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1. Sulphamonomethoxine (SMM) or sulphadimethoxine (SDM) was fed to laying hens at 400 mg/kg diet for 5 successive days. After withdrawal of the drugs, contents (mg/kg) of SMM and SDM in the blood, kidney, liver, ovary, muscle and adipose tissue were determined by HPLC.

2. The disappearance of dietary SMM and SDM from the tissues of laying hens was rapid and, except for the liver, was very similar in all tissues.

3. A common biological half‐life (t.fr1/2>) of SMM in the above 6 tissues was estimated to be 5.2 h. The t.fr1/2> of SDM in the liver was 6.9 h, significantly longer than that of 4.4 h in the other 5 tissues. The values were much shorter than t.fr1/2> (reported elsewhere) for other drugs.

4. Comparing the data found in this study with those obtained from previous papers, the depletion velocities of SMM and SDM from the hen's body were much faster than those from albumen in egg. The reason for this is probably related to the longer time period over which albumen formation occurs.  相似文献   

1. Sulphamonomethoxine (SMM) or sulphadimethoxine (SDM) were fed to laying hens at a dietary concentration of 400 mg/kg. Concentrations (mg/kg) of SMM and SDM in the blood, kidney, liver, ovary, muscle and adipose tissue, collected at 4, 8, 16 and 24 h after the start of feeding, were determined by HPLC

2. The relationships between the sulphonamide concentrations (mg/kg) in the tissues and times (h) after the start of the feeding were analysed statistically.

3. Dietary SMM and SDM were transferred throughout the whole body, and concentrations in all tissues became constant 8 h after the start of feeding.

4. Among the 6 tissues examined the constant values (mg/kg) of both SMM and SDM were highest in the kidney and were lowest in adipose tissue.

5. With the exception of adipose tissue, the values of SDM in the tissues were statistically greater than those of SMM.  相似文献   

The biotransformation of sulphadimethoxine (SDM) was estimated in liver post-mitochondrial supernatants (S-9) from laying hens. The pathway and activity for hen S-9 were compared with those for cow and pig S-9. The formation of the hydroxylation of SDM, 6-hydroxy SDM (6-OH-SDM), was found only with hen S-9. The N4-acetylating activity of SDM in hen S-9 was lower than in cow and pig S-9. All S-9 from the three species de-acetylated N4-acetyl SDM (N4-AcSDM). With respect to the hydroxylation and N4-acetylation rates in hen S-9, the values incubated at 41 degrees C were higher than those at 37 degrees C (P < 0.01).  相似文献   

The renal excretion of N4-acetyl sulphanilamide and N4-acetyl sulphadimidine was studied in 19 experiments with 6 goats during continuous intravenous administration of the 2 sulphonamide derivatives. Deacetylation of both compounds takes place to a small extent only. Further it is shown that both sulphonamide derivatives are bound to plasma proteins to a greater extent than sulphanilamide and sulphadimidine. The excretion of the N4-acetylated sulphonamides is compared with the renal excretion of creatinine. The non-protein-bound fraction of the 2 N4-acetylated sulphonamides is excreted by filtration and active tubular secretion. The renal clearances of the acetyl derivatives are higher than those of the parent compounds.  相似文献   

The effects of plasma protein binding on the elimination of sulphadimethoxine (SDM) were examined after intravenous administration of 6.25, 12.5, 25, 50, 100 and 150 mg/kg to pigs. At an early stage of the experiment, the animals were anaesthetised by inhalation of enflurane to obtain a more exact relationship between plasma concentration and the renal excretion. SDM and its acetylated conjugate, N4-acetylsulphadimethoxine (N4-SDM) were detected in plasma and urine of all animals, and the recovery of the doses was almost complete in two animals with negligible renal excretion of SDM. The percentages of plasma protein binding of SDM and N4-SDM were almost similar, and ranged from 30 to 95%, depending on the plasma concentration. The metabolic clearance of SDM by acetylation increased when the plasma protein binding decreased. These results suggested that the main elimination route of SDM in pigs is acetylation, and that the plasma protein binding can have a large effect on the elimination of SDM in pigs. The effect of plasma protein binding on the renal clearance of SDM was not so evident, because urine pH had a much greater effect on it. The deacetylation of N4-SDM was detected after 25 mg/kg intravenous administration of N4-SDM, which suggests that the metabolic clearance of SDM is part of an acetylation-deacetylation equilibrium. Saturation of the active tubular reabsorption of SDM and of the active tubular secretion of N4-SDM was also suggested after higher doses of SDM.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics and tissue distribution experiments were conducted in pigs to which sulphadimidine (SDM) was administered intravenously, orally, and intramuscularly at a dosage of 20 mg SDM/kg. SDM was acetylated extensively, but neither hydroxy metabolites nor their derivatives could be detected in plasma, edible tissues or urine. Following i.v. and two oral routes of administration, the N4-acetylsulphadimidine (N4-SDM) concentration-time curve runs parallel to that of SDM. The percentage of N4-SDM in plasma was in the range between 7 and 13.5% of the total sulphonamide concentration. The bioavailability of SDM administered in a drench was 88.9 +/- 5.4% and administered mixed with pelleted feed for 3 consecutive days it was 48.0 +/- 11.5%. The renal clearance of unbound SDM, which was urine flow related, was 1/7 of that of creatinine, indicating reabsorption of the parent drug. The unbound N4-SDM was eliminated three times faster than creatinine, indicating that tubular secretion was the predominant mechanism of excretion. After i.v. administration, 51.9% of the administered dose was recovered in urine within 72 h p.i., one quarter of which as SDM and three quarters as N4-SDM. Tissue distribution data obtained at 26, 74, 168, and 218 h after i.m. injection revealed that the highest SDM concentration was found in plasma. The SDM concentration in muscle, liver, and kidney ranged from one third to one fifth of that in plasma. The N4-SDM formed a minor part of the sulphonamide content in edible tissues, in which the SDM as well as the N4-SDM concentration parallelled the plasma concentrations. Negative results obtained with a semi-quantitative bioassay method, based on monitoring of urine or plasma, revealed that the SDM concentration levels in edible tissues were in that case below 0.1 mu/g tissue.  相似文献   

1. Oxolinic acid is often used in poultry as a therapeutic agent. The aim of this study was to determine both its elimination into eggs, following oral dosing through the drinking water (12 mg/kg/d) or diet (13 mg/kg/d) for 5 d and its plasma concentrations. 2. Samples (albumen, yolk, plasma) were analysed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) with fluorimetric detection. The limits of quantification were 10 ng/g in plasma and 5 ng/g in albumen and yolk. Residues were much higher in albumen than in plasma, whereas they were lower in yolk. 3. 95% of the overall oxolinic acid detected in eggs was concentrated in the albumen. 4. Detectable residues persisted for 9 d and 7 d, respectively, in albumen and yolk after the treatment was discontinued.  相似文献   

本文综述了产蛋鸡体内胆固醇的吸收、合成、转运、去路以及影响鸡蛋中胆固醇含量的主要因素.  相似文献   

Spiramycin (SP), oxytetracycline (OTC) or sulphamonomethoxine (SMM) was fed to laying hens at a dietary level of 400 p.p.m. for 7 successive days. After 7 days of medicated feed, the concentrations of SP, OTC and SMM were determined in the blood, liver, ovary, oviducts (magnum and isthmus plus shell gland) and eggs (albumen and yolk) by high-performance liquid chromatography. Of the three drugs, OTC showed the lowest content in the above tissues and eggs, while the reverse was true for SMM. Low concentrations of SP were measured in the blood, whereas contents in the liver and the oviducts were relatively much higher.  相似文献   

蛋鸡产蛋后期精准的营养调控可延缓蛋鸡的衰老,延长产蛋期,提高经济效益.本文从能量、蛋白质、维生素、矿物元素的营养需要等方面对蛋鸡产蛋后期的营养调控进行总结,以期能够对产蛋鸡后期的营养调控提供参考.  相似文献   

Forty-eight Norwegian bred White Leghorn chickens were divided into 6 groups and fed a basal diet containing 0.30 mig Se/kg supplemented with 0, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 3.0 or 6.0 mg Se/ kg in the form of selenomethionine for 18 weeks. A supplement of only 0.1 mg Se/kg induced significantly higher selenium concentrations in breast muscle and eggs, particularly in the egg white. The increase of selenium in the tissue and egg was proportional to the amounts of selenomethionine added to the feed. In the group given 6.0 mg Se/kg, the selenium concentrations in all tissues and eggs analysed ranged from 4.8 to 7.3 μg Se/g. No signs of toxic effects were observed even at the highest intake of selenium. Excess supply of selenium as selenomethionine to chickens was shown to be more potent than sodium selenite in raising the selenium concentration in tissues and eggs. A supplementation up to 10 times the requirement did not increase the levels of selenium in poultry products to such a degree that they could be considered as a potential risk for human consumption.Key words: dietary selenium, laying hens, selenium concentrations, tissues, eggs  相似文献   

In order to gain insight into transmission and pathogenesis of infection, specimens from laying hens that had been naturally exposed to lymphoid leukosis virus (LLV) were tested for group-specific antigen (gsa) of the virus by immunofluorescence (IF), complement fixation (CF), and the enzyme-linked immunosorbant assay (ELISA). Electron microscopic examinations determined the distribution of C-type virus particles in tissues, and the phenotypic-mixing test served as a biological assay for exogenous LLV. The IF gsa was found in all organs tested, and fluorescence was usually found where virus particles were concentrated. In the oviduct and intestine, IF gsa was frequently at the border of the lumina and in the connective tissue associated with basal membranes of glands. In skin, the antigen was detected in smooth muscle, in feather pulp, and in basal epidermal cells of developing feathers. Results of various tests on Ottawa strains of chickens were usually in agreement. For example, among hens that shed gsa into egg albumen, only the viremic hens were consistently positive for IF gsa in both spleens and oviducts. Geometric mean CF titers of antigen were respectively five- and 23-fold higher in spleens and oviducts from viremic hens than in those from nonviremic hens. These findings suggest that the gsa was associated with exogenous virus infection. In Cornell S strain hens that had not been exposed to LLV, gsa was detected in splenic tissue by CF and ELISA but not by the IF test. This gsa was presumed to be of endogenous origin.  相似文献   

1. ISA Brown hens were housed, from 18 to 71 weeks of age, as groups of 4 in cages with 675 cm2/bird. There were 7 treatments: control cages and 6 treatments with perches fitted across the rear of the cage. Five treatments had 450 mm wide cages, with perches made from hardwood, textured metal, smooth plastic, softwood and padded vinyl, and one treatment had a 600 mm wide cage, with a softwood perch. There were 4 cages in each of the first 6 treatments and 6 in the last. 2. Overall, birds spent about 25% of the day time on perches. Most time (28 to 41%) was spent perching on the 600 mm softwood perches. Among 450 mm perches, most time (25 to 30%) was spent on the softwood perch and least (13 to 23%) on the plastic; the results suggested that a slightly rough surface was preferred. Individual birds varied considerably in the proportion of day time they spent perching; this variation was relatively consistent over time. 3. Overall, the proportion of birds roosting on the perches at night was 85% in period 1; declined to 76% by period 6, probably because increased body size made it almost impossible for 4 birds to perch in the 450 mm cages. Birds roosting on the floor tended always to be the same individuals. 4. Damage to the soles of the feet was less in all treatments with perches than in control cages. It was least in 600 mm wide cages and showed a negative correlation with time spent perching, both within and between treatments. Long or twisted claws, in contrast, tended to be slightly worse in treatments where there was most perching. 5. Downgraded eggs tended to be slightly more frequent in cages with perches; the greatest proportion (cracked 1.4%, dirty 3.6%) was from the 600 mm wide cages, as a result of hens laying from the perch and a build-up of manure behind it. 6. Although problems remain the findings suggest that provision of perches is important for the welfare of hens; perch space should be sufficient to allow all birds to perch simultaneously.  相似文献   

Plasma disposition of sulphadimidine (SDM) and its metabolites was studied in laying hens after 100 mg SDM kg-1 doses were administered as a single intravenous dose, a single oral dose and multiple oral doses once daily for five consecutive days. SDM was extensively metabolised by acetylation and hydroxylation. In plasma, the metabolite observed with the highest concentration was N4-acetylsulphadimidine (N4-SDM) followed by hydroxymethylsulphadimidine (CH2OH) and 5-hydroxysulphadimidine. Following intravenous administration a biphasic elimination (as seen for a capacity limited reaction) pattern for SDM and its metabolites was observed. Multiple (5x) SDM dosing revealed plasma SDM concentrations ranging between 7 and 108 micrograms ml-1; within 96 hours of termination of the multiple SDM dosing, the plasma SDM concentration was below 0.01 micrograms ml-1. The renal clearances of N4-SDM and the hydroxy metabolites were approximately 10 times greater than that of SDM. The SDM mass balance (faecal/urinary recovery) showed a loss of 56 per cent after intravenous dosage and of 67 per cent after a single oral dosage; the hydroxy metabolites accounted for the highest percentage in faeces/urine. Thus additional metabolic pathways must exist in laying hens.  相似文献   

Pasteurella hemolytica in pullets and laying hens   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

1. The rate of thrombin generation in plasma from Fatty Liver Haemorrhagic Syndrome-susceptible laying hens (FLHS, UCD-003) is more rapid than in plasma from age-matched normal Single Comb White Leghorn (SCWL) laying hens. 2. The rate of thrombin generation in plasma was determined by measuring the biological activity of the specific coagulation proteins, Factors V, VII, VIII, IX and X. 3. The higher activity of Factors V, VII and X in FLHS-susceptible laying hens compared with normal SCWL hens remained consistent after plasma lipid concentrations were reduced. 4. Analysis of the fatty acid composition of plasma phospholipids showed that in normal SCWL laying hens phosphatidylethanolamine contained C18:3n3 whereas it contained C20:3n3 in FLHS-susceptible laying hens. 5. The results suggest that alterations in the composition of the phospholipids that are essential cofactors in the biochemical reactions involved in thrombin generation may be a contributing factor in the development of FLHS.  相似文献   

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