasia was 5.69 for loser cows compared to non-loser cows. Incidence rate ratio for disease treatments was 0.69 for non-loser cows compared to loser cows. Loser cows were often culled in an ‘unfavourable’ way and generally caused extra workload for the farmer.

A simplified version of the loser cow score was evaluated and is recommended for future research and use in practice.  相似文献   

The objective of our study was to evaluate risk factors for the loser cow state in Danish dairy herds. A loser cow was defined on the basis of a clinical examination of the individual cow. Recordings of clinical signs were converted into a loser cow score and all cows with a loser cow score of 8 or more were defined as loser cows. We used correspondence analysis to give a first indication of the associations between the proportion of loser cows in the herd and potential risk factors. Risk factors were evaluated both at the herd level (39 herds) and at the cow level (6451 cows) using logistic regression. Conventional herds with a high average somatic cell count, hard cubicles and no grazing seem to be associated with a high proportion of loser cows. Odds ratio for the loser cow state was 4.18 in conventional herds compared to organic herds. Odds ratio for the loser cow state was 1.87 for an increase in average weighted mean bulk tank somatic cell count of 100,000 cells per ml. We found a statistically significant interaction between stall surface and the use of grazing. Odds ratio for the loser cow state in herds with soft cubicles and the use of grazing was 0.09 compared to herds with hard cubicles and no grazing. At the cow level, odds ratio for the loser cow state increases significantly with increasing parity. Odds ratios for the loser cow state were 1, 2.59 and 6.74 for parity 1, 2, and 3 or older, respectively. Odds ratio for the loser cow state was significantly higher (3.38) for cows giving birth to twins at the last calving before the scoring. Additionally, cows scored on pasture had a significantly lower odds ratio (0.26) for the loser cow state compared to cows scored in the barn.  相似文献   

奶牛在产奶阶段发生较多的疾病主要为乳房炎,从而影响产奶量,奶牛一旦患上乳房炎,会导致奶牛生长发育缓慢,经济效益也会受到很大的影响。笔者在多年的临床上,应用黄芪对奶牛乳房炎进行防治,取得了显著治疗效果。本文重点对黄芪中药制剂在奶牛乳房炎防治中的生理功能和预防奶牛乳房炎的作用机理进行阐述,以供同行参考。  相似文献   

Nine dairy herds (mean size, 149 cows) with bulk-tank milk somatic cell counts of less than 300,000 cells/ml and greater than 80% of cows with Dairy Herd Improvement Association linear somatic cell counts less than or equal to 4 were selected for study. Each herd was monitored for 12 consecutive months. Duplicate quarter-milk specimens were collected from each cow for bacteriologic culturing at beginning of lactation, cessation of lactation, and at the time of each clinical episode of mastitis. Streptococcus agalactiae was never isolated and Staphylococcus aureus was isolated from less than 1% of all quarters. There were 554 episodes of clinical mastitis. During the year of study, the incidence rate of clinical mastitis varied from 15.6 to 63.7% of cows among the 9 herds. Mean costs per cow per year in herd for mastitis prevention were: $10 for paper towels, $3 for nonlactating cow treatment, and $10 for teat disinfectants. Mean cost associated with clinical mastitis was $107/episode. Approximately 84% ($90) of the costs attributed to a clinical episode were associated with decreased milk production and nonsalable milk. Costs of medication and professional veterinary fees per clinical episode varied significantly among the 9 herds. Three of the herds did not have a veterinarian treat a clinical episode of mastitis during the year of study even though 2 of these herds had the first and third highest incidence rates of clinical mastitis. When calculated on a per cow in herd basis, mean costs of $40/cow/year were attributed to clinical mastitis.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

奶牛乳房炎的研究进展及防控措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
奶牛乳房炎发病率高且危害大,在奶牛养殖中属于常见疾病。该病主要是由于病原微生物入侵奶牛乳腺组织而引发的局部炎症,其不仅会造成奶牛产奶量降低,而且还会影响牛奶的品质。由于治疗过程中的兽药残留和由某些病原微生物感染引起的奶牛乳房炎治愈率低等问题,奶牛乳房炎的防治显得极为重要。从病原菌的种类、致病机理以及诊断方法和防控措施等方面介绍了奶牛乳房炎的研究进展,以期为奶牛乳房炎的科学防治提供参考。  相似文献   

Ocular lymphangiosarcoma was diagnosed in a Holstein cow with a progressively enlarging limbal mass. The cow was treated by exenteration. The cow survived for 2 years without clinical signs of recurrence. Lymphangiosarcoma is a vascular neoplasm that rarely has been reported in domestic animals. In other species, it has a high rate of metastasis and is associated with poor long-term survival.  相似文献   

对奶牛乳房炎的发病原因、发病特点、临床症状、防治措施进行了总结,以期为临床有效预防及治疗该病提供参考。  相似文献   

乳房炎是奶牛的一种常见病,是导致牛奶产量和质量下降的主要原因之一。目前,奶牛乳房炎的防治多以抗生素为主,但抗生素的滥用不仅导致了乳汁中病原菌耐药性的产生,同时也造成了乳汁中抗生素的残留。中药由于无残留、无毒副作用和较少出现耐药性等特点而备受科研学者的关注。本文主要从奶牛乳房炎的危害、中药防治奶牛乳房炎的研究现状和作用机理三个方面探讨了当前中药防治奶牛乳房炎的研究进展,旨在为临床上奶牛乳房炎的防治提供客观的参考。  相似文献   

Anaphylactic reaction rarely occurs after the 1st injection of penicillin-streptomycin in cattle. Immediately following intramuscular injection of a Holstein-Friesian cow with penicillin-streptomycin, the cow showed abnormal clinical signs that included respiratory distress, urticaria, and lacrimation. Recovery took approximately 2 h after intramuscular injection of dexamethasone. This report presents clinical findings recorded 20 and 40 h later.  相似文献   

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