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介绍了山西省梨树蜜蜂授粉与绿色植保技术集成应用情况,分析了该集成技术示范应用所产生的经济、生态和社会效益。并通过试验分析对比,明确了蜜蜂授粉可有效保证梨树坐果,相比人工点花授粉,可使梨树畸形果率降低48%以上。  相似文献   

试验结果表明,在有机稻生产中,人工释放赤眼蜂可有效防控稻纵卷叶螟的发生为害。不同密度释放赤眼蜂试验结果,在稻纵卷叶螟蛾始盛期开始释放,间隔5d释放1次,连续放3次,第3次释放后调查卵粒寄生率达69.31%,对卷叶螟平均防效达74.32%;不同策略释放赤眼蜂试验结果,在稻纵卷叶螟蛾始见期开始释放赤眼蜂,间隔5d释放1次,连续放3次,第3次释放后调查卵粒寄生率达72.81%,对卷叶螟防效达79.79%。在有机稻生产中,建议在稻纵卷叶螟蛾始见时开始第1次释放赤眼蜂,每667m~2共释放赤眼蜂20000头,分3次平均释放,每次间隔5d,每次每667m~2按6~7个点的密度释放。  相似文献   

为明确北方茶园黑刺粉虱发生规律, 2016年—2017年于山东烟台系统研究了日光温室盖保温被?日光温室及露地3种栽培模式茶园黑刺粉虱发生规律?结果表明, 3种栽培模式茶园黑刺粉虱均以若虫在叶片背面越冬, 1年发生4代, 世代重叠严重?日光温室盖保温被栽培模式越冬代成虫羽化较日光温室和露地栽培发生早28 d左右, 日光温室和露地栽培模式下黑刺粉虱发生期差异不显著?3种栽培模式茶园黑刺粉虱成虫全年均有4次发生高峰期, 第1次高峰期日光温室盖保温被栽培模式较日光温室早20 d左右, 日光温室较露地早30 d左右?黑刺粉虱发生量依次为日光温室>露地>日光温室盖保温被, 均于10月上旬陆续以3龄若虫在叶片背面越冬?  相似文献   

利用四旋翼植保无人飞机在山东设施茶园防治主要害虫, 研究两种类型的植保无人飞机和传统背负式电动喷雾器施药在不同冠层茶树叶片上雾滴密度?沉积量和覆盖率分布情况以及对茶树主要半翅目害虫的防治效果?结果表明, Ⅰ型植保无人飞机?Ⅱ型植保无人飞机和背负式喷雾器在茶树叶片上平均雾滴密度分别为102.72?50.58个/cm2和29.83个/cm2, 沉积总量分别为0.175?0.371 μL/cm2和53.562 μL/cm2, 雾滴覆盖率均值分别为1.95%?2.52%和19.42%?不同施药器械对茶树各层的雾滴密度?沉积量和覆盖率有显著影响?两种类型植保无人飞机施药雾滴密度总体为茶树树冠上层>中层>底层, 正面>背面?背负式电动喷雾器施药的雾滴沉积量和覆盖率显著高于植保无人飞机, 叶片正面沉积量和覆盖率明显高于叶背面?Ⅰ型植保无人飞机喷施22%氟啶虫胺腈悬浮剂240 mg/L 3 d和5 d后对黑刺粉虱的防治效果为82.20%和71.73%, 该处理对防治茶树黑刺粉虱具有速效性且持效性较好?Ⅰ型植保无人飞机喷施22%氟啶虫胺腈悬浮剂240 mg/L 3 d和5 d后对小贯小绿叶蝉的防效为84.44%和77.25%; Ⅱ型植保无人飞机喷施25 g/L溴氰菊酯乳油60 mg/L 3 d后对小贯小绿叶蝉的防效为98.18%, 具有较好的速效性?植保无人飞机施药对黑刺粉虱的防效优于背负式喷雾器, 但对叶蝉的防效与背负式喷雾器相当?不同施药器械不同药剂处理中瓢虫的数量没有差异?  相似文献   

黑液腐植酸肥料对棉花生长及土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过在北疆布设的3种肥料(腐植酸液体肥料HALF-A、HALF-B、HALF-C)5个施肥水平的田间试验,研究了黑液腐植酸肥料对棉花生长及土壤肥力的影响。结果表明:(1)与常规肥料比,应用不同黑液腐植酸液体肥料,增产幅度达到8.54%~10.80%,提高单铃重0.2~0.3 g,对衣分和单株有效成铃数影响不大;(2)施用腐植酸液体肥料能够推迟棉花成熟2~4 d;(3)腐植酸液体肥料施用量2250kg/hm2以上时显著促进了棉花花后干物质的累积;(4)三种腐植酸液体肥料施用量3 000 kg/hm2时对棉花氮素养分的吸收促进作用最大,HALF-B在施用量2250 kg/hm2,HALF-C在3 000 kg/hm2时促进了棉花磷素养分的吸收,腐植酸液体肥料施用量3 750 kg/hm2以上时显著促进了棉花钾素养分的吸收;(5)施用腐植酸液体肥料对当年收获后土壤肥力影响不大。  相似文献   

绿盲蝽对冬枣不同生长期的为害   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解绿盲蝽对其重要果树寄主冬枣的为害特点,通过对各生长期叶、蕾、花、幼果等易受害部位接虫试验,研究绿盲蝽对冬枣的为害规律及其对冬枣坐果的影响。结果显示,不同生长期各部位的被害率和刺点数均随着接虫数的增加而增大。嫩叶期最幼嫩的部位顶芽和第1片叶被害率均为100%,第4、5片叶的被害率均为0;相同接虫密度下,花的刺点数显著高于蕾和幼果;花蕾并存时,花的刺点数显著高于蕾,而被害率无显著差异。花期受害后,坐果数显著降低,其中接1、2、3、4、5头绿盲蝽坐果数分别降低了49.49%、59.60%、84.85%、94.95%、94.87%。研究表明,绿盲蝽对冬枣的为害有明显趋嫩和趋花性,花期受害后对产量的影响最大,应加强对花、幼果期绿盲蝽种群的控制。  相似文献   

 番茄叶霉菌小种4是番茄Cf5品系的非亲和小种,接种Cf5植株第3叶后,经不同诱导间隔期以亲和小种5接种第3叶和第4叶,15 d后检查叶霉病发病情况。试验表明,在诱导间隔期为3 d和5 d时,小种4诱导接种的第3叶和未经诱导接种的上位第4叶发病面积比不接种或接种小种5的对照显著降低,以5 d间隔期处理效果最好。上述2个叶位的发病分别比对照降低90%和85%。小种4接种第3叶后该叶位和上部未接种第4叶内水杨酸含量迅速增加,以接种后3 d含量最高,分别达4.02 μg/g鲜重和3.21μg/g鲜重,比对照分别高2倍和1.8倍。接种后5 d内始终保持较高水平。接种8 d后逐渐下降,但仍高于对照。水杨酸含量的增加早于抗性表现,因而可能在该系统的抗性诱导中起作用。  相似文献   

丽蚜小蜂Encarsia formosa是粉虱类害虫的重要寄生性天敌,目前已广泛应用于设施蔬菜烟粉虱Bemisia tabaci和温室白粉虱Trialeurodes vaporariorum的防控。本文在温室条件下对丽蚜小蜂的扩散行为进行了研究,并分析了扩散距离、释放时间等因素对其寄生率的影响。结果表明,丽蚜小蜂成虫释放后其扩散行为是渐进的、不连续的,主要在1~4 m范围内扩散,少量个体可扩散至6~8 m。番茄植株高度对丽蚜小蜂寄生率没有明显影响,这说明其释放后可成功地搜索到不同高度植株上的寄主。丽蚜小蜂释放后第2 d,距释放点l和2 m处其寄生率分别为92.5%和85.3%;释放后4 d,距释放点l和2 m处其寄生率分别为53.1%和39.7%。同一释放时间距释放点l和2 m处丽蚜小蜂寄生率没有显著差异,但却显著高于距释放点4、6和8 m处丽蚜小蜂的寄生率。因此,从寄生率也可以看出丽蚜小蜂成虫主要在1~4 m范围内进行扩散。利用丽蚜小蜂的有效扩散距离和寄生率可以确定其在温室的释放数量、释放点之间的距离和释放次数,研究结果对于更好地发挥丽蚜小蜂在生物防治中的控害作用具有重要的应用意义。  相似文献   

路慧  陈红印 《植物保护》2007,33(5):75-79
在温室内采用笼罩观察,通过选择性和非选择性试验,在两营养级(作物-天敌)的基础上进一步研究了三营养级(作物-天敌-害虫)体系中烟盲蝽对5种不同植物种类的选择性。以落虫量为选择指标,烟盲蝽成虫选择性结果表明:黄瓜+粉虱成虫、番茄+粉虱成虫、茄子+粉虱成虫、菜豆+粉虱成虫之间不存在差异显著性,但对油菜+蚜虫的选择性较好。烟盲蝽成虫非选择性试验,以其产卵后初孵若蝽量和死亡率为衡量指标,结果表明,烟盲蝽初孵若虫量之间存在显著差异,排序为:黄瓜>番茄>油菜>菜豆>茄子;烟盲蝽死亡率之间存在显著差异,排序为:菜豆+粉虱成虫>茄子+粉虱成虫>番茄+粉虱成虫>黄瓜+粉虱成虫>油菜+蚜虫。烟盲蝽若虫选择性试验,以羽化率为选择指标,结果为:油菜+蚜虫>番茄+粉虱若虫>黄瓜+粉虱若虫>菜豆+粉虱若虫>茄子+粉虱若虫。另外,在茄子+粉虱若虫上的死亡率最高为90.5%,其次为菜豆+粉虱若虫90%,黄瓜+粉虱若虫71.4%,番茄+粉虱若虫42.9%,油菜+蚜虫40%。  相似文献   

为科学使用植物生长调节剂,以秦丰粉王番茄为试材,在山东省泰安市房村镇北滕村冬暖式大棚进行了1.8%复硝酚钠水剂和3%胺鲜酯·复硝酚钠水剂对番茄生长及品质影响的田间试验.结果表明:使用1.8%复硝酚钠水剂有效成分用量为6~9mg/kg、3%胺鲜酯·复硝酚钠水剂有效成分用量为20~30mg/kg,分别在番茄移栽后5~10d幼苗阶段和间隔15d后对番茄全株进行茎叶喷雾处理,可使番茄株高、最大果实横径、坐果率增加,具有明显的增产效果,可不同程度改善番茄品质.  相似文献   

本文集成、应用大棚草莓天敌治虫、熊蜂授粉技术以减少化学农药使用量,降低农药残留,提高草莓品质。在大棚草莓上,以常规管理作为对照,采用草莓害虫天敌和熊蜂授粉相结合的模式防治大棚草莓害虫、提高果实品质。研究表明,采用多种天敌联合防治技术起到了很好的防治效果,且控制效果持续时间更长。其中对叶螨的防治效果达到74.29%;对粉虱的防治效果达到59.38%;对蚜虫的防治效果达到61.03%。熊蜂授粉技术与人工授粉对比,草莓形状、果色,平均单果重、果实维生素C含量、固形物含量以及固酸比都显著提高,畸形果率显著降低。以上结果表明,多种天敌防治技术对虫害的发生起到了很好的防治效果,优于传统化学防治方式,降低了农药残留;熊蜂授粉技术显著提升了草莓品质、品相及单果重量。  相似文献   

Eremosparton songoricum,a rare and endemic sand dune plant,appears to be experiencing recruitment failure.The structure of five populations from the Gurbantunggut Desert,China,was investigated for recruitment patterns,and two of them were examined for flowering,pollination and seed germination limits on regeneration.The results showed that total 150 seedlings only occurred on line transects in riverside Dure population,but they all died half a month later;no seedlings occurred in other four hinterland desert populations indicating recruitment was a failure at all populations although flowers were plentiful.Reproductive success depends on pollinators.Nectar is 'reward' for pollinators,with 0.06 μL-0.12 μL and 0.15 μL-0.35 μL per flower in Dure and Kabu populations,respectively,in continuously two secreting days.Spontaneous self pollination is rare with nearly zero fruit production.Geitonogamous self pollination is predominant with 14.47% fruit set.Seed mass in the riverside Dure population was significantly greater than that in other hinterland desert populations.Consequently,the Dure population exhibited a significantly higher germination rate(about 90%) than those in other populations(about 30%).Results suggested that recruitment failure of E.songoricum is not due to flower shortage,pollination limitation,or poor seed germination but environmental pressure and/or human disturbance.  相似文献   

In the subalpine zone on Mt. Hakusan, Japan, Plantago asiatica, an alien plant, and Plantago hakusanensis, a native alpine species, grow sympatrically along with their putative hybrids. Here, their flowering behavior, which affects the frequency of hybridization and the colonizing ability of P. asiatica and its hybrids, is described. The flowering behavior of each species and of two F1 hybrids from different seed parents was determined based on the position of the flower in the inflorescence by using a generalized linear mixed model. The percentage fruit set of individually bagged inflorescences was calculated to corroborate the assumptions of the opportunities for self‐pollination. All the flowers were protogynous; however, many P. asiatica anthers dehisced before browning of the stigma in the flower and the sex presentations in the inflorescence were asynchronous. The percentage of fruit set was high. Consequently, P. asiatica has the opportunity for self‐pollination within the flower and in the inflorescence. In contrast, the P. hakusanensis anthers dehisced after browning of the stigma in the flower; their sex presentation was synchronous in the inflorescence, showing negligible opportunities for self‐pollination, and the fruit set was low. Accordingly, in the field, P. hakusanensis might require pollination among the inflorescences for seed production and be actively outcrossed, while P. asiatica is able to outcross in the early flowering phase. Therefore, P. asiatica and P. hakusanensis have opportunities for hybridization. The F1 hybrids exhibited intermediate flowering behavior and produced fruits, demonstrating the potential to reproduce by selfing.  相似文献   

选用具有一定代表性的4个油纤兼用型品种(系)和1个纤用型品种(系),从始花期开始,标记每天开的花,每5天为一期,标记三期,其余所有的花归为第四期。开花5天后采收果粒,测定不同时期、不同部位籽粒干物质积累量,利用logistic生长曲线方程对亚麻不同部位籽粒干物质积累进行了分析,结果表明:纤维型亚麻中部果实的籽粒较重,每果粒数较多,基部的次之,上部最轻;而兼用型亚麻的果粒数,粒重,结实率都由基部向上依次降低。单株产量中,均以中部籽粒所占比重最大。籽粒干物质积累量与平均积累速率,最大积累速率,快增期积累速率呈正相关。在所有的品种(系)中,快增期的增长速率显著高于渐增期和缓增期,不同部位籽粒的增重不同,兼用型亚麻基部籽粒增长速率低,持续时间长,干物质积累多,上部籽粒增长速率高,但持续时间短,籽粒轻,而纤用型的虽表现出相同趋势,但不同部位间差异较小。  相似文献   

基于沧州市1961—2018年58 a逐日降水量、气温、空气相对湿度、日照气象资料和1998—2017年19 a沧州金丝小枣产量及枣园灾害调查资料,采用金丝小枣生长期气象灾害判别指标分析得出:金丝小枣不同生长期的主要气象灾害是萌芽展叶期高温、开花坐果期高温低湿、果实膨大期高温日灼、果实白熟期和成熟收获期连阴雨天气。通过概率统计和层次分析法(AHP)对这种灾害变化特征及权重进行统计计算和检验分析。结果表明:(1)金丝小枣萌芽展叶期高温、开花坐果期高温低湿、果实膨大期高温日灼年发生频率100%,果实白熟期、成熟收获期连阴雨年平均发生频率为37.9%和25.9%。(2)各灾害发生频率高峰期各年代际不同,萌芽展叶期高温和开花坐果期高温低湿发生频率偏高,果实膨大期高温日灼最高,果实白熟期和成熟收获期连阴雨偏高。(3)每年至少3种灾害发生,4种灾害同年均发生频率达到41.4%,5种灾害同年均发生频率为10.3%。(4)各气象灾害影响权重不同,成熟收获期连阴雨影响最大,权重系数达到0.5848,其次是开花坐果期高温低湿,权重系数为0.1920,果期膨大期高温日灼和果实白熟期连阴雨位居第三和第四,分别为0.1081和0.0850,萌芽展叶期高温影响最小,权重系数仅为0.0301。对产量下降的5年进行气象灾害权重影响检验分析,结果与各灾害的权重特点基本一致。  相似文献   

We investigated insecticidal effects of iminoctadine liquid formulation, a fungicide containing iminoctadine triacetate, on the silkworm Bombyx mori that is an important domesticated insect. Iminoctadine liquid formulation was incorporated in an artificial diet and fed to silkworms for 24 h on the first day of either the third or fourth instar, thereafter reared without the fungicide. Third instar larvae that ingested the diet containing 1% (wt/wt) iminoctadine liquid formulation died within 24 h (subacute toxicity), and those that ingested either 0.1% or 0.3% iminoctadine liquid formulation developed to the pharate fourth stage and then became deficient in molting (delayed toxicity). In fourth instar larvae, iminoctadine liquid formulation exhibited subacute toxicity and delayed toxicity at 0.3% and >1%, respectively. Furthermore, we fed the larvae a diet with iminoctadine liquid formulation for 24 h at different intervals in the inter-molting period of the third and fourth instar. Iminoctadine liquid formulation administered at an earlier stage in the inter-molting period exerted a more severe effect than a later administration. Iminoctadine triacetate, an anti-fungal ingredient in the iminoctadine liquid formulation, exhibited toxicity similar to that of the liquid formulation.  相似文献   

以1970—2010s主推玉米品种为材料,设置深松与浅旋耕处理,研究深松耕作对不同年代玉米品种生理成熟后的抗倒伏力学特征的影响。结果表明,生理成熟后玉米倒伏率增加;与浅旋耕相比,深松耕作使不同玉米品种的茎折率平均降低1.22个百分点,茎秆力学强度增加;高密度下玉米茎秆力学强度的增幅更加明显,1970s品种第4节间压碎强度增加了43.6%、第5节间弯曲强度增加了33.05%;1980s品种第3~5节间穿刺强度和第3、5节间弯曲强度、1990s品种第4节间压碎强度和第3节间弯曲强度、2000s品种第3~5节间穿刺强度和第3节间弯曲强度也有明显增加;而2010s品种在深松高密与浅旋高密下,茎秆力学强度指标无明显变化。深松耕作对玉米群体生理成熟后抗倒性的提高与第3、4节间穿刺强度、第4节间弯曲强度和第3、5节间压碎强度的增加密切相关;但随着品种演替茎秆力学强度无明显增强,第3节间穿刺强度以0.26×107 N·m-2·10a-1的速率降低。由此可见,茎秆力学强度可作为构建玉米抗倒伏群体的指标,但评价品种抗茎折能力具有一定片面性,...  相似文献   

[目的]为明确不同杀虫剂对单季稻四(2)代、五(3)代稻纵卷叶螟兼治三代二化螟主害代的防控效果.[方法]对4种杀虫剂防治四(2)代、五(3)代稻纵卷叶螟主害代兼治三代二化螟的田间试验.[结果]每667 m 236%抑食肼·茚虫威SC 70 mL、6%阿维·氯苯酰SC 40 mL、5%甲氨基阿维菌素WG10 g 3种处理对单季稻四(2)代稻纵卷叶螟以36%抑食肼·茚虫威SC 70 mL较佳,药后4 d对幼虫校正防效达80.0%,其次为6%阿维·氯苯酰SC 40 mL和5%甲氨基阿维菌素WG 10 g防效分别为66.7%和64.7%,对五(3)代稻纵卷叶螟持效性以6%阿维·氯苯酰SC较好.每667 m 236%抑食肼·茚虫威SC 70 mL、6%阿维·氯苯酰SC 40 mL、12%甲维·氟酰胺ME 20 mL对五(3)代稻纵卷叶螟防效均较好,药后7 d对幼虫校正防效分别为76.9%、51.1%、60.0%,药后17 d保叶效果分别达49.3%、38.9%、59.8%,对六(4)代稻纵卷叶螟持效性以12%甲维·氟酰胺ME较好;对三代二化螟主害代兼治防效均较好,株防效分别达78.9%、100%、78.9%,但以6%阿维·氯苯酰SC为最佳.[结论]研究结果可为浙西北单季稻区四(2)代、五(3)代稻纵卷叶螟和三代二化螟主害代科学有效防控提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Fruit set is highly relevant to a plant's reproductive success. Fruit set can vary due to predation on flowers, pollinator services and/or resource availability. Reproductive success, measured as the fruit set of the invasive Lantana camara and the endemic Lantana peduncularis in the cool–dry season and the warm–wet season of the Galapagos Islands, was studied. Also, autonomous self‐pollination ability and seed viability were probed for both species. Furthermore, flower visitors and their activity were registered for both species during the warm–wet season. Lantana peduncularis produced fewer flowers per inflorescence, but had a higher fruit set in the cool–dry season, compared to the warm–wet season. In contrast, the fruit set in L. camara did not change seasonally. The fruit set in L. camara was higher than in L. peduncularis in the warm–wet season. Moreover, ~18% of the bagged flowers of the invasive Lantana produced fruits by autonomous self‐pollination, while for the endemic Lantana, the rate of autonomous self‐pollination was very low. More than 80% of the fruits for both species had at least one viable seed per fruit. The number of pollinators and their frequency, inflorescence‐ and flower‐visiting rates and the duration of the visit per flower were higher in the invasive Lantana than in the endemic one. The endemic Lepidoptera Urbanus galapagensis (the main pollinator of both Lantana species) and the introduced Hymenia perspectalis were observed pollinating both Lantana species. These results indicate that the alien L. camara is more attractive to pollinators and it has reproductive advantages regarding fruit set in comparison with L. peduncularis, factors that contribute to the colonization pattern of this invasive species.  相似文献   

Haloxylon ammodendron(C. A. Mey.) is one of the economically and ecologically important desert trees used for sand fixation. The ovary of H. ammodendron is found not to swell after flowering in spring until at the end of August or early September in western China. However, what happens for ovary at anatomic level in that period and which crucial ecological factor regulates the phenomenon of H. ammodendron have not been fully understood. To characterize the phenomenon and explore the crucial environmental regulating factors, we carried out the morphological and anatomic observations at the different development stages of the fruits and three single-factor experiments(low air temperature, sufficient soil moisture, and short day length). Our results showed that under the natural conditions, the ovary of H. ammodendron after flowering developed slowly and the morphological changes of fruits were not significant for the period from May to August and after late August or early September; and then the ovary developed rapidly and matured in October. Cell division in embryo was observed to start approximately 25 days after flowering(DAF) and just developed to globular embryo stage at mid-August. Photoperiod was identified as the pivotal environmental factor regulating the fruit development of H. ammodendron. Moreover, the threshold value of day length for the fruit development was 14.0 h. A long day(14.0 h) treatment began from 5 DAF could delay fruit development of H. ammodendron while a short day(14.0 h) treatment could accelerate it. Moreover, a further longer day treatment(15.0 h) could also delay fruit development even when they had developed for a long time(110 DAF). The present study indicated that H. ammodendron adopted a reproductive strategy of delayed fruit development and this strategy helps it survive and obtain offspring in harsh desert habitats.  相似文献   

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