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青海省草原使用权流转现状及对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要介绍了青海省草原使用权流转的背景、现状及草原使用权流转过程中存在的问题,提出了规范草原使用权流转的对策,旨在促进牧区草原使用权合理流转。  相似文献   

综合甘德县草原使用权流转的形式,分析了流转的原因、作用及存在的问题,并提出了甘德县草原使用权流转的对策建议。  相似文献   

实行草原承包责任制以来,随着生产的发展,牧区出现草原使用权的流转.文章对海西州草原使用权的流转情况进行了调查.总结分析了草原使用权流转的原因和作用,并针对草原使用权的流转存在的问题,提出了管理建议.  相似文献   

杨予海  王海 《青海草业》2001,10(4):36-38
草原承包后 ,随着生产的发展 ,牧区出现草原使用权的流转。本文通过对草原使用权流转产生原因、存在问题 ,以及流转的法律依据的分析 ,讨论了应该从流转的范围、形式、费用、期限、管理部门职责和处罚等方面加强草原使用权流转的管理  相似文献   

1996年,青海省牧区冬春草原承包基本结束时,已经出现了草原使用权流转行为,据不完全统计,截止2002年底,全省流转草原面积已占全省可利用草原面积的2.35%,表现出了多样的流转形式,在畜牧业发展以及草原资源合理配置方面产生了一些积极的影响。  相似文献   

草原使用权流转是指草原所有权单位或草原使用权人,通过出让、转让、入股、出租等形式,把草原使用权转移给其他草原使用者经营的行为。随着全区草原“双权一制”工作的落实,牧民间自发产生草原使用权流转现象已十分普遍,个别盟、市和旗、县还进行了草原使用权流转管理...  相似文献   

韩启龙 《青海草业》2010,19(3):46-48,39
草场使用权合理流转是推进农牧业集约化经营的重要途径,在新形势下掌握全州草场流转状况,指导和规范草场流转行为,是草原监督管理工作重点,也是做好农牧业集约化经营工作的前提。  相似文献   

草原使用权流转制度是草原牧区在改革实践中的一大创举,是对"双权一制"责任制的完善和发展,是对草原使用制度的一次重大变革,它代表了草原牧区深化改革的基本方向.  相似文献   

本文从内蒙古自治区草原承包经营权流转现状出发,重点介绍了我区草原承包经营权流转的发展形势以及各地在促进草原承包经营权流转工作中采取的主要做法,提出了草原承包经营权流转过程中存在的主要问题,阐述了加强草原承包经营权流转需进一步把握的问题。  相似文献   

现状1996年,青海省牧区冬春草原承包基本结束时,已经出现了草原使用权流转行为,据不完全统计,截止2002年底,全省流转草原面积已占全省可利用草原面积的2.35%,表现出了多样的流转形式,在畜牧业发展以及草原资源合理配置方面产生了一些积极的影响。一、牧区分工分业有了一定的发展实行草原承包责任制,将草原固定给牧户个人使用,极大地调动了牧民建设、保护和合理利用草原的积极性。但是,随着牧民家庭人口的不断增加,人多草原少的矛盾日渐突出,牧民仅靠草原谋生,寻求致富之路显然是不现实的,因此,出现了草原使用权流转现象,无畜户和少畜户通过…  相似文献   

In South Africa, the relative extent of range degradation under freehold compared to communal tenure has been strongly debated. We present a perspective on the processes that drive rangeland degradation on land under communal tenure. Our findings are based on literature as well as extensive field work on both old communal lands and ‘released’ areas, where freehold farms have been transferred to communal ownership. We discuss the patterns of degradation that have accompanied communal stewardship and make recommendations on the direction policy should follow to prevent further degradation and mediate rehabilitation of existing degraded land.  相似文献   

Nomadic pastoralism has been practised in Leliefontein for centuries. In 1984, the area was formally divided into 47 so‐called ‘economic units’ on the assumption that this agricultural approach would (a) promote development in the region and (b) introduce conservation management to these areas. The communal land tenure system was effectively abolished. We relate potential income from livestock farming in the region to costs of production and show that most of the 47 farming units of Leliefontein are, in fact, not economic farming units. Furthermore, there is little evidence to indicate that it has been the communal system per se that has been responsible for land degradation in the area. We point out that the change in land tenure, was based on technical considerations only, that the hidden costs were not adequately investigated and that the social ramifications were ignored.  相似文献   

The creation of local institutions with a mandate over land access and control is seen as a prerequisite for successful decentralisation of land tenure and effective local resource management in sub-Saharan Africa. However, with land tenure reform in South Africa currently at a state of legislative impasse, real uncertainty now exists over land rights and governance of rangeland in many communal areas. This paper draws on case study material from Eastern Cape province to illustrate how this ongoing uncertainty has resulted in the operation of a range of traditional authority and civil society institutions in different communal areas with varying degrees of legitimate authority over land administration and highly variable performance in managing rangeland resources. Collective management of rangeland resources seems most difficult in environments where land rights are contested because of the coexistence of traditional leaders and civil society institutions. On this basis an approach to tenure reform is advocated, which vests all powers over local land administration in democratically elected and accountable civil society institutions. Some successful examples of this already exist and might serve to guide policy formation, which must be flexible enough to accommodate collective management approaches that emphasise cooperation both within and between communities.  相似文献   

Veld management in Ciskei is based predominantly on a communal land tenure system, and livestock is produced under a ‘Group Ranch’ system. Stocking rates are excessively high and consequently veld degradation is severe, resulting in a lowered carrying capacity and low efficiency indicators such as weaning percentage. Veld rehabilitation programmes during the 1960s resulted in some improvement in veld condition, but also caused bush encroachment and selective grazing. Factors limiting veld rehabilitation are of a political, socio‐economic and technical nature, the most important being overstocking, the land tenure system and incorrect land use. A solution to the continued degradation of the veld depends on the commitment of the government to a development strategy which addresses factors such as freehold tenure, education and the provision of incentive for profitable production.  相似文献   

草原产权与草原生态环境保护   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
我国的草原生态环境出现了严重的退化和破坏。其中,草原产权不明晰是一重要原因。通过探讨明晰草原产权对保护草原生态环境的4个机制,表明在明晰草原产权的条件下,可以形成:1.牧民自主保护草原生态环境的机制,做到政府想做而不易做的事;2.牧民集体的经济利益保护机制,排他性的产权可以使非集体经济成员不能占用草原,抑制官权在草原的“寻租”行为,有效的建立起草原资源市场;3.牧民集体内部的经济利益协调机制,我国牧区目前对承包合同执行得不够严格,使用权落实不利,应科学合理的进行草原的发包;4.利益主体的政治参与和对政府决策的纠错机制,明晰草原产权是形成利益主体政治参与的基础,同时,牧民也有能力参与社区环境保护决策。  相似文献   

目前,农村集体建设用地流转过程中有关土地权属的一系列问题已成为人们关注的焦点。针对这一现象,本文对流转过程中的土地权属问题进行了总结,找出了产生这些问题的原因。并有针对性的提出了相应的对策和建议,以期能够促进农村集体建设用地的健康、有序、协调、稳定的发展。  相似文献   

国外土地整理实践对我国土地整理的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
土地整理在我国起步较晚,很多理论还不成熟。采用文献参阅法,从土地整理的发展阶段、内容和特点等方面介绍了德国、俄国和荷兰等国外土地整理的基本情况,并由此得出其对我国土地整理的启示:建立健全土地整理法律政策,重视土地整理的权属调整,拓宽土地整理融资渠道,重视土地整理中的生态环境保护,积极推动土地整理公众参与和高度重视土地整理规划等。  相似文献   

Teaching is a core mission for all health science schools. Despite its key role in training new generations of health care professionals, teaching has been overshadowed by the revenue- and prestige-generating activities of research and clinical care. Research, both basic and clinical, is equated with scholarship and is rewarded in the promotion and tenure process, as well as with intramural and extramural funding. Clinical service generates revenue for schools; teaching, however, does not generate revenue, and, traditionally, teaching and the creative activity related to it have been seen not as scholarship but as an expectation. Over the last decade or so, scholars of teaching have called for a new view of scholarship that includes the scholarship of teaching. This view is broader in scope than scholarly teaching within a classroom or clinic. It refers to scholarly activity related to teaching that results in enduring products that are peer reviewed and broadly disseminated. These are examples of scholarly work and should be recognized as such. Academic institutions should value high-quality teaching and educational innovations and reward them as scholarly work. This article presents an overview of what the scholarship of teaching means, how it can be assessed, and the needed next steps.  相似文献   

美国兽医学院联盟(AAVMC)对在美国、加拿大及隶属于其联盟的其他国家兽医学院的办学要求采取联合认证程序。通过解读AAVMC2016—2017年度报告中教员数据,包括行政人员、终身职位教员、非终身职位临床人员和非终身职位研究人员数量及比例,同时,解读上述教员类型中的性别比例及国籍比例,旨在为我国兽医(动物医学)教育与国际兽医教育的接轨,以及我国国家动物医学类办学标准中师资标准的制定提供参考。  相似文献   

甘肃甘南地区草畜平衡现状与发展对策   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:4  
通过对甘南地区草地畜牧业发展状况及草畜平衡的季节状况进行分析,指出了甘南地区草畜平衡中存在的问题,提出落实草地产权制度,摸清草地状况,加强草地载畜量管理,加强草畜科学技术的推广,加大资本投入,对饲草季节矛盾进行深入研究和解决等,是提高甘南地区草畜平衡及可持续发展的措施。  相似文献   

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