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警惕外来危险性害虫红棕象甲入侵为害   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
童四和  曾珉  温小遂  施明清 《江西植保》2007,30(3):124-125,129
红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus Fab是为害棕榈科植物的危险性外来害虫。为警惕该虫的传入,本文对红棕象甲的分类地位、形态特征、分布、寄主、危害、生物学特性等作了简要介绍,并提出了预防建议。  相似文献   

红棕象甲Rhynchophorus ferrugineus(Olivier)是为害我国棕榈科植物的重要入侵害虫,为探明温度对该虫生长发育的影响,在室内设置19、22、26、30和33℃等5个温度梯度,观察各温度下红棕象甲的发育进度、存活率及生殖力,计算不同温度下实验种群参数。结果表明,19~30℃时,红棕象甲的发育历期随温度的升高而缩短,世代平均发育历期在19、22、26、30℃时分别为214.9、141.4、74.1、63.2天。世代发育起点温度和有效积温分别为14.2℃和1067.7日度。在22~33℃间,成虫的寿命随温度的升高而缩短,各温度下雄成虫寿命普遍比雌成虫长。单雌产卵量在26℃时最高,平均为267.8粒,19℃时最低,仅为30.5粒。26~30℃为红棕象甲最适宜生长发育温度范围,该范围内成虫繁殖力和种群内禀增长率(rm)最高。  相似文献   

红棕象甲药剂防治试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2006年针对红棕象甲的为害特点,对该虫进行药剂防治试验,找出了(1)80%敌敌畏EC600倍液;(2)20%亮甲EC800倍液;(3)35%赛丹EC800倍液;(4)5%锐劲特SC800倍液;(5)3.2%金色甲维盐氯ME1000倍液等5种配方,从植株心叶处往下浇灌药液,取得良好的防治效果,可大量杀死蛀入棕榈科植物茎杆为害的红棕象甲幼虫,对棕榈科植物安全,可在园林生产上推广使用。  相似文献   

红棕象甲在上海地区适生性分析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
红棕象甲是一种能对棕榈科植物造成十分严重危害的害虫,2005年曾一度在上海局部地区暴发,经过防治,又难觅踪迹。文章通过对红棕象甲的分布、生活习性、寄主植物、传播途径等因素进行了分析,确定红棕象甲是能在上海地区适生的。  相似文献   

对红棕象甲的生殖行为和习性进行了室内、外观察,结果表明:该虫以成虫、老熟幼虫和蛹越冬。卵产于寄主叶柄、茎杆的伤口纤维中。成虫全天有交配行为发生,交配高峰发生在7至10时及16至18时2个时间段,雄成虫在交配后对雌成虫有明显的保护行为。雌虫产卵高峰为19时至22时。雄虫较雌虫活跃,对近距离动静较为敏感。在求偶、交配中雄虫起主导作用,雌雄成虫均有多配性。雄成虫主动通过抱握、曲腹、插入等行为来识别雌、雄成虫,以获得有效的交配。  相似文献   

高危检疫害虫——红棕象甲的识别和防治   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高危检疫害虫——红棕象甲随海枣等棕榈科植物传播并造成严重为害,且防治难度大。文章就其形态特征、为害特点和防治方法做了较为全面的介绍,以利于对该检疫害虫的防治。  相似文献   

昆明市自2006年来大量引种了加纳利海枣,营造了优美的景观效果,但大量的红棕象甲虫害也随之入侵危害。本文通过调查分析了加纳利海枣在昆明市呈贡区的红棕象甲虫害的现状、危害情况,掌握了昆明市呈贡区红棕象甲的危害情况,针对昆明市呈贡区红棕象甲的危害,提出了防治措施。  相似文献   

为明确红棕象甲成虫触角感器的超微结构?种类?数量和分布情况, 利用扫描电子显微镜观察雌雄成虫触角感器的外部形态特征?类型和分布?结果表明, 红棕象甲触角共有6种感器, 分别为刷形感器?簇状感器?毛形感器?刺形感器?芽孢形感器和叉形感器, 其中刷形感器和簇状感器分别有2种亚型, 毛形感器有3种亚型, 刺形感器有4种亚型?雌雄之间部分感器的着生位置和数量存在明显的性二型现象, 刺形感器Ⅲ型?刺形感器Ⅳ型以及叉形感器可能与雌虫寻找产卵场所时识别寄主挥发物有关?  相似文献   

一株红棕象甲寄生真菌的分离鉴定   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为明确一株红棕象甲寄生真菌的归属,采用形态学及分子生物学方法,从产孢表型、分生孢子特征和ITS序列测定等方面对其进行了分析鉴定。结果表明:该菌分生孢子梗粗短,顶端具2~5个瓶状小梗,分生孢子呈长椭圆形或圆柱形,大小为4.8~9.3μm×2.2~3.1μm;ITS通用引物扩增该菌得到了预期的558bp条带,其与金龟子绿僵菌小孢变种的支持率高达100%。因此,将该红棕象甲寄生真菌菌株鉴定为金龟子绿僵菌小孢变种Metarhiziumanisopliaevar.anisopliae。  相似文献   

红棕象甲在江西省的风险性分析及防控管理对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红棕象甲是我国检疫性害虫之一。该虫于2007年在江西省南昌、宜春、新余三地发现之后,近些年少有报道。为了评估红棕象甲在江西的潜在危险性,以制定科学的检疫对策。本文参照国际通用的有害生物风险分析方法,结合江西省气候资源,按照省内适生分布范围、潜在的危害性、传播扩散和定殖可能性、风险性管理难度等5个方面开展了该虫的风险性分析和综合评估。结果表明:红棕象甲在江西省的综合评估风险R值为2.20,属于高度危险性林业有害生物。并由此提出江西省红棕象甲的防控策略。这对于有效防止该有害生物在江西省的进一步扩散蔓延和监测防治具有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

The red palm weevilRhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (RPW) is the most serious pest of date palms in the Middle East. Weevil infestation was first detected in Israel in the summer of 1999 in date plantations in the Jordan Valley, on the west bank of the Jordan River and in the northern area of the Dead Sea. For 2 years following the discovery of the pest, prophylactic insecticide chemical treatments as well as adult weevil trapping were carried out over 450 ha of date palm plantations. Traps loaded with a commercial aggregation pheromone, ferrugineol, supplemented with ethyl acetate and a fermenting mixture of dates and sugarcane molasses, were posted in high trap density (approx. ten traps per ha) in order to monitor weevil infestation and reduce the RPW population by mass trapping. A significant decrease in number of trapped beetles and infested trees was observed in 2001 and continued in the following years. No infested trees have been found since 2002, indicating a decrease in RPW population. The sex ratio of trapped adults during 3 years of study was significantly female-biased (∼2.5:1). Therefore, mass trapping might have played a significant role in the suppression of RPW populations in date plantations. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 19, 2004.  相似文献   

The development of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) was investigated on a newly developed semiartificial diet as compared with two natural diets namely sugarcane stem and banana fruit. The weevil was successfully maintained on these diets and duration of the life cycle for males and females, respectively were 164.97 and 194.61 days on the semiartificial diet, 192.5 and 186.5 days on banana, and 172.00 and 170.00 days on sugarcane. The average egg production per female was shown to be significantly higher on the semiartificial diet, being 184.00±18.68 eggs compared with an average of 125.00±11.97 and 133.00±15.21 eggs on banana and sugarcane, respectively. The fertility ranged between 94–100% in those eggs deposited by females previously reared on the tested diets. The developed semiartificial diet was shown to be suitable for maintaining laboratory colonies of the red palm weevil, and it can substitute natural diets.  相似文献   

The red palm weevil (RPW,Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) is one of the most severe pests of various palm species, including date palms. While examining the susceptibility of RPW to two entomopathogenic fungi,Metarhizium anisopliae andBeauveria bassiana, strains of the former were found to be more virulent than those of the latter, achieving 100% larval mortality within 6–7 days. The most virulent strains ofM. anisopliae were then tested on RPW eggs and adults. Incubation in a substrate treated withM. anisopliae spores increased egg mortality and reduced their hatchability. The total percentage mortality of eggs and hatched larvae was 80–82%, compared with 34% in the controls. RPW adults were challenged with two types of fungal formulation: dry powder and aqueous suspension. Cumulative adult mortality of 100% was achieved in 2–3 weeks for the dry rice-based formulation and in 4–5 weeks for the spore suspension. As a result of decreased longevity, treated females had a shorter oviposition period and three times lower fertility than the controls. Possible strategies for fungus application are discussed in the light of the high susceptibility of eggs and larvae to fungal infection. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting July 19, 2006.  相似文献   

The development of the red palm weevil, Rhynchophorus ferrugineus (Olivier) was investigated on a newly developed semiartificial diet as compared with two natural diets namely sugarcane stem and banana fruit. The weevil was successfully maintained on these diets and duration of the life cycle for males and females, respectively were 164.97 and 194.61 days on the semiartificial diet, 192.5 and 186.5 days on banana, and 172.00 and 170.00 days on sugarcane. The average egg production per female was shown to be significantly higher on the semiartificial diet, being 184.00±18.68 eggs compared with an average of 125.00±11.97 and 133.00±15.21 eggs on banana and sugarcane, respectively. The fertility ranged between 94–100% in those eggs deposited by females previously reared on the tested diets. The developed semiartificial diet was shown to be suitable for maintaining laboratory colonies of the red palm weevil, and it can substitute natural diets.  相似文献   

Ten Egyptian and imported entomopathogenic nematodes were evaluated for their pathogenicity to R. ferrugineus in both the laboratory and the field. In the laboratory, most nematodes were pathogenic to the pest larvae, pupae and adults. Larvae and adults were more susceptible to nematode infection (mostly 100% mortality) than pupae enclosed in their cocoons. In the field however, the highest insect larval mortality was 66.67% and most of nematodes failed in controlling the pest. Such failure could be due to hot weather, the tunnelling behaviour of the pest larvae and the too much sap in the infested sites in the trunks of palm trees.  相似文献   

Ten Egyptian and imported entomopathogenic nematodes were evaluated for their pathogenicity to R. ferrugineus in both the laboratory and the field. In the laboratory, most nematodes were pathogenic to the pest larvae, pupae and adults. Larvae and adults were more susceptible to nematode infection (mostly 100% mortality) than pupae enclosed in their cocoons. In the field however, the highest insect larval mortality was 66.67% and most of nematodes failed in controlling the pest. Such failure could be due to hot weather, the tunnelling behaviour of the pest larvae and the too much sap in the infested sites in the trunks of palm trees.  相似文献   

黄芪根瘤象甲发生规律及生物学特性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步明确黄芪根瘤象甲Sitona simillimus的发生规律和生物学特性,于2016—2019年采用田间系统调查和室内饲养试验对黄芪根瘤象甲的越冬规律、田间数量动态变化、生活习性和各虫态的发育历期进行调查,测定土壤湿度和寄主植物对成虫存活及发育的影响。结果表明,黄芪根瘤象甲以成虫在靠近植物根际处的土层内越冬,越冬适宜的土壤质量含水量为5%~10%。在甘肃省定西市黄芪根瘤象甲1年发生1代,越冬成虫产卵高峰期为每年5月下旬至6月中旬,幼虫发生高峰期为每年6月中旬至8月初,化蛹高峰期为每年7月下旬至8月上旬,成虫羽化盛期为每年8月下旬至9月上旬。黄芪根瘤象甲成虫羽化当年虽可取食,但不产卵,翌年越冬结束后开始取食,取食后即可产卵。在黄芪、红芪、苜蓿和三叶草中,只有取食黄芪叶片的雌成虫才能正常产卵繁殖。黄芪根瘤象甲成虫产卵的昼夜节律明显,产卵主要集中在12:00—22:00,单雌产卵量为2 051.4粒,产卵期为42.6 d。卵、蛹和幼虫的平均发育历期分别为9.8、10.6和36.7 d。  相似文献   

为阐明入侵害虫草地贪夜蛾Spodoptera frugiperda对我国不同农作物的适应性,利用年龄-阶段两性种群生命表技术研究取食玉米粒以及玉米、花生、棉花、大豆、高粱和谷子叶片等7种不同食物对草地贪夜蛾生长发育与繁殖的影响。结果表明,不同食物显著影响草地贪夜蛾种群。整个成虫前期从长到短依次为取食棉花叶>取食大豆叶>取食高粱叶>取食花生叶>取食谷子叶>取食玉米叶>取食玉米粒,取食玉米粒要比取食棉花叶的时间缩短27.95 d。雌雄成虫寿命均以取食玉米粒和高粱叶的最长,以取食玉米叶的较短,且取食棉花叶的雄成虫寿命仅有3.00 d。产卵量以取食玉米粒的最多,为619.27粒,是取食其他食物的6.00倍~61.25倍。取食玉米叶的草地贪夜蛾初孵幼虫个体完成幼虫、蛹和成虫阶段的概率均较高,分别为95.38%、78.46%和78.46%,而取食棉花叶的最低,分别为37.29%、20.34%和20.34%。草地贪夜蛾取食玉米粒的净增值率、内禀增长率、周限增长率均最高,分别为105.59、0.12 d-1、1.13 d-1,平均世代周期最短,为36.91 d,而取...  相似文献   

为减少外来入侵物种菜豆象Acanthoscelides obtectus和蚕豆象Bruchus rufimanus对中国造成的潜在威胁,收集这2种豆象的全球地理分布数据,采用Pearson相关性分析和主成分分析分别从19个环境变量中筛选关键环境变量,采用MaxEnt模型对历史气候条件下和未来气候情景下这2种豆象在中国的适生区进行预测,并对预测结果进行分析。结果显示,经Pearson相关性分析共筛选出4个关键环境变量用于菜豆象适生性区的模型构建,分别为最暖季度平均温度、最干月份降水量、年气温变化范围及最湿季度降水量,其对MaxEnt模型的累积贡献率分别为31.6%、28.4%、26.3%和13.7%;经Pearson相关性分析共筛选出4个主要关键环境变量用于蚕豆象适生性区的模型构建,分别为最冷季度平均温度、最干月份降水量、最热月份最高温度和最湿月份降水量,其对MaxEnt模型的累积贡献率分别为48.5%、39.5%、7.8%和4.2%。MaxEnt模型重复运行10次后,菜豆象训练数据的平均AUC值为0.938,蚕豆象训练数据的平均AUC值为0.963,均显著高于随机模型的AUC值,表明基于MaxEnt模型的菜豆象和蚕豆象在中国适生区的预测结果准确。未来气候情景下,这2种豆象在中国的适生区均呈现向北扩张的趋势,需加强对这2种豆象的检疫与防治,严防发生区域进一步扩大。  相似文献   

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