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绵麦39是2005年通过四川省审定的小麦新品种,它对条锈病表现高抗且抗性稳定。为了解绵麦39抗条锈性的遗传基础,为其进行抗条锈性的多元化抗源聚合育种提供理论参考,特进行了此试验。试验选用7个抗病品种(系)和3个感病品种(系),分别与绵麦39组配成抗×抗、抗×感组合,将亲本、F1与F2代于成株期用条中32生理小种进行人工接种,统计F2群体抗感分离比例,进行遗传分析与等位性分析。结果表明,绵麦39对条锈菌条中32的成株期抗性受一对显性基因的控制;绵麦39对条中32的抗性来源于抗条锈病材料贵农21-1(含有条锈病抗性基因YrGn21)。抗性基因YrGn21与YrCH42、Yr26基因具有等位性关系,而与抗条锈病材料贵农19-4、辽春10号以及CIMMYT材料ox-ley、96EW39(SW2148)含有的条锈病抗性基因有差异。同时对各抗病品种(系)的抗条锈性进行了探讨。  相似文献   

2003-2006年对甘肃省及省外1 738份小麦品种资源进行抗条锈性分小种和混合菌接种及自然诱发抗性鉴定和监测.结果表明,对目前流行的条锈菌优势生理小种成株期表现抗病的有244份,占总鉴定材料14.0%,其中免疫近免疫品种171份,占70.1%,中抗至高抗品种73份,占29.9%.结合农艺性状和田间抗条锈病表现,筛选出了一批可供育种利用的抗源材料.  相似文献   

小麦条锈病是由条锈病菌(Puccinia striiformis f.sp tritici)侵染引起的气传性叶部真菌病害,是影响中国小麦生产安全的最重要病害之一,增加抗病基因多元化并积极推广利用抗病品种是控制小麦条锈病最为经济有效的方法.中国小麦农家品种具有丰富的遗传多样性,其中可能蕴含着丰富的抗条锈基因.对收集于小麦条锈病主要流行区的684份农家品种采用田间成株期、温室内苗期抗性鉴定以及潜育期变温处理等方法进行抗条锈性鉴定.结果表明:在684份农家品种中获得只包含主效抗病基因且对当前主要流行小种反应型为中抗至免疫159份材料,其中117份为成株抗性材料,42份为全生育期抗性材料,所获得的抗性品种占所鉴定品种的23.8%.  相似文献   

对甘肃省40个小麦品种(系)进行抗条锈性鉴定。结果表明:全生育期抗病的参试材料较少,在苗期感病的许多材料,在成株期抗病,并且反应型非常低,说明小麦不同生育阶段抗性存在差异;而且成株期绝大部分品种(系)的严重度、普遍率及病情指数均低于苗期。并针对本研究结果对今后品种抗条锈鉴定、抗锈育种及现有品种的生产应用所涉及的有关问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

近年来粟锈病发生严重,影响粟的产量和质量。1983—1985年对春谷839份和夏谷1021份,进行田间成株期及部分品种温室苗期抗锈性鉴定。结果是,春谷未出现高抗类型,中抗的仅有两个品种,占鉴定品种数0.24%;夏谷高抗锈病的品种18个,占鉴定品种数1.76%;中度抗病(2型)有33个品种,占鉴定品种数3.23%;并发现部分抗性品种36个,占鉴定品种数3.53%。  相似文献   

优质强筋小麦品种川麦36自育成以来对条锈病成株期抗性为高抗-免疫,是一份重要优质抗病资源。为研究川麦36抗条锈基因组成及遗传特点,本研究用条锈病条中30(CY30)、条中31(CY31)和条中32(CY32)混合菌种对抗感病双亲、F1、F2、BC1和BC2进行人工接种并做抗性遗传分析。根据F1及BC1、BC2的抗感反应确定抗性基因的显隐性,根据F2的抗感分离比例,经卡方测验确定抗性基因对数。结果表明,川麦36对条锈病条中30(CY30)、条中31(CY31)和条中32(CY32)混合菌种的成株期抗性是由1对显性基因控制。  相似文献   

小麦品种资源抗条锈性鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1986~1990年对甘肃3578份小麦品种资源抗条锈性分小种鉴定结果,冬麦区,陇南的品种抗条锈性明显好于陇东;春麦区,甘肃中部和临夏的品种优于河西。亲本以繁六、钱保德、水源11、抗引655、7084和柯斯的杂种后代抗条锈性强;洛夫林10号、13号、牛朱特和山前等“洛类”品种的杂种后代多数感染条中29号小种,国内各省品种的抗锈性,西部品种的抗性比东部好;国外材料表现免疫至高抗的有Aminda、Ibeech等。  相似文献   

高温抗条锈性小麦品种的筛选和鉴定   总被引:13,自引:2,他引:13  
高温抗条锈性是在相对高温下表达的一种低反应型抗病性.首次在中国西北地区东部小麦品种资源中发现了28个具有高温抗条锈性的冬小麦品种.其中16个为农家品种,12个为改良品种.这些品种分属全生育期高温抗锈、苗期高温抗锈和成株高温抗锈3种类型.讨论了高温抗条锈品种的特点和应用潜力.  相似文献   

4个小麦农家品种对条锈菌成株抗性遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦条锈病是影响中国小麦生产安全的最重要病害之一,由于小麦条锈菌新小种不断产生并流行,使生产中已推广应用的品种变为感病品种而被淘汰,给小麦抗病育种工作造成很大的压力。中国小麦农家品种具有丰富的遗传多样性,包括成株抗条锈病基因。成株抗性作为持久抗性重要组成部分,加强对成株抗性的利用,对培育持久抗性或非小种特异抗性品种至关重要。成株抗性遗传分析能为成株抗病基因的分子标记筛选及其转育利用奠定基础。通过对4个成株抗性农家品种与感病品种Taichung29杂交,构建F2遗传群体,并用小种CRY32在田间进行接种鉴定,分析其抗病基因的组成及遗传特点。结果表明:3个农家品种换香头(3)、白麦(1-3)和白麦(2-1)成株抗性均为单个隐性遗传基因控制,另1个品种红茧儿麦成株抗性由1对显性基因和2对隐性基因互补作用控制。在所分析的4个成株抗性品种中,其抗条锈性多数受隐性遗传基因控制。隐性遗传方式可能对小麦抗条锈病性持久化具有重要意义,也是维持其抗性较稳定的一种重要机制。  相似文献   

四川小麦品种绵阳351-15产量高、品质好,且高抗小麦条锈和叶锈病,本研究对绵阳351-15/郑州5389的重组自交系(RIL)群体中的成株抗锈QTL进行了分子定位,首次明确了绵阳351-15中含有的一个成株抗锈病位点—Yr17/Lr37,开发了与之紧密连锁的分子标记。  相似文献   

CIMMYT小麦PBW343和Muu中条锈和叶锈成株抗性QTL分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为发掘CIMMYT小麦品种PBW343和Muu中条锈和叶锈成株抗性基因,以PBW343与Muu杂交的146个F6代重组自交系为材料,种植于田间调查鉴定,并利用31个SSR标记、16个EST标记和502个DArT(Di-versity Arrays Technology)标记构建连锁图,采用复合区间作图法进行小麦条锈病和叶锈病的成株抗性QTL分析,发现了2个控制小麦抗条锈病和1个控制小麦抗叶锈病的QTL,分别位于2AL、2BL和5BL上,解释8.89%,10.81%和12.82%的表型变异,3个QTL均来自小麦品种Muu。这2个小麦抗条锈QTL和1个抗叶锈QTL的发掘,将为小麦抗病育种提供理论和技术支持。  相似文献   

四川省22 个小麦品种田间抗条锈病鉴定及聚类分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用2010—2017年四川省农作物品种审定的22个四川地区栽培的小麦品种,对其抗条锈病能力进行鉴定并筛选出高抗品种,然后设置自然诱发产生条锈病的大田鉴定试验。对小麦生育期抗条锈病能力的鉴定结果包括反应型、病叶率和病情指数进行相关性分析,结果成显著正相关。针对反应型、病叶率和病情指数进行聚类分析。综合分析结果将22个小麦品种分为三大类,6个品种为高抗条锈病,7个品种为中抗条锈病,9个品种为中感条锈病,其中高抗品种为资阳1号、国豪麦15、绵麦1501、西科麦7号、西科麦10号和川育24号。结果表明,由于CYR34的出现使得部分新培育的小麦品种快速丧失抗病性。  相似文献   

小麦条锈病和白粉病成株抗性研究进展与展望   总被引:13,自引:4,他引:9  
 利用成株抗性是小麦抗病育种的重要方向,本文综述了小麦条锈病和白粉病成株抗性鉴定方法、基因定位和克隆及其在育种中的应用。将报道的72个条锈病成株抗性数量性状遗传位点(quantitative trait loci,QTL)和82个白粉病成株抗性QTL整合到一张连锁图谱上,控制2种病害的基因簇(≥5个QTL)有8个,其中位于7DS的Yr18/Lr34/Pm38和1BS的Yr29/Lr46/Pm39对条锈病、叶锈病和白粉病均表现成株抗性,位于4DL的Yr46/Lr67位点可能也对白粉病表现成株抗性,Yr18/Lr34/Pm38和Yr36已被克隆,Yr29/Lr46/Pm39的克隆已取得良好进展,为培育兼抗和成株抗性相结合的品种提供了可用基因。总结了成株抗性在中国小麦育种中的应用现状,并用实例证实了培育成株抗性品种的可行性,建议对兼抗条锈病和白粉病成株抗性的咸农4号和小偃6号等进行遗传分析,育种工作者和品种审定部门需要转变观念,将成株抗性利用作为国内条锈病和白粉病抗性育种的重要内容。  相似文献   

对川麦44的产量、品质表现、蛋白质亚基的组成和抗病性进行了分析。结果表明川麦44具有优质强筋、高产、抗病性好,分蘖力强,成穗率高,矮杆,早熟、产量构成因素良好的特点,是适应四川省各生态麦区种植的优质小麦;川麦44的亚基组成为1,7 8,5 10,按Payne标准评分为10。对四川省优质小麦的育种和发展进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Stripe rust is a continuous threat to wheat crop all over the world. It causes considerable yield losses in wheat crop every year. Continuous deployment of adult plant resistance(APR) genes in newly developing wheat cultivars is the most judicious strategy to combat this disease. Herein, we dissected the genetics underpinning stripe rust resistance in Pakistani wheat germplasm. An association panel of 94 spring wheat genotypes was phenotyped for two years to score the infestation of stripe rust on each accession and was scanned with 203 polymorphic SSRs. Based on D' measure, linkage disequilibrium(LD) exhibited between loci distant up to 45 c M. Marker-trait associations(MTAs) were determined using mixed linear model(MLM). Total 31 quantitative trait loci(QTLs) were observed on all 21 wheat chromosomes. Twelve QTLs were newly discovered as well as 19 QTLs and 35 previously reported Yr genes were validated in Pakistani wheat germplasm. The major QTLs were QYr.uaf.2 AL and QYr.uaf.3 BS(PVE, 11.9%). Dissection of genes from the newly observed QTLs can provide new APR genes to improve genetic resources for APR resistance in wheat crop.  相似文献   

Components of resistance were investigated for five adult-plant resistant (APR) wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars at six growth stages and two temperatures in the greenhouse, and disease progress in a field trial. Chinese cultivar Chuanyu 12displayed high to intermediate infection type (IT) in the greenhouse but was highly resistant in the field. Weebill showed an intermediate IT in the greenhouse and also in the field. Chpaio, Tukuru and Saar, known to carry combinations of Yr18and 2-3 additional minor genes, were highly resistant in both experiments. Greenhouse experiments indicated that the lower IT of APR cultivars initiated at tillering stage. Latent periods (LP) for APR cultivars were generally longer as the growth stage progressed. We conclude that APR to stripe rust can be best characterized in field trials although significant correlations are seen between field severity and IT and LP measured in the greenhouse.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a devastating wheat disease worldwide. The Chinese wheat cultivar Chuanmai 32 has shown stable resistance to stripe rust for 10 yr in Sichuan Province, a hotspot for stripe rust epidemics. The objective of the present study was to map quantitative trait loci (QTL) for adult-plant resistance (APR) to stripe rust in a population of 140 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from Chuanmai 32/Chuanyu 12. Field trials were conducted in Chengdu and Yaan, Sichuan, from 2005 to 2008, providing stripe rust reaction data for 6 environments. 797 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers were screened for association with stripe rust reaction, initially through bulked segregant analysis (BSA). Based on the mean disease values averaged across environments, the broad-sense heritability of maximum disease severity (MDS) was 0.75. Two QTLs for stripe rust resistance were detected by composite interval mapping (CIM). They were designated QYr.caas-3BL and QYr.caas-3BS and explained from 6.6 to 20.1%, respectively, of the phenotypic variance across environments. QYr.caas-3BL came from Chuanmai 32; QYr.caas-3BS with lower effect was from the susceptible parent Chuanyu 12. Both QTLs appear to be new.  相似文献   

Stripe rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici, is a serious disease in bread wheat(Triticum aestivum L.). Identification and use of adult plant resistance(APR) resources are important for stripe rust resistance breeding. Bread wheat line C33 is an exotic germplasm that has shown stable APR to stripe rust for more than 10 years in Sichuan Province of China. Here, 183 recombinant inbred lines(RILs) derived from the cross between C33 and a susceptible line X440 were genotyped with diversity arrays technology(DArT) markers to identify resistance quantitative trait locus(QTL). Field trials were conducted in five years at Chengdu and Xindu of Sichuan Province, using maximum disease severity(MDS) as stripe rust reaction phenotypes. A total of four quantitative trait loci(QTLs) were detected, respectively designed as QYr.saas-3 AS, QYr.saas-5 AL, QYr.saas-5 BL, and QYr.saas-7 DS, explaining 4.14–15.21% of the phenotypic variances. QYr.saas-5 BL and QYr.saas-7 DS were contributed by C33. However, the level for stripe rust resistance contributed by them was not strong as C33, suggesting the presence of other unidentified QTLs in C33. QYr.saas-7 DS corresponded to Yr18 and QYr.saas-5 BL remains to be formally named. The RIL lines carrying combinations QYr.saas-5 AL, QYr.saas-5 BL, and QYr.saas-7 DS showed comparability resistance with C33. The present study provides resources to pyramid diverse genes into locally adapted elite germplasm to improve the stripe rust resistance of bread wheat.  相似文献   

小麦品种成株期抗条锈性表达生育期的研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
 对5个携带不同成株期抗性的小麦品种在温室和田间成株期抗病性的研究表明,Chuanyu 12在温室条件下表现感病到中度感病,而在田间表现抗病;携带慢锈性抗性的品种Weebill在温室和田间都表现中度抗病;携带Yr18和2~3个微效抗性基因的品种Chpaio, Tukuru 和 Saar,在温室和田间都表现高度抗病。在温室条件下,对在不同生育期5个抗病品种的反应型和潜育期的研究表明,反应型在分蘖期开始降低,而潜育期随着生育期的发展表现延长。虽然田间严重度和温室反应型、潜育期之间有良好的相关性,成株期抗性的鉴定仍最好在田间进行。  相似文献   

Wheat rusts continue to cause significant losses worldwide despite major efforts given to their genetic control. This is due to frequent evolution and selection of virulence in pathogen overcoming the deployed race-specific resistance genes. Although the life of effective race-specific resistance genes can be prolonged by using gene combinations, an alternative approach being implemented at CIMMYT is to deploy varieties that posses adult plant resistance (APR) based on combinations of minor, slow rusting genes. When present alone, the APR genes do not confer adequate resistance especially under high disease pressure; however, combinations of 4 or 5 minor genes usually result in "near-immunity" or a high level of resistance. Although only a few APR genes are catalogued, various APR QTLs are now known and could lead to further characterization of additional genes. Four characterized genes have pleiotropic effects in conferring partial APR to all 3 rusts and powdery mildew, thus simplifying the task of breeding wheat varieties that are resistant to multiple diseases. Significant progress was made recently in developing high-yielding wheat germplasm that possesses high levels of APR to all three rusts by implementing a Mexico- Kenya shuttle breeding scheme. Parents with APR to Ug99 were hybridized with high-yielding parents that had adequate to high levels of APR to leaf rust and yellow rust. Segregating populations and advanced lines from these crosses were selected under high rust pressures in Mexico (leaf rust and yellow rust) and Kenya (Ug99 stem rust and yellow rust) to identify high- yielding progenies that possess high to adequate APR to all three rusts. International distribution of these high-yielding wheats is underway through CIMMYT intemational yield trials and screening nurseries. It is expected that several wheat varieties with APR to three rusts will be released and grown in various countries in the near-future that will allow determining the durability of resistance.  相似文献   

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