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为探讨饲料中添加不同剂量的β-胡萝卜素对于镇海林蛙(Rana zhenhaiensis)蝌蚪生长、幼蛙形态和运动表现及肝脏酶活的影响。将镇海林蛙蝌蚪(Gosner 25~26)288尾随机分为4个处理组。各组分别添加0、50、500和1200 mg/kgβ-胡萝卜素,直至镇海林蛙蝌蚪变态发育完全。结果显示:(1)不同处理组间蝌蚪发育中期的体重、体长和尾长组间差异不显著,而蝌蚪中期发育的历期在组间差异显著,对照组中期发育的历期显著快于β-胡萝卜素处理组。(2)不同处理组间蝌蚪的增重率、特定生长率和变态率差异不显著,对照组的变态时间显著短于β-胡萝卜素处理组,β-胡萝卜素处理组则随着浓度的增加而变态时间缩短。(3)不同处理组间幼蛙体长、头长、前臂及手长和后肢长差异显著,但幼蛙体重差异不显著。(4)不同处理组间幼蛙平均跳跃距离差异显著,50和500 mg/kgβ-胡萝卜素处理组幼蛙平均跳跃距离显著大于另外两组。(5)幼蛙的过氧化氢酶(CAT)活力在不同处理组间差异显著,50 mg/kgβ-胡萝卜素组的酶活显著大于其它处理组,但是幼蛙肝脏总超氧化物歧化酶(T-SOD)活力差异不显著。综上所述,饲料中添加500 mg/kgβ-胡萝卜素试验组,可以显著减缓镇海林蛙蝌蚪的早期发育,延长变态时间,形成较大的幼蛙个体,积累能量较多,运动性能显著增强,个体的适合度增加。  相似文献   

林创 《水产科技》1993,(1):19-22
为了进一步掌握美国青蛙蝌蚪和幼蛙的生长规律,以及在不同饲料条件下各个生长时期的生长情况,笔者从1990年3月起,对蝌蚪的生长变态与温度和密度的关系,以及幼蛙在不同饲料条件下的生长情况等方面进行了研究。  相似文献   

一.蝌蚪的饵用价值 蝌蚪尾部肌肉发达,可作为牛蛙和虎纹蛙等食用蛙类的活饵料。笔者曾用蟾蜍蝌蚪养虎纺蛙蝌蚪直至变态;也曾用泽蛙和沼蛙的蝌蚪喂养牛蛙幼蛙与成蛙,效果良好。 二.利用蝌蚪当饵料的可行性 1.资源丰富,四季皆有蝌蚪可供利用。 2.生长快、易培养,一个月左右可充当饵料。 3.养、护、捕结合,促进蛙类繁衍。自然蚧的蛙类,在无人保护的情况下,产卵虽多却存活很少。人工培养蝌蚪则可在捕获的同时留下一些让其变态成蛙,放归田野继续繁衍,  相似文献   

在蛙卵孵化完成后,蝌蚪的养殖就开始了,蝌蚪养殖是林蛙养殖的基础,这个阶段决定着林蛙雌性的比例,雌性的比例关系养殖的效益.蝌蚪的体重大小也关系变态蛙的体重和体质以及幼蛙的进食,蝌蚪养殖养殖效果的决定了林蛙下一阶段的效果.密度、水质、饵料、种源、水温、管理是影响蝌蚪养殖的关键.  相似文献   

长江流域一带,牛蛙在4月下旬至8月下旬产卵、孵化,蝌蚪变态成幼蛙的时间大致在7月下旬至10月下旬。9月中旬以前变态的幼蛙,由于在温度适宜、适口饵料丰富等有利环境条件下生长,越冬前可以长到100~150克,到第二年年底即可长成体重350~400克的商品蛙。9月中旬以后变态的幼蛙,由于处在温度已经下降、适口饵料较少等不利于生长的环境条件下,因而死亡率较高,少量能够越冬  相似文献   

蛙出血病的诊断 蛙出血病(蝌蚪发病又被称为暴发性出血败血症)是由温和气单胞菌感染引起的疾病,当水质较差,水温变化(秋季)过大时,极易发生。 该病传染性强,发病率高(可达70%),死亡率高(40-70%,最高达100%),危害极为严重。流行范围很广,尤以华东地区流行最甚。蝌蚪发病多集中在4厘米以上的个体,且以临近变态或正在变态的蝌蚪为最,从刚变态的幼蛙到成蛙,各个生长发育阶段均有发生。 1.蝌蚪发病时,其症状表现为:腹部肿大,表面有斑点状出血;眼球时有充血,表面覆盖一层红色粘膜。轻压则红膜脱落,眼球…  相似文献   

经人工孵化的同亲本史氏鲟鱼苗,用水蚯蚓饲养20天后,直接转入水簇箱内(水体100×25×40cm)进行配合饲料饲养试验。试验设3个不同蛋白质梯度的配合饲料组(1号料、2号料、3号料)和一个投喂水蚯蚓的对照组,每组放鱼100尾,试验期为30天,30天后试验各组幼鲟体重分别为5.01g、4.74g、4.91g和4.08g。存活率分别为82%、86%、75%和95%。试验结果表明:用活饵喂养一段时间的史氏鲟幼鱼仍可直接采用配合饲料喂养,无需进行过渡驯饲,同时指出适合于幼鲟营养平衡的配合饲料仍需进一步改进与提高.  相似文献   

摄食不同饲料幼鲤肝胰脏和肠道蛋白酶活性的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用膨化加工的家禽下脚粉替代不同比例鱼粉配制四组试验饲料,分别饲喂同批孵育的幼鲤(平均体长5.45±0.78cm,体重1.38±0.21g)76天,水温22~25℃,日投喂量占鱼体重5%。实验结束时各组受试鱼肝胰脏、肠道蛋白酶活性和生长测定结果表明:不同试验饲料对幼鲤肝胰脏、肠道蛋白酶活性有一定影响;添加家禽下脚粉各组明显高于鱼粉(对照)组P<0.05);幼鲤生长和蛋白质效率与蛋白酶活性显示正相关。  相似文献   

用豆粕粉、玉米粉、不同含量的复方中草药等多种原料混合配制成2组刺参配合饲料,对体长2.5-4.5cm,体重3.3-4.0g的稚幼参进行了为期40天的喂养实验。结果显示,配方1组刺参体长和体重的增长都显著高于未添加任何中草药的基础饲料组(ANOVA,P〈0.05),但与刺参专用饲料差异不显著;配方2组增重率不够理想,但该组刺参的成活率达到100%,高于配方1组90%的成活率。  相似文献   

配合饲料、变态素对蟾蜍蝌蚪变态的影响熊晓英(江西省水产科研所)近年来,牛蛙、美国青蛙得到广泛养殖。关于蛙类的繁殖、饲料、病害防治等方面的研究都见过报导,但有关配合饲料,变态素对蝌蚪变态的影响还未见过报导,本试验将用特制的配合饲料,一定浓度的变态素来研...  相似文献   

邵闯  秦守旺  朱波  张俊智  戴济鸿  戴振炎  胡毅  陈开健 《水产学报》2023,47(10):109607-109607
为研究投喂策略对牛蛙蝌蚪生长发育的影响,建立科学的投喂标准,实验分别设置了4种投喂频率(1、2、3和4次/d)与4个投喂水平(4%、6%、8%和10%)饲养牛蛙蝌蚪,以探究牛蛙蝌蚪合适的投喂策略。投喂频率实验表明,投喂3次/d或4次/d的牛蛙蝌蚪在实验周期内的变态率显著高于投喂1次/d或2次/d的牛蛙蝌蚪,且投喂3次/d的牛蛙蝌蚪增重率最大。变态率与投喂量的比值(MFR)随投喂频率增加而上升,2、3或4次/d显著高于1次/d。投喂频率对已变态牛蛙蝌蚪的肝脏组织结构及肠道蛋白酶、脂肪酶、淀粉酶活性无显著影响。投喂水产实验结果显示,实验周期内牛蛙蝌蚪变态率随投喂水平增加而上升,且8%与10%组已变态牛蛙蝌蚪的均重显著高于4%与6%组,但已变态牛蛙蝌蚪肠道蛋白酶活性随投喂水平升高而降低。8%与10%组已变态牛蛙蝌蚪肝细胞脂滴含量明显增多,脂肪沉积现象明显。8%投喂水平组有益菌属暖绳菌属(绿弯菌门)与鲸杆菌属(梭杆菌门)相对丰度较高,一定程度改善了肠道微生物结构。研究表明,牛蛙蝌蚪每日投喂3次,综合投喂水平8%左右,蝌蚪的生长发育性能较优,兼顾了牛蛙养殖生产效益与蝌蚪肝肠健康,促进了牛蛙产业健...  相似文献   

The expansion in date processing has produced a large quantity of date pits Phoenix dactylifera L.: var. ruzeiz that could be used in animal feeds. To evaluate the nutritional value of date pits and their sprouts, two growth trials were conducted using semi-purified diets and fingerling tilapia Oreochromis niloticus (L.). In the first trial, four isocaloric-isonitrogenous diets containing different levels (0, 15, 30, and 45%) of date pits as a replacement for corn starch were fed to three replicate groups of fingerlings with a mean initial weight of 3.09 ± 0.10 g/fish. At the conclusion of the 9-wk growth trial, final weight gain, feed conversion, specific growth rate and PER were significantly reduced in fish fed diets with all levels of date pits as compared to those fed the control diet (without date pits). However, there were no significant differences in these parameters for fish fed diets contained 15%, 30%, or 45% date pits. Body crude fat was gradually reduced as the level of date pits in the test diets was increased. Consequently, body moisture, crude protein and total ash were proportionally increased. In second trial, three isocaloric-isonitrogenous diets containing 0% date pits (control diet), 15% date pits sprouted for 15 d, and 15% date pits sprouted for 30 d were fed to triplicate groups of tilapia with mean initial weight 2.60 t 0.09 g/ fish) for 9 wk. Growth rates and body composition of fish fed diets containing date pits that were sprouted for 15 or 30 d were similar to that of those fed the control diet. Under the reported conditions the inclusion of sprouted date pits did not affect growth and body composition, whereas nonsprouted date pits negatively influenced fish performance.  相似文献   

将初始体质量为(0.006±0.0005)g的仔鱼,随机分为4组,每组3个平行,分别投喂4种饵料:人工配合饵料、轮虫、蛋黄和轮虫+人工配合饵料.试验周期为28 d.结果表明,(1)轮虫+人工配合饵料和人工配合饵料组生长较快,特定生长率分别为0.014 %/d和0.013 %/d, 绝对生长率达到0.150、0.142 g/d,二组差异不显著(P>0.05);蛋黄组生长最慢,与其他各组差异显著(P<0.05).(2)轮虫+人工配合饵料与轮虫组仔稚鱼的成活率达到90.3%和 89.7%,大部分个体发育进入幼鱼阶段,二组差异不显著(P>0.05);蛋黄组存活率较低,只有40.7%,与其他各组差异显著(P<0.05).(3)投喂不同饵料对奥尼罗非鱼仔稚鱼的消化酶具有显著影响,蛋黄组的淀粉酶和脂肪酶活力显著高于其他各组(P<0.05);轮虫+人工配合饵料组的胃蛋白酶活力较高,天然饵料(轮虫)组较低.  相似文献   

Three populations of rainbow trout (mean initial live weight 40 g) were fed experimentally under almost the same conditions for 49 weeks. The aim of the experiment was the examination of the changes in the relative proportions of the major whole body constituents (water, protein, fat and ash) in relation to type and amount of diet and growth rate. Two pelleted dry diets (A and B) and one mixed diet (C) were used. The amount of food given daily to the fish in the case of diets A and B was continuously based on fish body weight and water temperature. The population which received diet C (raw material and pelleted dry food) was fed on maximum ratio. Sampling was carried out approximately every two months. After 25 weeks, and besides the regular sampling, fish were sampled from each population and analyses were made on their fillets. The same analyses were also carried out. on fillets and whole body material on a sample of wild fish, of almost the same age, fed on a variety of food organisms in a stream near the experimental tanks. When the results are expressed in terms of dry weight, the analyses of whole body material showed that ash content remained fairly constant in all populations throughout the experimental time. Further, with increasing body weight and age the percentages of water and protein decreased and the percentage of fat content increased in all populations and especially in fish fed on diet C which appeared to have the maximum growth rate and final mean body weight. Similarly, fish fed on diet B, which showed the lowest growth rate and final mean body weight, had low changes in the major body constituents throughout the experimental period. The lowest and the most regular rate in the changes of these parameters appeared in fish fed on diet A which also had a sufficient growth rate and mean final body weight. Analyses of the fillets for the three different types of food used have different results. The analysed wild fish had the highest percentage of water content and, expressing the results in terms of dry weight, the highest percentage of ash and protein content, while they appeared to have the lowest percentage of fat content, on both whole body material and fillets.Since the three types of diets used in this experiment gave three different growth rates, as well as three different body compositions of the reared trout, it is suggested from the present results that the relative proportions and changes of the four body constituents and effects on the growth rate of trout are strongly affected by the type of food.  相似文献   

为了解单一饵料或混合投喂对玉足海参(Holothuria leucospilota)幼体生长的影响,采用2种单胞藻(牟氏角毛藻、球等鞭金藻)和2种酵母(酿酒酵母、海洋红酵母)单一或组合搭配投喂玉足海参耳状幼体,测定并比较海参幼体的体长、胃宽、水体腔长、变态成活率等指标。试验结果显示:单一饵料组中,牟氏角毛藻对玉足海参幼体体长的生长及变态存活最有利,而球等鞭金藻对其脏器(胃、水体腔)的发育最有利;综合所有处理组的投喂效果看,混合投喂组比单一饵料组更有利于玉足海参幼体的生长和存活,其中酿酒酵母+海洋红酵母的混合投喂组合得到了最高的体长、胃宽和水体腔长特定生长率,牟氏角毛藻+海洋红酵母投喂组的变态成活率最高,变态发育速度最快。结果表明,在玉足海参幼体培养早期适合以混合酵母为主投喂,后期则可较多投喂牟氏角毛藻和海洋红酵母。  相似文献   

投喂不同饵料对长薄鳅生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张建明 《水产科学》2019,(2):207-212
在水温18.6~21.6℃条件下,将初始体质量为(3.91±0.22) g的长薄鳅幼鱼随机分为5组,每组3个重复,每个重复10尾鱼,饲养在圆形玻纤缸(直径1 m、高0.8 m)中,分别投喂刀额新对虾、鳙鱼、配合饲料(粗蛋白≥46.0%)、虾+饲料、鱼+饲料5种饵料,以筛选适宜于长薄鳅幼鱼的适宜饵料投喂模式。75 d的饲养结果表明,不同投喂模式对长薄鳅的存活率无显著性影响(P>0.05),而对长薄鳅的生长影响显著(P<0.05)。试验结果表明,虾组、鱼组、饲料组、鱼+饲料组的长薄鳅最终体质量无显著性差异(P>0.05),但虾+饲料组最终体质量和体质量特定生长率显著高于其他4组(P<0.05),依次为虾+饲料组>饲料组>虾组>鱼组、鱼+饲料组。5个试验组鱼的体长特定生长率无显著性差异(P>0.05),依次为虾+饲料组>虾组>饲料组、鱼+饲料组>鱼组。试验结束时,各试验组鱼的生长离散均有所升高,生长离散变化依次为鱼组>鱼+饲料组>饲料组>虾组>虾+饲料组。各试验组长薄鳅的的摄食率差异显著(P<0.05),摄食率依次为鱼组>虾组>鱼+饲料组>虾+饲料组>饲料组;虾组和鱼组的饵料系数无显著性差异(P>0.05),但显著高于其他3组(P<0.05),其他3组间无显著性差异(P>0.05)。不同投喂模式下长薄鳅幼鱼的生长系数b值均小于3,呈负异速生长,但虾+饲料组的长薄鳅幼鱼生长系数b值最大。试验过程中各组鱼的肥满度均下降。研究结果显示,在本试验的不同饵料投喂模式中,投喂虾+饲料更利于长薄鳅的摄食和生长。  相似文献   

A 56‐d growth trial was conducted to evaluate the growth performance, lipid deposition, and antioxidative capacity of juvenile scaleless carp, Gymnocypris przewalskii, on Qinghai‐Tibetan Plateau. One‐year‐old juveniles (initial weight: 15.99 ± 0.02 g) were fed practical diets with different lipid levels of 4, 5.5, 7, 8.5, and 10%, respectively. Results showed that the best specific growth rate (SGR), feed conversion rate, and total antioxidative capacity (T‐AOC) in hepatopancreas were observed in fish fed the diet with 7% lipid level. Fish fed with high lipid diets (8.5 and 10%) had significantly higher condition factor and viscerosomatic index as well as lipid in muscle, intestine, mesenteric fat tissue, and whole body. Highest level of hepatopancreas lipase and lipoprotein lipases activities as well as malondialdehyde content and the lowest level of feed intake and T‐AOC content in hepatopancreas and intestine were also observed in fish fed with high lipid diets (8.5 and 10%) (P < 0.05). In conclusion, based on SGR and hepatopancreas T‐AOC content, dietary lipid requirement of juvenile G. przewalskii was estimated to be 7.35 and 7.39%, respectively.  相似文献   

Abstract— The main objective of this study was to determine the effect of different levels of krill meal (KM) as a feed attractant in juvenile Nile tilapia fed soybean (SBM) diets on growth performance, feed utilization, and body composition. Fish of an initial average weight 0.8 × 0.01g were stocked in 18 glass aquaria (80 L each) at a rate of 25 fish per aquarium. Fish meal (FM 20% of the diet) was used as the sole source of animal protein in the control (Diet 1). Diets 2 to 6 had (SBM) protein with various levels of krill meal (0.0,1.5,3.0,4.5, and 6.0%, diets 2-6 respectively). Test diets were fed to satiation to triplicate groups of Nile tilapia four times daily for 20 wk. Fish fed krill meal supplemented diets had significantly ( P < 0.05) better growth performance compared with fish fed the unsupplemented and FM control diets. The krill meal increased growth of Nile tilapia by 31.9% compared to control diets (average Anal wet weight, 14.15 × 0.95 g and 10.72 × 0.2 g, respectively). Moreover, weight gains were not significantly different for fish fed diets with different levels of krill meal. Feed utilization parameters such as feed intake, feed conversion ratio, protein efficiency ratio differed significantly for fish fed krill meal diets compared with control. Digestibility of nutrient and energy of diets increased with increasing levels of krii meal. The incorporation of krill meal in diets significantly affected the protein, fat, ash, and energy of whole body composition. These results suggest that supplementation of krill meal at 1.5% in the diets of Nile tilapia as attractant or stimulant may lead to increased feed intake, growth performance, and feed utilization. Soybean meal can completely replace fishmeal in diets for juvenile tilapia.  相似文献   

The main objectives of this study were to evaluate the effect of partial and total replacement of fish meal (FM) protein by cow pea seed meal (CPSM) protein in practical diets on growth performance, feed utilization, and body composition of Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.). Fish of an average initial weight of 4.6 ± 0.2 g were stocked in 15 glass aquariums (80 L each) at a rate of 15 fish per aquarium. FM protein (30% of the diet) was used as the sole source of animal protein in the control diet. Percent replacement of FM by CPSM on the basis of crude protein were as follows: 0% (control diet A), 25% (diet B), 50% (diet C), 75% (diet D), and 100% (diet E). Diets were fed to fish at a rate of 4% of the total fish biomass daily, for a period of 16 wk. The results of this study revealed that the fish fed control diet A (100% FM) had the best average final body weight, specific growth rate (SGR %/d), weight gain (g/fish), weight gain %, while the poorest results for all parameters were obtained with fish fed diet E (100% CPSM). The same parameters of fish fed diets B (25% CPSM) and C (50% CPSM) were not significantly different (P > 0.05) from those of fish fed the control diet A. Feed utilization parameters of fish fed diets A, B, C, and D were better than for diet E. Proximate composition of whole‐body moisture and ash contents were not significantly different (P > 0.05) among all experimental diets and control diet. Whole‐body protein contents for fish fed diets B and C were superior to the control diet A. Incorporation of CPSM in the diets significantly increased whole‐body fat content. Incorporation of CPSM in the diets significantly decreased apparent digestibility coefficient of crude protein crude fat and energy. Diets B and C were not significantly different from control diet A. Therefore, these findings suggest that up to 50% of FM protein can be replaced by CPSM protein in Nile tilapia diets without any adverse effects on growth performance, feed utilization, body composition, and digestibility.  相似文献   

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