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铁线莲品种群的花期观赏性状分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以79个观赏铁线莲(Clematis)栽培品种为对象,对Ⅰ次花的现蕾日期、孕蕾期天数、始花日期、盛花日期、落花日期、末花日期、单朵花期天数、花期天数和观赏期天数等9个性状进行了连续3年的系统观察和分析。以始花日期相差16 d为级差,将供试品种划分为极早花、早花、中花、晚花和极晚花等5大类群;以观赏期天数相差5 d为级差划分为极短花期、短花期、中长花期、长花期和超长花期5大花期长短类群。通过观赏多度指数(CDI)分析确定了铁线莲的最佳观赏期为4月中下旬至5月中下旬。温度是影响铁线莲花期的主要因素,孕蕾期天数、花期天数、观赏期天数与气温均显著相关,而单朵花期与气温相关性不显著。本结果可为铁线莲在园林应用中的品种组合配植、专类园建设、定向育种亲本选配等提供依据。  相似文献   

提到铁线莲,很多花友眼前会出现枝叶密集、色彩鲜艳的铁线莲花墙吧?一般铁线莲养到两三年后极容易爆花开成花墙,而今天要提到的几个品种却不是你们想到的样子。它们是铁线莲中小巧可爱的类型,这些小花品种不及大花铁线莲那么鲜艳夺目,却更有一番清新素雅的低调韵味,比那些艳丽的色彩更让人难忘。以我种植过的品种为例,其中最迷你可爱的品种是铃铛铁线莲‘王梦’、‘天使舞裙’、‘克里巴斯’等;其次是常绿组的‘春早知’、‘银币’;全缘组的‘灵感’、‘阿拉贝拉’;还有蒙大拿组的‘鲁宾斯’、‘杰出’、‘雪花’。  相似文献   

N年前很长一段时期都在疯狂收集铁线莲品种,苦于到处都买不到,不得不托人从国外带回来。然后便是一次和朋友在某园艺公司的大棚,见到了很多品种的铁线莲,花开了大半,枝条不老不嫩、扦插刚好,最重要的是周围没有人……然而,上天把这么好的一次机会摆在了我的面前,  相似文献   

利用石蜡切片法对大叶铁线莲(Clematisheracleifolia)、东北铁线莲(C.ternifloravar.mandshurica)、棉团铁线莲(C. hexapetala)和褐毛铁线莲(C. fusca)的花芽分化过程进行了观察。结果表明,4种植物的花芽分化过程可分为5个时期,未见明显花萼或花瓣分化或退化现象,各轮花器官为向心式发生,向心式发育。大叶铁线莲、东北铁线莲和棉团铁线莲还存在花序形成期。至各花器官形态分化完全,东北铁线莲及褐毛铁线莲花芽分化过程为10~12 d,棉团铁线莲为12~14 d,大叶铁线莲为15~17 d。  相似文献   

正2018年春天,是我种植花草三年来花园最美的一年。四月下旬,各种颜色的铁线莲大放异彩,它们与柔和色彩的月季完美搭配,和各类草花们一起打造了一场花香盛宴(图1)。在这场华丽的花香盛宴中,我想把掌声送给铁线莲‘伍斯特美女’,因为无论是单独开放还是与花草搭配,它都能彰显出端庄、典雅、高贵的气质,是今年花园里当之无愧的花中女王(图2)。最初选择铁线莲品种的时候,我偏爱单瓣而小巧的花型,选择‘伍斯特美女’这个品种,是看中  相似文献   

铁线莲品种多样,在园林中应用广泛。但是对于铁线莲栽培品种的相关论文资料较少,调查整理略显不足。挑选100个铁线莲品种,从它们的产地、观赏特性以及花期等方面进行统计分析,结果表明,100种铁线莲中都为大花铁线莲,分别来自11个国家,共8种不同的花色,花径在5~30cm之间,有单瓣、重瓣和混合型3种花瓣类型,株高分为低于2m、2~3m以及3m以上3种,花期2~7个月不等。以期对今后铁线莲在园林上的应用起到参考作用。  相似文献   

正我的花园以月季和铁线莲为主角植物。当四月来临,月季和铁线莲竞相开放,仅这两个品种就足以让人激动不已,似乎可以忽略其他植物的存在了。是不是就该沾沾自喜呢?然而当繁华的四月之后,问题就来了。五月中旬大概就可以剪掉最后一批月季残花了,此时花园里只剩下寥寥几朵晚花的铁线莲在开放。而地栽的月季脚下长满了杂草,不知如何下手处理。剩下的所有的月份只有期待月季零星开花。到了冬季,花园里更是一  相似文献   

娄义龙  高嘉麟 《园艺学报》1998,25(4):385-390
1993~1997年研究表明,在贵阳地区,适应性较强的唐菖蒲浅色花品种的休眠球茎、发芽种球、幼苗期球茎及幼苗根的超氧化物歧化酶活性高于适应性较弱的深色花品种,而深色花品种的开花期母球、新球、新根、茎、叶、花药的蛋白质含量以及上部叶片的光饱和点、净光合速率、光呼吸速率、暗呼吸速率高于浅色花品种,花瓣的蛋白质含量低于浅色花品种。由此推测,唐菖蒲不同品种的栽培适应性差异与以上生理生化性状差异有关。  相似文献   

定点观察毛茛铁线莲的开花物候、开花动态、单花的功能形态特征、花粉活性、访花昆虫的种类及频率,利用去雄、套袋、人工授粉对毛莨铁线莲结实生物学特性进行观察与调查.结果表明:(1)毛茛铁线莲10~11月开花,单花花期为14~18 d.(2)在散粉当天,花粉活性及柱头可授性均最高,随开花时间的延长,柱头可授性及花粉活力逐渐降低.(3)自然结实率、自花结实率和异花结实率差异显著,其中异花结实率最高.  相似文献   

1品种选择为解决黄花菜因采收期集中、用工紧缺、雨水多等问题,需要选择适合于当地种植的早、中、晚熟品种进行搭配。一般早熟品种有四月花、五月花等,中熟品种有猛子花、白花、冲里花、大荔沙苑花等,晚熟品种有倒箭花、中秋花、兰州花等。2地块选择黄花菜对土壤的要求比较宽泛,适应性很强,但要取得优质、高产。  相似文献   

风信子花瓣花色苷组成分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以12个风信子(Hyacinthus orientalis L.)品种为研究材料,采用英国皇家园艺学会比色卡进行花色描述,利用特征颜色反应确定色素类型,利用UPLC-PAD结合UPLC-Q-TOF-MS技术分析花色苷种类及含量。结果表明,12个品种花瓣中均不含有色的类胡萝卜素,除‘City of Haarlem’和‘Aiolos’以外,均含花色苷。10个含花色苷的品种中,‘Woodstock’花瓣中花色苷含量最高,‘Jan Bos’、‘上农早粉’、‘上农紫红’次之。在这些品种花瓣中共检测到9种花色苷成分,通过与已有文献比对,推定其成分为:天竺葵素3–O–葡萄糖苷、天竺葵素3–O–葡萄糖苷5–O–丙二酰葡萄糖苷、矢车菊素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–葡萄糖苷、天竺葵素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–葡萄糖苷、天竺葵素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–乙酰葡萄糖苷、矢车菊素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–丙二酰葡萄糖苷、天竺葵素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–丙二酰葡萄糖苷、天竺葵素3–O–阿魏酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–丙二酰葡萄糖苷和天竺葵素3–O–咖啡酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–丙二酰葡萄糖苷。‘上农早粉’、‘上农中粉’、‘Gipsy Queen’、‘Marconi’等品种花瓣中仅含天竺葵素花色苷衍生物,其它6个品种则含天竺葵素和矢车菊素的花色苷衍生物,以天竺葵素为主。‘上农早粉’、‘上农中粉’、‘Gipsy Queen’、‘Jan Bos’、‘Marconi’和‘Lady Derby’花瓣花色苷以天竺葵素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–丙二酰葡萄糖苷为主;‘Anna Lisa’、‘Woodstock’花瓣花色苷以天竺葵素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–乙酰葡萄糖苷为主;‘上农紫红’和‘Sky Line’花瓣花色苷分别以矢车菊素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–丙二酰葡萄糖苷以及天竺葵素3–O–香豆酰葡萄糖苷–5–O–葡萄糖苷为主。  相似文献   

Since pomegranate is a fruit tree species showing high plant diversity, molecular techniques are required to quickly and precisely characterize and certify different cultivated varieties. The study evaluates a genetic method to identify pomegranate cultivars. The procedure is based on the Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphisms (RFLP) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques. Ten pomegranate accessions from the varietal groups Mollar de Elche, Mollar de Albatera, Mollar de Orihuela, Valencianas and Bordes were evaluated. The results prove the appropriateness of the PCR–RFLP technique for identifying pomegranate cultivars. All evaluated cultivars were differentiated according to their genetic profiles. There is a low correlation between pomegranate morphological and genetic traits on this study.  相似文献   

Cities provide resources for the animals that live in them or their surroundings. There has been an increase in the number of ecological studies in urban areas, including interactions between plants and bees. Bees are pollinators that provide a vital ecosystem service to crops and wild plants. We assessed plant community structure in the campus of Universidade de São Paulo in Ribeirão Preto, Brazil, included in the neotropical Atlantic Forest biome, focusing on floristic composition, pollination syndromes, flowering phenology, and spatiotemporal distribution of floral resources for bees. Currently, the city is surrounded by sugar cane plantations. Once a month, from April 2011 to March 2012, we sampled plant species and individuals in bloom in an area with 500 m radius from the bee-rearing facilities of Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciências e Letras de Ribeirão Preto (FFCLRP), totaling 78 hectares. We sampled 289 plant species of 73 families; Leguminosae was the richest family. Plants pollinated by bees predominated (67%), followed by plants pollinated by hummingbirds (18%). Melittophilous species flowered throughout the year and, hence, food availability for bees was continuous. The flowering of plant individuals that provided pollen, nectar, and floral oil was seasonal in all vegetation (except for nectar in shrubs), with peaks in resource availability in the transition from the dry to the rainy season, and also in the rainy season. Our results show that the campus is able to maintain bee populations amid a monoculture matrix, acting as a refuge. In addition, it provides a list of several attractive native plants to different pollinator groups, coupled with a phenogram, that can be used in the design and planning of urban areas.  相似文献   

Artificially developed habitats in urban ecosystems, known as novel ecosystems, have recently been underscored in terms of increasing urban green cover. However, patterns of changes in species diversity and composition in novel ecosystems over time remain poorly understood, making it unclear whether all novel ecosystems contribute to urban biodiversity. Here, we assessed how plant species diversity and composition in developed habitats changed over the years since the development of habitats (years since development) using a space-for-time substitution approach in the megacity, Tokyo, Japan. We established multiple survey transects at each study site to investigate the plant species diversity and composition. Using the ordination regression-based approach, we found that the plant species composition in developed habitats changed over the years since development and became similar to that in remnant habitats after approximately 130 years. We also found that the diversity of native plant species did not change whereas that of exotic species decreased with the years since development. Our results demonstrate the importance of developing new habitats for conserving urban biodiversity, while highlighting that exotic species can easily establish in newly developed habitats. Given that remnant ecosystems in urban areas are degraded by urbanization, the time required for novel ecosystems to become similar to remnant ecosystems is essential for predicting and conserving future urban ecosystems.  相似文献   

卫河四标段植物应用调查与评析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周建  张高磊 《北方园艺》2012,(2):97-100
在景观营造中,科学地选择园林植物并对其进行合理的配置是直接影响工程质量和景观效果的主要因素。为了解河南新乡卫河绿化后的景观效果,对卫河四标段进行了实地调查和分析。结果表明:四标段现有乔灌木及地被种类26科39属51种,其中常绿种类21种,占41.18%;落叶种类为30种,占58.82%。树种结构因子中乔灌比为0.74,常绿比为0.42,树木密度为10.97m2/株;乔木密度25.81m2/株、灌木密度19.07m2/株。群落结构以乔灌草为主,其次是乔草和灌草。  相似文献   

The results are reported of an investigation into the effects of sowing on different dates on the emergence and growth of various cultivars of Phaseolus vulgaris and P. coccineus under field conditions. In 1969 five cultivars of French bean and three of runner bean were sown in the field at fortnightly intervals from April onwards. The experiment was repeated, with the addition of two cultivars, in 1970. Consistent differences were found between and within species for a number of growth parameters.

(1) Especially in the early sowings, seedlings of runner beans emerged before those of French beans, and small-seeded cultivars of French bean (in particular Comtesse de Chambord) before larger-seeded cultivars.

(2) The mean relative growth rates measured after emergence were greater in French beans than in runner beans, but differences within species were not significant. Very early sowing appeared to have a lasting depressive effect on the growth rates of seedlings of both species.

(3) The estimated weights of seedlings at emergence (estimated from regressions of seedling weight on time since emergence and on seed weight) were lower in the early sowings than in later sowings, and especially so in the cultivar Comtesse de Chambord.

The main results in each year were similar, but some differences in detail were found. In particular there were differences between years in the emergence of cultivars as affected by soil temperature. The discrepancies were attributed to a difference in the temperature regimes of the two sites.  相似文献   

Determining how suburbanization shapes tree-species composition and diversity is vital in Canadian and most nations’ cities, as suburban and peri-urban areas continue to grow faster than any other region. These areas, characterized by various land types and uses, represent differences in management and governance, jurisdiction, planting practices and species selection, and professional and political agendas. Such complexities emphasize the importance of exploring the influence of various environmental and location attributes of suburban neighbourhoods. Using hierarchical cluster analysis to classify urban forest species assemblages, we found that location attributes such as land type, development decade, and geography are influential on species composition and diversity − but only to an extent. We found that street-tree assemblages were classified more distinctly than remnant woodlands, which were in turn more distinct than tree communities found on residential properties. Residential land types had a high degree of species heterogeneity, highlighting the importance of not only considering the location attributes chosen for this study, but also including socioeconomic and cultural variables in future ecological classification schemes. Identifying drivers of species composition and diversity is useful for developing and implementing forest management strategies for urban and peri-urban areas, as different species assemblages give rise to different challenges and management opportunities, as well as varying quantities of ecosystem services, values, and benefits.  相似文献   

In this work we evaluated anuran species distribution in an Atlantic forest fragmented landscape, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Sampling was carried out in three continuous forest sites, 12 forest fragments, and five pasture areas (matrix). We recorded, by visual encounter surveys, 2,495 individuals from 50 amphibian species for all sampled areas. Considering the pooled data, higher richness occurs in continuous forest area. Additionally, more than a third of species that occurred in continuous forest area did not occur in fragments or in matrix. Both ordination analyses showed that continuous forest sites clustered together and matrix areas seemed to be separated from other areas. This ordination resulted from the existence of species occurring only in continuous forest, suggesting that these species may be sensitive to habitat fragmentation. Besides, matrix appears separated from other areas due to occurrence of frog species typical from disturbed environments, which are not recorded in continuous forest sites or in sampled fragments. By analyzing the effect of landscape metrics, we found that there was a tendency for fragments with lower isolation to have higher species richness and proportion of species which did not occur in matrix areas and amphibian local communities seems to be affected in a more local scale by habitat changes. Because local matrix is apparently hostile to typically forest-associated amphibian species, many of them may be unable to reach most isolated fragments by dispersal, which may explain observed results.  相似文献   

以枳壳、宜昌橙、龟井、本地早、柠檬、酸橙为试材,对其离体枝叶进行湿热空气和温浴处理.测定叶片在热处理过程中游离脯氨酸含量、过氧化物酶活性、细胞膜透性的变化.结果表明:叶片游离脯氨酸含量和由叶片细胞膜透性(电导值)变化计算出的半致死温度两项指标可用于柑桔叶片耐热力的测定;本试验所测定的6种柑桔中,以酸橙较为耐热,柠檬次之,枳壳、宜昌橙较不耐热.  相似文献   

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