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杂草对杨柳树扦插苗危害较大,尤其是窄叶杂草,往往会影响杨柳树的根系发育。而人工除草容易伤及苗木,并且费工、费时和费财,还很难将杂草除尽。科学使用化学除草技术,有一定的特效期,可大大降低除草成本,而且不伤根、不伤芽。1化学除草技术1.1扦插后及芽萌动前处理扦插后在芽萌动前用23.50%果尔乳油除草剂,每667m2用50ml~80ml,兑水50kg,均匀喷雾于床面作土壤处理;或用50%扑草净可湿性粉剂,每667m2用150ml,兑水55kg,均匀地喷雾于床面,能有效地防除1年生单双子叶杂草。也可用20%百草枯水…  相似文献   

试验表明,用25%阿森呐(ARSENAL)水剂750~1000ml/hm^2(有效成分)于杂草3~5叶茎叶喷雾,不仅对出苗的杂草有优异的防除效果,而且能有效地控制杂草出苗。施药后60d的防除效果达97.5%~100%,施药后90d的防除效果仍达85.5%~91.7%,明显长于常规药剂41%农达水剂20~30d的持效期。  相似文献   

近年我们在南昌市郊区的丘陵旱地、林内和庭院内用10%草甘膦配水进行除草和试验观察。防治区的杂草为20—50cm高的窄叶和阔叶草,时间5月—8月中旬,土壤为红壤。施药时晴天。喷雾法。现将结果整理如下。一、不同用药量的除草效果 1.每亩用10%草甘膦各0.25kg,0.5kg、1kg,分别加60kg水和0.1%洗衣粉,喷雾,  相似文献   

两年试验结果表明,在育苗前使用41%农达最宜量为200ml(商品量)兑水50kg喷湿1/15hm^2杂草茎叶,对于出土杂草杀来效果达95%-100%,施药五天后可翻耕作业,对苗木无影响,在马尾松、滇柏苗圃,使用盖草能12.5%,乳油最适宜商品量为750ml/hm^2兑水750kg喷雾,最宜施药时期是禾本科杂草5-6叶期。施药20天后株防效85%以上。鲜重防效62%,两种除草剂对马发愤松、滇柏安全、经济效益显著,可在林业生产上推广应用。  相似文献   

森泰颗粒型除草剂在林业整地中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在林业整地利用森泰颗粒剂除草,结果表明,防治蕨类等1年生杂草,667m^2用5%森泰颗粒剂2kg(商品量),除草率达90%以上;而防治多年生恶性杂草、杂灌、杂竹等,667m^2用5%森泰颗粒剂2.5kg,除草率也达90%以上。同时,利用该颗粒除草剂,可以节约投资成本30%左右,降低劳动强度,取得较好经济、生态、社会效益。  相似文献   

山楂萤叶(虫甲)一年1代,以成虫在土中越夏越冬。当10cm 处地温为12.1~14℃,相对湿度为33%~62%时为成虫出土盛期,成虫有假死习性。卵集中产于叶背(72.5%),后期98%分布于花蕾上;树冠下部着卵量最高。幼虫有转移为害习性,老熟幼虫集中于距地表3.5~10.5cm 深的土层中做土室化蛹。越冬成虫出土期用50%辛硫磷乳油800倍液(2.5ml/m~2)进行地面防治,防效可达97.5%以上;成虫为害期用80%敌敌畏乳油1000倍液常量喷雾或25%杀灭菊酯乳油10倍液超低量喷雾,防效可达98.9%或97.77%;卵孵化盛期用25%杀灭菊酯乳油10倍液超低量喷雾毒杀初孵幼虫,10天一次,连喷2次,虫果率由64.9%下降至7.3%。  相似文献   

88.8%草甘膦铵盐对杨梅园控草效果测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用88.8%草甘膦铵盐可溶性粉剂,对山地杨梅园主要杂草进行控草效果试验,分别采用有效含量1798g/hm2、3596g/hm2、5394g/hm2加水675kg/hm2喷雾,对蕨、杠板归、对白栎、空心莲子草等果园主要杂草控草效果75.5%~95.0%;对木本植物算盘子、檵木等有一定的控制效果。百草枯450mL/hm2、900mL/hm2、1350mL/hm2加水675kg/hm2喷雾,控草效果达64.8%~79.3%,但蕨的部分茎干尚未枯黄,不宜于控制蕨类杂草。88.8%草甘膦铵盐可溶性粉剂控草效果显著,可以在山地果园上推广应用。  相似文献   

孵化期用8%绿色威雷400倍、25%灭幼脲Ⅲ号1000倍、Bt乳剂500倍、定虫隆1500倍喷雾,护林神3号12kg/hm^2喷粉;蛀叶柄期每cm胸径树干注射20%吡虫啉可溶性液剂10倍液0.8mL,并辅以清除刚蛀入叶和有越冬幼虫的枝干以及合理水肥,能有效防控梨豹蠹蛾,迅速恢复核桃产量。  相似文献   

化学除草在育苗中应用广泛,其特点是操作简单,见效快,省工,省时,便于管理,有利于苗木的生长。 1播前对苗圃地的处理在播种前3周,将圃地里灌水浸泡2~3d,然后排尽水,诱发杂草发芽,待杂草萌发后,每公顷用7~13kg五氯酚纳兑水400~450kg进行喷雾,4~8d后杂草全部枯死。  相似文献   

用草甘膦、森草净在雷竹林杂草的萌发期、生长期、旺盛期分别以不同用量、不同配比进行化学控草试验对比得出:以每667m^2采用草甘膦240ml加森草净7g进行局部化学控草,其除草效果可达96%以上,成本仅需8.84元,比1a进行两次人工除草可提高灭草率20%以上,节约成本80%以上。  相似文献   

幼坪乐防除禾本科草坪杂草试验结果表明,禾本科草坪每667m2用幼坪乐90~120g能有效防除龙葵、稗草、荠菜、扁蓄、苋菜、车前菜、灰菜等杂草,幼坪乐在草坪杂草出土前使用,兑水25~30kg均匀喷雾处理,可在生产中推广应用。  相似文献   

Pinus radiata trees were grown on a podzolized sandy soil at a second rotation site under the following treatments: total weed control, total weed control plus ammonium nitrate, strip weed control and no weed control. During the first two summers after planting the differences in needle water potential between trees under no, strip or total weed control were very small. Despite similar rates of net N-mineralization in strip and total weed control treatments, which averaged 64 kg ha–1 yr–1 in the 0–15 cm soil depth, weeds in the strip weed control treatment reduced soil mineral-N concentrations by 50–80%, leaching of N by the end of the first growing season by 45%, foliar-N concentrations by 4–14% and stem biomass at 20 months after planting by 46%. Although N-uptake by above-ground vegetation (trees plus weeds) was 49% higher in the strip weed control treatment, the amount of N apportioned to trees during the first 20 months after planting was reduced from 15.5 to 9.0 kg ha–1. These effects of weeds were even more pronounced in the no weed control treatment. Since weeds had little effect on the needle water potential of trees and the annual rates of N-mineralization, but adversely affected N-uptake by trees, results indicate that weeds directly competed with trees for N, and thereby aggravated N-deficiency in trees. Application of ammonium nitrate after complete weed control increased foliar-N concentrations, and N-uptake and growth of trees, but also induced severe stem deformation.  相似文献   

20%龙卷风水剂防除猕猴桃园杂草药效试验结果表明:在杂草株高10~15 cm时每667 m2喷施20%龙卷风水剂200 ml,施药后7 d,对杂草防效达到89.7%;施施后20 d,对杂草株数防效达到93.9%,杂草鲜重防效达到96.1%,其药效显著优于每667 m2喷施150 ml处理,与20%克无踪水剂200 ml的药效相当,且药效能持续20~25 d,对苗木安全,可大面积应用推广。  相似文献   

用24%乙氧氟草醚EC、10.8%高效氟吡甲禾灵EC、24%乙氧氟草醚EC+10.8%高效氟吡甲禾灵EC、33%二甲戊乐灵EC 4种药剂对红叶石楠容器苗进行杂草除治试验。结果表明:用24%乙氧氟草醚EC20 mL/667m2进行杂草防治,药后30d株防效为65.6%、鲜重防效为80.8%,均明显好于其它3种药剂的除草效果,且对苗木较为安全,基本上能达到除治杂草的目的。  相似文献   

使用25%森泰水剂和5%森泰颗粒剂防除香椿幼林地的杂草研究试验结果表明:25%森泰水剂和5%森泰颗粒剂均能够有效防除香椿幼林地的五节芒、苦竹、刚竹、芒萁骨等多年生恶性杂草,防除效果均可达93%以上。使用25%森泰水剂除草比人工除草可减少用工56 1%~92 2%,降低除草成本36 1%~61%。同时,可根据幼林地杂草的种类、高度、盖度和水源等因素选择合适的森泰除草剂的剂型和剂量组合,以达到理想的防除杂草效果。  相似文献   

The composition and pattern of weed flora in arable fields are determined by their seedbank structure; but the influence of fallow management practices on weed seedbank structure is presently unknown. The objective of this study was to investigate weed seedbank characteristics and weed population dynamics in arable fields in natural and planted-fallow systems. The study plots were at Mbaise, a densely populated area of southeastern Nigeria, where farmers regenerate their exhausted soils by maintaining planted fallows of Dactyladenia barteri (Hook. F. ex Oliv.) Prance & F. White, and at Umuahia, a less-densely populated area in the same region, where farmers depend on natural bush fallow for soil regeneration. The effect of three years of fallow on the weed flora of arable fields in the two fallow management systems differed remarkably. The first flush of weeds on fields that were cultivated after three years of planted D. barteri fallow (Mbaise) consisted of 80% broadleaf weeds, 7% grass weeds and 13% sedges. On the other hand, the first flush of weeds on the natural bush fallow fields (Umuahia) of the same fallow duration as the D. barteri fallow system consisted of 17% broadleaf weeds, 70% grasses and 13% sedges. Three years of planted fallow caused 36% decrease in weed seedbank at Mbaise relative to the cropped field while the same duration of natural bush fallow caused a 31% increase in weed seedbank at Umuahia. These results show that the planted D. barteri fallow system has a higher potential to reduce weed pressure in smallholder agriculture than the natural bush fallow system and may explain in part why farmers in this humid forest zone have adopted the practice. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

林业苗圃杂草种群结构的研究结果表明:苗圃地的杂草种群结构受环境条件的影响,不同的覆盖物、不同的时期杂草种群的结构有所差异;苗圃杂草种群的形成有一定的规律,遵循S型曲线的变化规律;杂草种群个体数量的高发生期在10 d左右,一般在6月中旬大量发生;播下林木种子后,立即施用除草剂,能够有效地控制杂草种群,缩短杂草的大量发生期限。  相似文献   

马尾松防火道及果园化学除草试验初报   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在马尾松的防火道上用5%森泰颗粒剂和25%森泰水剂、在桃树果园用65%草甘膦和41%春多多进行除草试验。结果表明:马尾松防火道用18.75kg/hm^2的森泰颗粒剂处理效果较好;桃树果园则以1500g/hm^2的草甘膦处理效果最好。  相似文献   

The potential of allye cropping systems to sustain a high productivity with low external inputs and the reduction of maize/weed competition through weed suppression in different alley cropping and sole-cropped mulched systems was studied in Costa Rica at CATIE. Data were recorded eight years after establishment of the experiment. Plant residues ofErythrina poeppigiana trees (10 t/ha dry matter) planted at 6 by 3 m reduced weed biomass by 52%, whileGliricidia sepium trees (12 t/ha dry matter) planted at 6 by 0.5 m reduced weed biomass by 28%, in comparison to controls.Erythrina had a considerable impact on grass weeds, whileGliricidia reduced the incidence of some dicot weeds. Weed competition significantly reduced maize yield in all systems. Nevertheless weed suppression contributed to the higher maize grain yield underErythrina andGliricidia alley cropping of 3.8 t per hectare as opposed to the unmulched control yield of 2.0 t per hectare.  相似文献   

在大苗培植苗圃用10%草甘膦水剂150、250、350ml各加50%丁草胺50ml/15kg和5%精禾草克10、20、30ml各加50%丁草胺50ml/15kg 6个处理进行除草试验,药剂喷施后30d调查样方内杂草株数.药后观察苗木药害情况及除草见效快慢,60d时调查苗木生长情况和药剂有效期.从除草率和有效期及成本考虑,选用10%草甘膦水剂250ml加50%丁草胺50ml/15kg处理为好,除草率在99.6%.  相似文献   

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