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Mechanical injuries are the main cause of damage (such as bruising) and loss of quality of fruit and vegetables, occurring mainly from mechanical forces during compression, vibration and impact loads. Apples and potatoes are susceptible to external and internal pressures, which causes bruising and fracture in soft tissues. The study of turgor pressure and the compressive stiffness of apple and potato tissues is essential to understand their fracture strength against external and internal pressures. In the present study, a generalized form of a strain energy function is proposed, and a relation between turgor pressure and stretch ratio is developed by considering its appropriate form. It is considered that the tissues are isotropic, incompressible, homogeneous, and show hyperelastic behavior. The Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm was used for regression analysis to calibrate the material constants by correlating predicted and experimental values of turgor pressure and stretch ratio for apple and potato tissues. A good fit of the developed relation to experimental data was obtained with the coefficients of determination of 98.02% for apple and 98.0% for potato.  相似文献   

Summary Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) diversity has been determined in apple landraces and cultivars, based upon restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs) for several mitochondrial genes. Our analysis includes three cultivars, Golden Delicious, McIntosh and Delicious, which represent the various patterns of mtDNA polymorphisms previously described (Ishikawa et al., 1992). A total of five RFLPs were detected, allowing classification of the apple genotypes into four cytoplasmic groups: GroupI, Golden Delicious-type; GroupII, McIntosh-type; GroupIII, Delicious-type; and Group IV, Dolgo Crab-type. European landraces and cultivars were assigned to Groups I, II, and III, while chinese crab apples were placed in either Group III or IV.  相似文献   

The effect of pulsed light at increasing fluence (17.5, 52.5, 105.0 and 157.5 kJ/m2) was studied with reference to germicidal efficiency and changes in fresh-like appearance of sliced apple. Independent of fluence, viable counts and inoculated bacteria were reduced by 1 and 3 logs respectively. Fluence significantly affected weight loss, colour and sensory attributes of apple slices during storage at 6 °C. Pulsed light at 17.5 kJ/m2 resulted in apple slices comparable to the untreated samples, with limited quality changes. By contrast, at higher fluence, apple slices underwent dehydration and browning due to loss of cell integrity. Exposure to high fluence treatments was also associated with negative changes in the flavour profile of sliced apple during storage.  相似文献   

The effect of UV-C light treatments at 1.2, 6.0, 12.0 and 24.0 kJ/m2 was studied with reference to germicidal efficiency and changes in fresh-like appearance of fresh-cut apple. Independently of UV-C light fluence, all treatments imparted the same germicidal effect with 1–2 log reduction in total viable counts. Treatments at a fluence exceeding 1.2 kJ/m2 caused the loss of compartmentalisation of surface apple cells, activating dehydration and oxidative phenomena. By contrast, mild treatments resulted in apple slices much more stable than the untreated control in terms of microbial growth and development of browning and off-flavours. These effects were attributed not only to the direct inactivation of spoilage microrganisms and enzymes by UV-C light, but also to the formation of a thin, dried film on the surface of the product. This edible protective film inhibited microbial growth and hindered dehydration during storage but was too thin to be perceived by consumers. UV-C light exposure was demonstrated to be an effective non-visible technology for food surface decontamination, but only if applied at mild intensity.  相似文献   

Differentiation of cultivars with simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers is a very useful technique for the true-to-type characterization of cultivars and clarification of parent-offspring relationships. We developed an SSR marker set for cultivar identification comprising 15 markers that were screened from 46 previously published SSRs. This marker set could be used for apple varieties including Malus × domestica and/or other Malus species. These SSRs successfully characterized 95 apples, including the leading and major founding cultivars used worldwide for modern apple breeding. Therefore, this marker set could be applied to almost all apple cultivars. We also analyzed the parent-offspring relationships of 69 cultivars by considering allele transmissions. This analysis revealed the true parentage of the following seven cultivars: ‘Kizashi’, ‘Chinatsu’, ‘Honey Queen’, ‘Haruka’, ‘Seirin’, ‘Ozenokurenai’, and Morioka #48. This analysis also revealed a parentage discrepancy for ‘Hacnine’. From the parent-offspring analysis, two microsatellite mutation events at alleles inherited from pollen parents were observed.  相似文献   

Agronomic experiments are often complex and difficult to interpret, and the proper use of appropriate statistical methodology is essential for an efficient and reliable analysis. In this paper, the basics of the statistical analysis of designed experiments are discussed using real examples from agricultural field trials. Factorial designs allow for the study of two or more treatment factors in the same experiment, and here we discuss the analysis of factorial designs for both qualitative and quantitative level treatment factors. Where treatment factors have quantitative levels, models of treatment effects are essential for efficient analysis and in this paper we discuss the use of polynomials for empirical quantitative modelling of treatment effects. The example analyses cover experiments with a single quantitative level factor, experiments with mixtures of quantitative and qualitative level factors, polynomial regression designs with two quantitative level factors, split‐plot designs with quantitative level factors and repeated‐measures designs with correlated data and a quantitative treatment response over time. Modern mixed model computer software for routine analysis of experimental data is now readily available, and we demonstrate the use of two alternative software packages, the SAS package and the R language. The main purpose of the paper is to exemplify standard statistical methodology for routine analysis of designed experiments in agricultural research, but in our discussion we also provide some references for the study of more advanced methodology.  相似文献   

This paper documents the changes in China's Hukou reform before and after 2014 based on a unique data set of Hukou policy documents from Chinese cities between 2000 and 2016. We construct a Hukou registration index to measure the stringency of local Hukou qualification in Chinese cities. There are four main channels for migrants to get local urban Hukou: investment, home purchase, talent program, and employment. The requirements of the four channels have large variations across different tiers of cities between the two periods of 2000–2013 and 2014–2016. First‐tier and some second‐tier cities set high criteria for local Hukou registration that have become more stringent over time, while other cities have much lower requirements. The point account system for Hukou registration shows that cities have different preferences over workers eligible for local urban Hukou. The quantitative measures developed in this paper can be used to study a variety of topics on the social and economic consequences of labor mobility barriers.  相似文献   

《蚕业科学》引文、作者及基金论文定量分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献计量学的方法,对《蚕业科学》2005—2008所发论文引文(包括引文的数量,语种,类型分布),作者(包括作者的系统、地区、合作类型分布)及基金论文(包括基金论文的数量,获基金资助的数量,资助机构分布)进行统计分析,客观揭示该刊在中国学术界的整体水平及重要影响。  相似文献   

张健强 《中国农学通报》2013,29(16):106-109
研究了在高温胁迫下,以不同种类外源抗氧化剂处理,对苹果果皮组织抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶的活性和维生素C含量的影响,实验结果表明高温胁迫下抗坏血酸过氧化物酶、超氧化物歧化酶的活性和维生素C含量有显著提高,说明施用抗氧化剂后苹果果皮组织抗氧化能力提高,尤其是施用复合抗氧化剂效果更明显。  相似文献   

Changing global climatic conditions and irrigation water shortages impose water stress conditions on crops. To develop genotypes tolerant to water stress necessitates reliable high‐throughput methods to study plant water status and water stress tolerance mechanisms. We report the use of a non‐destructive, automated, precise and rapid system for assessing real‐time water status in canola plants. Leaf patch clamp pressure probes were clamped on the leaves of four different genotypes of canola grown under field conditions. The data generated diurnal curves characterizing the pattern of turgor pressure maintenance within the leaves. A novel methodology termed ‘inverse hysteresis’ was developed to measure relative water stress levels in plants using the probe‐derived data. The inverse hysteresis data show that genotypes CT12 and CT15 had a higher ability to withstand water stress and were more tolerant to water stress than DS23 and DS35. The chlorophyll content and seed yield were also higher in CT12 and CT15. This novel analytical tool for monitoring water status in canola plants will be of great benefit in other crop species to efficiently screen genotypes for water stress tolerance.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to develop primers and a real time PCR protocol for the postharvest biocontrol yeast Cystofilobasidium infirmominiatum (Cim). The application of this technology was developed to quantify Cim on the surfaces of apple, two pear cultivars, and sweet cherry fruit treated over a range of concentrations. Statistically significant relationships were observed between Cim DNA on fruit surfaces, expressed as μg/m2, and CFU/L of dip suspensions for apple, pear, and sweet cherry. In addition, the relationship for each fruit was significantly different from the other three fruits. Threshold values of concentrations of Cim DNA on the fruit surface were calculated based on regression equations and a dose of 2.0 × 1011 CFU/L of dip suspension, the dose for optimum decay control, and were 4.8, 7.0, 16.5, and 25.2 μg/m2 for Bosc pear, Lapins sweet cherry, d’Anjou pear, and Golden Delicious apple, respectively. Monitoring Cim DNA concentration on fruit surfaces will assure that Cim is being properly applied to fruit and that a sufficient number of cells are present for optimum decay control.  相似文献   

Summary Ploidy polymorphism occurs in the hybrid offspring derived from interspecific crosses between triploid plantains (Musa spp. AAB group) and diploid bananas (M. acuminata). Therefore,Musa breeders are interested in the determination of ploidy and its effects on phenotypic expression of quantitative traits. The aim of this research was to examine the reliability of stomatal and other phenotypic traits to determine ploidy in segregating plantainbanana hybrid families. Stomatal density and size were significantly correlated (P<0.01) with ploidy, although the correlation coefficients were not high (r=–0.49 and r=0.47, for stomatal density and size, respectively). High density of small stomata was correlated with low ploidy level, and vice versa. However, stomatal size and density were also influenced by a significant genotype effect (P<0.001) within the same ploidy level. Ploidy had an important effect on fruit traits and plant height in the hybrids of Obino l'Ewai×Calcutta 4, but this was not so clear in Bobby Tannap×Calcutta 4 hybrids. Obino l'Ewai derived tetraploids have medium to tall plants with large bunches and big fruits. Most of the tetraploids derived from Bobby Tannap have short stature due to the gene action of the dwarf,dw, allele. Also, a few selected diploids derived from Bobby Tannap outyielded their non-selected tetraploid full-sibs. In conclusion, chromosoem counting remains the only accurate proof of ploidy levels inMusa germplasm.  相似文献   

The theory of linkage and QTL analysis in autotetraploids is summarised. Applications are presented to the analysis of quantitative disease resistance in the European cultivated potato, Solanum tuberosum subsp. tuberosum. The implications are discussed for practical potato breeding, practical QTL analysis and theory. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

绿色农药分散剂GCL4-1的结构特征及应用性能研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用红外光谱、电位滴定、凝胶渗透色谱对改性木质素磺酸钠农药分散剂GCL4-1的分子结构进行了研究,结果表明,GCL4-1分子中磺酸基含量较改性前的木质素磺酸钠LS有明显提高,磺化度从改性前的1.33 mmol/g增加到1.96 mmol/g;其重均分子量为9700,数均分子量为2300。进一步研究了GCL4-1对农药水分散粒剂(WG)应用性能和药效等的影响,发现以GCL4-1作分散剂制备的WG具有良好的润湿性和崩解性,WG热贮前后的悬浮率都超过90%;WG悬浮液分散稳定性优良,2 h后的悬浮液沉淀层厚度仅为0.386 mm,颗粒粒径为7.22 μm。制得的80%烯酰吗啉WG防治黄瓜霜霉病的EC90值为58.32 mg/L,80%氟虫腈WG样品对小菜蛾的LC50值为0.5196 mg/L,室内毒力达到了国外同类制剂最好产品水平。GCL4-1的综合性能达到甚至超过Borregaard公司的Kinsperse126,是一种具有优良性价比的绿色农药分散剂。  相似文献   

改形修剪量对矮化红富士苹果枝类构成及结果的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以10年生的红富士/M26苹果为材料,研究了改形修剪量对枝类构成及结果的影响。试验表明:随改形修剪量的加大,中长枝比例增加,产量减少,品质改善,成花增加,大小年减轻;但改形过重会引起树势明显反旺,品质下降,成花减少。适宜的改形修剪量应为总枝量的50%~60%。实行强拉枝和加强夏季管理是改形后必不可少的配套措施。  相似文献   

不同木聚糖酶对小麦面团流变性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
添加木聚糖酶到小麦面粉中,采用TA-XT Plus物性仪Kieffer实验测定小麦面团在拉伸中最大阻力,和最大阻力点的拉伸长度即延展性,研究同种木聚糖酶对不同品种小麦面团及不同木聚糖酶对同品种小麦面团的流变学特性的影响。结果表明:木聚糖酶对小麦面团拉伸的最大阻力随着酶含量的增加而减小,最大阻力处延展性随着酶量的增加而增大,木聚糖酶对小麦面团都具有软化和松弛作用。同时,木聚糖酶对不同种小麦面团流变影响程度不同;不同来源的木聚糖酶对小麦面团的流变影响程度也不同。  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of chitin on the antagonistic activity of Rhodosporidium paludigenum against Penicillium expansum, the cause of blue mold in apple fruit, and the possible mechanisms involved. Our results showed that biocontrol efficacy and population growth of R. paludigenum were greatly enhanced when it was harvested from nutrient yeast dextrose with added chitin (NYCB) medium compared with that harvested from nutrient yeast dextrose (NYDB) medium. The ability of R. paludigenum produced in NYCB to induce resistance to blue mold in apple fruit was significantly enhanced. The enhanced disease control efficacy was correlated with higher levels of polyphenoloxidase (PPO) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities in apple fruit treated with R. paludigenum. Moreover, the SOD and catalase (CAT) activities of R. paludigenum were stimulated by cultivating in NYCB, while malondialdehyde (MDA) accumulation in the yeast cells was suppressed. These results indicated that adding chitin to normal media might be an effective method to improve the antagonistic activity of R. paludigenum and the active oxygen metabolism of R. paludigenum might be closely related to the biocontrol activity of the yeast.  相似文献   

The single-edge notched bend (SENB) test is a technique for measuring fundamental properties of materials. This technique is an easily applied measure of fruit texture that is related to sensory characteristics such as ‘crunchiness’ [Vincent, J.F.V., Saunders, D.E.J., Beyts, P., 2002. The use of critical stress intensity factor to quantify “hardness” and “crunchiness” objectively. J. Texture Stud. 33, 149–159]. The present study focuses on the relationship between SENB and the penetrometer test routinely used for fruit quality assessment. Fruit from cultivars Cox's Orange Pippin, Sciros, Sciearly and Scifresh were removed from cold storage at regular intervals, and texture was assessed after 1 and 7 days at 20 °C. Texture was measured using a conventional puncture test with an Effegi probe and a SENB test. During the SENB test, a notched beam of apple tissue was subjected to three-point bending until it broke. Fracture toughness (Kc) and fracture energy (Gc) were calculated, and Low-Temperature Scanning Electron Microscopy (LTSEM) was used to examine the fracture surface following beam failure. Both Kc and Gc were correlated with puncture force, but the relationship was different for Sciros and Sciearly (two siblings from a Gala × Splendour cross) compared to the other cultivars. Sciros and Sciearly apples had higher Kc and Gc values than would be anticipated from measurements of puncture force. This supports the suggestion that these apples are crisper when eaten than might be expected from puncture (penetrometer) values. Comparison of the texture of shrivelled and non-shrivelled Sciros apples indicated that puncture measurements are unreliable when fruit are dehydrated. Puncture measurements suggested shrivelled apples were ‘crisper’ than non-shrivelled fruit, while SENB parameters indicated the reverse.  相似文献   

Summary Visual assessment, black & white image analysis and colour image analysis of the severity of powdery mildew (Sphaerotheca fuliginea) infection on leaves of cucumber (Cucumis sativus) were compared. The extent of infection with powdery mildew was expressed as the number of spores per cm2. Statistical treatment of the data showed colour image analysis to be superior to the other two methods of evaluation. Major veins, light reflections and variations in the colour of leaves can degrade the accuracy of colour image analysis somewhat. These problems are, however, surmountable. Colour image analysis qualifies as a valuable new tool for accurate, objective, reproducible and detailed quantitative assessment of disease on leaves of plants.Abbreviations H hue - I intensity - IA image analysis - PM powdery mildew - S saturation  相似文献   

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