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国有林场采伐迹地更新造林,关系着国有森林资源储备的增长和资源质量。经过深入的研究和探索,通辽市对采伐迹地更新造林的经营管理方式进行了改革。通过招商引资、职工承包、合作造林、转让等方式,大大提高了各方面造林的积极性。形成了多元化、多种资金投入的营林体系,在保证更新造林质量的同时,林下经济得到长足发展。在改革采伐迹地更新造林经营管理方式的同时,通辽市林业局出台了新的国有林场森林采伐管理办法,即:采伐作业设计的编制、初审和批复,办理采伐证,分块管理,各负其责。采伐迹地更新造林经营管理方式和采伐管理办法的改革,已初见成效,得到上级部门的充分肯定。  相似文献   

姜丽 《绿色科技》2014,(4):100-102
指出了通过对直干桉人工林采伐迹地清理和采伐剩余物的分类利用,可以提高采伐剩余物的综合利用率,为日后采伐迹地更新造林创造有利条件。从直干桉种子的采集、贮藏、整地、育苗、移植、水肥管理,出圊造林、抚育管理、病虫害防治等分别简述了各项更新造林技术措施。  相似文献   

利用伐根更新是林业可持续发展的有效途径   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
造林地和农田林网的成龄树采伐后,大量的树根留在造林地,给重新造林带来了很大的困难,同时,采伐迹地不能及时更新将很快使迹地条件恶化。因此,利用伐根更新既可以提高更新造林的速度又提高林地的生产力,是林业可持续发展的一条有效途径。进行伐根更新利用的主要途径...  相似文献   

为确保林地资源的可持续利用,保持生态平衡和物种多样性,以缩减桉树人工林的占比、提高森林生态功能为目标,平和县从政策上引导桉树经营业主在桉树采伐后的更新造林中去桉树、营造乡土阔叶树或针阔混交林。文章在近自然经营理念的基础上,通过营造林技术影响和林间植被生长状况调查,对桉树采伐迹地炼山造林不炼山造林两种更新造林模式在生态恢复方面的效果进行了比较分析,以期为桉树采伐迹地更新造林提供参考。  相似文献   

通过对鲁朗林区采伐迹地引种云杉人工更新的调查结果表明,该林区引种云杉进行迹地更新现阶段生长良好,为适地适树引种造林提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

张文鸿 《绿色科技》2015,(2):169-170
在杉木采伐迹地上进行了造林试验,结果表明:在杉木采伐迹地上种植南酸枣,造林成活率为97%,3年保存率为94%,3年树高达6.2m,胸径达7.2cm,生长良好,无病虫害,南酸枣可作为杉木采伐迹地更新的速生树种加以推广。  相似文献   

育林费是国家从采伐部门征收来用以抵偿营林费用和更新采伐迹地等费用,以保证不断扩大森林资源再生产的。每年从采伐木材中征收的育林费总额,应该相当于森林经营支出的总额(其中包括护林防火、森林保护、森林经理、采伐迹地更新、宜林地造林、森林抚育、  相似文献   

方军 《安徽林业》2010,(1):51-51
杉木是我国南方重要的用材树种之一,由于其萌生能力强,其采伐迹地更新时的树种选择成了当前林业生产上的主要任务之一。在杉木采伐迹地栽植南酸枣形成针阔混交林是戴公山林场在杉木采伐迹地更新造林树种选择的实践中进行的尝试。  相似文献   

瓦山水胡桃(Pterocaryainsignis)又名华西枫杨,系胡桃科枫杨属的高大乔木,性喜温暖低湿环境,稍耐阴。在秦岭林区自然分布于海拔750~2000m的河谷两侧,尤以1200~1600m之间生长最佳,为该区速生用材树种之一[1],也是采伐迹地、火烧迹地的更新先锋树种。为了加快采伐迹地人工更新的步伐,使其尽快成林,我们从1989年开始进行瓦山水胡桃的育苗、造林试验工作。先后育苗4hm2,造林10.5hm2。现将有苗造林技术介绍如下。1育苗技术1.三困地选择圃地位于秦岭南坡中部的宁西林业局马家坪林场、菜子评林场、板房沟林场的河旁。海拔高1350…  相似文献   

林业站的造林管理无林或原来不属于林业用地的土地上用人工种植的方法造林,称为人工造林。在原来生长森林的迹地(采伐迹地,火烧迹地等)上用人工种植的方法造林,称为人工更新。二者都属于造林的范畴。它们之间并没有本质上的差别。用人工种植的方法培育的森林称为人工...  相似文献   

阔叶林不同采育方式生态经济效益的试验研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文通过对阔叶林三种不同采育方式定性分析与定量研究,在符合林业可持续发展的基础上得到初步结论:采用皆伐后不炼山,人工促进天然更新所获得的生态经济效益最好,这为今后溪口林业采育场的阔叶林采伐更新提供了科学依据、对南方集体林区类似条件的经营单位提供了参考。  相似文献   


The success of natural regeneration on patch clear-cuts in Norway spruce stands in Southern Finland was examined in terms of stocking and tree height. The experiment was established in mature spruce stands in the submesic Myrtillus (MT) site type. In each of the eight study sites, three plots were treated with clear-cutting and planting, clear-cutting with partial tree retention and planting, and patch clear-cutting without site preparation, respectively. In three of the study sites, one plot with patch clear-cutting and site preparation was established. Each plot was 1 ha, out of which three patches of 40×40 m were clear-cut in the patch treatments. 10–11 years after cutting, the patches had on average 1316 crop trees ha–1, of which 91% were spruces. Some 27% of the stands were up to the target stocking level (≥1600 ha?1), and 36% were at least satisfactory (≥1300 ha?1). Site preparation did not yield greater stocking levels on patches, but that result is ambiguous due to a difference in initial stocking. The average spruce tree height in the patches (0.76 m) was much smaller than in the case of clear-cutting and planting (2.42 m). In conclusion, the patches had been restocked tolerably well with spruce and birch for practical purposes during the 10- to 11-year period, but the regeneration process had been very slow compared to clear-cutting and planting.  相似文献   

Natural spruce-fir mixed stand is one of the main forest types in the world,and also has huge ecological,economic and social benefits.According to the structural characteristics and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,it is urgent and significant to develop scientific management measures for natural spruce-fir mixed stand in line with local conditions.The article outlined the characteristics of the distribution and structure, regeneration and succession laws of natural spruce-fir forest,and analyzed the current situation and existing problems of natural spruce-fir forest management.The following recommendations were eventually made:1) In no cutting area,all logging activities should be banned.In a restricted cutting area,the cutting intensity should be generally controlled within 15%of the stock volume before cutting.On the commodity forest management area, the appropriate cutting intensity should be determined according to the volume per hectare,determine and classification management should be implemented in accordance with the characteristics of forest,to ensure the scientific selective cutting.2) Closure for afforestation,planting and repair planting should be adopted on vegetation-intensive land,sparse shrubs covered land and harvesting slash,in order to accelerate natural regeneration.3) The in situ conservation should be conducted in nature reserves and scientific experiment stations of rare and endangered species,such as Abies chensiensis,Picea neoveitchii,Abies vuanbaoshanensis,to reduce human destruction.4) It is supposed to collect seeds in time,establish nursery,actively establish forest, expand artificial population and promote natural regeneration.  相似文献   

天然云冷杉林是世界主要森林类型之一, 具有重要的生态、经济和社会效益。探明天然云冷杉林结构特点和演替规律, 制定科学的经营管理措施, 因地制宜地合理经营云冷杉林意义深远而迫切。文中概述了我国天然云冷杉林的分布、结构和更新演替特征, 分析了经营管理现状及存在的问题, 并提出建议:1)对禁伐区内的云冷杉林分, 坚决杜绝一切采伐活动; 对限伐区要严格控制采伐强度, 一般控制在伐前蓄积量的15%以内; 对商品林经营区可按每公顷蓄积量的大小确定适宜采伐强度, 并按照林分特点进行经营, 做到科学择伐。2)对林地草本植被密集、灌木覆盖度不大、采伐迹地上有种源条件的进行封育、栽植或补植, 人工促进天然更新。3)建立秦岭冷杉、大果青杄、元宝山冷杉等珍稀濒危物种自然保护区和科学试验站, 积极开展就地保护, 减少人为破坏。4)适时采种, 就地建立苗圃, 开展育苗造林, 扩大人工种群, 促进天然更新。  相似文献   

调查发现,临海市附近杉木大面积人工林采伐迹地更新后生长不良,其主要原因是连栽引起的地力衰退,造成土壤肥力下降及有害物质积累,为此,提出适当施肥、深挖抚育、及时除萌及营造混交林等措施,并对较差立地则进行树种更换。  相似文献   

章古台固沙林更新造林中天然更新的结合与利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
辽宁省章古台固沙林经过经营疏伐与块状采伐以后,通风透光条件改善,促进了天然下种更新。天然更新强度,在采伐迹地为690株·hm^-2,人工更新造林地为575株·hm^-2,油松和赤松林下松树为181株·hm^-2,其他树种295株·hm^-2。通过采取保护1年生樟子松幼树越冬,抚育油松、赤松幼树等措施,促进针叶树天然更新。在更新造林中,沙丘下部与丘间低地营造杨树,利用行间天然更新树木形成阔叶树混交林,沙丘中上部营造针叶树,利用行间天然更新灌木,形成乔灌混交林。  相似文献   

The effect of uncertainty on the cost-effectiveness of alternative chains of stand establishment in northern Finland was examined. The data were from a reforestation study of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) consisting of 288 sample plots, which were measured with respect to regeneration success. The study design included four site-preparation methods (patch scarification, ploughing, prescribed burning and disk trenching) combined with three reforestation methods (sowing, planting with containerized seedlings and planting with bare-rooted transplants). Initial reforestation density was 2,500 spots or seedlings per hectare, and the regeneration success was modeled as probability with two thresholds, namely 500 and 1,100 saplings. On formerly spruce-dominated as well as pine-dominated sites the most cost-effective chain was ploughing and planting with containerized seedlings, when threshold was 1,100 saplings per hectare. However, with threshold of 500 saplings the best performer was ploughing and direct sowing on both sites.  相似文献   

通过对互花米草切割试验,以及在互花米草切割迹地上进行红树恢复试验研究,结果表明:切割对互花米草的萌生株数影响不明显;腋芽数随活根生物量的增加而增加;在互花米草迹地立地条件下造林,1年生木榄裸根苗比1年生的秋茄、桐花树裸根苗更适合;秋茄1年生裸根苗造林最适密度为100 cm×100 cm;秋茄胚轴造林最佳密度为50 cm×50 cm,其次为75 cm×75 cm。  相似文献   

以川中丘陵区"带状采伐+补阔"试验基地作为研究对象,调查其林下天然更新情况。结果表明:(1)采伐带、保留带天然更新的幼树幼苗明显高于对照样地(P<0.05)。10m、8 m、6 m、4m采伐带、保留带的天然更新幼树幼苗分别是对照的10.63倍、9.38倍、7.92倍、7.50倍和3.33倍、3.75倍、4.38倍、6.04倍。(2)采伐带、保留带、对照样地内的更新幼树幼苗的树高均显现为左偏单峰结构,且均以树高≤0.1m的幼苗数量最多。不同带宽采伐带和保留带内天然更新的幼树幼苗高度分级占比不尽相同。(3)所有处理下的天然更新的幼树幼苗均呈聚集状分布的状态,且聚集强度较大。(4)除柏木外,天然更新的树种种类多以香樟、香椿、乌桕等喜阳或半喜阳的为主。  相似文献   

不同经营措施条件下泡桐幼林抗冰灾能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Investigation was conducted to analyze the effect of management measures such as trunk cutting and fertilization on frost resistant capability of young paulownia (Paulownia sp. ) plantation which had been undergone heavy frost damage in early 2008 in southern China. Experimental sites were located in the Paulownia fortunei forest consisting of 2-poplar clonal plantations in Chaling County. Paulownia fortunei, treated by root planting, trunk cutting and fertilization was called 2B; the contrast was called 1B. The results showed that the tree height, DBH, height under branch and lateral branch diameter in 2B were, respectively, 19.19%, 11.36%, 180% and 13.8% higher than those in 1B. The number of lateral branches in 1B was 2.8 times that in 2B. The icicle pressure beared by 2B was only 60.21% of that in 1B. There was nearly no potential damage in the 9treatment plot with 98% of the plants in the freeze injury grade I. In contrast, 50% and 36% of the plants in the control plot were observed, respectively, in freeze injury grades II and Ⅲ. Based on the present investigation, it can to be concluded that the applied management measures are effective in enhancing the resistant capability of young poplar plantations to frost damage.  相似文献   

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