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奶牛肢蹄病是奶牛常见病之一,成母牛发病率高达10%,若治疗不及时或治疗方法不当,会降低奶牛生产性能,提高淘汰率。奶牛发生肢蹄病最主要的症状是跛行、站立姿势不正。急性肢蹄病局部有红  相似文献   

正奶牛肢蹄病指的是发生在奶牛四肢与蹄部的疾病总称,在奶牛规模化养殖过程中,肢蹄病是一种较为常见且多发的疾病类型。近年来,随着国内奶牛养殖不断朝规模化、集约化方向发展,肢蹄病的发生频率也呈上升趋势,且已经成为危害奶牛生产,致使奶牛淘汰率上升的第二大疾病。无论从动物福利角度上看,还是从养殖效益角度上看,加强对奶牛肢蹄病的预防和治疗都至关重要。以下,作者将从奶牛肢蹄病  相似文献   

肢蹄病是奶牛一种常见疾病。肢蹄病在各生长阶段都可能发病、病程发展慢、初期没有明显症状,因此经常被大家所忽略。肢蹄病会导致奶牛体况日渐消瘦、采食量下降、产奶量大幅度减少、出现繁殖障碍,最后倒地不起或者因为并发其他疾病而死亡。肢蹄病是造成奶牛淘汰的主要原因之一。据资料统计,因奶牛患肢蹄病导致的淘汰率占奶牛淘汰更新的16%~20%,奶牛患肢蹄病造成经济损失主要来自以下几个  相似文献   

奶牛肢蹄病是奶牛四肢和蹄部疾病的总称.是仅次于乳房炎和繁殖系统疾病引起奶牛被迫淘汰的第三大普遍的原因之一。奶牛肢蹄患病,会造成医疗费用提高、产奶量降低、淘汰率增加,给奶牛养殖业造成严重的经济损失。  相似文献   

奶牛肢蹄病是奶牛的三大疾病之一,肢蹄病容易导致奶牛的损失较大,体重、产奶量下降,繁殖能力降低,增加奶牛场对奶牛疾病的治疗费用,增大奶牛的淘汰率。而提高奶牛福利待遇,实现精细化管理,经常给奶牛修蹄,保证奶牛营养丰富、均衡,卫生保健工作到位,减少应激发生,能够有效降低奶牛肢蹄病的发生,降低治疗费用,增强奶牛生产力,保障奶牛场获得理想收益。  相似文献   

在奶牛饲养业中,随着产奶量的不断提高,奶牛肢蹄病已上升为影响奶牛业发展的仅次于乳房炎的第二大疾病。国外报道,奶牛肢蹄病的发病率在4%~55%,我国奶牛肢蹄病的发病率也很高,发病率在5.7%~54.9%,该病不仅能够影响奶牛的正常生理活动,而且还可降低奶牛的泌乳量和繁殖力,使得奶牛淘汰率升高,导致较大的经济损失。一、肢蹄病的危害肢蹄病是奶牛生产中的常见病,该病轻则引起奶牛跛行,重则引起奶牛瘫痪,严重影响奶牛的生产性能。  相似文献   

奶牛肢蹄病是引起奶牛四肢和蹄部病变的一系列疾患的总称,是奶牛常见疾病之一。奶牛肢蹄病能够导致奶牛的繁殖性能、产奶量和乳品品质降低,医药成本和淘汰率增加,给奶牛饲养者造成较大的经济损失,严重地影响了奶牛业的发展。为此,笔者经过走访调查,对其病因进行分析,并提出一些预防建议,以便指导生产管理。  相似文献   

在现代奶牛养殖业中,受环境、饲养管理、疾病等因素的影响,奶牛肢蹄病已成为制约奶牛业发展的一类重要疾病,不仅降低奶牛正常活动频率,而且影响奶牛采食及繁殖等生理行为,致使奶牛泌乳量和繁殖能力降低,被动淘汰率升高,拉低养殖效益空间。对天津地区奶牛肢蹄病情况开展调研,现对奶牛肢蹄病的发病原因、临床症状以及治疗方法予以综合分析,并针对存在的共性问题提出合理的建议。  相似文献   

<正>奶牛肢蹄病是奶牛四肢和蹄部疾病的总称,是仅次于乳房炎和繁殖系统疾病引起奶牛被迫淘汰的第三大原因之一。奶牛肢蹄患病,会造成医疗费提高,产奶量下降,淘汰率增加,给养殖业造成严重的经济损失。1临床表现  相似文献   

奶牛常见的肢(趾)蹄病有:趾间皮炎、蹄叶炎、趾间蜂窝组织炎等。若感染上这些蹄病,将会造成奶牛的疼痛不适,跛行,运动量减少,生理机能减退,产奶量下降,繁殖率降低,淘汰率增高,给奶农带来巨大的经济损失。因此,平时要加强奶牛的饲养管理和肢(趾)蹄维护和蹄病预防工作,一旦患上蹄病应及时治疗。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the association of polymorphisms at the STAT5A and FGF2 gene loci with fertility, lactation milk yield and lameness in dairy cattle. Five hundred and eighteen primiparous Holstein cows were included in the study. Several reproductive traits were considered including conception rate (0/1) at first insemination, conception rate (0/1) in a 305-day lactation, number of inseminations per conception, interval (days) from calving to conception for cows that conceived in the first 305 days of lactation and age at first calving. Milk yield and lameness incidence were also recorded. Genotyping was performed using PCR-RFLP. The effect of allele substitution at each gene locus on reproductive traits, milk yield and lameness was assessed with single-trait mixed linear models. No significant associations were found between reproduction traits and any of the studied polymorphisms, apart from age at first calving, for which STAT5A polymorphism had a suggestive effect (P = 0.077). In addition, no significant effect of any polymorphism on lameness was found. Replacement of the C by G allele at the STAT5A locus was associated with a significant (P < 0.05) increase in lactation milk yield, suggesting that this locus could be considered in gene assisted selection for the genetic improvement of milk production.  相似文献   

Reasons for performing study: The first major epidemiological study of injury incidence in the UK flat racing Thoroughbred (TB), published in 1985, found lameness to be the single largest reason for days when horses failed to train. It was considered advisable to ascertain if progress has been made in reducing the problem of musculoskeletal injuries in the intervening period. Objective: To quantify injury incidence and days lost from training by 2‐ and 3‐year‐old TBs in UK training yards during 2002 and 2003. Methods: One‐hundred‐and‐eighty‐two yearling TBs were recruited at the end of 2001 and daily training and injury records maintained over the following 2 training and racing seasons. Days were defined as lost from training when a horse failed to train at a slow canter speed or faster, and could be assigned to one of 4 categories: lameness, medical, traumatic and unknown. The incidence and number of days lost due to specific injuries and medical conditions was determined by further subdividing the lameness and medical categories. Results: The study period provided a total of 52,601 2‐year‐old and 29,369 3‐year‐old days available for training, with 2‐year‐olds failing to train on a significantly greater proportion of days available than 3‐year‐olds. Lameness was the most important condition causing horses to miss training, with stress fractures being the most important cause of lameness. Medical conditions were a relatively minor cause of days lost from training, accounting for approximately 5% of untrained days in the 2 age groups. Conclusions: In UK flat racehorses there has been little change in the proportion of days lost from training due to lameness over the last 20 years. Potential relevance: This study highlights the need for further efforts to reduce the problem of lameness in the racing TB.  相似文献   


AIMS: To determine if inequality in height between claws within each hindlimb of dairy cattle is a risk factor for the development of lameness and to determine the effect of preventive trimming of these claws on the subsequent risk of lameness.

METHODS: Cows (n=2,695) on three dairy farms in Canterbury, New Zealand, were examined and the height differential between their hind claws on each limb was measured. Cows were blocked by age, then breed and grouped by height differential, before being randomly assigned to either treatment or control groups. Cows in the control group were not trimmed, whilst cows in the treatment group were all trimmed according to the ‘Dutch Trimming’ method by an experienced foot trimmer. All subsequent clinical incidences of lameness were identified, recorded and classified according to five categories. The overall incidence of lameness, the effect of claw height differential on the incidence of lameness and the effect of trimming on the incidence of lameness were assessed using both GEE modelling and survival analysis.

RESULTS: The incidence of lameness identified in any untrimmed hindlimb irrespective of diagnosis, measured at a limb level and assessing the first incidence of lameness only, was 10.0% for a 6-month period from November to drying off. The predominant lesion identified was white line disease (WLD; 7.9% incidence and 78.6% of all lameness). The overall incidence of hindlimb lameness measured at cow level for the same period was 14.5%. The risk of lameness was influenced by breed (p=0.016), age (p=0.002) and claw height differential (p=0.026). There were no significant interactions. The risk of lameness was lowest where the claw height differential was 0–2 mm. The incidence of lameness in the first 70 days following trimming was higher in older cows than in younger cows (p<0.001). Trimming did not affect lameness incidence (p=0.185). The Cox proportional hazard model demonstrated that farm (p<0.001), trimming group (p=0.021); and age (p=0.021) significantly affected the median days to lameness in the first 70 days following trimming.

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Hind feet with lower height differentials between claws had a lower incidence of lameness. Trimming of these feet to remove the height differential did not reduce their overall incidence of lameness, but did increase days to first lameness.  相似文献   

Estimates of point prevalence suggest that locomotion scoring identifies three times as many lame cows than when estimated by farmers. The aim of this study was to ascertain the impact of this under-recognition on the interval between identification of lameness (using locomotion score) and treatment. The study was undertaken on a 463-cow, spring-calving, pasture-fed herd in the lower North Island of New Zealand. All cows were locomotion scored (using a 1-5 scale) weekly during one milking season (July 2008 to May 2009). Survival analyses were then used to quantify the number of days between identification of a specific locomotion score and presentation, by farm staff, of a cow for lameness treatment. All cows which had a locomotion score of >3 were presented for lameness treatment subsequently, although >40% were treated more than 3weeks after being identified. Only 75% of events where cows had a locomotion score of 3 were followed by treatment with >65% of those treatments occurring >3weeks after the first score of 3. Improving the recognition of lameness by farm staff is thus likely to appreciably reduce the interval between reduced mobility and lameness treatment.  相似文献   

As osteoarthritis is a major cause of lameness in horses in the United States, improving collagen health prior to onset and increasing collagen turnover within affected joints could improve health- and welfare-related outcomes. Through its positive effects on bone mineral content and density and its role in increasing collagen synthesis, silicon (Si) may slow the development and progression of osteoarthritis, thereby reducing lameness. This study evaluated the hypothesis that Si supplementation would increase cartilage turnover through increased collagen degradation and formation markers, as well as bone formation markers, resulting in reduced lameness severity when compared with controls. Ten mature Standardbred geldings were assigned to either a Si-treated (SIL) or control (CON) group and group-housed on pasture for 84 d. Horses were individually fed to ensure no cross-contamination of Si other than what was present in the environment. For the duration of the study, SIL horses received a Si–collagen supplement at the rate of 0.3 g supplement/(100 kg body weight day). Serum samples were taken weekly for osteocalcin, and plasma samples were taken on days 0, 42, and 84 for plasma minerals. On days 0, 42, and 84, subjective and objective lameness exams were performed, and radiographs and synovial fluid samples were taken from reference and osteoarthritic joints. Plasma minerals were similar in both groups and were lower on day 84 than on day 0 (P < 0.05). Si supplementation, fed at the manufacturer’s recommended rate, did not improve lameness or radiographs when compared with controls, and supplemented horses did not show greater collagen degradation and/or synthesis markers in synovial fluid than controls, indicating that cartilage turnover remained unaffected. However, a minimum beneficial threshold and range for Si supplementation standardized to body weight need to be established.  相似文献   

It is well known that lameness in cattle has a multifactorial causation, however it is still not clear why some individuals are more susceptible to foot lesions in the same environment. Behaviour is thought to play an important role. The aim of this study was to assess the relationships between social and individual behaviour and the incidence of lameness in three dairy herds. Low-ranking cows spent less time lying and more time standing still and standing half in the cubicles than middle- and high-ranking cows. As time spent standing half in the cubicle increased, the number of soft tissue lesions increased and as total time standing increased the number of cases of lameness increased. The survival rate to lameness for low-ranking cows was significantly lower than for middle- or high-ranking individuals.  相似文献   

A retrospective cohort study design was used to investigate the effect of lameness on reproductive performance on 13 commercial Dutch dairy farms. The data were collected during a routine herd health and production control program.

The cumulative 100-DIM (days in milkl) production in the previous lactation of lame cows was higher and the culling rate lower than that of the controls. The 100- and 270-DIM production of the cows with a sole ulcer was higher than that of the control cows. There was no difference in 100- and 270-DIM production between cows with a lameness diagnosis other than sole ulcer and the controls.

Lameness prolonged the interval from calving to first service and the interval from first service to conception. The pregnancy rate at first service was not affected by lameness.  相似文献   

Thirteen genotypes of poultry were selected to represent a wide range of growth profiles and were fed either a non-limiting or Label Rouge diet. The birds' degree of lameness and liveweight were measured after 54 and 81 days. The birds reared on the Label Rouge diets were less lame than birds of the same genotype reared on the non-limiting diet. More traditional and slower growing genotypes tended to be less lame than the modern genotypes reared on the same feeding regimen. All the birds, irrespective of their genotype or diet, were less lame after 54 days than after 81 days. However, when liveweight was included in the analysis as a covariable, many of the differences disappeared. Only age at assessment significantly affected the walking ability of the birds, with the birds being approximately 0.6 units of gait score worse at 54 days of age than at 81 days. The regression coefficient between gait score and liveweight was 1.262 at 54 days and 1.128 at 84 days. The results indicated that liveweight was an important determinant of lameness in the diverse range of genotypes examined, that growth rate was also an important determinant of lameness and that younger birds may be more sensitive to differences in liveweight than older birds.  相似文献   


Aggressive and sexual behaviour in entire males and females were studied on 408 pigs. The sum of aggressive interactions in the pen during routine feeding (ALP) was lowest in single-sex pens with females. ALP was higher at 132 than at 155 days. High ALP correlated with high average growth rate. Aggressive interactions in a competition test (IA) increased after slaughter of the three fastest-growing pigs in a pen (at 155 days), although the slaughtered pigs had initiated the most IA earlier (at 132 days). Entire male pigs displayed more sexual behaviour (mounting) than females. In 15% of entire males and 6% of females there were health problems specifically involving lameness or injured legs or feet. Five entire males and one female were euthanized in response to lameness or leg fracture. The rearing of entire male pigs may cause welfare problems, given their higher levels of aggression and sexual behaviour.  相似文献   

The effects of whole body vibration (WBV) in horses with chronic lameness were evaluated in an experimental, single subject, repeated measure design. To assess the long-term effect of WBV, eight horses not previously exposed to WBV were subject to WBV, 30 minutes twice daily, five days a week, for 60 days in addition to their regular exercise routine. Lameness was assessed subjectively and objectively 30 days before the start, at the start and 30 and 60 days after the start of the treatment (WBV). The immediate effect of WBV was assessed in four horses accustomed to WBV, by comparing lameness before and within 30 minutes of a single 30-minute WBV session at four different time intervals. Change in lameness was sought using paired t tests on the kinematic data. A P-value of <.05 was considered statistically significant. Intraindividual change was sought using a subjective and objective scoring system. No statistically significant change in lameness was seen after 30 or 60 days of WBV, respectively, in the chronically lame horses not previously exposed to WBV. However, a trend toward improvement was observed after the first 30 days of WBV, but this improvement appeared to be lost during the second 30 days of WBV. Although a statistically significant worsening of front limb lameness was seen immediately after a single 30-minute WBV session in the chronically lame horses accustomed to WBV, this result was largely attributed to a very significant worsening of the front limb lameness in one horse within that group.  相似文献   

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