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天然干酪成熟过程中营养成分与风味变化的研究分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对不同品种干酪的综合分析,系统地阐述了干酪在成熟过程中营养成分与风味的变化,乳糖、脂肪、蛋白分别在风味变化中所起的作用以及产生风味变化的来源,并简单介绍了干酪的种类与适于中国人口味的干酪的发展前景.  相似文献   

<正>5月9日和10日两天时间,山东省济南市降下了100毫米的暴雨,不少大棚进水,大棚内的西红柿、黄瓜和地里的西瓜、甜瓜被淹。根据当时的天气情况以及我们《四季风》栏目组的专家和记者在走访调查时掌握的情况,预感到在这场大雨过后的几天时间内,西瓜和甜瓜很有可能爆发严重的疫病和霜霉病,进水后的大棚黄瓜和西红柿也将有霜霉病和晚疫病大发生的可能。  相似文献   

在我国全面建设小康社会的进程中,人们对食品,特别是肉制品的要求越来越高.不仅要求它具有良好的口味,还要求它具有营养和保健等方面的功能.因此,传统的香肠正受到挑战,开发大众需要的功能性特色香肠的任务就摆在我们面前.由于香菇具有味道鲜美、营养丰富、富含纤维等独特的生理功能,而有较高的药用价值.以香菇等为主要原料,通过乳酸菌发酵,从而使香菇香肠兼具营养和保健的功能.……  相似文献   

馒头是我国的传统主食.为了增加馒头的体积,改善馒头的质构和口感,延长馒头的货架期,提高馒头的营养价值,在馒头生产中添加适当的添加剂是必要的.目前常用的添加剂主要有酵母食料、膨松剂、酶制剂、乳化剂、氧化剂、营养强化剂和防腐剂等.   ……  相似文献   

母亲节是一个感谢母亲的节日。现代的母亲节起源于美国,是每年5月的第二个星期日。20世纪末,随着与国际的日益接轨,母亲节在中国各地日益推广开来,越来越多的人开始接受母亲节概念,在每年5月的第二个星期日,以各种各样的方式表达对母亲养育之恩的感谢。当然,作为母亲节主花材的康乃馨是这一天必不可少的角色之一。康乃馨的花语是:母亲我爱你,温馨的祝福。本期介绍两款用于母亲节的鲜花花礼,希望在今年的母亲节大家能够更好地表达对母亲的感谢之情。  相似文献   

第十三讲 农产品的供应链 近年来"供应链"和"物流管理"已经成为非常时髦的常用词.什么是供应链?供应链就是,把生产者的产品送到消费者手中必须经过的途径,或更加专业的说法,所有的"阶段".举一个简单的例子.目前北京市民食用的蔬菜有很大部分是山东省农民种植的.农民收割蔬菜以后,运送到集镇上,卖给当地的收购商.收购商把从各个农民手中收购的蔬菜集中起来,再运到蔬菜批发市场--如寿光农产品批发市场.然后这批蔬菜又被来寿光农产品批发市场的北京批发商买走,运送到北京的农产品批发市场.  相似文献   

在河北沧州和保定的乳饮料厂家中, “都益“四连袋装乳饮料除了在保定市及部分县有一点知名度外,在河北廊坊的知名度为零. “都益“由起初的10万元资产开始运营,到在当地作为专门经销的第一个品牌.在此过程中从不能进大型超市,到能做到一定的销售量,再到在保证不亏本的情况下,接其他新的产品,这一发展过程值得中小企业的借鉴.……  相似文献   

甜菜碱与植物抗逆性关系之研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
甜菜碱是高等植物重要的渗透调节物质,在调节植物对环境胁迫的适应性,提高植物对各种胁迫因子抗性等方面具有重要的生理作用。本文综述了近几年来甜菜碱与植物抗逆境(水分、盐、温度、离子等)胁迫的关系和甜菜碱合成酶基因的转化在植物抗逆性中的作用等方面的最新研究进展,并指出了存在的问题和发展趋势。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人们物质生活水平的不断提高,消费者对饮料的需求也不再仅仅局限于满足口味和解决口渴的层次上,健康化、多元化、细分化成为消费者选择饮料的一个新标准.上海健鹰食品科技研究所研发并改良的绿豆沙、红豆沙便是在这一新标准确立后应运而生的夏季清凉饮品.该系列饮品一经问世,便成为饮料市场的一支生力军.  相似文献   

不同养分组合对高粱吸收氮磷钾养分的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验,研究不同蕉园土壤条件下不同养分及组合对高粱吸收氮磷钾养分的规律。研究表明:在OPT基础上,(1)不施N,极显著降低高粱对N的吸收,但提高了高粱对P的吸收,且极显著提高了高粱对K的吸收;不施P,严重降低高粱对P的吸收,却提高了高粱对K的吸收。(2)不施Mg、施S或施B均有助于提高高粱对P和K的吸收。(3)施Fe、施Mn或施Cu均有助于提高高粱对K的吸收。  相似文献   

Nitrate release under the following crop maize after ploughing a clover-grass crop in spring After ploughing a clover-grass crop in spring, the formation of nitrate under the following crop maize, its nitrogen uptake and yield were investigated as well as the N-mineralization in the fallow plots. As ploughing processes the variants “rotary cultivator” and “plough” were compared. Three days before ploughing 14 kg nitrate-N/ha were found in the soil from 0 to 90 cm depth. At all sampling dates after ploughing significant higher nitrate-N contents were analysed in the soil of the plough variant than in the rotary cultivator variant. Under maize the highest observed nitrate contents were reached at the end of July, that is 117 kg N/ha in the plough and 65 kg N/ha in the rotary cultivator variant. In the soil without plant growth the highest nitrate values were not noticed before the end of August, namely 213 and 102 kg N/ha in the plough and in the rotary cultivator variant, respectively. During the time after these maximum values the nitrate contents in the fallow plots lessened dramatically, probably implying considerable nitrogen losses. In the maize plots, however, the continual nitrogen release could obviously be used well by the plants. Under maize there was another period of intensive N-mineralization between end of August and the beginning of October, so that the N-contents in both soil and maize plants approximately doubled during the last 5 weeks before harvest: from 70 to 148 (“rotary cultivator”) and from 140 to 269 kg N/ha (“plough”), respectively. This is equivalent to a mineralization rate of 1.9 and 3.1 kg nitrate-N/ha d, respectively, in the time between the end of August and the beginning of October. This nitrogen release was only expressed by the increasing N-uptake of the maize plants, but not by a changed nitrate store in the soil. Because of the better nitrogen supply the plough variant led to a dry matter yield which was 73 % higher than in the rotary cultivator variant (176 and 102 dt/ha, respectively).  相似文献   

美学农业园区建设模式研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建设美学农业园区是农业美学研究的实践需要,是现代农业发展的必然选择,是农村社会建设的客观要求,是人们生活丰富的理想追求。美学农业园区是一种以农村中一定区域范围内的田园、村庄和自然为载体,以田园景观化、村庄民俗化和自然生态化为目标,以农业为根本,以文化为内涵,以审美为表象,以科技为支撑,既生产农业物质产品,又生产农业审美产品,促进物质文明和精神文明共同发展的园区。具有区域性、三化性、农业性、文化性、审美性、科技性、双重性和发展性等特征。模式包括场地的选择、主题的确定、功能的设置、项目的考虑和文化的表现等内容。设计应做到功能性与审美性的统一、文化性与符号性的统一、实物性与抽象性的统一和个体性与整体性的统一。建设美学农业园区的关健是观念的树立、机构的成立、规划的编制、资金的落实、工程的实施和价值的利用。  相似文献   

B. Bjerg    E. Kbmeyer    B. O. Eggum    T. Larsen    G. Röbbelen  H. Sørensen 《Plant Breeding》1988,101(4):277-291
Ten inbred lines of fabe beans (Vicia faba L.) selected according to their quality characters have been investigated for carbohydrates, proteins, and antinutritional compounds. Digestible energy, N-balance trials with growing rats comprising determination of the protein digestibility and biological value were used as criteria in connection with comprehensive chemical-biochemical analysis. The chemical composition of the ten lines showed a considerable diversity as cad the results from the rat crisis. However, the content of vicine and convicine in all or the investigated lines were below the level previously found to have effects on the nutritive value, Starch, protein and fibre were the quantitatively dominating seed constituents, and all showed great variation among the lines. The starch content was not correlated to the quality or nutritive value of the seed, whereas the protein content was negatively correlated to the biological value and net protein utilization. These correlations followed the content of essential amino acids, lysine, threonine and methionine in the faba bean proteins. The content of the sulfur-containing ammo acids cysteine and methionine are especially dominant factors for protein quality. A simple method for total sulphur determination was found nut 10 be a sufficiently reliable technique for evaluating the content of methionine and cysteine in the faba beans. Tannin, insoluble- and total dietary fibre are phenolic aromatic compounds which were negatively correlated with the faba bean quality as expressed by digestible energy, the protein digestibility and the biological value of the faba beans. The results obtained have also revealed, that it is not sufficient to consider tannin as a group in relation to the faba bean quality. We need to separate and evaluate the different types, of phenolics in relation to the variations in quality of faba beans. Some of the low molecular weight (LMW) phenolics in the faba beans seem 10 be involved in inhibitory effects on hydrolase enzymes, chymotrypsin and trypsin. Trypsin and chymotrypsin from different animals were different in their sensitivity to faba bean inhibitors and additional experiments are required to reveal details about these effects. It has also been revealed that fructosans Lind LMW carbohydrates (oligosaccharides) are important in relation to the quality of faba beans.  相似文献   

不同光照条件对几种类型蔬菜呼吸强度变化的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探明光照条件对番茄、西兰花、花椰菜和芦笋4种类型蔬菜呼吸代谢的影响,采用近室温(15℃)、亚低温(8℃)和适宜贮温(0~2℃)3种温度,分别对该4种蔬菜在黑暗和光照条件下的呼吸强度进行了对比研究。结果表明,光照对采后离体蔬菜的呼吸代谢作用有较大影响。在同一贮藏温度下,番茄、西兰花和芦笋置于光照条件下比黑暗条件下的呼吸强度低,光照降低呼吸代谢的效果明显;而花椰菜则受光照的影响较小,光照抑制呼吸强度的效果不显著;同时,光照对呼吸代谢的影响还与温度有关,一般情况下,贮藏温度越低,光照对呼吸强度的影响越小。  相似文献   

Summary The suitability of image analysis was studied to measure bulb characteristics for varietal testing of onions (Allium cepa L.). Eighteen genotypes were used, which covered a whole range of onion shapes, including some quite identical ones. The characteristic height and diameter were measured both by image analysis and by hand. The methods gave comparable results with regard to precision and discriminating power. The discriminating power of the image analysis method could be increased by adding a new characteristic: the relative position of the diameter.For determining the height of the bulb with image analysis two methods are described to locate the top of a bulb. One method is to use the location of the inflection point as the top of the bulb. For most bulb shapes, this point coincides with the top of the bulb as indicated by a crop expert. For ovate shaped onions, however, the inflection point is below the top of the bulb as indicated by the crop expert. The other method is to use the location of the intercept of the tangent at the inflection point with the length axis of the bulb as the top of the bulb. This point is always above the top as indicated by the crop expert. Moreover it seems to perform slightly worse for the discrimination of cultivars. Therefore the location of the inflection point as the top of the bulb is preferred.  相似文献   

河南省棉花纤维主要品质指标分析及分区探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
根据2002年国家棉花品种区试黄河流域棉花品种区域试验数据和河南省棉花质量检测中心抽样数据,分析棉花长度、比强度、麦克隆值等纤维品质指标。将河南省的植棉区分为豫东、豫东南、豫西南、豫北4个分区。这些分区间的纤维品质指标存在显著差异。国家区试数据和河南省棉花质量中心抽样数据结果基本一致。区试数据结果:纤维长度、比强度、麦克隆值3项指标豫东最优,豫东南优于豫北。豫东的纤维长度为30.30mm,较豫北的28.96mm长1.34mm;麦克隆值较豫北小1.23,较豫东南小0.51。河南省抽样数结果为豫东较优,豫北区欠佳,豫西南的纤维偏粗。总体上看河南省的棉花纤维品质集中在中档棉这一档次,要提高棉花纤维品质,需要在比强度和纤维长度上加强。  相似文献   

Abstract: There are many elements in the economic and socio‐cultural context of the Paci?c region which distinguish it from Asia where many of the most famous models for the delivery of ‘micro’?nancial services were developed. Is it possible that the rush to replicate existing models, using ‘best practice’ principles developed far from the Paci?c, is curtailing careful market analysis and sti?ing experimentation and innovation in the provision of ?nancial services for the poor? This conference report asks readers to consider the types of ‘micro’?nancial services and the methods of their delivery which may be appropriate in the Paci?c context, and more important, which meet the needs of people in the Paci?c.  相似文献   

主要栽培技术对西兰花产量与品质的影响研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了进一步提高西兰花的产量与品质,增强西兰花产业的竞争力,开展了不同苗龄、种植密度和氮肥用量效应的试验研究。结果表明,不同苗龄处理的西兰花花球的商品性和产量存在极显著差异,绿雄90在浙东沿海地区最佳的播种期(8月20日前后)播种、土床育苗的条件下,苗龄以35d-40d为宜。不同种植密度对西兰花植株性状、花球商品性和产量均有明显影响,如果以内销或速冻为主,种植密度以2200株?667m-2-2450株?667m-2之间为宜;若以保鲜外销为主,种植密度则在2200株?667m-2-2800株?667m-2之间均可。适当增施氮肥能够促进西兰花植株和花球的生长,提高产量和商品性,在一般土壤肥力条件下,纯氮用量以25kg?667m-2-40kg?667m-2为宜,相对于原来的习惯施肥量(约25 kg?667m-2),可适当提高氮肥用量,以进一步提高花球产量与品质。  相似文献   

不同P-Zn配比对小麦幼苗微量元素营养的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用了螯合-缓冲营养液培养方法对小麦进行了苗期培养试验,在3个P水平(0,0.6,3.0 mmol/L)和3个Zn水平(0,3,30 μmol/L)的完全组合下对小麦苗期生长及Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn营养进行了研究,旨在为小麦微肥施用提供理论依据.结果表明,P、Zn的正常供应促进了小麦生长,二者的缺乏与过量均会抑制小麦发育,且这种影响在冠部表现得更为明显.在小麦苗期,Zn与Cu的吸收存在明显的拮抗作用,但供Zn则促进了Zn和Cu的转运,而Mn转运则受到了抑制;过量供Zn时,大量Zn被转运到冠部,同时明显抑制了(Fe+Cu+Mn)的吸收总量;P的供应显著地抑制了Fe的吸收,但P的供应提高了Zn、Cu、Mn的转运率;P、Zn在对Zn与Fe、Cu、Mn间吸收竞争的影响中,Zn本身的影响要比P的影响更为明显,供Zn明显促进了小麦幼苗对Zn的吸收;在小麦幼苗冠部,Zn与Fe的竞争中,供P利于Zn的吸收,缺P则利于Fe的吸收;而Zn与Cu以及Zn与Mn间的竞争中,缺磷时利于Zn的吸收,供磷后则利于Cu和Mn的吸收.总之,小麦幼苗Zn、Fe、Cu、Mn营养中,P、Zn的不同配比会不同程度地改变Zn与Fe、Cu、Mn的协同或拮抗效应.  相似文献   

Increasing severity of high temperature worldwide presents an alarming threat to the humankind. As evident by massive yield losses in various food crops, the escalating adverse impacts of heat stress (HS) are putting the global food as well as nutritional security at great risk. Intrinsically, plants respond to high temperature stress by triggering a cascade of events and adapt by switching on numerous stress‐responsive genes. However, the complex and poorly understood mechanism of heat tolerance (HT), limited access to the precise phenotyping techniques, and above all, the substantial G × E effects offer major bottlenecks to the progress of breeding for improving HT. Therefore, focus should be given to assess the crop diversity, and targeting the adaptive/morpho‐physiological traits while making selections. Equally important is the rapid and precise introgression of the HT‐related gene(s)/QTLs to the heat‐susceptible cultivars to recover the genotypes with enhanced HT. Therefore, the progressive tailoring of the heat‐tolerant genotypes demands a rational integration of molecular breeding, functional genomics and transgenic technologies reinforced with the next‐generation phenomics facilities.  相似文献   

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