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以内蒙古赤峰市阿鲁科尔沁旗沙日温都栎林自然保护区蒙古栎林为主要研究对象,研究不同林分密度对林下草本植物多样性的影响。结果表明,研究区内共有13科、14属、16种草本植物;Simpson指数、Shannon-Wiener指数、Pielou均匀度指数和物种丰富度指数均随着林分密度的增加呈先增大后减小的趋势,当林分密度为750株/hm2时,林下草本植物多样性指数达到最大值;林分密度与Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Pielou均匀度指数、Simpson多样性指数、物种丰富度指数、树高、胸径均呈极显著负相关,与郁闭度呈极显著正相关,与枝下高不相关。综上所述,最合理的蒙古栎林密度为750株/hm2,该密度下最有利于蒙古栎林及林下草本植物生长发育。  相似文献   


The Chunati Wildlife Sanctuary (CWS), a degraded protected area in southeastern Bangladesh, had been under comanagement since 2004. This study examined phytosociological characteristics and diversity of trees in CWS and discussed villagers’ opinions on the impact of comanagement on forest conservation. Following a stratified and systematic sampling 140 circular plots, 17.84-m radius each, were laid out in seven forest beats for the assessment of phytosociological characteristics and tree diversity. Several key-informant interviews and 15 focus group discussions were held to explore the impact of comanagement on forest conservation and on villagers’ livelihood. A total of 93 tree species were identified having a diameter at breast height (dbh) of ≥ 5 cm in 36 plant families. The dominant species were Acacia auriculiformis, Dipterocarpus turbinatus, Ficus hispida, and Tectona grandis. The average density of trees was 239 trees/ha of which 60% was composed of planted exotic species. Nearly 90% trees were belonging to 5- to 15-cm dbh class and the Shannon-Wiener index was 3.15. The comanagement governance had brought positive changes in forest conservation. However, to sustain the engagement of poor villagers in the comanagement and conservation of degraded CWS, more collective efforts are needed to support their living.  相似文献   

By adopting the concept of space as a substitute for time, we analyzed the dynamics of species composition and diversity of different restoration sequences (20, 30, 40, 50 years) in two secondary forest types in western Sichuan Province, distributed in a northerly or northwesterly direction. The analysis was based on the results of measurements of 50 plots located at elevations between 3100–3600 m. The forests originated from natural regeneration in combination with reforestation of spruce when the old-growth bamboo-dark brown coniferous forests and moss-dark brown coniferous old growth forests were harvested. Similar old-growth dark brown coniferous forests at ages ranging between 160 and 200 years were selected as the reference forests for comparisons. We recorded 167 species of vascular plants from 44 families and 117 genera. There was no significant difference in terms of the number of species among secondary forests. But the importance values of dominant species varied during the restoration processes. The dominant species in the secondary forests is Betula albo-sinensis, while Abies faxoniana is the dominant species in old-growth dark brown coniferous forests. Species richness increased significantly with restoration processes. It increased quickly in secondary forests during the period from 30 to 40 years, but decreased significantly in the old-growth dark brown coniferous forests. The species richness among growth forms decreased in the following order: herb layer > shrub layer > tree layer. The maximum value of the evenness index occurred in secondary forests at age 40 and remained relatively stable in the bamboo-birch forests, but the evenness index tended to decrease in moss-birch forests and slightly increased in the old-growth mossdark brown coniferous forests. There was a statistically significant difference in the eveness index between the tree and shrub layers as well as between the tree layer and the herb layer, but there was no significant difference between the shrub layer and the herb layer. The value of the Shannon index increased over restoration time. In bamboo-birch forests, the maximum value of the Shannon index was 3.80, recorded at age 50. In moss-birch forests, the maximal value was 3.65, reached in this forest at age 30. The value of the Shannon index of old-growth dark brown coniferous forests was recorded between younger secondary and older secondary forests. The value of the dominance index of communities varied. At the first stage of restoration, it increased, and at the end it was decreased. The dominance index of the tree layer had a similar trend as that of the community dominance index, but was more variable. The minimum value of the dominance index of the tree layer in the moss-birch forests reached 20 years earlier than that of the bamboo-birch forests. There was a significant difference among restoration sequences in the α diversity indices except for the dominance index. No significant differences between the two secondary forest types were detected. Over age, the value of the Bray-Curtis index between secondary forest and old-growth dark brown coniferous forest increased. __________ Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2007, 43(5): 17–23 [译自: 林业科学]  相似文献   

为研究香格里拉市高寒山区工程边坡迹地植物群落结构,以香格里拉普朗尾矿区工程边坡迹地为研究对象,研究其植物群落的物种组成、物种相似性及物种多样性。结果表明:工程迹地乔木层的优势种主要是丽江云杉,灌木层优势种以川滇高山栎为主,其次是滇西北小檗和西南蔷薇,草本层优势种以苔草、蒿等植物为主,未受破坏的自然林地植物优势种更为多元化;工程迹地1年自然恢复样地与自然群落样地物种相似性指数较小,为0.03~0.30;工程迹地多年自然恢复样地物种与自然群落样地物种相似性系数较高,最高为0.43;F1样地草本层Simpson多样性指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数均较大,但不同工程迹地之间差别较小。草本层自然恢复较快,在演替早期,草本植物中的蒿、苔草、野青茅及西南鸢尾等植物,可作为工程迹地植被恢复的先锋植物。  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(2):113-117
The study investigated the tree species composition, vegetation structure and harvesting pattern to guide management of the Maruzi Hills Forest Reserve. Stratified random sampling was used to site six (100 m × 100 m) permanent sample plots in the woodland, bushland and grassland vegetation types identified in the reserve. Rényi diversity profiles indicated that bushland vegetation had a lower Shannon diversity index (H = 2.054) than grassland (H = 2.38) and woodland vegetation (H = 2.319). Grassland and woodland vegetation also had lower proportions of the dominant species (α = 1.15 and 1.66, respectively) than bushland vegetation (α = 3.25). However, the mean stem density of the woodland, bushland and grassland vegetation was 214 stems ha?1, 191 stems ha?1 and 114 stems ha?1, respectively. Bray-Curtis and Jaccard ecological distance matrices showed that, although the three vegetation types shared some common species, the ecological distances were relatively high suggesting significant species composition variation between the vegetation types, particularly between the bushland and the other vegetation types. The species with the highest proportional abundance in the survey were Combretum molle (23%), Acacia hockii (17.7%), Combretum collinum (16.1%), Grewia mollis (6.5%) and Lannea barteri (6.5%). Diameter size-class distribution of woody perennials and tree stumps indicated higher frequencies of the smaller-diameter size classes. The stump records were indicative of charcoal burning and firewood collection as major causes of tree/shrub harvesting. The Maruzi Hills woodland conservation strategy should consider the differences in species composition between vegetation types if the highest number of species is to be conserved.  相似文献   

采用样地调查法,对日本冲绳岛北部的亚热带常绿阔叶林的林分结构,树种组成以及土壤特性等进行了调查分析。结果表明,该亚热带林具有林冠低矮、小径木多等特点。林分的平均林冠高度仅10m,平均立木密度达5400株·hm2(≥3.0cmDBH),其中胸径小于10cm的立木占64%。林分胸高断面积为54.4m2·hm-2。30个调查样地共出现树种数(≥3.0cmDBH)达80种,分属31个科。根据树种的重要值,Castanopsis sieboldii和Schima wallichii分别为优势树种和亚优势树种。树种多样性指数(H’)平均达3.63,均衡度指数(J’)为0.71,丰富度指数(S’)为4.72。这些多样性指数都随着优势树种重要值的增加而显著降低。土壤养分测定结果表明,该森林的土壤肥力低,异质性大,并可能存在Al毒害。由相关分析知,林分密度和优势树高均与土壤pH值呈显著正相关关系;多样性指数则与土壤交换性K ,Ca2 以及Ca2 /Al3 比呈显著的正相关,而与土壤有机碳,全氮和磷呈显著的负相关。这些结果说明土壤性质是影响冲绳亚热带常绿阔叶林林分结构和树种组成多样性的重要因素。图3表4参38。  相似文献   

以各个植被样地为对象,采用物种丰富度、Simpson指数、Shannon-wiener指数及Pielou指数对姑婆山进行物种多样性研究;采用2×2列联表的X2检验、Pearson相关分析和Spearman秩相关分析等方法对姑婆山植物群落的优势种间关系进行分析,得到如下主要结果:1)4种多样性指数表现出相同的变化趋势,不同层次的物种多样性大小顺序为:灌木层>草本层>乔木层。2)分层对群落优势种的种间关联性进行研究发现,群落优势种间多呈不显著关联;灌木层中显著和极显著相关的种对数最多,草本层次之,乔木层最少,这说明了姑婆山植被在主要层次上优势种的发展表现为相互竞争性呈由大变小趋势,顶极群落要么是单优群落,要么是互不相关的多优种共存群落。显然,姑婆山植被大多未达应有的顶极状态。该研究对森林资源经营、公园的建设及资源评价等方面具有一定的参考价值和意义。  相似文献   

藏东南嘎隆拉和墨脱河谷蚂蚁群落研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
[目的]为了揭示藏东南地区蚂蚁群落的生态学规律,对藏东南嘎隆拉和墨脱河谷不同样地的蚂蚁群落进行了调查研究,揭示藏东南地区蚂蚁多样性。[方法]采用样地调查法和手拣法进行调查;利用Estmaete S 9.1.0程序对数据进行处理,分析抽样充分性;利用多样性分析法,分析了蚂蚁群落的组成、优势种、物种多样性、群落均匀度及群落相似性等群落特征。[结果]合计发现蚁科Formicidae昆虫8亚科,45属,96种。分析发现,不同植被类型优势种和稀有种组成不同,稀有种较多。低海拔区域的沟谷雨林和常绿阔叶林蚂蚁优势种具有明显的热带和亚热带特征。多样性分析发现,各样地中的蚂蚁群落物种丰富度0 42种,个体密度0.0 1 805.6头·m-2,多样性指数02.285 5,均匀度指数0.251 0 0.873 6,优势度指数0.147 0 1.000 0。其中海拔1 200 m沟谷雨林的蚂蚁物种丰富度最高(42种);海拔1 450 m季风常绿阔叶林的多样性指数最高(2.285 5),优势度最低(0.147 0);海拔2 960m高山松林均匀度指数最高(0.873 6);高海拔的针叶林蚂蚁物种丰富度和多样性均最低,优势度最高。北坡分布的物种稀少,南坡物种丰富;群落相似性系数表明不同海拔和植被的蚂蚁群落间差异显著。[结论]嘎隆拉和墨脱河谷生境存在明显差异,蚂蚁群落的物种数目、个体密度、多样性指数和均匀度指数总体呈现随海拔升高和植被的更替而降低的规律,但在南坡下部和中部出现2个峰值,分别为热带和温带物种的聚集群,表现出多域效应现象(Multi-Domain Effect)。植被、海拔和坡向对蚂蚁物种的分布和多样性影响深刻。  相似文献   

Quantitative assessment of tree species diversity from sample plots in seven forest ranges of Nayagarh Forest Division in Odisha state in the Eastern Ghats of India was made during the period April, 2011 to November, 2013. A total of 120 transects(1000 m × 5 m) were laid in Nayagarh, Odogaon, Pancharida, Khandapada, Dasapalla,Mahipur, and Gania forest ranges and tree stems of at least 30 cm GBH were measured. The regeneration potential of trees was assessed from 5 m × 5 m sample plots located within the main transect. A total of 177 tree species belonging to 120 genera and 44 families were recorded from the study area. Shorea robusta, Buchanania lanzan, Lannea coromandelica, Terminalia alata and Cleistanthus collinus were the predominant tree species. The stand density varied in the range of 355.33–740.53 stems h~a)-1) while basal area ranged from 7.77 to 31.62 m~2 ha~(-1). The tree density and species richness decreased with increasing girth class. The highest number of species and maximum density was recorded in the girth class of 30–60 cm. The Shannon–Weiner and Simpson Indices with respect to trees with C30 cm GBH varied in the range of 2.07–3.79 cm and 0.03–0.37 cm respectively and the values of diversity indices are within the reported range for tropical forests of Indian sub-continent. The families, Dipterocarpaceae,Anacardiaceae, Combretaceae and Euphorbiaceae contributed to maximum species richness, stand density, and basal area. Regeneration of many tree species was observed to be poor. The present study provides baseline data for further ecological studies, forest management, and formulation of site-specific strategies for conservation of biological diversity in moist deciduous forests of Eastern India.  相似文献   

The structure and tree species diversity of a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest in northern Okinawa Island, Japan, were studied. Enumeration of the six sampling plots revealed an average density of 5,580 individuals with DBH≧3.0 cm/ha, having an average basal area of 55 m2. The large-size trees of DBH≧20 cm contributed 10% of the total individuals, and 49% of the total basal area. The forest showed a high diversity of tree species, which is comparable to some tropical rain forests. A total of 54 over-story species of 24 families and a total of 63 understory species of 26 families were identified in the six sampling plots. Fagaceae and Theaceae were the most important families;Castanopsis sieboldii, Schima wallichii andDistylium racemosum were the most important species. The diversity index and equitability index of species were 4.15 and 0.72 for the overstory plots, and 4.72 and 0.79 for the understory subplots, respectively. The diversity index for the overstory was significantly correlated to the total basal area of trees over 20 cm DBH (p<0.05) and the importance value ofC. sieboldii (p<0.001), while for understory, the diversity index was not correlated to the structural parameters (allp>0.16). The size distribution pattern and age structure indicated differences in regeneration strategies for canopy dominants. In population dynamics of the succession process,C. sieboldii andD. racemosum were self-maintaining types, andS. wallichii was a gap- or opening-dependent type. This study was made possible by support from the Japanese Ministry of Education, Sciences, Sports and Culture, which provided a Monbusho scholarship to X.N. Xu.  相似文献   

浙西北天然次生林群落物种多样性研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
对浙西北地区天然次生林群落植物物种多样性特征进行了研究,测定了群落植物生长型构成以及各层次植物物种的重要值,采用多种测度方法计算了群落各层次植物物种的丰富度指数、均匀度指数和多样性指数。结果表明:(1)浙西北地区天然次生林群落各层次优势种比较明显,乔木树种以青冈为主,灌木树种以柃木和檐木占优势,草本植物则以箬竹为主;(2)该地区天然次生林群落植物物种比较丰富,乔木树种种数最多,草本植物稀少;就各层次而言,草本层物种数最多,乔木层和灌木层比较接近,各层次的均匀度指数的趋势是灌木层最高,草本层最低,乔木层居中;以多种指标计算各层次物种多样性指数结果均显示,灌木层多样性指数最高,草本层最低,尽管草本层具有最高的丰富度;(3)封育时间长、人为干扰轻的地区具有较高的物种多样性指标以及数量指标,有利于生物多样性的保护。  相似文献   

We investigated the composition of tropical dry forest woody species at adult, sapling, and seedling stages, in terms of plant diversity, distribution, and importance value index (IVI), and identified the dominant and ubiquitous species in the five study sites having variable edaphic properties. Species varied markedly in the composition and IVI at different sites. The semi-evergreen species, Shorea robusta, was dominant at the wettest site at all the three growth stages; at the driest site, highly deciduous species Lannea coromandelica was the dominant adult species and Nyctanthis arbortristis the dominant sapling and seedling species. Soil moisture content (SMC) altered the distribution of about 8% of the adult species. ANOVA indicated significant site-wise differences in the Shannon-Wiener index, Whittaker’s evenness, Margalef’s species richness, and β-diversity for the woody species at all the three stages. The Shannon-Wiener index, Whittaker’s evenness, Margalef’s species richness, and β-diversity were greater in seedlings as compared to adult and saplings of tree species. These variations in species composition and distribution are evidently on account of different levels of SMC as well as habitat heterogeneity as indicated by β-diversity which was independent of SMC.  相似文献   


This study examines a participatory forest management program and its impacts on forest conditions in Gebradima Forest, southwest Ethiopia. Vegetation data were collected from both participatory forest management (PFM) and nonparticipatory forest management (non-PFM) forest blocks. A total of 54 plots (27 from each forest block) measuring 20 m × 20 m were employed to collect species composition and structural data. Results indicated that a total of 51 different woody plant species (49 at PFM and 43 at non-PFM blocks), representing 31 families were recorded, with 41 species were shared for both forest sites. Species diversity and evenness were higher in the forest with PFM (H´ = 3.29, E = .85) compared to the forest without PFM (H´ = 2.97, E = .79). The overall mean values of tree/shrub and seedling density per hectare, diameter class (≤ 20 cm) were also significantly (p < .05) higher in PFM forest than non-PFM forests. However, no significant variations were observed in sapling density per hectare and basal area between the two studied forest blocks. It can be concluded that PFM had a positive effect on forest conditions compared with a similar forest without PFM. Hence, it is important to scaling up PFM in neighboring forests.  相似文献   

For this study in the Ambo State Forest on woody plant diversity, structure and regeneration, 70 quadrats, each 25 m by 25 m, were selected using a systematic random sampling technique and intervals of 100 m along a transect line. For assessing seedlings and saplings,two 2 × 10 m sub quadrats were set upon opposite sides of each main quadrat. Data on species diversity, abundance,structure, basal area, density, frequency and regeneration status were collected and analyzed using standard procedures and programs. Of 58 woody plant species identified,69 % were trees, 16 % were shrubs, 12 % were tree/shrubs and 4 % were climbers. Fabaceae was the most speciesrich family comprising 17 species. The Shannon–Weiner diversity index was 2.73, and evenness was 0.67. The population structure in the cumulative diameter class frequency distribution revealed an interrupted and inverted J-shape with a very high decrease in higher diameter class.Acacia lahai(49 %) was the most important woody species with the highest importance value index. To maintain balanced structure, enhanced regeneration and protecting the forest from selective cutting are recommended.  相似文献   

Fasiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary is a protected area composed of tropical remnant rainforest that harbor substantial number of large,old Garjan(Dipterocarpus spp.)trees.The present study assessed composition,structure and diversity of the species in this protected area.A total of 32 trees species were recorded with DBH ≥ 11 cm belonging to 24 genera and 19 families.The forest is low in plant diversity as represented by Shannon–Wiener diversity and Simpson Dominance indices.Dipterocarpus turbinatus was the most dominant species with maximum relative density,frequency,dominance,and importance value index.Syzygium firmum and Tectona grandis followed in terms of dominance.The structural composition indicated higher number of individuals in the medium growth classes(41 to 511 cm DBH and 16–20 m height ranges),whereas D.turbinatus was the only species that dominated most of the growth classes.Poor stem density in lower growth classes indicated meager recruitment of regeneration which may be due to lower annual precipitation,increased grazing and encroachments.This study will help to understand the patterns of tree species composition and diversity in the remnant dipterocarp forests of Bangladesh.It will also contribute to identifying threatened plants to undertake D.turbinatus based conservation and sustainable management of the Fasiakhali Wildlife Sanctuary.  相似文献   


The relationship between stand attributes and biomass accumulation pattern in a mangrove forest has been intensively studied in this study. We assessed above (AGM) and belowground mass (BGM) and examined the relationship between forest attributes and aboveground mass in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. The study was conducted with 18 plots having total area of 1.08 ha. The mean AGM and BGM of the study sites were 234.08 and 132.85 Mg ha?1 respectively. H. fomes contributed the highest amount (82.9% of total AGM and 80.53% of total BGM) of above (193.56 Mg ha?1) and belowground mass (107.09 Mg ha?1) at the study site. Our study revealed structural attributes (tree diameter, height, and basal area) positively correlated with AGM. In contrast, species richness and species diversity negatively correlated with AGM. Our study indicated that lack of positive relationship between species diversity and AGM which may be attributable to high AGM of the dominant species (H. fomes) and may have a considerable consequence in AGM of the study area. Thus, maintaining large trees (DBH and height) rather than species diversity in the Sundarbans mangrove forest might be an effective approach for increasing aboveground mass.  相似文献   

A study was conducted at two-biodiversity conservation areas of Northeastern Bangladesh (a part of Sylhet Forest Division) to assess the species composition, diversity and density of natural regeneration of tree species both indigenous and exotic species. Data were collected by stratified random quadrate method during January 2010 to July 2010. Totally 200 circular plots of 2 m×2 m in size had 5 different habitat types of plants namely; forest, roadside, homestead (surrounding forest dwellers house), fallow land and others (canals, streams and tea gardens side), which included a total of 55 regenerating species belonging to 28 families. Meliaceae is the dominant family and shows the highest family importance value (26.3), having six species, followed by Moraceae (24.24). Among the five habitat types, forest (43 species) possess the highest number of species, followed by roadside (23 species). Total 15 exotic species among 9 families and 40 indigenous species with 24 families were recorded. For exotic species, Tectona grandis possess the highest relative density (11.7%) and relative frequency (10.5%); Senna siamea had highest relative abundance (7.83%). In case of indigenous species, Chickrassia tabularis possess the highest relative density (4.23%) and relative frequency (4%); Dipterocarpus turbinatus had the highest relative abundance (3.92%). Tectona grandis (29.66) and Chickrassia tabularis (10.8) had the highest IVI for exotic and indigenous species respectively. Different diversity indices such as Shanon-Winner diversity index, species diversity index, species richness index, species evenness index, Simpson index and species dominance index, etc. were applied to quantify definite diversity. The regeneration of species associated with low levels of disturbance was in the exotic species. Study suggests that proper protection from human disturbances and scientific management of natural regeneration of two-study forests may lead a rich biodiversity site in the country.  相似文献   

[目的]探讨天然次生林和人工林及人工林树种选择对树冠层蚂蚁群落多样性的影响。[方法]运用树栖蚂蚁陷阱法调查云南省绿春县天然次生林和4种人工林的树冠层蚂蚁群落、植物多样性及植物垂直密度变化。[结果](1)共采集蚂蚁标本17 998头,隶属于6亚科29属68种。(2)树冠层蚂蚁多度:紫胶林-玉米混农林紫胶林桉树林橡胶林天然次生林。(3)树冠层蚂蚁丰富度:紫胶林-玉米混农林紫胶林天然次生林橡胶林桉树林。(4)树冠层蚂蚁ACE估计值:紫胶林-玉米混农林紫胶林天然次生林桉树林橡胶林。(5)树冠层蚂蚁多度和丰富度与枯落物盖度、300 cm处垂直密度和乔木郁闭度呈显著或极显著负相关,而与植物盖度显著正相关;ACE估计值与枯落物盖度、草本植物盖度和乔木郁闭度显著负相关,与175 199.9 cm区段内垂直密度显著正相关。[结论]人工林对蚂蚁多样性保护有一定积极作用,尤其选择乡土树种保护效果更显著,对人工林进行合理的管理有利于保护生物多样性。  相似文献   

研究了位于印度加瓦尔海平面(950~1100m)上的亚热带森林的再生生长状况。对生长在不同方位(东、西、北、南)研究地的植被进行了定量分析。研究结果表明:宽叶榆绿木(Anogeissus latifolia)的树木、幼树和幼苗层在研究地点的所有方位显生长优势。长叶松(Pinusroxburghii)和毛白杨(Terminalia tomentosa)的树木、小树在研究地点的北部显生长优势。树木层的最高(380株·ha-1)和最低密度(260株·ha-1)分别出现在南坡和北坡。幼树的最高(1790株·ha-1)和最低密度(970株·ha-1)分别出现在东坡和西坡。树木和灌木层的多样性分别为0.846~1.710和1.943-2.847。与其它种的相比较(4%~33%),宽叶榆绿木(Anogeissus latifolia)的相对剪枝强度较高(45%-57%),此种是在北坡中最重要的树种。目前研究表明,如果不合理开采继续进行,宽叶榆绿木(Anogeissus latifolia)就有可能被其他种代替,在树种的成分和森林重建方面会发生剧烈的变化。人类活动的压力,地理方位和土壤营养已引起了树种的成分和森林重建方面的变化。  相似文献   

The present study was undertaken in moist temperate forest of Mandal-Chopta area in the Garhwal region of Uttarakhand, India. The aim of the present study was to understand the regeneration dynamics of the dominant tree species along an altitudinal gradient in naturally regenerating, restricted access forest. The overall regeneration status was fairly high in the study area. Most of the native canopy and undercanopy dominants had frequent reproduction and expanding populations, which suggests the stability of forest structure/composition and further expansion of dominant species. The overall regeneration of trees in the forest had a greater contribution of middle and understorey species. Because of infrequent reproduction and declining populations of some of the dominant native species viz., Abies pindrow, Alnus nepalensis and Betula alnoides, structural/compositional changes in the future are expected in respective forests dominated by them. Abies pindrow and Taxus baccata need immediate attention by forest managers for their survival in the area. Seedlings were found to be more prone to competition from herb and shrubs than saplings.  相似文献   

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