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气调贮藏对富士苹果采后生理及果肉褐变的影响   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
石建新  赵猛 《果树科学》1999,16(1):14-17
气调对比试验结果表明:气调贮藏可显著抑制富士苹果果实硬度的下降,减少内源乙一贮藏寿命达8个月,并可保持其品质,富士苹果果肉褐变的主要原因是CO2浓度的升高,降低O2浓度加剧富士苹果CO2伤害的程度;贮期过长,果实衰老也可导致富士苹果的果肉褐变;2%CO2+5%O2是富士苹果气调贮藏的理想指标。  相似文献   

气调对比试验结果表明气调贮藏可显著抑制富士苹果果实硬度的下降,减少内源乙烯含量,贮藏寿命达8个月,并可保持其品质;富士苹果果肉褐变的主要原因是CO  相似文献   

不同贮藏条件下雪桃的化学成份变化及褐变产生原因初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
试验结果表明,采用减压贮藏(00C,350mm汞柱)可将雪桃果实贮藏50天,可溶性固形物含量、总糖、还原糖和Vc含量的变化较小,果肉的褐变程度较轻。采用00C,5%的O2和3%的CO2进行气调贮藏,也能较好地保持雪桃的化学成份。在180C条件下,果实中的糖和Vc迅速下降。单宁含量增高和Vc的消耗同果肉褐变密切相关  相似文献   

不同浓度O2与CO2对南果梨采后生理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究结果表明:南果梨属典型的呼吸跃变型果实。气调贮藏时O2浓度(2~10%)越低或CO2浓度(0~10%)越高,果实的绿色指数越大,且在货架期内果实进入呼吸高峰时间越晚、果实硬度越高、货架期越长;空气中冷藏180天的果实在室温下进入呼吸高峰的时间(5天)最早,且峰值(57.68CO2/kg/h)最高。贮于2%O2浓度的果实其乙醇含量明显高于贮于其它水平O2的果实。当O2浓度为2%时,随CO2浓度增加,果实乙醇含量成倍增加。在无CO2时,即使2%O2也不会引起果实褐变,但2%O2与高于2%CO2组合却能引起南果梨果肉褐变。在5%CO2+5~8%O2气体组合中冷藏180天的南果梨,移入室温(18±1OC)空气中11天,获得了最佳的感官品质  相似文献   

研究结果表明,苹果在变动气调贮藏中的最佳起始温度为10℃,在此温度下,前期用9%-16%CO2及2%-5%O2处理果实,能抑制果实PG酶活性、呼吸强度与乙烯释放量。起始温度为10℃+9%CO2(起始浓度)+3%O2处理的果实呼吸强度与乙烯释放量变化趋势在贮藏的中、后期与CA相近。在变动气调贮藏中,起始O2浓度应大于1%,CO2应小于20%,否则使果实内乙醇含量过高,易造成果实伤害。  相似文献   

气调贮藏对鸭梨果心褐变的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鸭梨采收后采用逐渐降温的方法,经30天的时间将贮藏温度从100C降至00C,然后采用CA和MA处理。实验结果表明:在O2浓度不低于16%的前提下,鸭梨果实可长期耐受3%的CO2而不至造成高CO2伤害,当CO2浓度高于7%时,经150天贮藏的果实果心褐变率高达86%。在CO2浓度较高时,细胞膜透性明显增强,游离态多酚氧化酶活性增强,导致果心褐变大量发生。  相似文献   

以低密度聚乙烯为主料,添加轻质碳酸钙、重质碳酸钙、大豆油等功能性辅料,自制CO2高透性保鲜膜,利用该保鲜膜对"富士"苹果进行自发气调贮藏,通过测定保鲜袋内气体成分变化、果实硬度、褐变指数、乙醇含量等指标,观察该保鲜膜对"富士"苹果的贮藏效果。结果表明:3种功能性辅料的添加总量为10%时,生产的保鲜膜性能达到"富士"苹果贮藏要求,可显著降低微环境中CO2浓度,保持果实的硬度、降低褐变指数和减少乙醇的积累,维持较好的果实品质。  相似文献   

前言苹果果实发发生斑点性生理病、虎皮病,和果肉褐变等各种贮藏性生理病害。在日本,以其中的果肉褐变危害最大,特别在红玉、元帅长期贮藏中成为最大的问题。果肉褐变的发生,用冷藏、气调贮藏  相似文献   

苹果低氧气调新组合及其防治虎皮病的效果   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
苑克俊  李震三 《果树科学》2000,17(3):175-180
以玫瑰红苹果为试材研究0℃和10℃温度下2%O2与3%、7.5%、12%CO2不同气调组合处理的效果。选出在0℃和10℃下气调新组合2%O2+7.5%CO2,其特点是O2浓度在低氧气调范围内,CO2浓度明显高于国外低氧气调。低氧气调新组合处理果实121d,果肉硬度和果皮叶绿素含量高于对照(0℃+空气),果皮α-法尼烯和共轭三烯含量显著低于对照。其中10℃+2%O2+7.5%CO2处理果实再在20℃  相似文献   

苹果贮藏期间常见果肉褐变类型及防治石建新,闫晓芳(山西省农科院农产品贮藏保鲜研究所太原030031)果肉褐变是苹果贮藏期间常见的一种病害。受害果实的果肉或全部褐变或部分褐变;褐变区域或仅局限于果肉部分或波及果心和果皮;褐变组织或坚实、湿润或松散、干燥...  相似文献   

不同温度和CO_2体积分数对丰水梨采后生理指标的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为明确丰水梨采后适宜的贮藏温度和CO2体积分数,从果实硬度、膜透性、乙醇质量分数、总酚质量分数、PG活性、PPO活性及果心褐变等方面研究了不同温度和CO2体积分数对丰水梨果实的防褐保鲜效果。结果表明,-1.5℃明显降低果实腐烂率,维持较高的果实硬度,但果实发生不同程度冷害;5℃适合短期贮藏(<60d)。与CK相比,3%O2+1%CO2可较好保持果实硬度和风味,明显抑制PPO活性、乙醇产生和果心褐变,延缓酚类物质降解,较好保持细胞膜完整性;2%CO2防褐保鲜效果次之;3%~5%CO2防褐保鲜效果最差。  相似文献   


Studies have shown that applying a reflective film to the floor of an orchard enhances fruit colouration. Here we assessed whether this practice also prolonged the post-harvest storage life of apple (Malus domestica Borkh cv. Fuji and Malus prunifolia [Willd.]) fruit. Strips of reflective mulching film (RMF) were placed beneath the apple trees and RMF-treated fruit were compared with those from untreated control (CK) trees. Enzymes involved in reducing lipid peroxidation such as superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) are associated with delaying fruit senescence. Their activities, as well as malondialdehyde (MDA) concentrations, were quantified as indicators of physiological changes related to lipid peroxidation and membrane damage in the peel and flesh of RMF-treated or control apple fruit during 50 d of post-harvest storage at 4ºC. SOD activities increased in the peel and flesh from RMF-treated fruit during the first 40 d post-harvest, but declined significantly during the final 10 d of storage. RMF treatment resulted in increases in CAT activities of 5 – 14% and 16 – 29% in the peel and flesh of RMF-treated apples, respectively, compared with untreated CK fruit. Conversely, MDA concentrations were 7 – 23% and 14 – 30% lower in the peel and flesh, respectively, of RMF-treated fruit than in CK fruit over the 50 d storage period. Similarly, RMF treatment resulted in reductions of 7 – 20% and 3 – 10% in saturated fatty acid (SFA) concentrations in the peel and flesh, respectively, compared to CK fruit, while the corresponding polyunsaturated fatty acid (PUFA) concentrations increased by 2 – 10% and 3 – 7%. In conclusion, the use of RMF in apple orchards appears to be an effective technique to delay post-harvest senescence in apple fruit.  相似文献   

草莓新品种‘石莓6号’   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨莉  李莉  杨雷  郝保春  张建军 《园艺学报》2009,36(4):618-618
 ‘石莓6号’是‘360-1’优系和‘新明星’杂交育成的草莓新品种。果实短圆锥形, 有果颈, 易去萼, 鲜红色, 有光泽, 果肉红色, 质地细密, 髓心小, 无空洞, 纤维少, 汁液中多, 香气浓, 味酸甜, 硬度大, 耐贮运; 丰产性好, 中熟, 适宜露地及保护地半促成栽培。  相似文献   

真空渗入4%和6%氯化钙的辽伏苹果在处理后的12天中,果肉硬度均明显地高于对照和渗入滴水的果实。果肉硬度的变化与使用氯化钙溶液的浓度呈正相关。氯化钙处理后,果肉组织的钾离子外渗受到抑制。  相似文献   

脆肉型甜瓜新品种‘海蜜5号’的选育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
海蜜5号是海门市农业科学研究所以优良自交系H(Y9601—102—16)为母本、优良自交系I(Y9711-102—14)为父本选育的杂交一代脆肉型厚皮甜瓜新品种。该品种植株生长健壮,抗病性强;中早熟,全生育期约115d,果实发育期约45d。果皮深绿色,有网纹,果实椭圆形,果形指数为1.4;果肉色淡橙,果肉厚度4.0cm,中心可溶性固形物含量14.5%左右,边部9.5%左右,肉质脆,口感好。不易脱蒂,耐贮运。坐果性好,一般单果质量1.9kg,每667m。产量约2900kg。适合我国大部分地区保护地栽培及西北干旱区露地栽培。  相似文献   

采前喷钙对中华寿桃采后贮藏品质及褐变的影响   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
曹永庆  曹艳平  李壮  任杰  冷平 《果树学报》2008,25(6):811-815,F0004
通过生长期树冠喷施Ca(NO3)2,研究了采前喷钙对中华寿桃采后贮藏品质及其褐变的影响。结果表明,喷钙处理后中华寿桃果皮和果肉钙含量分别提高了11.5%和16.1%,果实硬度提高了7.8%,增强了果实贮藏过程中硬度的保持力,贮藏过程中可溶性固形物和可滴定酸含量及变化不受喷钙处理的影响(α=0.05);与对照相比,虽然处理果实呼吸高峰推迟1d出现,但喷钙处理对中华寿桃采后呼吸的抑制效果并不明显;此外,喷钙处理还提高了冷藏后货架期间果实总酚含量和多酚氧化酶活性,并且显著抑制细胞膜脂氧合酶的活性(α=0.05);采前喷施硝酸钙处理虽然没有明显抑制中华寿桃冷藏4周后货架期间果肉的褐化,但对抑制果实褐腐症状效果显著。  相似文献   

采后浸钙对雪花梨果肉褐变的影响   总被引:31,自引:0,他引:31  
杨增军  冯双庆 《园艺学报》1995,22(3):225-229
雪花梨果实采后常压浸泡6%CaCl215分钟或减压浸泡4%CaCl22分钟能保持果肉较高水平的酚类物质(酚类物质与果肉钙含量呈显著正相关,r=0.8637),抑制FPPO(游离态多酚氧化酶)活性,维持细胞膜结构的完整性(果肉相对电导率与果肉钙含量呈显著负相关,r=-0.8775)。雪花梨果肉褐变与果肉钙含量及氮钙比有关,含钙量愈低或氮钙比愈高,果肉愈易褐变。重病果与健康果相比,其果肉钙含量低44.6%,氮钙比高75.3%。  相似文献   


Fresh ‘Mavra Markopoulou’ fig fruits, harvested close to a fully ripe state in October, were stored at ?1?C in either air or 2% O2 (balance N2) for 29.d. During storage in air the rates of O2 uptake and ethylene production declined substantially and fruit weight loss increased up to 2.1%. Storage in 2% O2 resulted in further reduction of O2 uptake and ethylene production rates. The effects of storage conditions on ripening indices at 20?C in air were also investigated. Fruit stored in air showed decreased firmness, ethylene production rate and flesh colour lightness, but no significant or consistent changes in respiratory quotient, O2 uptake and CO2 production rates, soluble solids content, titratable acidity and other colour changes in peel or flesh were observed. In contrast, storage in 2% O2 resulted in decreased respiratory quotient (although values remained above 1), O2 uptake and CO2 production rates and prevented fruit softening, loss of green peel colour and decrease in flesh lightness during post-storage at 20?C. All fruit were stored successfully under the above conditions, but 2% O2 is recommended for better firmness retention during storage for longer than 8.d.  相似文献   


Storage of the ‘Nijisseiki’ cultivar of Japanese pears was studied over three seasons for periods up to 36 weeks at 0°C. Storage in 50 μm thick low-density polyethylene (LDPE) bags at 0°C considerably delayed yellowing in all experiments, even after fruit was removed to 20°C for 1 week at the end of storage. The addition of an ethylene absorbent made from potassium permanganate on aluminium oxide (Purafil II) further delayed yellowing. Carbon dioxide levels in both treatments varied, but were generally in the range 2–3%. Oxygen levels remained high, generally 16–19%. In bags without Purafil, ethylene levels rose slightly during storage and were generally about 0.15 μl l–1. When Purafil was included in the bags, the ethylene level was reduced 10-fold or more. A sensory test indicated that the use of LDPE bags and ethylene absorbent resulted in fruit with better eating quality than fruit stored in air. Disorders over the 3-year investigation were low even after long-term storage. The use of polyethylene bags reduced the severity of flesh browning, and flesh spot decay was virtually absent. The use of bags increased the severity of core browning. Inclusion of an ethylene absorbent in bags reduced the severity of disorders, particularly core browning. Treatment of the fruit with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), before or during storage, resulted in higher ethylene levels in the polyethylene bags. At the concentrations used, 1-MCP did not improve the storage of ‘Nijisseiki’ compared to the use of polyethylene bags with Purafil II.  相似文献   

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