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Stagonospora nodorum blotch (SNB), caused by Phaeosphaeria nodorum, is a major component of the leaf‐spotting disease complex of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in the northern Great Plains of North America. This study was conducted, under controlled environmental conditions, to determine the inheritance of resistance to SNB in a diverse set of hexaploid and tetraploid wheat genotypes and to decipher the genic/allelic relationship among the resistance gene(s). Plants were inoculated at the two to three‐leaf stages with a spore suspension of P. nodorum isolate Kelvington‐SK and disease reaction was assessed 8 days after inoculation based on a lesion‐type scale. Tests of the F1 and F2 generations and of F2 : 3 or F2 : 5 families indicated that a single recessive gene controlled resistance to SNB in both hexaploid and tetraploid resistance sources. Lack of segregation in intra‐specific and inter‐specific crosses between the hexaploid and the tetraploid resistant genotypes, indicated that these genetically diverse sources of resistance possess the same gene for resistance to SNB. Results of this study suggest that the wheat‐P. nodorum interaction may follow the toxin model of the gene‐for‐gene hypothesis.  相似文献   

Diallel crosses (without reciprocals) were made among 10 different barley genotypes with genetic variability for spot blotch resistance. Forty‐five F1 hybrids and their parents were assessed for their combining abilities for the disease resistance. Three experiments, two in a growth chamber on detached leaf and seedlings tests and one in the field on adult plant stages, were undertaken using a randomized complete block design with five replicates. A mixed conidial suspension of nine virulent isolates of the pathogen was used for inoculation. Statistical analysis showed genetic variability for spot blotch resistance. Results showed that the cultivar Banteng, the Ethiopian line CI‐5791 and the Syrian line 79‐SIO‐9 had partial resistance in all experiments. General combining ability was significant, with either positive or negative values. Resistant genotypes show favourable GCA‐effects, and they could therefore be successfully used for breeding purposes.  相似文献   

Septoria tritici blotch (STB), caused by fungal agent Zymoseptoria tritici (previously known as Mycosphaerella graminicola) is a devastative foliar wheat diseases globally. Importance and potential threat of STB have been discussed historically and geographically. This paper reviews information on the Z. tritici—wheat pathosystem and proposes approaches to identify resistance genes and to advance in breeding for STB resistance. Screening of resistant lines/cultivars, QTL mapping analysis within genetic populations derived from crosses, detection of new resistance gene(s) and finally application of Stb gene carrier line/cultivar in crosses are the major stages of a practical wheat-breeding program against STB of wheat. Phenotyping and genotyping outputs on the top of each other should confirm each other, so it needs to expose a resistance gene carrier line/cultivar in the epidemic condition at seedling/adult plant stage to confirm resistance performance of detected gene(s) in the real condition. On the other word, detecting an associated QTL to resistance should not be considered as the end of investigation. Climate change resulted geographical disease pattern conversion where some diseases became more important in some area where they had not been serious in the past and vice versa. Hence, a reconsideration of wheat disease importance zone is necessary to predict regions where STB is and will be a limitation for wheat yield improvement.  相似文献   

Breeding for resistance to begomovirus in tropic-adapted tomato genotypes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
O. Góamez    M. Piñón    Y. Martínez    M. Quiñónes    D. Fonseca  H. Laterrot 《Plant Breeding》2004,123(3):275-279
Four tomato lines introgressed from Lycopersicon chilense were compared with the commercial F1 hybrids ‘ARO 8479’ and ‘HA 3108’, which are tolerant to Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, and the cv. ‘Campbell 28’ as a susceptible control. Resistance was evaluated by the use of grafted diseased scions as well as in a field trial where plants infected by viruliferous whiteflies and disease‐free plants were transplanted in paired rows. The new lines LD 3, LD 4, LD 5 and LD 6 showed no disease symptoms after grafting or in the field trial. Virus accumulation at 60 days after transplanting was low in the infected plants: 0.09, 0.60, 1.00 and 0.50 ng, respectively. No fruit‐set or yield losses were registered under the high temperature conditions prevalent in the trial, in which lines LD 5 and LD 6 were better adapted to tropical conditions. Viral DNA concentrations were over 1000 ng in the cvs.‘Campbell 28′,‘ARO 8479’ and ‘HA 3108’. The last two are considered tolerant as they were asymptomatic or had mild symptoms, respectively, but achieved acceptable yields in the trial. By contrast, virus had a negative effect on fruit‐set, number of fruit per plant and total yield in the cv.‘Campbell 28’.  相似文献   

T. N. Khan 《Euphytica》1971,20(2):292-298
Summary From the world collection, 875 barley varieties of Turkish origin have been screened for resistance to local races of net blotch caused by Drechslera teres (Sacc.) Shoem. Six of these exhibited a high degree of resistance, which varied in expressivity when tested under a wider range of environmental conditions. In this respect these varieties rank between the consistency of resistance expressed by varieties from Ehtiopia, and the inconsistency with which resistance is expressed by varieties from Manchuria. The implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Resistance to net blotch was evaluated in 175 Hordeum vulgare subsp. spontaneum (H. spontaneum) accessions and 149 accessions of thirteen species or subspecies of wild Hordeum. Most H. spontaneum accessions showed resistance to each of the four Pyrenophora teres f. teres (P. teres) isolates tested. However, H. spontaneum accessions showed different resistance reactions, depending upon their origin. In particular, some accessions from Afghanistan and Russia showed a high level of resistance, and accessions from Morocco were susceptible. Among the four P. teres isolates, the virulence spectra on the H. spontaneum accessions were more different between isolates from different countries than between those from the same country. Hordeum spontaneum accessions susceptible to the Canadian isolate WRS102, but resistant to the other three isolates were found in Iraq suggesting the geographical differentiation of resistance genes in H. spontaneum. All accessions of the other wild Hordeum species, especially some accessions of H. marinum subsp. gussoneanum, showed high levels of resistance. These resistance genes may be useful candidates for incorporation into cultivated barley. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Rosielle  A. A. 《Euphytica》1972,21(1):152-161
Summary Seven and a half thousand wheat varieties, including over 2,000 durums, were screened for resistance to Septoria tritici under conditions of artificial inoculation in the field. From this screening, 460 varieties were selected on the basis of resistance and earliness and were subject to more detailed observation.Selected varieties were tested in the field with two replications under both natural and artificial epidemic conditions. The agreement between varietal scores in the two replications and under the two conditions was good; 91–94% of varieties showing consistent disease scores. The correlation coefficient between varietal scores for the natural epidemic and the artificial epidemic conditions was 0.63***.A number of the very early maturing varieties of T. aestivum showed good resistance as measured by pycnidial production but exhibited extensive leaf necrosis. This reaction was not observed in later varieties and in accessions of T. durum.Varieties of Triticum durum were typically more resistant than varieties of T. aestivum. Thirty-four varieties of T. aestivum and 266 varieties of t. durum showed a consistent expression of resistance. A list of these 34 accessions of T. aestivum and selected accessions of T. durum is provided, along with agronomic data.  相似文献   

Resistance to Mycosphaerella graminicola causal agent of Septoria tritici blotch, was identified in progenies of crosses with European winter wheat cultivars, Tadorna and Cleo. This resistance was used to develop the resistant spring wheat cultivar Tadinia, selected from ‘Tadorna’/‘Inia 66’ released in 1985. Evaluation of the progeny of intercrosses between ‘Tadorna’, ‘Cleo’, ‘Tadinia’, and two short-statured resistant lines derived from hybrids with ‘Tadinia’ as one parent indicate the resistance was inherited as a single gene showing partial to strong dominance. The gene in ‘Tadinia’ was designated Stb4. Crosses between another resistant cultivar, ‘Bulgaria 88’, and ‘Tadinia’ suggest that ‘Bulgaria 88’ does not have Stb4. Successful introgression of Stb4 into Rht1+Rht2 short-statured lines revealed that plant stature and resistance to M. graminicola segregated independently. The Stb4 gene has been effective since 1975 against M. graminicola extant in California. A high positive correlation between seedling and adult plant disease scores, based on scoring of lesions producing pycnidia, indicated that the Stb4 gene is expressed throughout the life cycle under both field and greenhouse conditions, confirming that disease screening can be carried out on seedling plants. Separate assessment of necrotic lesions with and without pycnidia indicated that leaf necrosis without pycnidia, observed, especially under greenhouse conditions, can confound disease evaluations and lead to inaccurate genotype classification.  相似文献   

A. K. Joshi    S. Kumar    R. Chand  G. Ortiz-Ferrara   《Plant Breeding》2004,123(3):213-219
Three F1 progenies and their families in the segregating generations (F3, F4, F5 and F6), obtained after crossing resistant × susceptible wheat genotypes were studied in the field to determine the genetics of resistance to spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana. Spot blotch scores in the F1 generation showed absence of dominance. Individually threshed F2 plants were used to advance the generations. Progenies (200‐250) of resistant genotypes Acc. No. 8226, Mon/Ald, Suzhoe#8 crossed with susceptible ‘Sonalika’ were evaluated in the F3, F4, F5 and F6 generations under induced epiphytotic conditions. Based on disease score distribution in individual progeny rows, F3 progenies were grouped into four classes: homozygous resistant, homozygous susceptible, segregating resistant and segregating susceptible. Resistance appeared to be under the control of three additive genes. The presence of three genes was also noted in the distribution of F4 and F5 lines. In the case of F6 progeny rows, both quantitative and qualitative models were used to estimate the number of segregating genes based on a 2‐year trial. It appeared that resistance to spot blotch was controlled by the additive interaction of more than two genes, possibly only three.  相似文献   

Spot blotch of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana (Sacc. in Sorok.) Shoem., is a major disease in South Asia. Popular commercial cultivars have low levels of resistance to spot blotch. Information on the inheritance of spot blotch resistance in wheat is lacking. Field studies were conducted in four wheat crosses, each involving a Chinese hexaploid parent with high levels of resistance and a commercial cultivar with low to intermediate levels of resistance to spot blotch. Data were recorded in the F2, F3 and F4 generations to estimate heritability. Field studies were conducted in three years (1992–94) at Rampur. Nepal, involving 150 lines in each cross. The spot blotch score was recorded as the percentage necrosis and associated chlorosis of the two upper most leaf surface. In the F2 generation three spot blotch readings on the flag leaf were taken whereas in the F3 and F4 generations four readings were recorded at 5-day intervals on the flag and the penultimate leaves. The highest disease score (HDS) and the area under disease progress curve (AUDPC) were analysed. Heritability (h2) estimates for spot blotch resistance were intermediate to high measured in terms of HDS (0.47 < h2 < 0.67) and also AUDPC (0.58 < h2 < 0.77) both in F3 and F4 generations in each of the four crosses. Heritability values were somewhat higher for AUDPC than HDS. There were significant negative correlations (r) of days to heading with HDS (-0.186 < r < -0.515) and AUDPC (-0.218 < r < -0.623). One-hundred kernel weight was significantly negatively correlated to AUDPC (-0.245 < r < -0.454) in all crosses in each generation. The results suggest that selection for resistance to spot blotch could be effective in the segregating populations generated from hexaploid wheat parents having different levels of resistance. Although AUDPC appeared to be a better measure to determine genetic differences for spot blotch in wheat, HDS would be adequate in screening trials for resistance to spot blotch.  相似文献   

Summary A population of 572 F2 derived F3 lines from six crosses were used to estimate parameters relevant to selection for resistance to Septoria nodorum of wheat. Lines were grown in disease free (fungicide sprayed) and inoculated microplots in 2 replications of a split-plot design in a single environment in 1977. Average yield reduction due to disease was approximately 50%; this was associated with an average septoria score of 50% on the flag leaf, an average septoria score of 42% on the head, and a reduction of 37% in seed weight. Low S. nodorum scores were correlated with late heading date, tall plant height, high grain yield, and high seed weight in diseased plots, and high seed weight % (seed weight in diseased plots expressed as a percentage of seed weight in fungicide sprayed plots).Restricted selection indexes were used to study the relative contributions of disease escape, true resistance, and tolerance to variability in grain yield in diseased plots, seed weight in diseased plots, and seed weight %. True resistance appeared to be the most important factor causing variation in grain yield in diseased plots and seed weight %. Tolerance and escape seemed to be more important for seed weight in diseased plots.Heritabilities of S. nodorum scores on the flag leaf and head were 63% and 52%, respectively. Leaf and head scores could be used most effectively as selection criteria to upgrade resistance in a population before harvest.Selection for high seed weight % slightly reduced yields in disease free plots, although yield in diseased plots and seed weight in diseased plots were increased. However, selection for increased yield or increased seed weight in diseased plots improved yield in disease free plots. It is suggested that direct selection for yield or seed weight in diseased plots is likely to achieve more desirable goals than selection for seed weight %.  相似文献   

青枯病是影响花生产量和品质的重要土传性细菌病害,百果重和出仁率是与花生产量相关的重要性状。本研究利用远杂9102和徐州68-4杂交构建的RIL群体,在B02染色体上定位到青枯病抗性主效QTL qBWRB02。结合前期对百果重和出仁率QTL的定位结果发现,所涉及的3个性状的主效QTL分布在不同的染色体上。以RIL群体基因型数据和多个环境的青枯病抗性、百果重和出仁率表型数据为基础,利用与主效QTL紧密连锁分子标记筛选出6份聚合抗青枯病、荚果大、出仁率高3种优良性状的新种质,可以作为育种中间材料或亲本培育高产抗病新品种。本研究利用分子标记辅助选择和表型鉴定相结合有效筛选抗病高产种质,为未来花生育种提供了新思路。  相似文献   

A.K. Joshi  R. Chand  B. Arun 《Euphytica》2002,123(2):221-228
A total of 1,407 spring wheat (T. aestivum) lines of Indian and CIMMYT (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre, Mexico) origin were evaluated for plant height, days to maturity and resistance to spot blotch (caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana) during the 1994–95, 1995–96 and 1996–97 crop seasons. The frequency distribution of genotypes, based on disease score ignoring the growth stages, differed from the distribution in which disease score was assessed on a similar growth stage. Two crosses each,between `tall resistant × dwarf susceptible' and `late resistant × early susceptible' genotypes, were made. The evaluation of homozygous resistant lines in the F3, F4 and F5 generations of both crosses showed a wide range of plant height and days to maturity. These lines showed significant differences for plant height and days to maturity but did not show a significant difference for AUDPC values of spot blotch. The correlation coefficients for AUDPC versus plant height or days to maturity were weak, i.e., – 0.336 and 0.061, respectively. Results indicated that resistance to spot blotch severity was independent of plant height and days to maturity in progenies from these crosses.  相似文献   

Nineteen cultivars, with large differences in heading date, were evaluated for their response to septoria tritici blotch in two experimental setups in Njoro, Kenya. Due to the more or less constant temperatures during the growing season and the overhead irrigation applied the epidemic conditions were similar over the whole observation period for the early and late cultivars. In experiment 1 the cultivars were assessed for disease severity at the same moment irrespective of the developmental stage, while in experiment 2 the cultivars were assessed at the same developmental stage. Measured at the same time, the disease severity was highest in the early maturing cultivars and lowest in the late maturing cultivars (r = –0.78). When assessed at the same development stage the disease build up was independent of heading date (r = –0.10) but strongly dependent on resistance level. There were no indications that early heading cultivars were more susceptible than late heading cultivars. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary Septoria glume blotch, caused by Stagonospora nodorum, is an important disease of wheat (Triticum aestivum). Separate genetic mechanisms were found to control flag leaf and spike resistance. Genes for resistance to S. nodorum were located on different chromosomes in the few wheat cultivars studied. These studies only partially agree on the chromosome locations of gene in wheat for resistance to S. nodorum, and chromosomal arm locations of such genes are not known. The objectives of this study were to determine the chromosome and chromosomal arm locations of genes that significantly influence resistance to S. nodorum in wheat cultivar Cotipora. Monosomic analysis showed that flag leaf resistance was controlled by genes on chromosomes 3A, 4A, and 3B whereas the spike resistance was controlled by genes on chromosomes 3A, 4A, 7A, and 3B (P=0.01). Additionally, genes on chromosomes 6B and 5A influenced the susceptibility of the flag leaf and spike reactions, respectively (P=0.01). Telocentric analysis showed that genes on both arms of chromosome 3A, and the long arms of chromosomes 4A and 3B were involved in the flag leaf resistance whereas genes on both arms of chromosome 4A, the short arm of chromosome 3A, and the long arm of chromosome 3B conferred spike resistance.  相似文献   

Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology - Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas L.) is a root that allows healthy eating and combats malnutrition. There is a need for more productive sweet potato...  相似文献   

Elite cultivars of watermelon (Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. & Nakai) are high in fruit quality but may not be the highest yielders. The objective of this study was to estimate the heritability of, and genotypic and phenotypic correlations among, yield traits in two watermelon populations developed from crosses between obsolete cultivars with high yield and elite modern cultivars. Field trials were conducted at two locations in North Carolina (Clinton and Kinston). The data were analyzed by regressing S0:1 progeny data on S0 parent data to estimate narrow-sense heritability. Narrow-sense heritability estimates were low for all traits measured [total fruit weight (0.04–0.12), marketable fruit weight (0.06–0.15), total fruit number (0.04–0.16), fruit size (0.18–0.19), and percent culls (0.02–0.09) in North Carolina Watermelon 1 (NCWP1) and North Carolina Watermelon 2 (NCWP2) populations, respectively]. Estimates of broad-sense heritability were higher than estimates of narrow-sense heritability. Total fruit weight and marketable fruit weight were highly correlated (r g = 0.97–1.00). Marketable fruit weight and fruit size used as single selection criteria in NCWP1 and total fruit number in NCWP2, were predicted to give the best correlated response for total fruit weight. Narrow-sense heritability was low for fruit yield; therefore, watermelon breeders should select based on replicated progeny rows in multiple environments to maximize gain.  相似文献   

Twenty-two improved and local cassava genotypes were evaluated for their bacterial blight symptom types in reaction to infection by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. manihotis under field conditions in the forest, forest savanna transition and wet savanna zones of Togo. High genotype × environment interactions in development of each symptom type were observed. Combining data on environments and genotypes, spot, blight and wilt symptoms were positively correlated. Analysing genotype reactions across environments, indications for independent mechanisms of resistance on leaf and stem level, varying by genotype, were found. Genotypes Main27 with resistance to spot and blight symptoms and TMS4(2)1425 with resistance to wilt symptoms are recommended to breeders to introgress their resistance characteristics. Significant negative correlations were generally observed between blight and wilt symptom development and root yield across ecozones, with blight being more important under lower, and wilt under higher inoculum pressure. Genotypes TMS30572, CVTM4, TMS92/0429 and TMS91/02316 showed low spot, blight and wilt symptoms combined with high root yield across ecozones.  相似文献   

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