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乙酰甲喹与硫酸安普霉素治疗仔猪黄痢病的效果观察   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘文杰 《畜牧与饲料科学》2010,31(4):161-162,183
在宁夏某新建猪场抽取患黄痢病仔猪20窝,按窝将患猪随机分成2组。其中,乙酰甲喹擦剂组,共10窝(96头),乙酰甲喹擦剂2 mL,耳背或后背部涂抹;硫酸安普霉素组,共10窝(100头),硫酸安普霉素0.2 mL/kg.体重,肌肉注射。治疗后,乙酰甲喹擦剂组治愈81头,显效11头,治愈率为84.37%;硫酸安普霉素组治愈91头,显效8头,治愈率为91.00%。这表明乙酰甲喹擦剂和硫酸安普霉素效果很好,是值得推广的治疗仔猪黄痢的药物。  相似文献   

大肠杆菌病是一种由埃希氏大肠杆菌引发的仔猪肠道急性传染病,包括仔猪黄痢、仔猪白痢和仔猪水肿病[1],若不及时治疗会造成严重的经济损失[2]。1 发病情况2019年3月武鸣区双桥镇某养猪场发现有23头6日龄~10日龄的哺乳仔猪患黄痢病,16头断乳仔猪患白痢病。随后又相继有5窝哺乳仔猪发生黄痢病和2哺育栏断乳仔猪发生白痢病。抽测6头病猪的体温分别为:38.4℃、40.5℃、39.2℃、40.1℃、39.3℃、37.8℃。在两天内哺乳仔猪因黄痢死亡11头,因白痢死亡8头。本场兽医曾用恩诺沙星、硫酸新霉素、强力霉素、氟苯尼考等药物进行治疗,效果均不理想。  相似文献   

仔猪黄痢、白痢是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的多发病,发病率为20%~60%,死亡率达60%以上.目前仔猪黄痢、白痢主要是采取综合性防治办法,如强化兽医卫生管理,加强哺乳母猪和哺乳仔猪的饲养管理,对哺乳仔猪用微生态制剂或敏感药物进行预防和治疗,对妊娠母猪进行预防免疫等.为提高免疫的针对性,本人从1998年起用患黄痢、白痢仔猪的粪便免疫该场(户)妊娠母猪来预防仔猪黄、白痢,效果亦较好.  相似文献   

用母仔壮中草药添加剂,对177头哺乳母猪进行了饲喂试验,观察对仔猪的影响, 其中试验组母猪106头,对照组71头。结果表明,试验组与对照组比较,仔猪黄痢发病率下降11.78%,白痢发病率下降35.54%,成活率提高19.28%,双月窝重提高23.79%。  相似文献   

仔猪黄痢和白痢是由致病性大肠杆菌引起的一种多发病 ,常给养猪场带来较大的经济损失。据调查 ,仔猪黄痢、白痢的发病率为 2 0 %~ 6 0 % ,死亡率达 6 0 %以上。目前对仔猪黄痢、白痢的防治方法主要是采取综合性防治办法 ,如强化兽医卫生管理 ;加强哺乳母猪和哺乳仔猪的饲养管理 ;对哺乳仔猪用微生态制剂或敏感药物进行预防和治疗 ;对妊娠母猪进行预防接种等。目前对妊娠母猪预防接种的疫苗有 987P基因工程苗、K88-K99双价基因工程苗、K88-LTB双价基因工程苗、K88-K99- 987P三价基因工程苗等。从使用情况来看 ,效果不一。有些猪场…  相似文献   

本试验分别采取母猪产前喂饲土霉素 ,母猪产前喂饲土霉素和仔猪生后立即滴服链霉素 ,仔猪口服止痢灵 ,母猪口服过奶康等 4种方法预防哺乳仔猪黄白痢。试验结果表明 ,使用药物预防组 ,哺乳仔猪黄白痢发生率明显低于对照组 ,7日龄内、8~ 30日龄两阶段各试验组与对照组之间的发病率差异均极显著 (P <0 .0 1)。尤以仔猪口服止痢灵和母猪口服过奶康的预防效果最佳。  相似文献   

1发病情况华北地区某养猪场,饲养母猪218头,1995年8~9月间,产仔53窝,产仔后5~36h内发生仔猪黄痢竟达13窝,共117头;7~15日龄仔猪发生白痢的7窝,61头。兽用链霉素、氯霉素,痢特灵等灌服或肌肉注射硫酸庆大霉素、氯霉素等,结果患黄痢的仔猪死亡32头,死亡率为3.65%,白痢病猪虽  相似文献   

哺乳母猪中草药饲料添加剂防治仔猪黄白痢的效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本试验对哺乳母猪中草药饲料添加剂和仔猪腹泻(K88-LB)双价基因工程菌疫苗在防治仔猪黄白痢方面的效果进行了观察,通过19头长×大哺乳母猪35天和19胎204头仔猪28天的饲养试验,结果中草药添加剂在提高仔猪口增重、28日龄断奶成活率、防治仔猪黄白痢和降低仔猪单位增重成本等方面都明显优于双价基因工程菌疫苗和对照组.  相似文献   

分别给37头、39头、38头、38头仔猪白痢病猪肌肉注射硫酸庆大霉素、痢菌净、士霉素、盐酸诺氟沙星,109头仔猪的哺乳母猪口服诺氟沙星,连用3 d。肌肉注射给药的4个组,治愈率不高于82.1%,差异不显著(P0.05)。第5组,哺乳母猪口服诺氟沙星,仔猪白痢的治愈率最高,为88.0%,与其他4组相比,差异显著(P0.05)。所以,做好仔猪的保暖,加强环境卫生,母猪口服诺氟沙星,可有效预防和治疗仔猪白痢。  相似文献   

由大肠杆菌引起的新生仔猪腹泻(俗称黄痢)和仔猪腹泻(俗称白痢)以及由C型魏氏梭菌引起的仔猪血痢(红痢)对仔猪危害很大,要提高仔猪成活率,务必做好三痢的综合防治。仔猪三痢也与母猪有关,如母猪缺乳或少奶、或乳痈(即乳房炎)或  相似文献   

致病性大肠杆菌是引起仔猪黄痢、仔猪白痢、仔猪水肿病的病原,感染后发病仔猪临床症状以腹泻、水肿等为特征,传染性强,对仔猪生长发育造成影响,甚至导致仔猪急性死亡。通过加强饲养管理、做好清洁卫生及消毒可减少该病发生,还可通过大肠杆菌疫苗免疫怀孕母猪进行预防。该文论述仔猪大肠杆菌病的致病机理、临床症状及防治措施。  相似文献   

采用中成药“母仔安”给分娩前3d、产仔后7~10d的母猪喂服、“仔痢宁”给已产黄白痢仔猪的母猪喂服3~5d,观察其发病率、病死率及双月仔猪成活率。试验结果表明:服用“母仔安”的产仔母猪所产仔猪发病率下降11.56%,病死率下降15.58%,双月成活率提高9.61%,非病死率下降1.1%;服用“仔痢宁”的母猪所产仔猪发病率下降6.9%,治愈率占发病数的88.9%,病死率下降18.93%,双月成活率提高8.72%,非病死率下降1.86%。  相似文献   

The study comprised 70,796 litters in 104 sow herds, observed from 1976 through 1982. Weaning age decreased from approx. 42 days to approx. 30 days during the observation period. Diseases and symptoms were recorded together with production parameters (feeding, barn construction, economic returns etc.). The mean incidence rate of pre-weaning diarrhoea was 6.8% of litters, with considerable inter-herd differences (incidence rates from 0 to approx. 50%). There was a slight increase in incidence during the autumn (August through October). Incidence rates increased with litter size, with a peak incidence in litters of 11-13 piglets, and decreased with increasing parity of the sow. There was a positive association between occurrence of arthritis and pre-weaning diarrhoea in the litters, and litters from sows with post parturient disease (MMA complex) had 1.8 times higher risk of getting diarrhoea than litters from healthy sows. No important differences among breeds were found. Small herds (less than 200 farrowings per year) had higher incidence rates than large herds (400-499 farrowings per year). Herds with a gilt proportion above 30% had an incidence rate of 12.3%, i.e. nearly twice as high as the overall mean (6.8%). There was a trend towards a higher incidence rate in litters kept in traditional pens (i.e. large pens with solid floor and loose sows) than in intensive pens (i.e. small pens with slatted flooring and tethered sows). The overall pre-weaning mortality rate was 16.2% of pigs born, half of which was due to stillbirths (6.3%) and overlaid piglets (2.2%). In litters with pre-weaning diarrhoea, the mortality rate was 19%, compared to 13% in litters without occurrence of diarrhoea. This difference accounts for an excess loss of 0.6 piglets from birth to weaning in diarrhoeic vs. non-diarrhoeic litters. Piglets from litters with pre-weaning diarrhoea had reduced weight gain. Thus, on the average, they were 2.2 days older at 25 kg bodyweight and weighed 0.4 kg less at 30 days than piglets from non-diarrhoeic litters. Also, litters with pre-weaning diarrhoea had a significantly increased risk of post-weaning diarrhoea. The present information forms a basis for defining acceptable disease thresholds in suckling litters in intensively managed herds.  相似文献   

母猪产死胎、弱胎和断奶仔猪腹泻是兽医临床养猪业亟待解决的问题。为了响应国家在养殖业中执行的“减抗替抗”政策,本文基于中医辩证论治,探讨中草药复方芪英汤、子甘汤分别对母猪繁殖性能和断奶仔猪生长性能的影响。对同期发情的母猪(35头)和同期断奶仔猪(140头)进行中药方剂预混饲料的饲养方式,分别持续饲养至分娩结束、30 d,同时记录母猪分娩数据包括窝均出生仔猪数、窝均重、窝均死胎数、死胎率等,仔猪生长数据包括初重、末重、料肉比和腹泻率,通过酶联免疫吸附方法(ELISA)、荧光定量PCR(RT-PCR)检测母猪血清中IL-6、IL-1β、TNF-α、IgG、IgA、IgM和断奶仔猪血清中IgA的分泌情况以及母猪圆环病毒2型、伪狂犬病病毒、猪繁殖与呼吸综合征病毒及抗体来确定母猪免疫力情况。结果表明,芪英汤可以显著降低妊娠母猪炎性因子IL-6、TNF-α分泌水平,降低低胎次母猪生产新生仔猪死胎率、弱胎率、死亡率,分别下降1.96%、5.83%、8.25%,提高母猪的繁殖性能。子甘汤和芪英汤联用能够显著提高仔猪断奶后期IgA水平,降低腹泻率和料肉比, 提高生长性能,降低断奶仔猪血液中白细胞水平,红细胞恢复到正常水平。综上,中药复方芪英汤和子甘汤有助于提高母猪繁殖性能和恢复断奶仔猪生长性能。  相似文献   

赵永珠  翟羽佳 《猪业科学》2020,37(4):108-109
三元母猪做繁殖母猪是现下一种很无奈又很普遍的现象,但由于母猪没有经过专业的选育及科学的饲喂,往往产仔后问题很多,最常见的问题表现在新生仔猪腹泻,这种腹泻多是因为三元母猪在生长的过程中没有添加脱霉剂,导致霉菌毒素中毒,霉菌毒素破坏了仔猪的肝脏及免疫系统,导致新生仔猪对乳脂利用率差以及自身免疫力低下的双重原因引起腹泻。文章针对仔猪的腹泻情况做详细阐述及针对三元母猪留做繁殖母猪给出一些相应的建议。  相似文献   

仔猪黄、白痢高免卵黄抗体的试制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[摘要]为了解决临床上应用抗生素治疗仔猪黄、白痢病治愈率低、细菌易产生耐药性的缺点,采用把适当数量的K88、K99、987P抗原按一定比例混合后免疫健康鸡,制备高免的卵黄抗体治疗发病仔猪,结果表明该方法是可行的。它的推广和应用给临床上治疗该病提供了一种治愈率高、不产生耐药性、安全、有效的方法。  相似文献   

In the recent past, pig performance and sow management on smallholder farms in the Southeast Asian Massif have been extensively researched. But the objective of this study was to investigate the lifetime efficiency of breeding sows of the local Vietnamese Ban (n = 89) and Mong Cai (n = 131) breeds in a production system context. The impact of sow longevity was considered in particular. In addition, predictors of early pre-weaning mortality in piglets were investigated. In total, nine villages of Son La province, situated in the uplands of north-western Vietnam, were selected, differing in access to markets, production intensity, and pig management level. Data was collected over a period of 10 years through an on-farm performance testing system. It was shown that sows of both breeds that achieved five or more parities farrowed and weaned significantly more piglets per life year compared to sows with only one or two parities. The conception rate (Spearman’s rho = 0.374) and age at first farrowing (Spearman’s rho = ?0.424) were significantly correlated with the number of weaned piglets per life year of stayable (≥4 parities) Mong Cai sows. The risk of early pre-weaning death of piglets born to Mong Cai sows was affected more by litter size, while for piglets born to Ban sows, the risk was influenced more by the season. Therefore, interventions to improve the sow lifetime efficiency and piglet survivability must match the sow breed and management level.  相似文献   

A porcine group C rotavirus was found to be the unique cause of a problem of enzootic neonatal diarrhea in a minimal disease herd composed of 190 sows on a continuous farrowing program. During the outbreaks of diarrhea, 10 to 80% of the litters were affected with a morbidity rate of 100% and case fatality rates of 5 to 10%. Clinical signs began 24 to 48 h after birth and were characterized by a profuse yellow diarrhea lasting a few days. Piglets from different outbreaks of diarrhea were necropsied. They had multifocal villous atrophy in the small intestine, especially in the ileum. Group C rotavirus was demonstrated by direct immunofluorescent staining of frozen intestinal sections and by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of viral RNA extracted from the intestinal contents of diarrheic piglets. The infection with clinical illness and lesions was reproduced experimentally in newborn piglets by oral inoculation of a suspension prepared from a pool of intestinal contents from diarrheic piglets.  相似文献   

产肠毒素大肠杆菌(ETEC)是产房仔猪腹泻的主要细菌性病原,可引起仔猪的黄痢、白痢,给各国养猪业造成较大的经济损失。这也使得很多学者对于如何预防或治疗仔猪黄痢有较深的研究,在我国饲料禁抗的政策下,通过疫苗来预防ETEC引起的黄痢显得尤为重要。文章将展示现阶段,国内外关于该类商用疫苗的研究进展。  相似文献   

As part of an interdisciplinary research project, the performance response of sows and their litters to the probiotic strain Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415, as well as some health characteristics of the piglets, were studied. Gestating sows (n = 26) were randomly allotted into 2 groups. The probiotic was administered by dietary supplementation to 1 group of sows and their respective litters (probiotic group), whereas the second group (control group) received no probiotic supplementation. The duration of the treatment was nearly 17 wk for sows (d 90 ante partum until d 28 postpartum) and 6 wk for piglets (d 15 to 56). Body weight and feed consumption were recorded weekly. The frequency of 4 toxin and 5 adhesion genes of putative pathogenic Escherichia coli was monitored weekly (d 7 to 35) by multiplex PCR assays, and fecal consistency of weaned piglets was studied daily. Probiotic treatment of lactating sows led to an overall pre-weaning mortality of 16.2% compared with 22.3% in the control group (P = 0.44). Animal losses during the first 3 d of the suckling period were decreased in the probiotic group (P = 0.09). For piglets (n = 153), which were weaned at 28 d, there were no overall treatment differences in BW gain, feed intake, or feed efficiency. Probiotic supplementation, however, led to nearly a 40% reduction (P = 0.012). The actual percentage of piglets with postweaning diarrhea in the probiotic group was 21% compared with 38% in the control group (P = 0.05). The study on virulence factors of dominant fecal E. coli isolates revealed a high diversity with varying frequency and distribution of each single pathogenicity gene. The 440 isolates carried 29 different pathogenicity gene combinations as well as each of the 9 pathogenicity genes alone. Altogether, isolates with more than 2 pathogenicity genes were quite rare (< or = 10%), and up until d 28 isolates without any pathogenicity gene occurred most frequently. Depending on the time of sampling, one-third or more of all isolates contained est2 or est1b as single gene or in combination with other pathogenicity genes.  相似文献   

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