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文章以山西北部风沙区为彰武松引种试验区,以辽宁北部的彰武县为种源地,进行引种试验,根据嫁接成活率和生长量表现,山西北部风沙区适宜彰武松生长,生长量超过油松和樟子松,抗逆性表现优良。  相似文献   

为了营造生态经济型固沙林,以银中杨、小美旱杨、黑林-1杨和樟子松等树种为对照,选择彰武小钻杨在不同沙丘部位进行造林试验。试验表明:在平缓沙地彰武小钻杨生长量比较高,树高和胸径分别为银中杨的91.8%和104.2%,为黑林-1杨的105.9%和120.6%,为小美旱杨的112.5%和195.2%;在沙丘下部彰武小钻杨比樟子松生长量显著增加;而在沙丘上部比樟子松生长降低,并发生干枯。  相似文献   

彰武松的抗性试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对彰武松在不同土壤的适应性等方面的试验研究 ,结果表明 :彰武松具有较强的抗旱性和适应能力。它顶芽饱满 ,生长旺盛 ,与樟子松生长量之比为 1 2 1 % ,是沙区造林的一个主要树种 ,值得在三北地区繁殖推广。  相似文献   

彰武松蒸腾速率规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彰武松和樟子松生长季各月蒸腾速率与当月的平均气温、平均风速和地面温度有关,一般来说,平均气温高、地面温度值高、平均风速大的月份,彰武松和樟子松的月平均蒸腾速率也大。降水量大的月份,彰武松和樟子松的月平均蒸腾速率较小。彰武松每个季节的蒸腾速率日变化明显不同,6月份呈双峰型,8 月份的蒸腾速率日变化也呈双峰型,10月份呈现单峰型;彰武松的年蒸腾速率的走势呈现单峰型,全年蒸腾速率的最高值出现在7 月份;与樟子松进行比较研究发现,在同样生态条件下,彰武松比樟子松有较小的蒸腾强度。  相似文献   

彰武松嫁接技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对樟子松实生苗及其与彰武松的嫁接苗生长对照,研究了樟子松嫁接彰武松的可行性,表明樟子松嫁接彰武松成活率平均为77.3%,嫁接苗在嫁接后1a、2a高度生长分别高于樟子松实生苗36.0%和44.0%,在嫁接后9a,高度和地径生长分别高于樟子松82.0%和47.0%,以樟子松为砧木嫁接彰武松可以在北方推广。  相似文献   

对桂东地区马尾松土贡种源幼林、中龄林和成熟林人工林生长规律进行了研究。结果表明:马尾松土贡种源6年生幼林生长量高于贵港商品种和相应立地国家马尾松速生标准;马尾松土贡种源10年生中龄林在桂东3个不同种植点,其生长量皆高于相应立地国家马尾松速生标准;马尾松土贡种源48年生成熟林与马尾松优良古蓬种源相比,除树高差异显著外,胸径和材积没有差异。该种源适应性强、生长性状优良,可以在桂东地区进行推广种植。  相似文献   

研究不同林龄下沙地樟子松人工林树高的变化,揭示沙地樟子松人工林高生长与林龄变化的规律,为樟子松人工林培育提供理论依据。在科尔沁沙地最早引种地——章古台地区的樟子松人工林中选择10-60a林龄的样地,调查、观测章古台沙地樟子松人工林的树龄、树高,并使用SPSS进行分析。结果表明,沙地樟子松人工林的树高与林龄有极显著相关性;由于处于不同的生长发育阶段导致树高连年生长量不同,并表现出明显的波动性,在起始阶段随着林龄的增加而增加,达到高峰后有一段时间的稳定期,然后逐渐下降直至维持缓慢增长;树高生长量随林龄变化的模型为y=0.546x0.794;树高生长量随树龄的增加而增长,立地条件的差异可能会延长或缩短这种进程,但不会改变这种趋势。  相似文献   

为明确不同家系马尾松(Pinus massoniana)生长对磷肥的敏感性,揭示磷肥的施肥效应,以6个马尾松优良无性系半同胞子代为研究对象,研究不同磷肥施入量对马尾松幼树6年生长的影响。结果表明,不同处理对各家系的保存率影响不显著;各家系在施肥前期地径和树高生长量差异显著;随着林龄和郁闭度增加,树高的差异导致林分蓄积量差异。不同施肥量对马尾松92号、99号、110号和104号家系生长特性的影响不显著;5~6年生的91号家系及3~6年生的105号家系,树高和单株材积均差异显著,这两个家系的最佳施肥量均为T2处理;综合分析T2处理对马尾松后期生长最有利。  相似文献   

彰武松引种试验初报   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过在龙江县绿色海洋林场设立试验点,选择樟子松作砧木嫁接彰武松,进行彰武松用材兼生态林营林试验研究,结果表明:在黑龙江省西部地区较恶劣的自然条件下,嫁接树木能正常生长,并开花结实;2014年9月调查,树高可达到4.88m,胸径可达到8.32cm,材积可达到0.017 5m3,上述指标分别较对照品种高出22.3%、6.8%和24.1%。  相似文献   

青海省大部处于干旱、半干旱地区,保持土壤水分、提高树木成活率成为造林关键问题。在樟子松、云杉等树种造林中应用集雨托盘进行抗旱造林对比试验,结果表明:覆盖集雨托盘显著提高了北山林场云杉幼树树高和冠幅的生长及其存活率、高生长率、冠幅生长率;覆盖集雨托盘显著提高了平安县油松幼树当年高生长量及其生长率和存活率;覆盖集雨托盘显著提高了大通县樟子松苗木树高生长量、存活率和高生长率;覆盖集雨托盘显著性提高了都兰县枸杞苗木冠幅生长量,提高了其冠幅生长率和存活率。  相似文献   

Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestiris Linnaeus var. mongolica Litvinov) as a valuable conifer tree species has been broadly introduced to the sandy land areas in “Three North” regions (North, northwest and northeast of China), but many prob-lems occurred in the earliest Mongolian pine plantations in 7hanggutai, 7hangwu County, Liaoning Province (ZZL). In order to clarify the reason, comprehensive investigations were carried out on differences in structure characteristics, growth processes and ecological factors between artificial stands (the first plantation established in ZZL in 1950s) and natural stands (the origin forests of the tree species in Honghuaerji, Inner Mongolia) on sandy land. The results showed that variation of diameter-class distributions in artificial stands and natural stands could be described by Weibull and Normal distribution models, respectively.Chapman-Richards growth model was employed to reconstruct the growth process of Mongolian pine based on the data from field investigation and stem analysis. The ages of maximum of relative growth rate and average growth rate of DBH, height, and volume of planted trees were 11,22 years, 8, 15 years and 35, 59 years earlier than those of natural stand trees, respectively. In respect of the incremental acceleration of volume, the artificial and natural stands reached their maximum values at 14 years and 33 years respectively. The quantitative maturity ages of artificial stands and natural stands were 43 years and 102 years respectively. It was concluded that the life span of the Mongolian pine trees in natural stands was about 60 years longer than those in artificial stands. The differences mentioned above between artificial and natural Mongolian pine forests on sandy land were partially attributed to the drastic variations of ecological conditions such as latitude, temperature, precipitation, evaporation and height above sea level. Human beings‘‘ disturbances and higher density in plantation forest may be ascribed as additional reasons. Those results may be potentially useful for the management and afforestation of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land in arid and semi-arid areas.  相似文献   

The decline of Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) trees on sandy land in northern China has caused serious ecological concerns. Mongolian pine is an ectomycorrhizal fungus (ECM)-dependent species. Three ECM species (Boletus sp., Lactarius deliciosus and L.sp.) were collected from Mongolian pine plantation stands to test their beneficial effects on Mongolian pine seedlings and their responses to environmental factors such as pH, drought stress and temperature. The results indicated that ECM inoculation significantly increased the rate of ECM colonization and the length of seedling shoots. The three ECM could grow in a pH range from 4 to 7, but did not grow under heavy drought stress (?1.53 MPa). High temperatures (over 37 °C) caused death of ECM. When related to soil pH, soil water content and temperature in the Mongolian pine plantations, water conditions and temperature were unfavorable for ECM growth in surface soil, but suitable in deeper soil. Therefore, it was concluded that the failure of natural regeneration in Mongolian pine plantations might be influenced by the lack of ECM in the surface soil because of high temperatures causing ECM death. Moreover, the majority of the root area is distributed in deeper soil, which alleviates the stresses on ECM development and arrests pine decline; this is beneficial for tree growth.  相似文献   

Effects of drought stresses induced by polyethylene glycol (PEG) (0.0%, 10%, 15%, 20%, 25%, and 30%, with four replicates) on germination of Mongolian pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) seeds produced in plantations (southern Keerqin sandy land) and natural forests (Hulunbeier sandy plain) were observed. The results indicated that the seeds from both provenances did not germinate when PEG concentration was more than 25%. The time of initial germination and that of its completion of stressed seeds from both provenances were delayed when compared with the unstressed seeds. The germination capacity and germination rate of natural seeds were significantly higher than those of plantation seeds for all treatment levels (P < 0.05). The mean growth rates of radicle and hypocotyl from natural seeds were significantly higher than those from plantation seeds at all treatment levels below 20% PEG treatment (P < 0.05). The ratios of radicle to hypocotyl of 20% PEG treatment were significant higher than those of the corresponding controls for both provenances (P < 0.05). These results suggested that Mongolian pine seeds/seedlings had stronger resistance to PEG drought stresses; 10% PGE stress did not significantly influence germination. Natural seeds exhibited more resistance to PEG stress than plantation seeds. It was concluded that drought stress on seed germination might be one cause of obstructed natural regeneration of Mongolian pine plantations on sandy land. It is recommended that natural seeds be used for afforestation, and light drought stress (e.g., 10% PEG stress) may be useful in improving seed germination and the growth of radicles and hypocotyls.  相似文献   

樟子松人工林胸径生长规律的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以佳木斯市横头山林场樟子松人工林作为研究对象,研究樟子松人工林林木的胸径生长规律,分别用修正指数方程、理查德方程、逻辑斯蒂方程对各等级大小胸径生长数据进行拟合。结果表明,用理查德方程拟合胸径生长较好;胸径连年生长量达到最大的时间在11-14年之间,当时的胸径则差异较大,优势木和劣势木相差将近2cm,范围在5.5-7.5cm之间,年生长最大值的差异较明显,在0.56-0.87cm之间。  相似文献   

辽西地区主要造林树种抗旱性的研究   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
郑希伟  赵荣慧 《林业科学》1990,26(4):353-358
辽西地区属于半干旱季风气候区,年平均温度为7.1—8.2℃,年降水量为400—600mm,年蒸发量为1600mm,为降水量的3—4倍。干燥是该区总的气候特点。该区的植物群落主要为旱生的森林灌丛或草本植物群落,针叶树建群种为油松,阔叶树为蒙古栎,元宝槭,黄榆;灌木主要为荆条和酸枣。土壤是在各种岩石风化物残积母质上,以及黄土、红土母质上发育的淋溶褐土和褐色性土,土壤干旱瘠薄。水分是这一地区限制造林树种成活及生长的主要因子,本文试图通过对树种抗旱性的测定和分析,确定树种的抗旱能力,从而为辽西地区的造林提供树种选择的依据。  相似文献   

对太行山石灰岩区干旱阳坡引种了11a的樟子松的生长、开花结实及其对土壤的改良效果、水保效益进行了分析,结果表明,引种的樟子松比相同立地条件下同龄油松的树高平均提高了28.60%,地径平均提高了8.20%,林地持水量提高了23.9%。实践证明,樟子松是适宜在太行山阳坡生长的优良水土保持树种。  相似文献   

1ThisStudyisoneoftheprojectssuportedbyNaturalScienceFundationofHeilongjiangProvinceIntroductionSitoindexisaconvcnientstcptoxtardtl1eultin1ategoaiofpredictingtheproductioncapability'offorcstlwt;anditisausefuldircctmeasuresforapotentialexpetionparadigmintcn…  相似文献   

刘广 《防护林科技》2004,(Z1):15-16,18
通过 7年的引种造林试验表明 :辽宁杨在彰武风沙干旱区有较强的适应性 ,表现出很高的抗干旱、防风沙能力 ,速生性较强 ,其树高、胸径、材积分别为乡土优良树种彰武小钻杨 14 4 .7%、133.9%、135 .5 %。  相似文献   

A landscape model (LANDIS) was used to study the long-term forest dynamics under five planting types (100% larch (P1); 70% larch and 30% Mongolian Scotch pine (Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica) (P2); 50% larch and 50% Mongolian Scotch pine (P3); 30% larch and 70% Mongolian Scotch pine (P4); 100% Mongolian Scotch pine (P5)), which were also employed in severely burned area under current planting intensity, and under natural regeneration (as a comparison) in Tuqiang Forest Bureau in the northern slopes of Great Xing’an Mountains after the catastrophic fire in 1987. Results showed that different planting types had a significant influence on the abundance of larch, Mongolian Scotch pine and white birch. The abundance of larch increased with time, whereas the abundance of Mongolian Scotch pine was in a converse way. The abundance of larch and Mongolian Scotch pine under these planting scenarios was higher than that under natural regeneration. Under these planting scenarios, the abundance of larch increased with the increasing proportion of larch, and the abundance of Mongolian Scotch pine was in a similar way. Contrary to larch and Mongolian Scotch pine, white birch had higher abundance under natural regeneration than that under these planting scenarios. Also, the different proportions of larch and Mongolian Scotch pine had an influence on the abundance of white birch. White birch had higher abundance with the increasing proportion of Mongolian Scotch pine. As for the total abundance of larch and Mongolian Scotch pine, the difference was not significant under P2, P3 and P4 scenarios, but was higher than that under P1 and P5 scenarios, which indicated that individual-species planting should not be used in the forest landscape. __________ Translated from Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology, 2006, 17(5): 855–861 [译自: 应用生态学报]  相似文献   

樟子松种源试验苗期选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对樟子松15个种源进行了播种育苗试验,结果表明,不同种源在苗高、针叶、叶鞘上存在着显著差异。综合分析筛选出最好种源为辽宁章古台,其次为吉林净月潭、黑龙江高峰、内蒙红花尔基、逊克种源。  相似文献   

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