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美国农业部长安·维尼曼1月18日称,日本对从美国进口家禽实行90天禁令的做法是错误的,完全没有必要,这一禁令必须立即取消。据法新社报道,日本是家禽及其制品进口大国,每年从美国进口价值1700万美元的家禽肉和蛋。今年初,美国曾通知日本,在美国宾夕法尼亚的局部地区爆发了禽流感,1月12日,日本方面即决定,停止从美国进口家禽及其制品90天。维尼曼在给日本农水大臣武部勤的一封信中说:“我敦促日本方面立即取消这种不必要的限制措施。”她称该病只是在小范围地区内爆发,而且控制得很好,完全没有必要对整个美国都实…  相似文献   

美国上议院代表21人针对日本停止进口美产牛肉事宜,于7日前,向美通商代表部(USTR)提交对日经济制裁的申请书。该申请书针对日本食品安全委员会审议长期化的问题,严厉指出,这种方式拖延了恢复对日牛肉出口的时间,是不正当的贸易壁垒,给美国经济带来了严重损失。同时强调,自美牛肉业停止对日牛肉出口贸易后.每月的损失额高达1亿美元(约114亿日元),对此请求对进口日本产品采取同规模的经济制裁。  相似文献   

美国农业部公布了对2002年日本牲畜的展望报告,预计2002年日本市场继续受疯牛病的影响,牛肉进口将下降6%至91.4万吨。受日本市场需求疲软和澳大利亚牛肉的影响,2002年美国牛肉对日本的出口将下降8%。预计日本猪肉出口量将在2001年创记录的101万吨基础上有所下降。从2002年4月1日以后,日本猪肉进口明显增长,这有可能造成日本对进口猪肉安全的担忧,因此,美国鸡肉对日本的出口形势有可能得到改善。日本牛肉进口将下降$新华社  相似文献   

据美联社报道,日本政府发言人6月27日表示,最新确认的美国疯牛病病例将不会影响日本解除进口美国牛肉禁令的审议。日本实施该项禁令已达17个月之久。  相似文献   

日本畜牧业见闻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我于 2000年 6月 1日至 11月 30日在日本大阪研修畜牧业。通过这半年的研修学习使我对日本畜牧业发展的现状有了初步的了解,以下就简单介绍一下日本畜牧业的概况和本人的一些主观认识。1概述 日本是一个经济高度发展的工业化国家,其农业产值和农业人口所占的比率很低,农产品自给率也是所有发达国家中最低的,但是其产品已向质量型转变,产品附加值较高。在发展传统农业的同时日本非常注重环境保护和观光农业、生态农业的发展。从总体上看整个日本在规划上是成功的,非常合理。目前进入日本市场的农产品中,肉类主要来自美国和…  相似文献   

正在日本访问的美国贸易代表佐利克2月11日在东京同日本农林水产大臣龟井善之、外务大臣川口顺子、内阁官房长官福田康夫和经济产业大臣中川昭一分别举行会谈,希望说服日本恢复进口美国的牛肉和鸡肉。由于双方各持己见,最终未能达成一致。  相似文献   

据美国农业部2009年10月19日发表的声明称.该国明尼苏达州已有一头猪被证实感染了目前人际间流行的甲流病毒,这是美国首次发现猪感染这种病毒。在8月26日至9月1日举行的明尼苏达州商品展期间,部分参展的生猪对病毒测试呈阳性反应,美国国家兽医学实验所随后对这些生猪样品进行了进一步检测,目前仅证实有一头猪感染甲型H1N1流感病毒,对其他呈阳性反应生猪的检测仍在进行中。  相似文献   

据外电消息,日本的肉鸡进口结构发生了剧变,美国对日肉鸡出口量锐减,巴西和中国对日肉鸡出口迅速增加。去年,日本肉鸡进口量为26万吨,比前年增加33%。在总需求中,进口肉鸡所占比率17%,近10年内增加了3倍。其中美国居各国对日肉鸡出口量之首。约占总进口量的45%。  相似文献   

日本茧丝市场近况应日本国际贸易促进协会的邀请,由我公司和浙江花神丝绸集团公司、嘉兴市丝绸总公司、海宁市丝绸公司和德情丝厂组成的访日小组一行7人,于年初对日本进行了为期十天的蚕茧贸易业务洽谈和蚕桑、缫丝生产的考察。在日期间,我们访问了日本莱蒙、北西产业...  相似文献   

南京市:春节前活禽交易不解禁,香港春节期间将增加从内地进口活鸡数量,中土两国政府签署《动物检疫及动物卫生合作协定》,日本再次停止进口美国牛肉  相似文献   

In the meat industry, correct labeling of beef origins or breed is required to assure quality and safety. This paper describes the development of discrimination markers between Japanese domestic and imported beef from the United States (US) and Australia (AUS) based on a bovine 50K single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) array using a total of 110 samples: Japanese Black (n = 50), Japanese Holstein (n = 50) and US cattle (n = 10). Genotyping information revealed 1081 SNPs as candidate markers that were polymorphic only in US cattle. The genotyping results by PCR – restriction length polymorphism in Japanese Black (n = 300) and Holstein cattle (n = 146) revealed that 11 SNPs had alleles specific to US cattle. Their allelic frequencies in US cattle (n = 108) ranged from 0.097 to 0.250 with an average of 0.178 and the combined identification probability of US cattle was 0.987. In addition, we also verified the applicability of these US‐specific markers to AUS cattle. Their allelic frequencies in AUS cattle (n = 280) ranged from 0.063 to 0.224 with an average of 0.137 and the combined identification probability of AUS cattle was 0.963. In conclusion, a set of these markers could be useful for discriminating between Japanese domestic and imported beef and would contribute to identify origins and prevent falsified labeling of beef.  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate the mitochondrial genetic diversity and structure of Japanese Polled and Kuchinoshima feral cattle, which are maintained in small populations. We determined the mitochondrial DMA (mtDNA) displacement loop (D‐loop) sequences for both cattle populations and analyzed these in conjunction with previously published data from Northeast Asian cattle populations. Our findings showed that Japanese native cattle have a predominant, Asian‐specific mtDNA haplogroup T4 with high frequencies (0.43–0.81). This excluded Kuchinoshima cattle (32 animals), which had only one mtDNA haplotype belonging to the haplogroup T3. Japanese Polled showed relatively lower mtDNA diversity in the average sequence divergence (0.0020) than other Wagyu breeds (0.0036–0.0047). Japanese Polled have been maintained in a limited area of Yamaguchi, and the population size is now less than 200. Therefore, low mtDNA diversity in the Japanese Polled could be explained by the decreasing population size in the last three decades. We found low mtDNA diversity in both Japanese Polled and Kuchinoshima cattle. The genetic information obtained in this study will be useful for maintaining these populations and for understanding the origin of Japanese native cattle.  相似文献   

This study examined the difference in dog owning between Japan and the United States, and the effect of these differences on dogs’ behavioral characteristics. Behavioral evaluations of privately-owned dogs were obtained by using online questionnaire. We compared background and demographic information from the two countries and analyzed the effects of these differences on behavioral characteristics in dogs. The results indicated that there was a bias in the dog breeds kept in Japan compared to the United States and that Japanese dogs’ body weight was lower than the US dogs. The main source of dog acquisition was pet stores in Japan and breeders and/or shelters in the United States. Multiple linear regression analysis found that Japanese dogs showed more aggression to household members and higher energy, restlessness and fear of non-social stimuli than US dogs, while US dogs showed more fear of unfamiliar persons, separation-related behavior and excitability. US dogs also showed higher levels of trainability and attachment to owners. The lower dog’s body weight was, the higher the behavioral scores except for trainability were. When dogs that were obtained under 3 months of age were analyzed, the younger the dogs were when their owners obtained them, the higher the scores on some behavioral problem factors were. The higher rates of problem behaviors among Japanese dogs compared with US dogs suggest that the preference for small breed dogs and poor early development environment influenced the behavioral characteristics of dogs.  相似文献   

Established populations of Asian longhorned ticks (ALT), Haemaphysalis longicornis, were first identified in the United States (US) in 2017 by sequencing the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (cox1) ‘barcoding’ locus followed by morphological confirmation. Subsequent investigations detected ALT infestations in 12, mostly eastern, US states. To gain information on the origin and spread of US ALT, we (1) sequenced cox1 from ALT populations across 9 US states and (2) obtained cox1 sequences from potential source populations [China, Japan and Republic of Korea (ROK) as well as Australia, New Zealand and the Kingdom of Tonga (KOT)] both by sequencing and by downloading publicly available sequences in NCBI GenBank. Additionally, we conducted epidemiological investigations of properties near its initial detection locale in Hunterdon County, NJ, as well as a broader risk analysis for importation of ectoparasites into the area. In eastern Asian populations (China/Japan/ROK), we detected 35 cox1 haplotypes that neatly clustered into two clades with known bisexual versus parthenogenetic phenotypes. In Australia/New Zealand/KOT, we detected 10 cox1 haplotypes all falling within the parthenogenetic cluster. In the United States, we detected three differentially distributed cox1 haplotypes from the parthenogenetic cluster, supporting phenotypic evidence that US ALT are parthenogenetic. While none of the source populations examined had all three US cox1 haplotypes, a phylogeographic network analysis supports a northeast Asian source for the US populations. Within the United States, epidemiological investigations indicate ALT can be moved long distances by human transport of animals, such as horses and dogs, with smaller scale movements on wildlife. These results have relevant implications for efforts aimed at minimizing the spread of ALT in the United States and preventing additional exotic tick introductions.  相似文献   

日本的传统哲学和传统建筑中包含着深厚的共生理念和“禅”的哲学。二战以后,日本当代建筑师在融合了传统哲学和近现代西方哲学思想的基础上,以不同的方式拓展和表现了这种共生和禅意的生态思想,在当今建筑领域树立了日本建筑的独特风格。结合笔者对中国美术学院的认识,探讨禅意和共生理论。  相似文献   

Allele frequencies of 10 representative polymorphisms for beef and milk traits were investigated for a total of 240 animals from Bos taurus and Bos indicus breeds, including two Japanese groups (Japanese Black and Japanese Brown), two East Asian groups (Korean and Mongolian), three European groups (Holstein, Angus and Hereford) and a Bos indicus group in South Asia (Myanmar, Laos and Cambodia). The Japanese Black revealed unique genetic construction in GH, FASN and SREBP‐1 and the other Asian populations show intermediate frequencies between European and Japanese populations. The Bos indicus group showed low favorable allele frequencies in most of the genes. The study showed the variability and distribution of 10 genes affecting economic traits among world representative cattle breeds. The genetic information would contribute to elucidating the genetic background for worldwide cattle breeds and the possibility of improvement using the markers.  相似文献   

The objective of the present study was to define the secretion of prolactin (PRL) in pregnant African and Asian elephants. Levels of immunoreactive (ir-) PRL in serum and placental homogenates were measured by a heterologous radioimmunoassay (RIA) based on an ovine and human RIA system, and the localization of ir-PRL in the placenta was detected by immunohistochemistry using anti-human PRL. Circulating ir-PRL clearly showed a biphasic pattern during pregnancy in African and Asian elephants. Serum levels of ir-PRL started to increase from the 4 - 6th month of gestation and reached the first peak level around the 11-14th month. A second peak of circulating ir-PRL levels was observed around the 18-20th month of gestation followed by an abrupt decline after parturition. In contrast, in a case of abortion of an African elephant, the second peak of ir-PRL was not observed, and the levels remained low for about four months until parturition. The weight of the fetus delivered at the 17th month of gestation was 23.5 kg, which was quite small compared with normal fetuses in previous reports. Ir-PRL was detected in placental homogenates, and immunolocalization was observed in trophoblasts in both the African and Asian elephants, indicating that the placenta is the source of ir-PRL during pregnancy in elephants. The present results clearly demonstrated that circulating ir-PRL shows a biphasic pattern during normal pregnancy and that the placenta appears to be an important source of circulating ir-PRL during pregnancy in both African and Asian elephants.  相似文献   

In this study, we genotyped 117 autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms using a DigiTag2 assay to assess the genetic diversity, structure and relationships of 16 Eurasian cattle populations, including nine cattle breeds and seven native cattle. Phylogenetic and principal component analyses showed that Bos taurus and Bos indicus populations were clearly distinguished, whereas Japanese Shorthorn and Japanese Polled clustered with European populations. Furthermore, STRUCTURE analysis demonstrated the distinct separation between Bos taurus and Bos indicus (K=2), and between European and Asian populations (K=3). In addition, Japanese Holstein exhibited an admixture pattern with Asian and European cattle (K=3‐5). Mongolian (K=13‐16) and Japanese Black (K=14‐16) populations exhibited admixture patterns with different ancestries. Bos indicus populations exhibited a uniform genetic structure at K=2‐11, thereby suggesting that there are close genetic relationships among Bos indicus populations. However, the Bhutan and Bangladesh populations formed a cluster distinct from the other Bos indicus populations at K=12‐16. In conclusion, our study could sufficiently explain the genetic construction of Asian cattle populations, including: (i) the close genetic relationships among Bos indicus populations; (ii) the genetic influences of European breeds on Japanese breeds; (iii) the genetic admixture in Japanese Holstein, Mongolian and Japanese Black cattle; and (iv) the genetic subpopulations in Southeast Asia.  相似文献   

There is a tendency for students from different nationalities to remain within groups of similar cultural backgrounds. The study reported here used group project work to encourage integration and cooperative learning between Australian students and Asian (Southeast Asian) international students in the second year of a veterinary science program. The group project involved an oral presentation during a second-year course (Structure and Function), with group formation engineered to include very high, high, moderate, and low achievers (based on previous grades). One Asian student and three Australian students were placed in each group. Student perceptions of group dynamics were analyzed through a self-report survey completed at the end of the presentations and through group student interviews. Results from the survey were analyzed by chi-square to compare the responses between Asian and Australian students, with statistical significance accepted at p < 0.05. There were too few Asian students for statistical analysis from a single year; therefore, the results from two successive years, 2004 (N = 104; 26% Asian) and 2005 (N = 105; 20% Asian), were analyzed. All participating students indicated in the interviews that the project was worthwhile and a good learning experience. Asian students expressed a greater preference for working in a group than for working alone (p = 0.001) and reported more frequently than Australian students that teamwork produces better results (p = 0.01). Australian students were more likely than Asian students to voice their opinion in a team setting (p = 0.001), while Asian students were more likely to depend on the lecturer for directions (p = 0.001). The results also showed that group project work appeared to create an environment that supported learning and was a successful strategy to achieve acceptance of cultural differences.  相似文献   

抗日战争爆发以后,为了更好地进行抗战,大批东部人口向内地迁移。这些内迁移民具有非常浓厚的战时特点,从他们的籍贯构成、年龄构成、性别构成以及职业构成四个方面反映出抗日战争这个非常时期内迁移民的人口结构特点。  相似文献   

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