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SUMMARY Three hundred and thirty-seven pet owners were interviewed by final-year veterinary students from the University of Queensland, using a questionnaire prepared by the authors. The survey area included Brisbane city and suburbs and was conducted in 1977. The majority of respondents (52.5%) reported that the pets were owned by the family, while 24.6% claimed that pets were owned by individual adults only. Dogs and cats were the most popular pets. Of the respondents sampled, 51% changed their veterinarian while 46% reported that they had not changed their veterinarian. Satisfaction with the service, nearness of the service and personal liking were the major reasons for continuing to use the same veterinary surgeon. Nearly 40% of respondents used the veterinary service on the basis of recommendation of friends, relatives and other people who owned similar types of pets. According to the respondents, major qualities for a good veterinarian are: competence and knowledge (86.9%), compassion for animals (61.7%), professional approach (which includes good listening and explanation, the instillation of confidence, integrity and appearance) (57.4%), regard for owners and their feelings (46.3%), good surgery conditions (14.2%) and reasonable fees (12.8%). While professional competence was reported as one of the important qualities of a good veterinary service, the majority (51%) of them disagreed with the statement that professional competence is the only thing that matters in the care of pets and many other social and interpersonal factors influenced their attitude towards the veterinary service. The application of behavioural sciences to the veterinary profession is discussed.  相似文献   

A 1-stage, random-digit dial telephone survey was conducted to obtain information on characteristics of pet populations and pet-owning households in 1988 in Marion and Tippecanoe Counties, Indiana. Interviews for 653 out of 731 eligible households were completed (response rate, 88%). Approximately half of the households in each county owned a pet. Of these, 35% owned at least 1 dog, and 23% owned at least 1 cat. Households with pets were more likely to be larger and have a higher median income score than were households without pets. Households with children between 6 and 17 years old were more likely to own pets than were households with no children; however, no difference in pet ownership proportions was determined for households with children < or = 5 years old, compared with households without children. For dogs, younger dogs and male dogs were less likely to have been neutered than older dogs and female dogs. Older cats were more likely to have been neutered than younger cats, with neutering percentages of > 90% for cats in the oldest age group. Approximately 20% of dogs and 40% of cats had not been seen by a veterinarian in the 12 months preceding the interview.  相似文献   

We examined whether pet ownership increased the risk for tick encounters and tickborne disease among residents of three Lyme disease‐endemic states as a nested cohort within a randomized controlled trial. Information about pet ownership, use of tick control for pets, property characteristics, tick encounters and human tickborne disease were captured through surveys, and associations were assessed using univariate and multivariable analyses. Pet‐owning households had 1.83 times the risk (95% CI = 1.53, 2.20) of finding ticks crawling on and 1.49 times the risk (95% CI = 1.20, 1.84) of finding ticks attached to household members compared to households without pets. This large evaluation of pet ownership, human tick encounters and tickborne diseases shows that pet owners, whether of cats or dogs, are at increased risk of encountering ticks and suggests that pet owners are at an increased risk of developing tickborne disease. Pet owners should be made aware of this risk and be reminded to conduct daily tick checks of all household members, including the pets, and to consult their veterinarian regarding effective tick control products.  相似文献   

A cross-sectional questionnaire-based survey was carried out in Harare to assess pet ownership and public awareness with regard to pet zoonoses. The questionnaire was designed to obtain information on pet ownership, health and welfare of pets, pet owners’ knowledge and awareness of pet zoonoses with particular emphasis on hookworms and roundworms. The results demonstrated that the proportion of pet owners who knew helminths as zoonoses in dogs (21.3%) and cats (1.1%) was low compared to rabies (95.7%) with ancylostomosis (4.3%) and toxocariosis (2.1%) being the specific parasitic zoonoses known to occur in dogs and toxoplasmosis (2.1%) in cats. More than 50% of the pet owners indicated that veterinarians never discussed the potential hazards of zoonoses or discussed it only when asked and 33% indicated that veterinarians initiated discussion of the subject whenever zoonoses were diagnosed in pets. Over 90% of the pet owners indicated that veterinarians should discuss zoonoses with them. Further investigations are necessary to determine the current prevalence of intestinal nematode infections in dogs and cats in the various regions of the country.  相似文献   

Dogs and cats of our society have outgrown their status as merely pets and are now considered our close companions and even family members. This shift in their roles has led to pet owners seeking improved preventative medicine for their four-legged friends. Subsequently, dogs and cats are living longer lives than ever before and developing more old-age-related diseases. One of the most devastating diseases of older animals is cancer. Once a veterinarian has detected cancer in a pet, pet owners seek advice on their next course of action. This article is intended to provide concise information regarding the diagnosis and treatment of intranasal tumors of the dog and cat. This article outlines the forms of nasal tumors that are the most common, the recommended imaging and biopsy techniques to diagnose the tumor, and the most appropriate treatments of them.  相似文献   

Pet ownership affects engagement with animal-related activities and may be related to support of wildlife management. British participants (= 220) completed an online survey providing information on pet ownership, attitudes toward pets, and support for wildlife management strategies. Within this sample, pet owners and individuals with positive attitudes toward pets were less supportive of strategies that put human needs before the needs of wildlife, more supportive of strategies attempting to avoid species extinctions, and opposed to strategies requiring compromises of individual species. Pet owners’ affectionate attitudes toward animals and opposition to their exploitation may be important in dictating attitudes toward wildlife. Conservation planners could apply these findings when seeking support for management strategies that constrain freedoms of pets and wildlife. Utilizing the sympathetic attitudes of pet owners toward animals by focusing on welfare and survival benefits for wildlife species may help foster support for management strategies.  相似文献   

A telephone survey of three sub-populations in Ohio was conducted to compare the utilization of veterinary services in 1982 with 1983 and to characterize animal ownership. A response rate of approximately 90% was achieved for all three sub-populations namely (1) food-animal producers, (2) horse owners and (3) pet owners. There was no significant difference between the percentage of respondents using veterinary services in 1982 and 1983. In both years, over 85% of dairy producers purchased veterinary services compared with approximately 62% for beef producers, approximately 70% for swine producers, and over 97% for horse owners. In 1983, approximately 69% sheep producers, 50% of goat producers, 81% of dog owners, 67% of cat owners, 12% of bird owners and none of the fish owners used veterinary services during the previous year. The 1983 median expenditures for veterinary services per farm or household using veterinary services were $465 for horses, $450 for dairy cattle, $111 for beef cattle, $115 for swine, $66 for sheep, $0 for goats, $75 for dogs, $44 for cats and $18 for pet birds. The average number of times animals were seen by a veterinarian varied by species but did not vary much from year to year. For all three groups, preventive services were used more frequently than were treatment and surgical services.  相似文献   

Risk factors for pet evacuation failure after a slow-onset disaster.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To determine risk factors for pet evacuation failure during a flood. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SAMPLE POPULATION: 203 pet-owning households in a flooded region. PROCEDURES: Persons under evacuation notice because of a flood were interviewed by use of a random telephone survey. RESULTS: 102 households evacuated with their pets, whereas 101 households evacuated without their pets. Low pet attachment and commitment scores were significantly associated with a greater chance of pet evacuation failure. Risk of pet evacuation failure and lower attachment and commitment scores were also associated with pet management practices prior to the disaster, such as dogs being kept outdoors most of the time or owners not having carriers for their cats. More than 90% of owners made housing arrangements for their pets without assistance. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Predictors of pet evacuation failure are usually present before a disaster strikes and are potentially modifiable. Mitigation of pet evacuation failure should focus on activities that reinforce responsible pet ownership and strengthen the human-animal bond, including socializing dogs, attending dog behavior training classes, transporting cats in nondisaster times, and seeking regular preventive veterinary care. Most pet owners are self-reliant in disasters, and this behavior should be encouraged.  相似文献   

Vietnamese potbellied pigs, when appropriately cared for, make excellent pets for some people. However, their proper housing, care, and training is more challenging to the average person than that required for most traditional pets, such as dogs and cats. Failure to feed and house the pet pig appropriately results in the most common health and behavior problems. The obese, intractable pet pig gives little pleasure to a pet owner and appears to lead a very poor-quality life, frequently leading to the pet pig being given away or worse. Preventing health and behavior problems is easy if pet owners are armed with correct information early, either before or immediately after their acquisition of a pet pig. A veterinarian prepared to share this information can save the lives of many pigs as well as keep clients happy and coming back.  相似文献   

Objectives : To determine owner's perception of their pet's quality of life during treatment with carboplatin for a variety of canine and feline neoplasms. Methods : Owners were contacted via a postal questionnaire and asked questions regarding their perception of chemotherapy in pets and their perception of carboplatin treatment in their pet. Results : Twenty-eight (59%) of owners responded to the questionnaire. Forty-three percent of owners had not considered chemotherapy in pets before treatment; however, after treatment, 89% of owners supported its use. Sixteen (57%) patients had mild to severe side effects. Most patients experienced mild side effects, including lethargy and loss of appetite. Quality of life during treatment was reduced compared with prediagnosis quality of life however at its best was significantly improved compared with pretreatment quality of life. Eighty-nine per cent of respondents did not regret treating their pet. Clinical Significance : Carboplatin is well tolerated by both owners and pets. Most patients have either no side effects or experience mild lethargy or inappetence. Carboplatin treatment, either alone or in conjunction with other medications, should be considered as a palliative treatment in both dogs and cats with susceptible neoplasms.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To estimate disease prevalence among dogs and cats in the United States and Australia and proportions of dogs and cats that receive therapeutic diets or dietary supplements. DESIGN: Telephone survey. Sample Population-Dog and cat owners located in 5 geographic areas. PROCEDURES: A telephone survey was administered to dog and cat owners. RESULTS: Of 18,194 telephone calls that were made, 1,104 (6%) were to individuals who owned at least 1 dog or cat and agreed to participate. Information was collected for 635 dogs and 469 cats. Only 14 (1%) respondents indicated that their pet was unhealthy, but 176 (16%) indicated that their pets had 1 or more diseases. The most common diseases were musculo-skeletal, dental, and gastrointestinal tract or hepatic disease. Many owners (n = 356) reported their pets were overweight or obese, but only 3 reported obesity as a health problem in their pets. Owners of 28 (2.5%) animals reported that they were feeding a therapeutic diet, with the most common being diets for animals with renal disease (n = 5), reduced-calorie diets (5), and reduced-fat diets (4). Owners of 107 of 1,076 (9.9%) animals reported administering dietary supplements to their pets. Multivitamins (n = 53 animals), chondroprotective agents (22), and fatty acids (13) were the most common dietary supplements used. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that most dogs and cats reported by their owners to have a health problem were not being fed a therapeutic diet. In addition, the rate of dietary supplement use was lower than that reported for people.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was used to collect information on attitudes toward dogs and cats as companion animals. Thirty-nine attitudinal questions on dogs were grouped using principal component analysis (PCA) into six independent major factors; whereas, 38 items on cats were grouped using principal component analysis (PCA) into four independent major factors. In addition, 18 items which did not fit the PCA model but that were related to the respondents' attitudes towards dogs and cats as companion animals were analysed separately. The hypotheses tested, using analysis of variance (ANOVA) were that there was no significant relationship between the factors and five variables, i.e., pet ownership, age or sex of the respondents and their like or dislike of either dogs or cats. The respondents' like or dislike of dogs or cats influenced their attitudes towards ownership of companion animals. Furthermore, nonowners stated they derive minimal value from a dog or cat as a pet and viewed the negative characteristics of the animal itself per se as a more important factor in determining ownership. Female respondents were more emotionally involved and younger owners derived more of a feeling of importance-vanity from dog or cat ownership.  相似文献   

The study of thanatology has recently taken on increased importance in the field of veterinary medicine. Today, the roles of companion animals have expanded to include beloved pet and family member, provider of social and emotion support, and in the case of service dogs, provider of assistance to owners with special needs. For these reasons, companion animals have taken on greater significance within their human families. Their deaths can be as painful and difficult for their families as the death of human family members. Veterinarians are tasked with working in concert with the pet owner, throughout the lifetime of the pet, to promote the pet’s health and well-being. In critical and or terminal situations, it is the veterinarian’s role to educate the owner so that informed decisions regarding treatment options or a decision to euthanize the pet can take place. In veterinary medicine, euthanasia means to end life painlessly. Veterinarians and owners, working in partnership to make subjective and objective assessments on the pets quality of life, produce the best results. For the veterinarian, the medical approach (including: clinical history, physical exam, laboratory tests, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment) can assist in assessing the pet’s physical health status, any potential treatments, and the likely short and long term outcomes. The owner’s role in the partnership is to subjectively assess overall behavioral changes and the pet’s quality of life. Once owners have decided to euthanize their pet, there are still more factors to consider: where to perform the procedure, which family members will be present, and how the remains will be handled. The veterinarian can do everything possible to minimize any anxiety for the pet during the euthanasia, including administration of a tranquilizer prior to the procedure. The veterinarian will allow the pet’s family time to say goodbye and educate them on what to expect when their pet dies. There is a possibility that other pets that lived in the same household may also experience distress at the loss of their animal family member. The veterinarian can let the owners know what signs may be signaling depression or anxiety in that pet. The grieving process is extremely personal and people must be allowed to grieve in the way that helps them deal with their loss. Veterinarians need to be careful not to minimize the owner’s loss or grief. The owner will count on the veterinarian’s guidance and expertise when making decisions affecting their pet’s well-being. Making an informed decision can help assuage any guilt about opting for euthanasia when done in the best interest of the pet.  相似文献   

Personalized identification (ID) tags that contain contact information for the dog or cat owner can help assure lost animals are quickly reunited with their owners. The authors have previously reported that while the majority of pet owners stated that ID tags were very important, only a third responded that their pet wears an ID tag. The objective of this study was to evaluate if providing and putting on the pet a free collar and ID tag during an owner's visit to a veterinary hospital or spay/neuter facility increased the likelihood that the pet owners would actually keep the identification on their pet at least 6-8 weeks after they were placed on the pet. A second population of dogs and cats that were adopted from animal control and humane society shelters were also studied to assess retention of a collar and personalized ID tag. Telephone follow-up occurred a mean of 8 weeks after the tag was applied. Retaining and using the tag significantly increased for the veterinary group with 13.8% reporting their pets were currently wearing an ID tag pre-intervention, and 84.3% reporting their pets were currently wearing and ID tag post-intervention. Of the dogs and cats that were adopted, at follow-up 94% of owners reported their pets were currently wearing an ID tag. Approximately 5% of those who participated in the post-intervention survey lost a pet and recovered that pet because of the ID tag. This suggests that ID tagging is an effective method to potentially decrease stray intake into shelters and return pets home. The data also support placing tags and collars directly on pets as a method to retain those ID tags and collars on the animals, thus increasing the likelihood they will be returned home if lost or during a disaster.  相似文献   

The COVID-19 epidemic and government intervention measures may have adverse effects on people's mental health. To explore the influence of pets on the intervention of people's psychological problems during the COVID-19 epidemic, an online survey was carried out between April 9 and April 29, 2020. A total of 756 participants replied to this questionnaire. Mental health variables were assessed, and the comparison of behavior changes among pet owners and pets on positive mental well-being during COVID-19 epidemic. Comparative analysis was performed; compared with individuals without pets (n = 575), pet owners (n = 181) had a higher prevalence of insomnia (p = 0.006). Living in Wuhan city was a risk factor for people with psychological stress (p < 0.05). Dog owners exhibited lower than average scores of insomnia and uncertainty of infection than cat owners (p = 0.004). People with more than one pet exhibited lower than average scores of depression than having one pet (p = 0.040). For analysis of psychological effects of pets on people, the role of pets in subjective feeling and positive psychological changes of pet owner was significantly different. Pet owners relieve that psychological pressure through behavioral changes towards their pets in early stage. Pets provided positive subjective well-being and psychological effects for their owners.  相似文献   


AIMS: To establish reliable information regarding the behavioural responses of dogs and cats to fireworks in New Zealand; record interventions used by owners, and their perceived efficacies; and establish the prevalence of firework-related injury, and quantify owners' attitudes towards fireworks.

METHODS: A questionnaire targeting dog and cat owners was distributed via the Auckland Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) Animals Voice magazine and 25 veterinary clinics. The questionnaire covered demographics of animals, fear of fireworks, severity of the fear, and behaviours exhibited. Also included were treatments tried, source and perceived efficacy, prevalence of injury, and owners' attitudes towards the sale of fireworks for private use.

RESULTS: From a total of 8,966 questionnaires distributed, 1,007 valid questionnaires were returned, representing 3,527 animals. Of these 1,635 (46%) animals displayed a level of fear of fireworks recognisable to their owners. Owners of dogs identified a significantly higher fear response than owners of cats but the duration of these fear responses did not differ between species. Fear of fireworks frequently resulted in dogs exhibiting active fear behaviours, whereas cats were more likely to exhibit hiding and cowering behaviours. A significantly increased severity and duration of fear response over time in dogs and cats was associated with owners who comforted them when they displayed a fearful response. Only 141/890 (15.8%) of owners sought professional treatment from a veterinarian, animal behaviourist or animal trainer for their animals, with variable efficacy. Six percent (51/923) of animals had received physical injuries from fireworks. The majority (837/1,007; 83%) of respondents, regardless of whether they owned a fearful animal or not, supported a ban on the sale of fireworks for private use.

CONCLUSIONS: The results provide valuable information that is, as yet, unsubstantiated in New Zealand, although potential biases exist due to the non-random selection of respondents. Differences between dogs and cats were likely due to differing responses to fear-provoking stimuli between the species. Owner-reported increase in fearful response over time for comforted animals may indicate a negative impact on the longer-term psychological welfare of their animal.

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The greater the awareness of effective treatment plans for animals that suffer from a fear of fireworks, the greater the possibility that this fear can be reduced. Wider dissemination of effective owner behaviour and treatment programmes for firework fears is needed to improve levels of professional treatment for dogs and cats.  相似文献   

AIMS: To investigate the use and utility of collars for companion cats in New Zealand, and to explore public perception of collar use.

METHODS: An online questionnaire was distributed using emails and social media to members of the general public in New Zealand. The questionnaire collected details of respondents, cat ownership status, and responses to a number of questions regarding collar use in cats.

RESULTS: A total of 511 responses were collected. Of these, 393/511 (76.9%) reported owning ≥1 cat at the time of the survey, and 141/393 (35.9%) stated that ≥1 of their cats wore collars and 211/393 (53.7%) had ≥1 of their cats micro-chipped. Of the respondents with a pet cat, 351/393 (89.3%) allowed their cats some outdoor access. Respondents mainly used collars for identification and to reduce predation. Reasons for not using collars included cat intolerance of collars, repeated collar loss and concern over collar safety. Differences were found between cat owners and non-owners regarding whether they agreed that cats were important for pest control (43 vs. 25%, p<0.001); that not all cats will tolerate collars (81 vs. 64%, p<0.001); that cats should be kept indoors at night (37 vs. 58%, p<0.001); or disagreed that well fed cats will not catch birds (60 vs. 70%, p=0.04); and disagreed that a cat without a collar was likely to be a stray (85 vs. 76%, p<0.001). Respondents most trusted veterinarians and the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals as sources of pet care information.

CONCLUSIONS: Collar use within this sample of cat owners in New Zealand appeared to be low, with more using microchips for identification. The majority of cat owners in this study indicated their cats had some outdoor access, with collars being used for cat identification and to reduce hunting behaviour. Significant differences existed in opinions on cat management between cat owners and non-owners in this study. It should be noted that this preliminary exploration was based on a self-selected group of respondents and so results and conclusions cannot be extrapolated to the wider population.

RELEVANCE: As the most trusted source of information about pet care, an enhanced understanding of cat ownership and management may be of use to veterinarians to promote responsible pet ownership and to develop national policies and practices to improve cat welfare.  相似文献   

Cancer is an emotionally charged disease. During treatment, it is not uncommon for pet owners to engage veterinarians in frank discussions and emotional confrontations based on their fears and anxieties about cancer. Pet loss counseling skills are invaluable when dealing with clients after the death of their companion animal. Incorporating pet loss counseling into a veterinary practice is pragmatic as well as compassionate because clients who feel that they have received good emotional care in addition to medical care return to the veterinarian with new pets and recommend the practice to others.  相似文献   

Zoonoses, diseases that can be transmitted from animals to humans, can pose serious health risks to immunocompromised people. Although pets can carry zoonoses, owning and caring for animals can benefit human health. Information exists about preventing transmission of zoonoses, but not all physicians and veterinarians provide adequate and accurate information to immunocompromised pet owners. This disease prevention/health promotion project provides physicians and veterinarians with information, created specifically to share with patients and clients, about the health risks and benefits of pet ownership. Further, "Healthy Pets, Healthy People" encourages communication between veterinarians, physicians, clients, and patients and can serve as a model program for a nation-wide effort to aid health professionals in making recommendations about pet ownership for immunocompromised people.  相似文献   

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