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Light microscopy and cryo-scanning electron microscopy showed that hyphae of Bipolaris sorokiniana adhered to the wax surfaces of barley leaves by means of an extensive extracellular matrix (ECM). Prehelminthosporol, the major non-host specific phytotoxin formed by B. sorokiniana was immunolocalized in large amounts in the ECM surrounding the hyphae. Similarly, esterase activity involved in degradation of the cuticular wax surface was found in the ECM. Therefore, it appears that the ECM is not only important for adhesion of the fungus to its host, but also functions as a sink of phytotoxins and lytic enzymes important for infection of the host plant.  相似文献   

A gas chromatographic method was developed to quantify the phytotoxin prehelminthosporol, which is a sesquiterpene metabolite of the plant pathogen Bipolaris sorokiniana. The toxin was extracted from mycelium or culture filtrates, pre-cleaned using solid phase extraction, and analyzed by gas chromatography as a trimethylsilyl-derivative. The detection limit of the method was 5ngl–1 (signal to noise ratio 4:1) which corresponds to ca. 15ng prehelminthosporol per mg dry weight of mycelium or 15ng prehelminthosporol per ml culture filtrate. The total amount of prehelminthosporol (mycelium plus culture filtrate) increased with cultivation time when examined in six isolates of B. sorokiniana after 6, 9, 12 and 15 days of incubation. The screening experiment of 17 isolates for prehelminthosporol production after 8 days of incubation revealed significant differences in the toxin production between the isolates. The isolates with low toxin production had lower virulence towards barley roots compared to those with higher production of the toxin. However, the virulence did not increase with prehelminthosporol level among the high producing isolates. Prehelminthosporol was also analyzed in a number of related Bipolaris and Drechslera species. In addition to B. sorokiniana, three out of six Bipolaris species (B. setariae, B. zeicola, B. victoriae) produced prehelminthosporol, which indicates that ability to produce prehelminthosporol is conserved among closely-related Bipolaris species.  相似文献   

Spot blotch caused by Bipolaris sorokiniana is a serious disease of wheat in warmer and humid regions of the world. Three blighting components, area under disease progress curve (AUDPC), disease severity (DS) and lesion size along with four biochemical and histochemical factors viz., total phenol content (TPC), chlorophyll content (CHC), phenylalanine ammonia-lyase (PAL) activity and lignin deposition were studied in a recombinant inbred lines (RILs) population involving parents “Sonalika” (susceptible) and “Yangmai 6” (resistant). The objective was to identify one or more robust and reliable tools of resistance, physical, biochemical or histochemical, to facilitate selection against spot blotch. The DS, AUDPC and lesion size were higher in the susceptible parent and RILs compared to the resistant. The mean TPC (246 mg Gallic acid g?1 fresh weight) of the most resistant RIL was significantly higher than the most susceptible (181.5 mg Gallic acid g?1 fresh weight) at 48 h after inoculation (hai). The mean SPAD value for CHC varied between 48.8 in the most resistant RILs to 8.8 in the most susceptible, while the mean PAL varied between 928.4 and 96.0 μmoles Cinnamic acid mg-1 fresh weight at 48 hai in resistant and susceptible RILs, respectively. Likewise, lignin deposition was significantly higher in resistant RILs compared to the susceptible. The biochemical and histochemical parameters were significantly correlated with resistance and appeared robust for facilitating screening of breeding material and for increased precision in phenotyping against spot blotch.  相似文献   

Infection of Poa pratensis leaf blades and callus tissue by Bipolaris sorokiniana increases the production of ethylene and ethane. The ethylene is responsible for most of the chlorosis that occurs during pathogenesis. The nonselective toxin(s) produced by B. sorokiniana is known to disrupt membranes and to damage chlorophyll, but it is not known whether it can induce an increase in ethylene or ethane. Research was initiated to determine the effect of a biologically-active extract of B. sorokiniana on the endogenous ethylene and ethane of intact P. pratensis leaf blades and on subsequent development of chlorosis. The extract did not increase endogenous ethylene of treated leaves, but it was associated with an increase in endogenous ethane between 24 and 96h after treatment. Chlorophyll loss occurred 96h after treatment and persisted for the duration of the study (168h). The chlorophyll content of treated leaf blades ranged from 72% to 80% of control leaf blades. The observations suggest that the extract of B. sorokiniana can induce chlorophyll loss from treated leaf blades independent of an increase in endogenous ethylene by directly damaging chloroplasts with a concurrent release of ethane. The ethane is believed to be a by-product of pathogenesis.  相似文献   

Different densities of saprophytic colonization of rye leaves were obtained in field experiments by spraying with benomyl or water. In 1972 and in 1973, inoculation withCochliobolus sativus, just after flowering, resulted in 60% less necrosis on water-sprayed leaves than on benomyl-sprayed leaves. At that time, the natural mycoflora of the water-sprayed leaves amounted to 10 000 and 3000 propagules per cm2 leaf surface in 1972 and 1973, respectively. The benomyl treatment reduced the colonization to 1200 and to 400 propagules per cm2 in 1972 and 1973, respectively, which implied an apparent reduction of the antagonistic capacity of the mycoflora. In 1974, the saprophytic colonization of the water-sprayed leaves reached only 500 propagules per cm2 just after flowering, a population density not high enough to be antagonistic. Benomyl had a differential effect on the phyllosphere fungi:Cryptococcus spp. were not affected,Sporobolomyces roseus andCladosporium spp. were reduced to less than 6% of the control populations, andAureobasidium pullulans was eliminated. When later in the seasons of 1972 and 1974 the white yeasts on the benomyl-sprayed leaves reached population densities of 6500 propagules per cm2 and more, inoculation of these leaves resulted in a necrosis similar to that of the water-sprayed leaves with higher population densities. Above a population density of 6500 propagules per cm2 no correlation existed between the density of the antagonists and their action onC. sativus.Samenvatting In veldproeven werden roggebladeren, voor de bloei en op verschillende tijdstippen na de bloei, geïnoculeerd metCochliobolus sativus (Helminthosporium sativum) teneinde het antagonisme tegen dit pathogeen door de van nature voorkomende schimmelflora —inclusief gisten—te bestuderen. Eerder uitgevoerde kasproeven hebben aangetoond dat saprofytische fyllosfeerschimmels met succes met perthotrofe pathogene schimmels wedijveren om de voedingsstoffen die vrijkomen uit het stuifmeel (Warren, 1972b; Fokkema, 1973).Verschillende niveaus van saprofytische bladkolonisatie werden verkregen door de proefveldjes met benomyl of met water te behandelen (Fig. 1).C. sativus is relatief weinig gevoelig voor benomyl. Het gemiddeld percentage necrotisch bladoppervlak ten gevolge van inoculatie metC. sativus vlak na de bloei was in 1972 en in 1973 ruim 60% lager op met water behandelde bladeren dan op met benomyl behandelde bladeren (Fig. 2). Op dit moment heeft de natuurlijke schimmelflora op de met water bespoten bladeren een populatiedichtheid bereikt van 10000 propagula per cm2 bladoppervlak in 1972 en van 3000 propagula per cm2 in 1973. Benomylbespuiting beperkte de kolonisatie tot 1200 en 400 propagula per cm2 in respectievelijk 1972 en 1973, hetgeen blijkbaar een reductie van de antagonistische capaciteit van de schimmelflora tot gevolg had. In 1974 bereikte de saprofytische kolonisatie op de met water behandelde bladeren, vlak na de bloei, slechts een niveau van 500 propagula per cm2, hetgeen niet genoeg bleek om antagonistisch te kunnen zijn.Benomyl had een gedifferentieerd effect op de aantallen fyllosfeerschimmels:Cryptococcus spp. (witte gisten) werden niet nadelig beïnvloed,Sporobolomyces roseus (rode gisten) enCladosporium spp. werden gereduceerd tot minder dan 6% van hun populaties op de contrôle bladeren, enAureobasidium pullulans werd geëlimineerd (Tabel 1). De bacterieflora varieerde enorm per blad en werd niet door benomyl beinvloed.Wanneer later in het seizoen in 1972 en in 1974 de witte gisten op de met benomyl bespoten bladeren populatiedichtheden bereikten van 6500 propagula/cm2 of meer, dan was de infectie van deze bladeren vergelijkbaar met die van de met water behandelde bladeren met hogere populatiedichtheden (Fig. 2). Boven een populatiedichtheid van 6500 propagula/cm2 bestond er geen correlatie meer tussen de dichtheid van de antagonisten en hun werking.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in a glasshouse to evaluate the phytotoxicity of dibutylurea (DBU), a breakdown product of benomyl, benomyl formulations and constitutive ingredients of ‘Benlate’ Dry Flowable (DF) on whole cucumber (Cucumis sativus. Poinsett 76) plants. Benlate Wettable Powder (WP) and DF formulations did not affect the phytotoxicity of DBU. When commercially purchased (samples obtained from growers) DF and WP formulations containing equivalent DBU concentrations were compared for phytotoxicity, no statistical interactions between formulations were observed. Benomyl, DBU and DF inert ingredients were tested alone and in combination to assess their phytotoxicity. Only DBU at rates greater than 94 mg litre-1 caused a reduction in root and shoot growth. Also DBU applied alone or as a component of either Benlate formulation was shown to reduce the peak-to-terminal chlorophyll a fluorescence ratio measured in vivo by a plant productivity fluorometer. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Near-isogenic lines (NILs) with resistance for scald in seventh generation backcross with 'Ingrid' as recurrent parent (RP) were tested with seven differential isolates of Rhynchosporium secalis in Norway and Canada. NILs of 'Turk', 'Brier', 'CI 8162', 'La Mesita', 'Hispont', 'Atlas 46', 'Modoc', 'Hudson', 'Abyssinian', 'Steudelli', and 'CI 2222' also were evaluated for field reactions. The genetic characterization of the NILs (degree of isogeneity with Ingrid) and with each other was carried out. The molecular marker pattern shows that the backcrossing program has resulted in from 86.3 to 100% RP genome in the NILs, depending on the marker system. On an average, 96% RP genome was found in the NILs. There were certain consistent (pairwise) differences between the NILs and RP on chromosomes 3H and 7H. Both chromosomes are known to contain loci conferring resistance to R. secalis, indicating successful introgression from the donors into the NILs. Approximately two-thirds of the observed RP-NIL polymorphisms were linked to the assumed resistance in the NIL. Based on the marker and phenotypic analyses of the NILs, suggestions for a more appropriate and updated terminology of genes for resistance to R. secalis in barley are made. The proposed changes in nomenclature also indicate the differentials that are available as NILs and those lacking.  相似文献   

由于冰雪融水很高的补给比重,本区河流径流量具有高度的季节集中性和多年径流变化的稳定性。温度变化的连续性和稳定性及其对冰雪消融的控制作用,使托木尔峰南麓以冰雪融水补给为主的河流径流量不如以降水补给为主的河流变化剧烈,1980年代中期以来增幅也明显小于以降水补给为主的河流。本区河流月径流量持续性很差,径流对气候变化具有较高的依赖性,并且对北极涛动(AO)事件具有较好的响应:强AO年较高的温度,促使了冰川消融加剧,以冰川融水补给为主的河流径流量明显增多;而弱AO年由于温度较低,冰川消融减少,河流径流量也明显减少。  相似文献   

Abstract: Extensive glasshouse studies characterized the varietal response to rimsulfuron of 37 inbreds of maize (Zea mays L.), representing the major inbred families used in hybrid seed production, and 20 defined hybrids from these inbreds. Tolerant hybrids were produced when one or both of its parents were tolerant. Sensitive hybrids occurred only when both parents were sensitive. Genetic analysis indicated that sensitivity is controlled by a single recessive gene. Dose-response analysis showed varieties could vary more than 40000-fold in sensitivity. Only the AHAS-modified variety with the XA-17 gene had changed enzyme sensitivity. This gene provided crop tolerance to very high rates of rimsulfuron and its interaction with an organophosphate insecticide. Breeders can eliminate varietal sensitivity in three ways: always use at least one tolerant hybrid parent, backcross sensitive inbreds with tolerant, or use an AHAS-modified gene.  相似文献   

The response of three soft scales: the pyriform scale —Protopulvinaria pyriformis (Cockerell), the mango shield scale —Protopulvinaria mangiferae (Green), and the capparis soft scale —Coccus capparidis (Green), to paiasitization by the parasiteMetaphycus swirskii Annecke & Mynhardt (Hymenoptera:Encyrtidae), was studied. Although the parasite was able to complete its development in any of these three host species, different rates of mortality of parasite immatures were recorded in the various hosts. Parasite mortality inP. pyriformis was due to egg encapsulation only and was higher in the field than under laboratory conditions (53.1%vs. 27.7%, respectively). InP. mangiferae a total of 55.4% mortality was observed, while inC. capparidis it reached only 14.0%, rendering the latter the most suitable of the three soft scales tested, for successful development ofM. swirskii.  相似文献   

 用ELISA检测麦种中的大麦条纹花叶病毒(Barlcy stripe mosaicvirus BSMV)方法简便,灵敏度高,检测抗原的最高灵敏度可达10毫微克/毫升。一粒麦芽稀释1000倍还有阳性反应,也能测出带毒麦粒的种皮、胚和胚芽等部位中的BSMV。另外,还检测了国内外的部分麦种,其中来自新疆、北京、江苏和丹麦的小麦品种中存在BSMV。  相似文献   

Wild barley (Hordeum spontaneum) is one of the most troublesome weed species in winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) in Iran. Two bioassay experiments were conducted in order to study the response of wild barley and wheat to different herbicides and to study the efficacy of pre‐emergence (PRE), postemergence (POST), and PRE followed by POST applications of sulfosulfuron on wild barely. Moreover, the degradation of sulfosulfuron was studied by liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry (LC‐MS/MS). The results showed that wild barley was highly tolerant to clodinafop‐propargyl and its dry weight was reduced by only 15%, compared to the control, at the recommended dose (64 g ai ha?1). Sulfosulfuron reduced the wild barley biomass by ≤50% at the highest dose (90 g ai ha?1) in the first bioassay but by not more than 20% and 12% at the recommended dose (22 g ai ha?1) in the first and second bioassay, respectively. Significant differences were found among the application methods of sulfosulfuron, with the POST application being the least effective method. In contrast to the POST application, wild barley was severely injured by the PRE application of sulfosulfuron, with an ED50 dose of 7.3 g ai ha?1. The degradation study showed that wild barley can metabolize sulfosulfuron that is applied POST, but at a lower rate than wheat. By 4 h after application, wild barley had metabolized 26% of the sulfosulfuron, compared to 46% by wheat. In conclusion, wild barley can metabolize the recommended dose of sulfosulfuron that is applied POST; thus, the PRE application of sulfosulfuron or other integrated methods should be considered for the effective control of wild barley in wheat.  相似文献   

Taxonomy of the genusPseudoperonospora, morphology ofPseudoperonospora cubensis (Berk, et Curt.) Rostow. and occurrence of its oospores, are described briefly. A list is presented of over 40 cucurbitaceous host species, representing about 20 genera, on whichP. cubensis has been recorded. Two or more races exist in Japan and the United States, but not in Europe or the Middle East. The distribution ofP. cubensis is widest on all continents on cucumbers (70 countries) and muskmelon (50 countries); onCucurbita and watermelons it extends to about 40 and 25 countries, respectively. P. cubensis may overwinter as oospores, though this seems rare, and on wild hosts or crops grown in the open or under cover. Airborne sporangia may also reach cooler countries from regions with mild winters. Apart from the leaf wetness essential for infection, the factors determining disease progress are: rate of foliage growth and physiological age of the host; amount of primary inoculum available, light, and the rate at which lesions necrotize. The interaction of these factors is described for early, mid-season, and late crops. Losses caused byP. cubensis depend on the growth stage at which the crop is attacked, and on the rate of foliage and pathogen development. Breeding has produced downy mildew resistant lines of cucumbers, used chiefly in the United States, and some resistant lines of melons and watermelons. The most important agricultural practices used to restrict downy mildew development are proper irrigation management and avoidance of sowing in proximity to infected crops. Success of control by protectant chemicals depends largely on proper timing of applications. Proximity of inoculum sources, hours of leaf wetness, age of crop, and irrigation practices are the principal factors that determine when to begin treatments. These factors and rate of leaf formation determine the frequency of applications. Application of systemic fungicides is much easier to time correctly.  相似文献   

利用“Y”型嗅觉仪测定了14种植物挥发物对烟粉虱成虫Bemisia tataci EMD隐种的作用。结果表明,10%的1,8-桉树脑、丁香酚、月桂烯、苎烯和肉桂醛引诱作用较强,其中1,8-桉树脑和月桂烯效果最好(P<0.001)。而顺-3-已烯-醇蒎烯和戊烯为趋避作用,其中顺-3-已烯-醇蒎烯趋避性最强;1%的1,8-桉树脑、丁香酚、月桂烯、烟酸乙酯和橙花醇引诱作用显著,其中1,8-桉树脑和丁香酚的效果最好(P<0.01)。顺-3-已烯-醇蒎烯和戊烯为趋避作用,二者之间无显著差异;将有引诱作用的单体复配后,仅1,8-桉树脑+丁香酚(1:1)和1,8-桉树脑+月桂烯(1:1)有引诱作用;10%的1,8-桉树脑涂抹黄板显著提高了黄板诱杀力。因此,植物挥发物对烟粉虱有趋避或引诱作用,其作用因浓度而发生改变,趋性一致的复配后不一定能发挥原有作用。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Treating soil with insecticides is thought to be an effective method for termite control. Speed of action and repellency of insecticides are important factors for discussing their barrier effects as soil-treatment termiticides. The chemical barrier effect of microencapsulated fenobucarb against Coptotermes formosanus Shiraki was examined in the laboratory.RESULTS: Fenobucarb had a significantly faster lethal effect when applied to the mouthparts than to the tergites of worker termites. Soil that had been treated with > or = 50 mg kg(-1) of microencapsulated fenobucarb had a barrier effect within a single day, and could stop or retard the penetration of termites for 7 days. Microencapsulated fenobucarb did not act as a repellent, as indicated by a gradual increase in mortality at > or = 50 mg kg(-1) with slight penetration into the treated soil during the 7 day test.CONCLUSION: The results suggest that microencapsulated fenobucarb is a fast-acting termiticide, with a good barrier effect as a soil treatment, that also acts as a reduced repellent, retarding entry of termites into treated soil.  相似文献   

The frequency of encapsulation of eggs ofAnagyrus pseudococci (Girault) (Hymenoptera: Encyrtidae) by four mealybug species:Planococcus citri (Risso),PL vovae (Nasonov),Pl. ficus (Signoret) andPseudococcus cryptus Hempel (=citriculus Green), was studied under controlled laboratory conditions. The aggregate percentage of encapsulated eggs (AE) and the percentage of efficient encapsulation (EE) (= percent parasitized mealybugs wherein encapsulation prevented the development of all parasitoid larvae) byPl. citri andPl. vovae did not differ significantly (39.0%vs 38.2% AE and 15.4%vs 17.6% EE, respectively), but was significantly higher than inPs. cryptus (16.2% AE and 5.4% EE). Encapsulation byPl. vovae was significantly higher than byPl. ficus (38.2%vs 20.1% AE and 17.6% vs 7.7% EE, respectively). Neither the host plant nor the rearing temperature significantly affected the incidence of parasitoid encapsulation. It is suggested thatA. pseudococci displays a relatively low physiological adaptation toPl. citri; thus, in a citrus grove, for example,ca 40% of the parasitoid eggs might be lost due to encapsulation. The question of a possible association between encapsulation and host—parasitoid relationships among the mealybugs studied andA. pseudococci, is discussed.  相似文献   

商品化天敌昆虫在我国不同区域释放可能受到极端温度的影响和制约.花绒寄甲Dastarcus helophoroides(Fairmaire)是松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope等蛀干害虫的重要天敌之一,具有良好的应用前景,但其在我国南方应用时控害效果常不稳定.以商品化花绒寄甲成虫为研究对象,并以...  相似文献   

二斑叶螨是世界性害螨,为害多种经济作物和蔬菜.为明确球孢白僵菌和捕食螨联合应用防控二斑叶螨的可行性,本文测定了不同浓度球孢白僵菌GZGY-1-3孢子悬浮液对二斑叶螨的致病力,并用喷施球孢白僵菌16h、24h、36h和48h后的二斑叶螨分别饲喂智利小植绥螨,测定智利小植绥螨连续两代的致死率、生长发育及繁殖力变化.结果表明...  相似文献   

研究了分离自棉花根际土壤的短短芽孢杆菌A57菌株对棉花立枯病菌、枯萎病菌和黄萎病菌的拮抗作用,在PDA平板上对峙培养,平均抑制率分别是33.5%、39.5%、29.5%。通过显微镜观察,发现拮抗细菌的主要拮抗机理是通过产生拮抗物质能够造成病原真菌菌丝体断裂、扭曲、畸形,抑制分生孢子的萌发,造成孢子畸形。以枯萎病菌为指示菌,研究了该菌株表现最佳拮抗活性时的菌液发酵条件,结果表明,A57适宜培养基为LB培养基,pH8,好气条件下抑菌活性最好。用硫酸铵沉淀法提取A57菌株的粗提蛋白,对供试的病原菌仍具有较高的拮抗活性,70%浓度时其拮抗活性最大,A57粗提蛋白对枯萎病原菌的最大抑制率为23.7%,同时该菌经硫酸铵沉淀后获得的粗体蛋白的上清液对病原指示菌仍具有一定的拮抗活性,说明A57拮抗细菌起拮抗作用的不仅有大分子蛋白类物质还有小分子拮抗物质。  相似文献   

采用Mann-Kendall及自然正交分解(EOF)方法,对渭河流域上游天水地区18个降水观测站1956-2005年系列资料进行趋势检验与距平场的EOF分析.结果表明:该区域的降水自1994年以来有明显减少趋势,并存在全部一致型、东西型和南北型3种典型的降水类型.其中,第一特征向量的方差贡献率占82.2%,全部一致型的降水分布类型在该区域为主导.同时,该区域降水与印度洋偶极子有较好的正、负相关性.其中,正相关的延时为7~8个月,负相关的延时为2~3个月.  相似文献   

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