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三种采精方法在种公牛上的应用效果分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
本文针对大额牛和婆罗门牛 ,对电刺激法、按摩法和假阴道法三种方法的采精效果进行了比较研究。结果表明按摩法、假阴道法的采精量差异不大 ( P>0 .0 5) ,但均明显高于电刺激法 ( P<0 .0 5) ;而就精液密度而言 ,假阴道法明显高于电刺激法 ( P<0 .0 1 )和按摩法 ( P<0 .0 1 ) ,而后两者间无明显差异 ( P>0 .0 5) ;而就精液活率而言 ,三种方法无明显差异 ( P>0 .0 5) ;同时还进一步说明通过三种采精方法所获精液制作成的冷冻精液颗粒品质无明显差异 ( P>0 .0 5)。通过综合比较认为假阴道法是最好的采精方法 ,而电刺激法有着其特殊用途。  相似文献   

本文介绍了德国米尼图电刺激采精器(Electro-Ejakulator mit sonde 2,5’’)的基本原理、工作方式,以及利用电刺激采精器采集荷斯坦种公牛精液的情况,并与假阴道法采集该牛精液的结果进行比较。与假阴道法相比较,利用电刺激采精器法获得的精液量显著提高,但精子密度却显著降低;而在原精活力、冻精活力、冻精产量方面无显著差异。利用电刺激采精器对无法以假阴道法采集精液的公牛进行精液采集,取得了良好效果。  相似文献   

1采精方法 采精是家兔人工授精的首要环节,常用手握假阴道采精法。 假阴道的制作可用直径5厘米左右、长度8厘米左右的硬塑料管1支,把两端锉光,内装与塑管内径相仿的软海绵1块,将海绵沿直轴方向打1小孔,孔径为0.5厘米,孔口呈伞形。集精袋可用大号避孕套代替。  相似文献   

手握按摩采精法在犬精液采集中的效果观察   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
犬的精液采集是犬人工授精的首要环节,也是人工授精成败的关键步骤之一。若精液采集方法不当,将直接导致采集不到精液、精液品质下降,严重的还会出现公犬生殖器损伤、性欲减退、尿道结石等病症,丧失配种能力。目前,常用犬精液采集的方法有4种,即假阴道采精法、手握按摩采精法、电采精法和电振动仪采精法。本试验应用假阴道采精法和手握按摩采精法,比较采集到的精液品质,  相似文献   

为研究电刺激采精技术能否在甘肃高寒牧区藏系羊繁殖中推广应用,该技术是否对公羊精液品质和采精量有影响,项目课题组在甘肃省天祝县旦马乡进行了牧区藏羊种公羊电刺激采精实验。选择本土选育的欧拉型藏羊种公羊,配种期每日每只采精2次,即:首日(标注为d1)早上采用传统的假阴道采精法采精,下午采用电刺激法采精,次日(标注为d2)早上采用电刺激法采精,下午采用传统的假阴道采精法采精,依次不同采精方法交叉采精,减少误差,连续采精6d,及时检查采精量及精液密度、精子活力等品质。实验结果表明,甘肃天祝牧区藏羊种公羊电刺激采精所得精液量均在0.80 mL~0.96 mL之间,符合藏系羊正常精液量,平均精子活力均在0.80以上,平均精液密度均“中”以上,精液品质符合人工授精精液品质要求,可应用于藏羊繁殖生产实践。  相似文献   

本实验采用直肠电刺激采精法和假阴道采精法,对2016年的8只2.5~3.5岁优秀山谷型藏羊种公羊精液品质进行采精后对比分析,结果显示:直肠电刺激法采集精液量明显较多为1.37±0.28m L,但精子密度23.18±9.70亿/m L,原精活力58.56±9.17%较低,此三项与假阴道采集法差异显著(p0.05),而畸形率13.42±0.32%与假阴道采精法的畸形率10.21±0.48%,差异不显著(p0.05)。  相似文献   

对6头试验公鹿用假台鹿采精,采精前对特制的假阴道以药用凡士林为滑润剂,注水充气,温度为40℃±1℃,以适宜的压力和滑润度,将其安装在人工制做的假台鹿内。拨赶公鹿于采精场诱其爬跨。结果,试验的6头公鹿中有4头能够采精,共22头次,射精量平均每头次1.54ml,精子密度为18.6—37亿/ml,精子活力在0.8以上。93年每头次生产细管冻精106.25支(425支/4头次),是同年电刺激采精法平均64.4支/头次(902支/14头次)的1.65倍,此法既能采到质量高的精液,又比电采法省工、省时、省力、安全,是一种理想的马鹿采精方法。  相似文献   

针对摩拉水牛用欧式和改进型两种不同的假阴道采精效果进行了比较研究。结果表明水牛用欧式和改进型两种不同的假阴道采精其射精量差异极显著(P〈0.01),精子密度的差异不显著(P〉0.05),原精液活力的差异显著(P〈0.05),冻精解冻活力的差异不显著(P〉0.05),冻精解冻后精子畸形率的差异不显著(P〉0.05),冻精顶体完整率的差异不显著(P〉0.05),冻精产量的差异极显著(P〈0.01);说明改进后的假阴道采精效果良好,能有效提高水牛的精液产量和质量。  相似文献   

经济实用母兔假阴道的制作李飞曹向前(新疆石河子农学院动物科学系,石河子832003)由于目前兔人工授精技术应用不够普及,加上母兔假阴道的制作比较复杂,因而很难在市场上买到现成的母兔假阴道。但在家畜繁殖教学中,母兔假阴道又是采精及采精技术训练等试验必不...  相似文献   

一、精液的采集 健康的种公羊在一天内可以采精3~4次,每次可连续两次射精。采精操作是将台母羊保定后,引公羊到台羊处,术者右手持假阴道,入口朝下,蹲于台羊的右后方,当公羊跨上台羊背部时,应尽快地将阴茎导入假阴道内,并使假阴道与阴茎呈一直线,注意不得将假阴道强行套在阴茎上,公羊射精后顺公羊爬下的动作就势取下假阴道,放出少量气体,让精液全部流入集精杯内后,取下集精杯。二、精液品质检查精液品质检查要快速准确,取样要有代表性。正常公山羊精液量平均为1.0毫升0.5~2.0毫升,呈乳白色,每毫升精液含精子2.5~3…  相似文献   

1. We investigated the feasibility of training male ostriches to ejaculate into an artificial cloaca (AC) using a teaser female or a dummy. 2. Male ostriches develop desirable behaviour patterns that allow them to be trained to the teaser and the dummy female. Training success can be high as both methods rely on natural stimulation and voluntary ejaculation into the AC provided suitable individuals are identified. 3. The key factors to successful training appear to be: the teaser method - temperament of male ostriches, the crouching behaviour of the female ostriches for the semen collector and acceptance of the collector by the male; dummy method - courtship of humans, learning ability of ostriches to habituate and then to mount a dummy. 4. Both methods are reliable, yield ejaculates of high quality and give reproducible results. The ejaculate volume was 1.09 +/- 0.13 ml, the concentration of spermatozoa 4.21 +/- 0.27 x 10(9)/ml, the total number of spermatozoa 4.67 +/- 0.62 x 10(9) and motility 4.3 +/- 0.1. 5. Commercial ostrich production that relies on natural mating can take advantage of those methods to develop artificial insemination technologies.  相似文献   

天山马鹿清源品系人工授精新技术及推广应用效果的研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
198 5~ 1 997年 ,成功地进行了电刺激及假台鹿采精、直肠触摸法 ,检查母马鹿的发情排卵和妊娠、细管冻精、直肠握颈法和特制的金属专用输精器输精等马鹿人工授精 5项新技术及推广应用研究  相似文献   

Breeding or semen collection was attempted using: natural cover, manual stimulation, artificial vagina, pharmacologic induction of ejaculation, and electroejaculation. Sperm cells were recovered from the ductus deferens and epididymides post mortem. Only semen collected ex copula by imipramine and xylazine treatment resulted in conceptions (4/5). This is the first report of pregnancies in horses from ex copula semen collection.  相似文献   

Aim To determine the normal microbial flora of the koala ejaculate and prepuce in order to select appropriate antibiotics for addition into diluents designed for the preservation of semen.
Procedure Bacteriological samples of the koala prepuce (n = 12) and ejaculate (n = 20) were submitted for microbial culture and sensitivity testing. Microbial flora of ejaculates collected by electroejaculation and artificial vagina were compared. The effects of varying concentrations of penicillin G and gentamicin on sperm motility and on the growth of bacteria in diluted semen stored at room temperature and 16°C over a 24 h period were investigated.
Results A range of bacteria was isolated from the koala prepuce and ejaculate. The predominant organisms in semen collected by electroejaculation and artificial vagina were Corynebacterium spp, none of which could be assigned to any recognised species. The addition of penicillin G and gentamicin to a PBS-based diluent at dose rates of 1000 to 2000 IU/mL and 100 to 200 m g/mL respectively, resulted in no adverse effect on sperm motility over a 24 h incubation period. Penicillin G (1000 IU/mL) and gentamicin (100 m g/mL) prevented growth of bacterial contaminants in diluted koala semen.
Conclusion By controlling the growth of bacteria in extended koala semen, penicillin G and gentamicin are likely to lengthen the period by which spermatozoa can be stored at 16°C and reduce the possibility of disease transmission during artificial insemination procedures.  相似文献   

Semen collection techniques in the stallion have evolved considerably over the last 70 to 80 years and are used today primarily for artificial insemination. Semen can be collected from stallions that are otherwise unable to breed, allowing continued use of valuable animals. There are many options for collection of semen from stallions that present with ejaculatory dysfunction (see the article by McDonnell elsewhere in this issue.) Although there are many advantages to the use of artificial breeding, the collector must understand each step of the collection procedure as well as stallion preferences and proper use of an artificial vagina and mount source so that a representative semen sample is collected.  相似文献   

The level of fertility in the male ostrich exerts considerable influence on the efficiency of the fertilization procedure, and thus also on reproductive performance. The determination of the reproductive capacity is of particular interest with regard to the selection of single individuals for optimizing reproduction ratios. Although the breeding and raising of ostriches has become increasingly important in many countries, little research has been completed on reproductive parameters and factors that may possibly influence them. This study presents observations made concerning the quantity and quality of sperm as found in the spermatological testing of 411 ejaculate samples taken from male ostriches on two farms in Namibia. The semen volume varied between 0.1 and 1.5 ml (mean, 0.64 ml). Normal ejaculate colours ranged from white to ivory; the consistency ranged from thin creamy to viscous. The measured pH values lay between 6.4 and 8.0 (mean, 7.3). Microscopic investigations revealed sperm concentrations of 8.9–78.1 million/μl and individual sperm motility from 42 to 96% (mean, 78%). No mass motility was detectable in 42% of the ejaculates; weak mass motility was found in 46%, and clear mass movements were to be found in only 12% of samples. Regarding the morphology of the sperm, 5 to 26% were abnormal (mean, 17%) and 4 to 28% (mean, 20%) were dead. Seasonal patterns of sperm concentration and the influence of frequency of semen collection were investigated in a group of 56 healthy male ostriches. Peak sperm concentrations were found at the beginning of the breeding season in spring; the lowest values were found at the end of the breeding season in autumn. The highest quality ejaculate was obtained from those males whose semen was collected once a week. The results of this study provide fundamental data for the establishment of minimum quality requirements for ostrich sperm to be met by individuals receiving certification as breeding animals and for the selection of suitable males for use in artificial insemination.  相似文献   

Semen samples were collected from 21 Danish Warmblood stallions by the Colorado artificial vagina (Colorado AV, 14 samples) or by the Missouri artificial vagina (Missouri AV, 7 samples). The semen was examined bacteriologically by direct plating (DP) on blood agar plates, and by plating of semen swabs stored in Stuart’s transport media (TM) at 4°C for 1–4 days. No significant differences were observed between results obtained by DP and cultures of identical TM samples. Of the 21 samples examined, only 1 TM (4.8%) and 2 DP samples (9.5%) were sterile, while the rest yielded a predominantly mixed flora comprising 1 to 4 bacterial genera. The natural flora was dominated by coagulase-negative staphylococci (Staphylococcus lentus, S. capitis, S. haemolyticus, S. xylosus) (16/21 = 76%), coryneforms (11/21 = 52%) and alpha-hemolytic streptococci and lactobacilli (7/21 = 33%). Potential venereal pathogens were isolated from 7 stallions (33%). Beta-hemolytic streptococci were found in 4 stallions used for natural service, whereas Pseudomonas aeruginosa serotype 6 (2 samples ) and Klebsiella pneumoniae subsp. pneumoniae capsule type K5 (1 sample) were isolated from 3 stallions used exclusively for artificial insemination. The role of the stallion as a carrier of potential venereal pathogens, and the artificial vagina as a source of contamination, is discussed in the context of mare endometritis.  相似文献   

Cats show repeated copulation, but changes in semen qualities and quantities with repetition of ejaculation have not previously been clarified. We collected semen 4 times consecutively from 5 cats using the artificial vagina method and observed the semen qualities and quantities. No significant changes were noted in the semen volume, frequency of abnormal sperm or incidence of immature sperm, but the number of sperm and sperm motility and viability decreased with repetition, and in particular, the number of sperm in the first semen accounted for 55.0% of the total number in the 4 consecutive ejaculations, showing a significant difference from those in the 2nd-4th semen (P<0.01).  相似文献   

Two experiments were carried out in January and May 1975 to study reproductive performance (fertility, prolificacy and fecundity) of totally confined sheep synchronized for estrus. The main objective of the first experiment was to compare reproductive performance of ewes bred naturally to those bred by artificial insemination. Semen for artificial insemination was collected by either artificial vagina or electroejaculation and stored for up to 36 hours at 5 degrees C. A second objective was to evaluate the effect of pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin on the reproductive performance of ewes synchronized for estrus. Fertility was 53% for ewes bred by natural mating, 34% for ewes receiving pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin and bred by artificial insemination, and 9% for those not receiving pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin and bred by artificial insemination. There was no difference in fertility between ewes bred with semen collected by artificial vagina or by electroejaculation. A similar pattern was observed for fecundity. Average prolificacy was 2.0 with no significant differences among mating methods or pregnant mares' serum gonadotrophin application being observed. In the second experiment, the reproductive performance of ewes inseminated with semen stores at 5 degrees C for 48 to 60 hours was compared to that of ewes inseminated with semen stores for 24 to 36 hours. No significant differences in the reproductive performance were detected. Although average fertility (9%) and fecundity (19%) were low, prolificacy averaged 2.0 lambs per ewe lambing.  相似文献   

Nine fertile three-year-old Romney rams were ejaculated both by means of electro-ejaculation and by the artificial vagina. The ram repeatabilities of semen volume, concentration, total sperm number, percentage normal sperm and wave motion score of ejaculates collected by electro-ejaculation were 0.17, 0.08, 0.12, 0.61 and 0.23 respectively compared with the repeatabilities of ejaculates collected by the artificial vagina of 0.28,0.79, 0.56,0.72 and 0.54. The repeatability results showed that it was possible to rank rams on the quantity of sperm produced in a single ejaculate obtained by an artificial vagina, but not on the quantity obtained by electro-ejaculation. The correlation co-efficients between the ram means for the two techniques were for volume 0.05, concentration 0.06, total sperm number -0.21, percentage normal sperm 0.73, and wave motion score 0.35. Only the percentage normal sperm coefficient was significant.  相似文献   

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