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Understanding and ways of demonstrating educational functions of urban green spaces were summarized on the basis of 4 historical periods:ancient times,period of the Republic of China,early years of the People’s Republic of China,and after the reform and opening up.In ancient times,imperial palace gardens and temple gardens were used to advocate morality and etiquette,so as to consolidate governance of the ruling class.In the period of the Republic of China,parks were used to propagate democracy,civilization and patriotism.In the early years of the People’s Republic of China,urban green spaces were mainly used as the base for cultural,ideological and political propagation.After the reform and opening up,educational contents and forms of urban green spaces have been enriched and gradually become bases for scientific popularization,cultural,humanistic,art and history education.Urban green spaces as the products of social development reflect evolution of political,economic,cultural and social environment,and changes of human needs in the changes of its educational content.  相似文献   

Traditional garden is a vital element of traditional cultural heritage in China, and it is a common concern of the public to protect, inherit and develop traditional cultural heritage. This paper, on the basis of investigating current protection of royal gardens, private gardens in southern regions of the Yangtze River, and gardens in different regions, summarized 4 fundamental modes of traditional garden protection, namely protective development mode, developmental protection mode, controlled protection mode, no-protection mode. Advantages and disadvantages of different modes were reviewed, protective development was proposed as a traditional garden protection mode adaptive to actual conditions of China.  相似文献   

With deep research into historical gardens as well as the existing ones in both China and Japan, this article compares the gardens' origins and evolution in the two countries, and draws the conclusion that the gardens in each country emerged and developed naturally, and classical Chinese gardens originated earlier than those in Japan, but made their progress in a much slower way.  相似文献   

To restore plant landscapes in the building complex of Chanfu Temple and Wanfo Tower in Beihai Park, this paper proposed to review the historical development, explored plant selection and confi guration in Buddhist temple in the same period and same region, consulted literatures and fi gured out aesthetic intentions of the original owner. In addition, on the basis of further analysis of current situation and multiple bases as well as modern people's visiting and use needs, the paper gave suggestions for the plant confi guration of the temple.  相似文献   

To explore the correlation between ancestor temple sacrifice culture and clan etiquettes in traditional settlements of Jiangxi Province, this paper analyzed origination and development of ancestor temple, focused on the patriarchal thought that respects ancestors and unifies the clan, the relationship between clan power and political power, sacrifice and patriarchy. The research found that the plain clan etiquettes were significant for unifying the clansmen, inheriting historical context, and stabilizing primarylevel organizations in rural areas.  相似文献   

With the intensifying urbanization and the increasing demands for land resources, urban development is gradually expanding into the underground. Rational development and design of underground space can not only improve use efficiency of land, relieve land use pressure, but also facilitate people's living and improve urban environment. Analysis of the status quo and problems of underground space design researches in China, and the directions of future underground space research and development will contribute to the development and design of underground space. On the basis of reviewing research papers in the past decades, the contents of underground space researches were divided into 10 major categories, the current contents of underground space researches in China and existing problems were analyzed, and it was proposed that the future underground space design researches should be based on traditional research contents and methods, use advanced technologies such as information technology, show the interdisciplinary cooperation, pay attention to human feelings, protection and continuation of cultural context, and adhere to green and sustainable development with consistent innovation and progress.  相似文献   

对2001—2019年国内的相关文献进行回顾和评述,梳理地被植物的概念、分类和研究趋势,对其在园林中应用的品种资源、应用原则与形式、应用评价等相关研究进展进行综述。提出国内地被植物在园林应用方面的研究中,应加强对地被植物生态价值和景观价值的研究,注重地被植物在园林中的应用质量尤其是应用安全性,建立乡土草本地被植物资源库。  相似文献   

道观园林植物景观营造初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
道观园林植物景观为道观园林景观的重要组成部分。本文在简要介绍道观园林发展史和道观园林特点的基础上,对道观常用造景植物的配置应用进行分析总结,得出道观绿化尽量使用有道教文化涵义的植物和乡土树种,与此同时也要考虑中国古典园林植物传统的配置手法和道观习惯性配置手法。  相似文献   

云南昆明明清时期寺庙园林要素调查报告   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以云南昆明明清时期寺庙园林要素初步研究为基础,实地调查昆明著名寺庙园林昙华寺、黑龙潭放生池、顺城清真寺、海源寺、金殿等的山水构架、理水及建筑特点、植物配置等情况,对影响明清时期园林发展的诸多因素进行分析研究,简述昆明市明清时期的寺庙园林艺术特征,回顾明清时期寺庙园林要素的特点,并对昆明市寺庙园林的保护和开发提出一定参考性和建设性的建议。  相似文献   

八月瓜炭疽病的病原菌鉴定及病害分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对凯里学院植物园的八月瓜炭疽病进行病原鉴定和病害分析,简要提出针对八月瓜炭疽病的防治措施。采用组织分离法从病叶中分离得到病原菌,并对病原菌进行培养、孢子大小测定和鉴定。显微镜镜检的病原菌特征表明,引起八月瓜炭疽病的是炭疽菌(Colletotrichum sp.),测微尺测量八月瓜炭疽菌的孢子大小为12.5~20 μm×3.75~7.5 μm,结合寄主和病原特征,实验结果表明引起八月瓜炭疽病的病原菌为胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)。胶孢炭疽菌(Colletotrichum gloeosporioides)是凯里学院植物园八月瓜炭疽病的致病菌,可以通过农业防治和药剂防治来减少病害的危害。  相似文献   

From the perspective of experience economy, this paper proposed that traditional temple sightseeing has been unable to meet needs of tourists, temple cultural sites must pay more attention to visitors' experience in tourism development. On the basis of analyzing characteristics of temple cultures in the Mount Tai and problems in its tourism development, strategies for the development of temple cultures in the Mount Tai were given from the perspective of experience economy.  相似文献   

基于回归分析的苏州古典园林庭园空间构成   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
陈莺 《中国农学通报》2013,29(19):203-209
苏州古典园林历史悠久,集中国园林之精髓。以苏州宅园最具代表性,保存完整的13个古典园林作为研究对象。基于空间构成的基本原理,提出庭园空间是构成园林的基本空间单元,深入剖析庭园空间的构成规律,提取庭园空间的构成要素,借助SPSS 18.0分析软件,利用有序回归分析方法对量化后的庭园空间水平、垂直的构成要素进行分析。研究结果可总结出:苏州古典园林的庭园数量规律;庭园水平、垂直构成要素及相互间的配置关系;庭园的开敞与封闭特点。希望该项研究能为园林今后的设计与建设提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

笔者从食用豆抗性种质资源的筛选与鉴定、抗性机制、抗性遗传规律研究及基因标记3个方面对食用豆抗性育种研究进行了综述,回顾并总结了前人在食用豆抗性育种方面所取得的成果,重点阐述了抗性相关基因(Br)的研究动态,指出今后的研究方向主要集中在抗性相关基因(Br)的定位及功能验证方面,并就目前所遇到的困难进行了讨论与分析,探讨了抗豆象育种的重要性,并对今后的研究方向进行了规划。以期对促进国内食用豆抗性育种研究有所裨益。  相似文献   

Ecological garden views were adopted to re-explore benefits of garden landscaping, co-prosperity of man and tree was applied to study application modes of plants in ecological gardens. Green spaces in ecological gardens should be evenly and reasonably distributed, actual conditions of the planning site respected, outstanding styles and diversified plant furnishings defined. Three layouts of ecological gardens and the future development trend of modern ecological gardens were introduced.  相似文献   

杭州市典型茶园土壤与茶叶中重金属的积累与来源分析   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
为了解杭州市茶园土壤与茶叶中重金属的污染状况及其重金属的可能污染来源,选择杭州市典型茶园20个,按区位与施肥的不同分为城郊-化肥、城郊-有机肥、山区-化肥和山区有机肥等4种类型,采集了0~15、45~60 cm分层土样及茶树新叶和老叶样品,分析土样和茶叶样品中Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd、Hg、Cr和Co等重金属含量。结果表明,研究土壤Pb、Zn、Cu、Cd、Hg、Cr和Co污染程度较轻,其含量均低于土壤环境质量二级标准。除老叶样中Pb有25%样品超标外,新叶及老叶的其他重金属元素都在限值以下。城郊区茶园土壤的Pb、Cd和Hg含量普遍高于山区茶园。施用化肥的茶园土壤Cd略高于施用有机肥的茶园,施有机肥的茶园土壤Hg略高于施用化肥的茶园。施用有机肥的茶园土壤Zn和Cu明显高于施化肥的茶园。施用有机肥可轻微提高茶园土壤中Cr的积累;土壤中Co的积累受人为影响较小。研究认为,研究区茶园土壤中重金属Pb、Cd和Hg的积累主要与大气沉降有关,而Zn和Cu的积累主要与有机肥料的施用有关。  相似文献   

设施农业气象灾害研究综述及研究方法展望   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
近年来,设施农业已成为中国农业种植业中效益最高的产业,设施作物生产对于气候条件依赖程度较高,受灾害性天气影响较大,因此科学、合理地评估气象灾害对设施作物的影响及风险对农业生产意义重大。针对目前有关设施农业气象灾害的研究相对广泛但不系统、尚未进行系统整理、总结的现状,从国内外设施农业的差异入手,综述了国内外设施农业气象灾害研究进展,总结了现有研究特点及存在问题,并结合农业气象灾害风险评估新的研究理念从方法、模型、技术的角度提出了现存问题的解决方法,旨在为研究人员开展相关研究梳理已有思路,并提供一些新的想法和方向。  相似文献   

美国市民农园的发展、功能及建设模式初探   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
城市农业的发展日益受到人们关注,市民农园作为其重要形式之一,是由一群人在同一地块上开展耕种的社区活动,已成为协调城市人地关系的一种有效途径。为借鉴国外城市农业发展经验,本文对美国市民农园的发展、功能、类型进行了梳理,对洛杉矶14个市民农园营建模式进行了系统调查。研究得出:美国市民农园已有百年历史,对美国社会、经济和文化的发展影响深远;不仅具有生产、生态和景观功能,而且有较高社会文化价值;有多种营建模式,管理体系较为完善,用地属性多为公有,以种植食用植物为主,重视节约管理和有机种植;同时亦有诸如租约等弊端影响其长远发展。这对中国城市农业发展、绿地规划具有借鉴意义。该文从城市化、老龄化及和谐社区建设等角度,认为市民农园是中国城市农业和城市规划重要的实施方式,具有一定社会需求,并提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

This paper combed the literature of the Rural Tourism Complex(RTC) on China National Knowledge Infrastructure(CNKI), analyzed progress of domestic research on RTC in recent years based on the method of mathematical statistics, and found out that current domestic researches focused on three aspects, namely basic concept and theory, planning and operation, influence and effect. Based on the characteristics of existing researches, the paper pointed out the future direction of the research about RTC:(1) In terms of content: lay emphasis on the summary of practical experience and the perfection of the theoretical system, further enhance the application value of the theoretical research to guide the development and construction of regional rural tourism complex;(2) In terms of method: pay attention to the combination of quantitative and qualitative analysis and the application of multi-disciplinary theories to expand the perspective of the relevant studies..  相似文献   

Cliff-side Buddhist temple is the latest form of Buddhist cave temple.It is the result of a change from close cave space to open cliff-side space under the influence of Chinese civil culture and local architectural system.This article inquires the origin of the cliff-side Buddhist temple as well as its formation in Ba-Shu area considering its historical and cultural background.  相似文献   

为了解木麻黄水培繁殖的概况,本文归纳了影响木麻黄小枝水培生根的内在因素(树种、种源和插条生理年龄)、外在因素(生长调节剂、温度、氧气、水质和光照);同时总结了插条生根类型的研究进展。指出目前木麻黄小枝水培生根的研究主要集中在生长调节剂、插穗、光照及温度等方面;建议生长调节剂配比、生根过程中生理生化特性及解剖结构等研究作为木麻黄小枝水培生根的重点研究方向。  相似文献   

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