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We measured the concentrations of S-100B, a marker protein used in humans to detect brain damage, in the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of clinically normal cattle (n=15, mean age +/- SD: 31.8 +/- 37.5 months) and of cattle with various inflammatory disorders (n=43, 70.6 +/- 31.9 months). The mean +/- SD CSF S-100B level was 2.9 +/- 1.6 ng/ml in the normal group and 7.0 +/- 7.4 ng/ml in the diseased group. Thirteen diseased cattle that had developed no obvious neurological signs showed abnormally high S-100B concentrations (> 8.0 ng/ml), whereas the two cattle with neurological disorders did not. No particular disease could be related to the S-100B rise. Therefore, it remains inconclusive whether measurement of CSF S-100B concentration is useful in veterinary neurological diagnosis.  相似文献   

Cattle encounter numerous stressors during movement to feedlot or pastures for growing and finishing. Of utmost importance are diets that will be consumed and furnish the essential nutrients. Different diets and management systems may be required for different groups of cattle, and in this article, some nutrient requirements for these different groups are discussed.  相似文献   

Isoamylases in normal canine sera were separated on cellulose acetate membranes using a discontinuous buffer system without EDTA. Four peaks of amylase activity were present in 17 of 24 sera. Normal values were established. The majority of activity was present in Peak 4 (cathodal isoamylase). Tissue extracts of pancreas, duodenum, kidney, lung, testis, spleen and uterus-ovaries contained Peak 4 isoamylase. Liver and salivary gland lacked all isoamylase activity. Pancreas contained Peak 3 in addition to Peak 4 isoamylase. A tissue origin for Peaks 1 and 2 was not identified. An overall lack of resolution resulted from the inclusion of EDTA in the electrophoresis buffer system. This may account for previous findings suggesting that pancreatic amylase is not present in normal canine serum. An increase in the Peak 3 isoamylase was present in dogs with pancreatitis while dogs with pancreatic atrophy had a decrease in all isoamylases. Total amylase activity was significantly (p < 0.05) decreased in dogs with pancreatic atrophy.  相似文献   

Serum immunoglobulin A concentrations in normal and diseased dogs   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The normal level of serum IgA in Western Australian dogs was defined by single radial immunodiffusion using sera from 100 healthy randomly selected adult crossbred animals. Serum IgA values of 185 animals from six breeds were also determined. The mean and variance of serum IgA of these groups were similar to the crossbred dogs with the exception of German shepherd dogs where these values were statistically greater. In addition, 210 dogs with a range of chronic diseases (autoimmune, hypersensitivity, pyoderma, neoplasia, demodecosis, disseminated aspergillosis) were assayed and low values recorded in five cases. In all disease groups the mean serum IgA value was significantly greater than in the crossbred group and the variance significantly greater in most of these groups. The German shepherd group were the only normal dogs with a mean and variance similar to those of the clinical series suggesting that this breed may have a primary defect in IgA metabolism.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to characterize otic fungal flora encountered in normal dogs, atopic dogs with no clinical or cytological evidence of otitis and dogs with otitis externa. Forty‐two normal dogs, 23 atopic dogs and 32 dogs with otitis were included in the study. Samples for otic fungal culture and cytology were obtained from all animals, for a total of 194 ears. Sixty‐seven ear samples (34%) were culture positive for saprophytic fungal organisms, as follows: 43 (64%) Penicillium species, 13 (19%) Aspergillus species and the remaining 17% comprised of various other saprophytic fungal organisms. Cytological evidence of saprophytic fungal colonization or infection was not found in any animal. There was no relationship between positive saprophytic fungal culture and any study group. Thirty‐three ear samples (17%) were positive for Malassezia pachydermatis. Cytological findings of Malassezia were significantly associated with positive culture for Malassezia (P = 0.006 left ear; P = 0.019 right ear). Furthermore, increased numbers of Malassezia led to a higher chance of positive culture (P = 0.003 left ear; P = 0.008 right ear; McNemar’s test). Malassezia pachydermatis was more likely to be cultured from ears with increased cerumen. Ear type (erect or pendulous) was not significantly associated with positive culture for Malassezia or saprophytic fungal organisms. There was no relationship between positive Malassezia culture and any study group; however, Malassezia was more likely to be cultured from individual dogs in the atopic or otitis groups that also had other dermatological signs consistent with allergic dermatitis and/or pyoderma (P = 0.031 left ear; P = 0.005 right ear).  相似文献   

Summary A survey of sarcosporidiosis made in healthy cattle slaughtered at Omdurman Central Abattoir gave an infestation rate of 98 per cent. Transmission of sarcocysts from cattle to mice was accomplished thus confirming the absence of host specificity.  相似文献   

The optimum conditions for handling and storage of canine sera for total hemolytic complement assays were assessed. Sera from 113 normal dogs and 217 clinical admissions to the University of Pennsylvania Veterinary Hospital were assayed for total hemolytic complement levels. Normal sera had a mean value of 185 CH50 units. Sera from animals with systemic lupus erythematosus and hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, had significantly lower mean levels of complement than the normal group. Sera from dogs with generalized demodectic mange, tumors, various inflammatory diseases, hypothyroidism, seborrhea, and rheumatoid arthritis had values significantly higher than the normal population.  相似文献   

A study of "white spotted kidneys" in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A study was performed at an abattoir in Australia, in an attempt to correlate focal chronic interstitial nephritis (FCIN) producing the so-called "white spotted kidney", with Leptospira spp. and other pathogens in cattle. Samples of kidneys, urine and blood were collected immediately after slaughter from 46 two-year-old heifers, and 72 cows and bulls with gross lesions consistent with FCIN. The same samples were also collected from nine heifers and 12 cows with no gross kidney lesions. Aqueous humour was also collected from the eye of 17 of the adult animals. The sera were processed by a microscopic agglutination test for leptospira antibodies, while all the other samples were cultured for Leptospira spp. and also processed for routine aerobic and anaerobic culture for other pathogens. Sub-samples from all the kidneys were fixed in 10% buffered formalin and processed histologically. Antibody titers of 1:400 or higher for Lepstospira borgpeterseni serovar hardjo were found in six adult animals with FCIN and in one adult animal with no gross kidney changes, while antibody titers of 1:400 to L. borgpeterseni serovar tarassovi were found in only one animal with FCIN. L. borgpeterseni serovar hardjo was isolated from the urine and kidney of one adult animal and from the urine of another adult animal, both with FCIN. No pathogens were isolated from any of the other samples. The histological lesions were consistent in most cases with FCIN. The results suggest that neither Leptospira spp. nor active infection by other bacteria are associated with the so-called "white spotted kidneys".  相似文献   

We have previously documented ocular abnormalities in farmed halibut and reported that the production of gas-filled posterior segment cysts appears to be central in the pathogenesis of many, if not all of the signs in these eyes. In a number of fish, gas bubbles may be seen in the anterior chamber of the eye, especially after trauma or strenuous exertion associated with handling. A knowledge of the composition of this gas is important in understanding fully the mechanism of gas and cyst production. Here we report investigations into the composition of gas in the globes of normal fish, fish in which intraocular cysts have been documented previously by ultrasonography and fish where post-mortem examination demonstrated both gas- and fluid-filled choroidal cysts. High levels of oxygen were demonstrated in samples of aqueous from all fish but fish with affected eyes had a statistically significantly higher partial pressure of oxygen than did fish with normal eyes.  相似文献   

Summary The prevalence of caprine pneumonia in Nigeria is high during the rainy and “harmattan” seasons. In this investigation the important bacteria isolated both from normal and diseased respiratory tracts of goats were pasteurellae and mycoplasmata.
Resumen La prevalencia de la neumonía caprina en Nigeria es alta durante las estaciones lluviosas y “harmatten”. En esta investigación las bacterias importantes aisladas de tractos respiratorios de cabras normales y enfermas fueron pasteurellae y micoplasmata.

Résumé L'incidence de la pneumonie caprine au Nigeria est forte durant la saison des pluies et celle du “harmattan”. Dans cette étude, les bactéries importantes isolées dans les voies respiratoires saines et atteintes des chèvres sont des pasteurelles et des mycoplasmes.

Four hundred and eighty bovine kidneys were collected from an abattoir near Harare between December 1987 and November 1988, and leptospires were recovered from 50 (10.4 per cent) of them. The isolates were identified to serogroup level by the microscopic agglutination test; 32 belonged to serogroup Sejroe, seven were Pyogenes, four Hebdomadis, two Tarassovi, and one isolate each belonged to serogroups Australis, Bataviae, Grippotyphosa, Icterohaemorrhagiae and Pomona.  相似文献   

Isolation of leptospires from nephritic kidneys of beef cattle at slaughter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Of 955 beef cattle slaughtered at an abattoir in Quebec from May to August 1985, 122 (13%) had lesions of focal interstitial nephritis. Nephritic kidneys were collected for leptospiral culture, and matching blood samples were examined serologically. Leptospires were isolated from the kidneys of 35 (29%) cattle. Antibodies to Leptospira interrogans serovar hardjo were found in 29 (24%) cattle and to pomona in 13 (10%).  相似文献   

1. The pharmacokinetic and residue elimination patterns of sulphachloropyridazine appear to be modified by disease, even without affecting key organs essential for drug metabolism. 2. Drug kinetics and residue elimination data of a sulphachloropyridazine-trimethoprim preparation were compared using infectious coryza-affected (IC) fowl and healthy chickens. 3. The plasma concentrations of sulphachloropyridazine and trimethoprim were higher in affected animals, hence a reduced volume of distribution was obtained. 4. The half-life of sulphachloropyridazine and trimethoprim was reduced in IC-affected fowl and body clearance values were decreased. 5. The rate of drug residue elimination was noticeably slower in the IC-affected group. 6. These results indicate that drug elimination patterns in healthy and diseased animals are not the same.  相似文献   

Chemotherapy of renal leptospirosis in cattle   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Kidneys from 117 cattle from 110 Ontario farms were examined at slaughter for leptospires. Leptospira hardjo (hardjo-bovis A) was isolated from 11 kidneys and L. kennewicki from one. The isolations were all made (12/89, 13.5%) from beef cattle from feedlots, no isolates being obtained from dairy or beef cattle from extensive farms (0/28). Isolations were only made from cattle with antibody titers (greater than or equal to 20) against the serovars recovered. Isolation was more sensitive than immunofluorescence in identifying leptospira, particularly in animals with low antibody titers against L. hardjo. Leptospira were isolated from two kidneys with multiple gross lesions of focal nephritis, but there was no correlation between the presence of scanty kidney lesions and isolations of leptospira. Leptospira hardjo infection appears to be common in Ontario feedlot cattle.  相似文献   

Summary An examination of 519 cattle from 27 areas in the eastern and southern regions of Botswana was made to determine the haemoglobin concentration, packed cell volume, mean cell haemoglobin concentration, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and total and differential white cell count. The differences between the Tswana and Africander cattle in the country were not significant. Cattle in Botswana tend to have lower differential neutrophil counts and higher differential lymphocyte counts than values found by most other workers for cattle elsewhere.  相似文献   

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