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生物多样性在害虫控制中的生态功能与机理   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:12  
生态学的有害生物治(EBPM)或生态管理(EPM)是新世纪农业有害生物防治的新对策。应用系统工程的原理和方法改变农田生态系统生物多样性,进行害虫生态控制将越来越受到人们的重视。通过农田生态系统生物多样性、调节农田生态系统多样性对天敌和害虫的影响以及生物多样性控制害虫的机制及生物多样性在害虫生态控制中的利用前景4个方面,论述农田生态系统生物多样性在害虫控制中的生态功能与机理。  相似文献   

诱集植物在不同有害生物的防治应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有害生物的综合治理在农业发展中越来越受重视,诱集植物作为有害生物综合治理的一部分,受到了越来越多的关注。本文介绍了诱集植物的防治原理,利用植食性昆虫的取食和产卵特点,诱集植物比主载作物更具吸引力,可将害虫集中引诱在一种植物上,方便集中灭治或减少害虫对主栽作物的为害;简述了诱集植物在防治四种(鳞翅目、鞘翅目、半翅目、植物线虫)有害生物的应用现状,并对诱集植物的应用过程中的问题与前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

辣椒病虫草害综合防治,就是贯彻我国"预防为主,综合防治"的植保方针. 综合防治,是对有害生物科学管理的体系.它从农业生态总体出发,根据有害生物和环境之间的相互关系,充分发挥自然因素的作用,因地制宜协调应用必要的措施,将有害生物控制在经济受害允许水平以下,以获得最佳经济、生态和社会效益.  相似文献   

1昆虫生态学研究进展昆虫生态学在生态科学和害虫管理实践中具有非常突出的理论意义和应用价值。因此,国内外都非常重视昆虫生态学的研究。目前研究的焦点主要集中于以下五个方面:a)应用分子生态学方法,从微观(分子)水平探明昆虫的生态适应、两性分化、生牧型变化、地理种群差异及抗药性机理等。b)应用GIS及遥感技术,从宏观水平研究害虫在较大时空尺度的迁移扩散规律、成灾规律,以此预测害虫种群发生,进行害虫管理的宏观决策。C)应用化学生态学手段,研究植物、害虫、天敌三个营养级之间的协同进化、信息传递、行为调节及相互…  相似文献   

浅析了林业害虫防治生态调控的理论发展过程,分析了综合使用生物防治、造林技术、抗性品种选育和害虫与天敌动态监测等进行调控林木-害虫-天敌相互关系的措施;最后阐述了害虫防治的目的是将害虫种群控制在经济阀值水平之下,而不是全部消灭.目前对生态系统的认识水平和技术水平,还不能完全实施生态调控,但已在逐步转变,今后有必要加大这方面的基础及应用技术研究.  相似文献   

[目的]调查分析靖安县主要林业有害生物种类,探讨林业有害生物防治的策略.[方法]采取线路踏查与标准地调查为主,访问调查与诱捕器调查为辅的方式,对靖安所辖11个乡镇75个行政村的主要林木树种开展调查.[结果]危害靖安林业的主要林业有害生物有15种,其中包括害虫10种,病害4种,有害植物1种,受害面积达6613.39 hm2,占全县总林地面积的5.66%.[结论]近年来靖安县林业有害生物的发生呈上升趋势,应树立普及森林健康和生态安全理念,建立完善的林业有害生物监测预警体系和检疫防范制度,加强森防队伍建设,创新防治机制,加强科学防治.  相似文献   

彭华 《植物医生》2005,18(3):4-5
1生物防治的进步促进了害虫综合治理的发展 害虫综合治理(Integrated Pest Management,简称IPM)是在保护环境、重视自然控制作用的前提下,对有害生物的一种管理系统,它考虑到有害生物种群动态及与之相关的环境,尽可能协调的运用适当的技术和行政措施,使有害生物种群控制在经济受害允许水平之下,并获得最佳的经济、社会和生态效益.重点是应用生态系统和害虫种群动态的相关理论以及遗传学和农林经济学的有关知识,制定一个规划,配合各种手段,调控有害生物种群数量,使之低于经济阈值.综合治理的理论是综合防治的一个飞跃,它强调了自然控制因素,根据害虫与天敌之间的相互依存和相互制约这一自然规律,优先利用自然因素,特别是保护和利用天敌.  相似文献   

农药危害与绿色植保技术探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农药在农业发展中具有至关重要的作用,但其危害也日渐凸显。绿色植保是一种生态环境保护新技术,通过农业防治、生态治理、物理防治、生物控制等综合措施控制有害生物,在提高农产品市场竞争力的同时,降低生态环境污染,减少农业害虫防治费用。阐述了农药对人类、其他动植物以及生态环境的危害,探讨了绿色植保的基本架构。  相似文献   

国外天敌引种与外来有害生物的持续控制   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
陆庆光 《植物保护》1996,22(6):44-45
国外天敌引种与外来有害生物的持续控制陆庆光(中国农业科学院生物防治研究所北京100081)在生物防治的实践中,天敌的应用一般有3种方式:天敌引种,保护利用和大量释放。天敌引种是指由害虫原产地引进有效的天敌,防治由国外传入的有害生物,这种技术常可达到持...  相似文献   

分析物种的数量和分布是生态学的重要课题,也与害虫生物抑制的各个程序有关。因为通过引进外来天敌(传统的生物防治)或利用本地天敌来抑制有害生物种群的生物防治实践都关系到改变所选用物种的数量和分布。(Batra 1981)传统的生物防治和增强自然发生的生物防治实践,在生态学上和经济学上曾经获得成功(Huffaker 和 Messenger 1976),而全世界在制定对输出—输入选择外来天敌的标准却引起了争论,这些争论涉及到确定“  相似文献   

USDA-ARS scientists have made important contributions to the molecular genetic analysis of agriculturally important insects, and have been in the forefront of using this information for the development of new pest management strategies. Advances have been made in the identification and analysis of genetic systems involved in insect development, reproduction and behavior which enable the identification of new targets for control, as well as the development of highly specific insecticidal products. Other studies have been on the leading edge of developing gene transfer technology to better elucidate these biological processes though functional genomics and to develop new transgenic strains for biological control. Important contributions have also been made to the development and use of molecular markers and methodologies to identify and track insect populations. The use of molecular genetic technology and strategies will become increasingly important to pest management as genomic sequencing information becomes available from important pest insects, their targets and other associated organisms.  相似文献   

RNAi (RNA干扰) 是指由诱导分子siRNA (小干扰 RNA)、miRNA (微小RNA)或piRNA (P 转座子诱导互作 RNA) 特异性降解或者抑制同源mRNA,引起靶标基因沉默的现象。RNAi技术具有操作简便、特异性和选择性强等显著特点,是目前农业生命科学领域最有可能应用于病虫害防控的新技术之一。本文通过综述近年来RNAi在农业病虫害防控领域应用的最新研究成果,并对RNAi技术在新靶标基因筛选、高效dsRNA载体开发、与传统农药相结合以及拓宽应用范围等诸多方面的发展前景进行了展望,同时还针对RNAi干扰效率、稳定性、成本控制、抗性发展及抗性治理等方面所面临的挑战进行了深入探讨,提出了合理建议。基于RNAi技术的病虫害防控策略将继续焕发新的活力,为综合防控提供新理念。  相似文献   

拓宽生物防治 持续治理虫害   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文针对我国生物防治资源极其丰富和农民经济实力薄弱的特点,结合我国生物防治成果,论述了应如何发展和拓宽具有我国特色的害虫生物防治,进一步提高综合防治水平,促进农业可持续发展。  相似文献   

鞘翅目昆虫是我国最常见的农林业有害生物,给农林生产造成了巨大损失。基于昆虫趋光性、趋色性和趋化性所研发的昆虫诱捕器作为一种绿色防控手段,目前已广泛应用于农林虫害的监测、预防和控制中,成为了害虫综合防控体系的重要组成部分。明确害虫诱捕装置的设计原理及各因子对诱捕效率的影响是有效实施虫害绿色生物防控的前提,本文陈述了国内外害虫诱捕器的应用进展及设计原理,进而探讨不同因子(如形状、颜色、材质、引诱剂和高度等)对鞘翅目害虫野外诱捕装置诱捕效果的影响,旨在为提高装置诱捕效果提供借鉴和参考,加快新型诱捕技术的研究及应用进程。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Integrated pest management (IPM) decision‐making has become more information intensive in Washington State tree crops in response to changes in pesticide availability, the development of new control tactics (such as mating disruption) and the development of new information on pest and natural enemy biology. The time‐sensitive nature of the information means that growers must have constant access to a single source of verified information to guide management decisions. RESULTS: The authors developed a decision support system for Washington tree fruit growers that integrates environmental data [140 Washington State University (WSU) stations plus weather forecasts from NOAA], model predictions (ten insects, four diseases and a horticultural model), management recommendations triggered by model status and a pesticide database that provides information on non‐target impacts on other pests and natural enemies. A user survey in 2008 found that the user base was providing recommendations for most of the orchards and acreage in the state, and that users estimated the value at $ 16 million per year. CONCLUSIONS: The design of the system facilitates education on a range of time‐sensitive topics and will make it possible easily to incorporate other models, new management recommendations or information from new sensors as they are developed. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Environmentally and economically viable agriculture requires a variety of cultivation practices and pest management options as no one system will be appropriate for every situation. Agrochemicals are some of the many pest control tools used in an integrated approach to pest management. They are applied with the intent of maximizing efficacy while minimizing off-site movement; however, their judicious use demands a practical knowledge of their fate and effects in agricultural and natural ecosystems. Agrochemical distribution into environmental compartments is influenced by the physical and chemical properties of the agrochemical and environmental conditions, ie soil type and structure, and meteorological conditions. Agricultural Research Service (ARS) researchers working in the area of agrochemical fate have focused on accurately describing those processes that govern the transport, degradation and bioavailability of these chemicals under conditions reflecting actual agronomic practices. Results from ARS research concerning the environmental fate and effects of agrochemicals have led to the development of science-based management practices that will protect vulnerable areas of the ecosystem. The new challenge is to identify these vulnerable areas and the temporal and spatial variations prior to use of the chemical by predicting how it will behave in environmental matrices, and using that information, predict its transport and transformation within an air- or watershed. With the development of better predictive tools and GIS (Geographic Information System)-based modeling, the risks of agricultural management systems can be assessed at the watershed and basin levels, and management strategies can be identified that minimize negative environmental impacts.  相似文献   

Coffee in East Africa (Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda) is an important cash and export crop for small-scale farmers. The crop suffers heavy yield losses due to damage caused by a wide range of indigenous pests (insects, diseases, nematodes and weeds). Current recommended pest control measures include a combination of cultural, resistant/tolerant cultivars and the use of broad spectrum chemical pesticides. Chemical pesticides are far more popular at the farm level than any of the other recommended pest control measures. Coffee pest control strategies are often aimed at individual pests with little consideration of the implications for the total coffee pest complex and its agro-ecosystem. This unilateral approach has resulted in increased pest pressure on coffee and some of its companion crops, outbreak of new pests of coffee, development of pest strains resistant to the cheap and commonly available chemical pesticides, increased environmental problems, increased health risks to man and livestock and an overall increase in the costs of coffee production, thus forcing many farmers to neglect their coffee plantations. Measures to alleviate the above problems, particularly the high production costs, are needed to improve coffee production and increase the cash return to the small-scale farmer. Integrated pest management (IPM) offers the best prospects for solving the above problems. However, lack of national IPM policies, poor extension systems, inefficient research-extension-farmer linkage and the lack of a holistic approach will delay the development and implementation of appropriate, acceptable and sustainable IPM practices.  相似文献   

近5年来, 我国在害虫变态发育与生殖调控、害虫滞育调控、害虫迁飞、害虫与共生微生物互作、害虫对杀虫剂的抗性、害虫与寄主植物的化学通讯、害虫对植物抗虫性的适应、害虫对作物种植结构调整的响应、害虫对全球气候变化的响应等农业害虫发生新规律新机制解析方面取得了系列重要进展, 同时推进了抗虫作物、RNA农药、行为调控和生态调控等害虫防控新技术与新产品的研发; 提出迁飞性草地贪夜蛾分区治理、多食性盲蝽区域防控、地下害虫韭蛆绿色防控和抗性麦蚜精准化学防控等害虫绿色防控新模式新体系。根据国内外农业害虫综合防治科技发展趋势和中国农业高质量发展现实需求, 我国需进一步重视农业昆虫交叉学科前沿和新兴技术领域, 以产业需求为导向, 强化害虫防控基础理论创新, 创制智能监测预警和绿色防控新技术、新产品, 创新集成区域绿色防控和跨区协同治理技术体系, 为保障国家粮食安全、助力乡村全面振兴提供强有力的植保科技支撑。  相似文献   

本文论述“预防为主,综合防治”植保方针的理论和实践意义,结合我国水稻病虫害综合防治20a的研究进展,提出综合防治的体系特征及其五大关系:(1)有害生物的种质分化与种型演变;(2)防治体系与预警系统;(3)为害损失与防治指标;(4)多抗性品种的开拓与推广;(5)多效药剂的研究开发与应用。进而探讨IPM与可持续性植物保护的相互关系  相似文献   

Bioassays of Lacanobia subjuncta (Grote and Robinson) larvae established baseline LC50 values and identified the potential of reduced-risk, organophosphate replacement and naturally derived insecticides (eg chloronicotinyls, spinosyns, oxadiazines, insect growth regulators, microbial insecticides and particle films) to control this pest. The toxicities of these products were compared with those of organophosphate, carbamate, chlorinated cyclodiene and synthetic pyrethroid insecticides used in the management of lepidopteran pests in Washington apple orchards. Field trials were conducted comparing candidate insecticides to conventional alternatives. Several new insecticides (eg spinosad, methoxyfenozide, indoxacarb and an aluminosilicate particle film) proved to be effective for the management of L subjuncta. We summarize the goals and challenges of developing an integrated pest management program for new and resurgent pests as insecticide tools continue to change, and propose a hypothesis for the sudden increase in pest status of L subjuncta based on organophosphate tolerances. The role of novel insecticides with unique modes of action in resistance management and the encouragement of biological control are also discussed.  相似文献   

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