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挤奶是奶山羊生产中的一项重要技术。挤奶操作对奶山羊产奶量有直接的影响。挤奶方法有机器挤奶和手工挤奶两种,一般多采用手工挤奶。笔者经多年实践,总结如下经验,供参考。1准备工作 奶山羊在产羔后应将其乳房周围的毛剪去,挤奶员剪短指甲,清洗手臂,放好奶桶,引导奶山羊上挤奶台。初调教时,台上的小槽内要添上精料,经数次训练后,每到挤奶时间,只要呼喊羊号,奶羊会自动跑出来跳上挤奶台。奶山羊上挤奶台后,先用40~50℃的湿热毛巾擦洗乳房和乳头,再用干毛巾擦干,然后按摩乳房。按摩方法是两手托住乳房,先左右对揉,后由上而下按摩,动作要轻快柔和,每次按摩轻揉3-4回即可。  相似文献   

1挤奶 奶的分泌是一个连续过程,良好的挤奶习惯,会提高乳的产量和质量,降低乳房炎的发病率,延长奶山羊的利用年限。在大型奶山羊场,为了节省劳力,提高工作效率,主要采用机械化挤奶。机器挤奶是促进奶山羊生产向规模化、产业化方向发展的一个重要方面。机器挤奶的要求为有宽敞、清洁、干燥的羊舍和铺有干净褥草的羊床,以保护乳房而获得优质的羊奶;有专门的挤奶间(内设挤奶台、真空系统和挤奶器等)、贮奶间(内装冷却罐)及清洁无菌的挤奶用具;按适当的挤奶程序定时挤奶,羊只进入清洁而宁静的挤奶台,冲洗并擦干乳房,乳汁检查,戴好挤奶杯并开始挤奶,按摩乳房并给集乳器上施加一些张力,促使乳房萎缩,奶流停止时轻巧而迅速地取掉乳杯,用消毒液浸泡乳头,放出挤完奶的羊只,清洗用具及挤奶间。经常保持挤乳系统的卫生,坚持挤乳系统的检查与维修。  相似文献   

云南圭山山脉一带的石林县、陆良县、泸西县是奶山羊的主产区,奶山羊及羊奶制成的乳饼是传统的民族食品之一,养羊挤奶、制作乳饼,在云南具有百年以上的历史.奶源是制作乳饼的基础原料,云南奶山羊饲养分散且规模较小,现阶段要建立规模化养殖小区,难度较大.以奶山羊养殖专业合作社、机器挤奶辐射范围建立示范村,可解决小生产与大市场的对接.针对云南高原地区的气候特点和奶山羊产业技术难点,围绕制约产业发展的关键技术开展研究和示范推广,建立技术规范,以提高羊奶制品卫生安全质量标准,促进云南奶羊区域经济的开发.  相似文献   

随着羊奶制品需求量的逐年增加和国家对奶山羊产业的政策扶持,奶山羊养殖呈现出良好的发展势头,各地纷纷建立起了不同规模的奶山羊养殖场,但是在实际生产中却存在诸多问题以致生产效益较差。本文针对此种现象,从产业发展现状出发,详细论述了提高奶山羊养殖场生产效益的不同途径,提出了经营奶山羊养殖场建设性指导意见和建议。  相似文献   

奶山羊是陕西省的优势特色产业之一,素有"世界羊奶看中国,中国羊奶看陕西"之称。本文通过对陕西省富平县、陇县等6个重点奶山羊生产县(区)及35个奶山羊养殖场(户)进行的实地调研,初步掌握了陕西省奶山羊生产、经营和效益情况,分析奶山羊发展过程中存在的瓶颈性问题,提出奶山羊高质量发展的具体措施和建议,为加快推进全省奶山羊发展奠定坚实基础。  相似文献   

不同挤奶方式对生鲜奶品质的影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
本文对雪兰牛奶公司奶牛场机器挤奶与奶站手工挤奶的奶中微生物含量进行检测、比较,结果机器挤奶的牛群所产生鲜奶中细菌数和芽孢菌的含量少于手工挤奶所产生鲜奶,能达到生产各种液态奶对奶源的卫生要求。而手工挤奶所产生鲜奶的微生物含量达不到生产液态奶的要求。  相似文献   

挤奶厅是挤奶设备、奶牛、挤奶厅操作流程和人员等各方面的统一体。只有这几个方面相互协调,相互促进,才能有益于奶牛泌乳力、奶牛健康水平、挤奶斤的工作效率和牧场整体收益。  相似文献   

随着畜牧业机械化的不断发展,传统的手工挤奶已经逐渐被机器挤奶所取代。机器挤奶是根据犊牛吸奶的原理设计的,它具有降低挤奶员劳动强度;提高劳动效率;挤奶效果不会受挤奶员的劳累程度与情绪的影响;减少挤奶时间;增加产奶量及提高牛奶卫生水平等优点。已逐渐被养牛户所接受。但是.在使用的过程中,由于不注意挤奶的操作程序以及挤奶机的日常维护,致使在现场应用时遇到很多问题和麻烦,比如奶牛乳房炎增多.挤奶机容易出现故障等,导致养牛户对挤奶机产生畏惧心理,甚至停止使用,造成很大的损失。在使用机器挤奶的过程中,主要应该从以下几个方面加以注意:  相似文献   

韦人 《中国乳业》2012,(4):22-23
本文就规范宁夏银川地区规模奶牛养殖场及园区的挤奶厅环境要求和卫生控制提出了建议,供业内同行参考。  相似文献   

2018年12月26日,陕西省农业农村厅在省新闻发布厅召开“培育千亿级奶山羊全产业链大力推进特色现代畜牧业发展”新闻发布会。陕西是全国最大的奶山羊生产基地,奶山羊良种规模、存栏和羊奶产量、羊奶加工能力、羊乳制品产量、羊乳产品品牌数量以及羊乳制品市场占有量等六项指标均稳居全国第一位。当前,羊奶产品市场消费需求旺盛,陕西羊奶产品占据国内80%以上的市场份额,奶山羊产业发展前景广阔。  相似文献   

In order to determine the safety of milk produced by smallholder dairy goat farms, a farm-based research study was conducted on commercial dairy goat farms to compare the microbiological quality of milk produced using 3 different types of dairy goat production systems (intensive, semi-intensive and extensive). A survey of dairy goat farms in and around Pretoria carried out by means of a questionnaire revealed that most of the smallholder dairy goat farms surveyed used an extensive type of production system. The method of milking varied with the type of production system, i.e. machine milking; bucket system machine milking and hand-milking, respectively. Udder half milk samples (n=270) were analysed, of which 31.1% were infected with bacteria. The lowest intra-mammary infection was found amongst goats in the herd under the extensive system (13.3%), compared with 43.3% and 36.7% infection rates under the intensive and semi-intensive production systems, respectively. Staphylococcus intermedius (coagulase positive), Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus simulans (both coagulase negative), were the most common cause of intramammary infection with a prevalence of 85.7% of the infected udder halves. The remaining 14.3% of the infection was due to Staphylococcus aureus. Bacteriology of bulk milk samples on the other hand, showed that raw milk obtained by the bucket system milking machine had the lowest total bacterial count (16,450 colony forming units (CFU)/ml) compared to that by pipeline milking machine (36,300 CFU/ml) or hand-milking (48,000 CFU/ml). No significant relationship was found between the somatic cell counts (SCC) and presence of bacterial infection in goat milk In comparison with the herds under the other 2 production systems, it was shown that dairy goat farming under the extensive production system, where hand-milking was used, can be adequate for the production of safe raw goat milk.  相似文献   

引发奶山羊乳房炎的因素有很多,主要包括致病菌感染、挤奶操作不规范、营养失衡及其他因素。无论是微生物,还是物理和化学因素导致的奶山羊乳房炎都会影响产奶量和奶品质,甚至影响奶山羊的使用年限,给养殖场(户)带来较大的经济损失。本文从奶山羊乳房炎发病原因、临床特征、治疗方案和预防措施四个方面进行分析,供同行交流借鉴。  相似文献   

提高原料奶卫生指标的三种方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提高原料奶的卫生指标根源在奶牛场,但大多数奶农并没有意识到奶牛场规范挤奶程序,保护牛舍环境舒适、干净,维护和清洁挤奶设备是生产优质原料奶的关键,是奶牛场中提高牛奶卫生质量的重要途径。  相似文献   

奶山羊作为乳用品种的山羊,因其具有奶质优良、产奶性能稳定、乳汁营养丰富等特点,逐渐成为畜牧业发展的一大亮点。经过多年的选种选育,我国现已拥有了多个地方奶山羊品种。随着分子育种技术的发展,对于奶山羊产奶性状相关基因的研究越来越多。对奶山羊产奶性状相关基因的研究进展进行综述,以期为奶山羊优秀基因资源的研究、保护和利用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

The present experiments on goats were conducted with the aim of verifying (a) whether the identity of the goat kids can affect the characteristics of milk let-down during suckling (Study 1) and (b) whether the presence of the goat kids may improve the milk let-down during hand milking (Study 2). In Study 1, 16 lactating goats with twins and 12 with single kids were used. Dams with single goat kids ejected more milk when suckling their kids at Days 5 and 20 of lactation, than when suckling aliens. Dams with twins ejected more milk when suckling their own kids than aliens only at Day 5 of lactation. Taking into account all the dams, they ejected more milk with more fat, protein, and lactose during suckling their own litter than when suckling aliens. In Study 2, when dams (n = 13) were hand milked in the presence of their own litter or in its absence, they ejected more milk with more fat, protein, and lactose than when milked in the presence of alien kids. We conclude that milk let-down in goats can be influenced by the type of stimuli applied or to which they are exposed to during suckling and milking.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to characterise trichostrongyle egg excretion in dairy goat flocks under various epidemiological conditions, and to assess the relative importance of animals in their first lactation and goats with high levels of milk production on the total egg output of the flock. The repeatability of egg excretion was estimated on 4 different dates in 14 dairy goat farms in France. Egg outputs were positively skewed on most farms suggesting an aggregated distribution of parasites. Within-year repeatability coefficients ranged from 0.29 to 0.82 suggesting that, on most farms, animals with high egg excretion on one occasion are likely to show high rates of excretion on other occasions. Comparisons of egg outputs from the selected subgroups showed that the high producing goats contributed prominently to egg excretion, particularly at times of peak parasitism. Results from goats in their first lactation were more equivocal. These results provide a rationale for anthelmintic strategies in dairy goats based on phenotypic characters.  相似文献   

Milking performance of milking machines that matches the production capability of dairy cows is important in reducing the risk of mastitis, particularly in high‐producing cows. This study used a simulated milking device to examine the milking performance of the milking system of 73 dairy farms and to analyze the factors affecting claw vacuum. Mean claw vacuum and range of fluctuation of claw vacuum (claw vacuum range) were measured at three different flow rates: 5.7, 7.6 and 8.7 kg/min. At the highest flow rate, only 16 farms (21.9%) met both standards of mean claw vacuum ≥35 kPa and claw vacuum range ≤ 7 kPa, showing that milking systems currently have poor milking performance. The factors affecting mean claw vacuum were claw type, milk‐meter and vacuum shut‐off device; the factor affecting claw vacuum range was claw type. Examination of the milking performance of the milking system using a simulated milking device allows an examination of the performance that can cope with high producing cows, indicating the possibility of reducing the risk of mastitis caused by inappropriate claw vacuum.  相似文献   

Lactoferrin concentration (LFC) in normal and mastitic milk of dairy goats were examined. LFC in bulk milk collected from 70 dairy goat farms and individual milk samples from 10 goats with mastitis were measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and their reaction time in methylene blue reduction test (MBRT) monitored. Bulk milk samples were categorized into three grades, such as high, normal and low, based on the reaction time in MBRT. The mean LFC in milk that was considered high quality (167 microg/ml) was significantly lower than that of those graded as normal (218 microg/ml) and low quality (304 microg/ml), while mean LFC in mastitic milk was 587 microg/m l. The correlation coefficient between milk LFC and MBRT time was found to be -0.7. Three goats were inoculated with Staphylococcus aureus into one of their udder halves. The mean milk LFC was found to be significantly higher (1500 microg/ml) than the control (30 microg/ml). These findings suggest that milk LFC may be useful as an index for intramammary infection in goats.  相似文献   

本试验旨在通过对不同来源生鲜乳的相关指标进行测定和比较分析,评价其品质,为地方奶牛养殖业的发展提供参考依据.采集2017-2020年云南省养殖专业合作社、乳品公司养殖场、收购站和机械化挤奶站4种来源的生鲜乳共661个样品,采用国家标准方法测定其相关指标,用SPSS 22.0统计软件做单因素方差分析.结果显示,2017-...  相似文献   

Due to the impact of the dairy quota system, the commercial use of goats for the production of milk and associated products is attractive to farmers diversifying their dairy interest. Intensification of milking and the expansion of herds will inevitably increase the incidence of caprine mastitis. The pharmaceutical industry and the veterinary surgeon will be required to provide data and advice upon the performance of currently available bovine intramammary products when used in the goat. This study produced evidence that one available bovine intramammary product, when infused into the glands of milking goats, produced a withholding time approximately double that defined for the cow. Following a course of infusions after three successive milkings, milk was not available for human consumption or for the production of cheese and yoghurt until 112 hours after the final infusion. This situation is likely to be representative of that which will occur for other currently available bovine intramammaries when prescribed in the goat.  相似文献   

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