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缙云山常绿阔叶林木本植物种子大小变异及成因探讨   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈红  马益新  王海洋 《林业科学》2008,44(3):156-161
在植物的性状中,种子大小处于中心地位(张世挺等,2003),种子大小对物种生物学和生态学特征产生一系列影响(Thompson et al.,1998;Moles et al.,2003;Howe et al.,2001;Xiao et al.,2004;Pearson et al.,2003;Tungate et al.,2002;Christie et al.,2003;Rodríguez-Gironés et al.,2003;Tumbull et al.,1999;Tsuyoshiet al.,2001).种间种子大小变异被认为是种子大小变异的中心问题(Haig,1989;Silvertown,1989),因此,从植物区系组成的角度比较种间的种子大小是种子生态学研究中的一个重要内容(Fenner,2001),它对深入认识一个地区植被的物种多样性维持机制,保护和合理利用乡土植物资源都有重要意义.  相似文献   

20世纪70年代以来,林窗已成为森林小尺度干扰研究的热点(Whitmore,1989;王进欣等,2002).林窗是森林中具有特殊性质的微结构(Clinton et al.,1993;Gray et al.,1997;梁晓东等,2001;Gagnona et al.,2004),它影响着森林群落的发展方向、物种组成以及种群动态(Spies et al.,1990;安树青等,1997;Zhu et al.,2006),如有些物种只能通过林窗才能进行更新(谢宗强,1999;贺金生等,1999).  相似文献   

松树脂溃疡病菌的分子检测   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
松树脂溃疡病(Fusarium circinatum)为美国、南非等国外针叶树上发生的一种危险性林木病害(Storer et al.,1994;Viljoen et al.,1994).该病害常引起寄主树干流脂溃疡、雌花和球果坏死、种子变质以及苗木枯死.其病原菌可随种子、苗木、病木木材、媒介生物以及黏附土壤进行远距离传播.日本1989年(Kobayashi et al.,1989)、墨西哥1991年(Guerra et al.,1991)、南非1994年(Viljoen et al.,1994)、智利2001年(Wingfield et al.,2001)等地相继发现有松树脂溃疡病为害,该病害在世界各地呈现出迅速蔓延之势.  相似文献   

梨自交不亲和新基因S12-RNase的分离鉴定及序列分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
植物自交不亲和性(self-incompatbility,简称SI)是植物生殖过程中的一种普遍现象(Hiscock et al.,1996;Andrew et al.,1996).  相似文献   

森林火灾是一种自然灾害,它的发生和蔓延很大程度上受气象条件的制约(林其钊,2003;宋志杰,1991),气候波动是过去几千年来林火动态(forest fire regime)发展演变的重要影响因子(Whitlocka et al.,2006;Yalcin et al.,2006;Talon et al.,2005;Carcaillet et al.,2001;Hallett et al.,2006;Grenier et al.,2005;Goff et al.,2007;Hu et al.,2006).当前气候变暖已是不争的事实,IPCC(Intergovemmental Panel on Climate Change)第四次<全球气候变化评估报告>称(Morton et al.,2007):过去100年(1906-2005年)中,全球平均地表气温升高了0.74℃.气候变暖必然会对林火的发生和蔓延产生重要影响(田晓瑞等,2006).  相似文献   

4种含笑叶片提取物对大豆油的抗过氧化活性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
何开跃  樊亚苏  李晓储  杨静 《林业科学》2007,43(11):157-162
木兰科(Magnoliaceae)的含笑属(Michelia)树种是一类芳香植物,具有巨大的应用潜力.近年来,对含笑叶片成分及其活性的研究取得了重要进展(明军等, 2004).在其提取物的抗氧化活性研究方面,国内外都有大量报道(Deepa et al., 2006;Singh et al., 2006;Kosar et al., 2003;Bartolome et al., 2004).Puertas等(2005)从2种木兰科植物中提取出抗氧化物质,测定其有很强的抗氧化活性.  相似文献   

水曲柳种群性比及空间分布   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雌雄异株植物的雌雄植株在营养和繁殖结构的大小、颜色及寿命,资源获得与分配,与群落其他物种相互作用等方面均存在差异(Delph et al.,1996;2002;Pickering,2000;Gehring et al.,1994).种群性比是雌雄异株植物的一个重要结构指标,尽管雌树多于雄树(Opler et al.,1978;Alliende et al.,1989),以及性比不显著偏离1:1(Morellato,2004)的种群结构已经被发现,但大量研究显示雄树通常多于雌树(Pickering,2000;Gauquelin et al.,2002;Pickering et al.,2002).  相似文献   

连栽杉木林不同生育阶段林下植被生物量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林下植被是森林生态系统的一个重要组成部分,亦是森林生态系统中有机物质的生产者,在森林生态系统的物质循环研究中具有重要作用(Chpin,1983;Chastain et al.,2006),如维持森林生物多样性(褚建民等,2007)、提高人工林的水土保持功能(袁正科等,2002)和保护环境(刘苑秋等,2004;Fabia et al.,2002;Kume et al.,2003;Taylor et al.,2006).对森林林下植被结构和生态功能的研究已有不少报道(Taylor et al.,2006;吴鹏飞等,2008;李春义等,2007;段劼等,2010).  相似文献   

枝面积指数同叶面积指数一样,是重要的林分结构特征,但叶面积指数更受重视,而枝面积指数常被忽略(Weiskittel et al.,2006).枝面积对总呼吸、光能辐射及降雨截留等多种生理生态过程具有重要意义(Bosc et al.,2003;Keim,2004);枝面积及其垂直分布对森林生物多样性具有重要意义( Ingram et al.,1993).由于受重视程度不够,目前对枝面积 研究仅限于较少的几个树种(Baldwin et al.,1997;Bosc et al.,2003;Halldin,1985;Ingram et al.,1993;Jennings et al.,1990;Keim,2004;Weiskittel et al.,2006),且研究的深度和广度比较有限.林带的结构影响着防护林的防护效能,而枝面积是重要的林分结构特征,因此,研究农田防护林带的枝面积及其分布对研究林带的防护效能具有重要意义.  相似文献   

不同杨树无性系扦插苗水分利用效率的差异及其生理机制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
植物的生理需水和用水率存在显著差异,并且这种差异受基因控制,可以进行遗传改良(张正斌等,2000;张正斌,2003;Condon et al.,2002;Gorny,1999;Udayakumar et al.,1998).  相似文献   

含LT型裂纹木梁起裂载荷确定方法的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
木材裂纹萌生的准确判定对木材损伤断裂的评估具有重要的意义,起裂载荷是标定裂纹萌生的关键参数。本试验以杉木为研究对象,利用声发射技术(AE)、数字图像相关法(DIC)和电测法(EM),对含LT型裂纹木梁的损伤断裂特性进行了试验研究。通过研究木梁在加载过程中声发射参数变化规律以及裂尖区域的表面应变信息的演变,分析木梁裂纹萌生规律并确定起裂载荷Pini。结果表明:声发射累计振铃计数、幅度可有效反映木梁内部损伤的产生和演化,利用声发射参数的变化规律能准确确定含LT型裂纹木梁的起裂载荷Pini;数字图像相关法、电测法可以实时监测木梁表面裂缝尖端区域的应变变化,根据应变演变特征可以有效监测木梁表面裂纹的萌生和扩展。声发射技术、数字图像相关法、电测法在确定木梁起裂载荷Pini方面有较好的适用性,所确定的起裂载荷大小为:电测法>数字图像相关法>声发射。试验结果为研究监测含LT型裂纹木材裂纹萌生的试验方法提供了依据,应用时可结合实际工况选择合适的测量方法。  相似文献   

Finite element techniques and models for wood fracture mechanics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Numerical models for wood fracture and failure are commonly based on the finite element method. Most of these models originate from general theoretical considerations for other materials. This limits their usefulness because no amount of complexity in a model can substitute for lack of an appropriate representation of the physical mechanisms involved. As for other materials, wood fracture and failure models always require some degree of experimental calibration, which can introduce ambiguity into numerical predictions because at present there is a high degree of inconsistency in test methods. This paper explores avenues toward achieving models for wood fracture that are both appropriate and robust.  相似文献   

合理的微坑型微织构已被证明具有改善木材和硬质合金表面间的摩擦特性。采用微凹坑型织构、微凹槽织构和微网格型织构3种织构形式,在相同织构面积占有率条件下,通过摩擦特性试验与理论分析相结合,研究不同织构形式对木材表面摩擦系数的影响。研究表明:在相同织构面积占有率条件下,不同织构的类型和表面形貌对硬质合金试样与木材表面摩擦的摩擦系数有不同的影响,受摩擦长度、凹槽微织构宽度、微织构角度等织构参数的影响。当微织构与木材发生摩擦时,摩擦区域织构面积越大说明两者间实际接触面积越小,且面积越大,捕捉磨屑和硬质点的能力越强;而主制动力越小,其产生的摩擦系数越小。在相同压力和织构面积占有率条件下,不同类型的织构试件与木材表面产生的摩擦系数均小于非织构(平面)型表面产生的摩擦系数。其中:微坑型织构产生的表面摩擦系数最小,为0.116;凹槽型织构产生的表面摩擦系数最大,为0.182;网格型织构随着织构角度的减小,其产生摩擦系数越小。  相似文献   


The shear fracture properties of green-glued one-component polyurethane (PUR) wood adhesive bonds subjected to kiln drying were investigated. The local shear strength and fracture energy of the wood adhesive bonds were determined from experimentally recorded complete shear stress versus deformation curves of the bond line. A stable test set-up and small specimens that were anti-symmetrically loaded were used in order to get a uniform and pure state of shear stress. Different moisture contents (MCs) and pressing times were investigated. The fracture properties of conventionally dry-glued wood adhesive bonds and of solid wood were used as reference. The results show that the fracture energy of green-glued bonds with PUR adhesive is dependent on the MC of wood and on the pressing time. The same fracture energy and strength can be obtained by green gluing as by dry gluing, but there seems to exist a maximum MC of sapwood, in the range between 78% and 160%, and a minimum pressing time, in the range between 3 h and 48 h, for which it can be achieved. Both dry- and green-glued polyurethane adhesive bonds were more ductile than solid wood.  相似文献   

The measurement of wood surface roughness is performed once the machining process is completed. It requires considerable time since the measurement is performed at slow speed. The objective of this study was to develop a method to evaluate the surface roughness of paper birch wood while routing. For this purpose, a number of transducers were mounted on the router spindle and also in the proximity of the workpiece and cutting zone. Signals were acquired during a wide range of cutting conditions and analyzed. Statistical regression and artificial neural networks were employed to establish relationships between the signals and the actual cutting depth and surface roughness. The sensor selection and the feasibility of the sensor placement were determined. The models were subjected to a validation procedure to confirm their performance. The placement of the microphone at constant distance from the cutting zone was determined to be the most useful one. A model able to predict the surface roughness of routed paper birch wood regardless of the depth of cut was produced. The performance of the model was valid independently of the length of the workpiece.  相似文献   

A model for the vertical location of whorl and interwhorl branches was constructed for Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica Manetti). The vertical location of branches in the crown partly governs their further growth and mortality from which depend (i) the stem growth and form and (ii) the quality of lumber and veneer, including wood knots. The modeling method, based on an architectural approach, reveals branching patterns. Each annual shoot was considered as a sequence of successive positions, unbranched or branched with two types of branch: short or long shoot. Branching sequences were analyzed using hidden semi-Markov chains. A wide range of annual shoot lengths was sampled in order to determine the relationships between sequence length and the characteristics of every zone identified (frequency of every type of axillary production, probability of zone occurrence and probability of transition to the following zone). The model predicts branch vertical position which can be used as inputs for branch diameter and mortality models.  相似文献   

为了识别死节、活节和虫眼三种木材表面缺陷类型,本文采用高斯-马尔可夫随机场模型提取木材表面缺陷图像的纹理参数,结合缺陷区域的矩形度和伸长度两个几何特征,形成14维特征向量.设计三层BP神经网络来识别缺陷的类型.试验表明,三种缺陷的整体识别正确率达到96.67%,验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

The knot depth ratio (KDR) evaluation method was designed to quantitatively evaluate the amount of knot in dimension lumber by a single-pass X-ray radiation. To verify the proposed method, KDR values for 38-mm-thick specimens were predicted, and they were compared with the actual measured KDR values. The knot is surrounded by the transition zone, and the density of the knot and the transition zone is higher than the clear wood. Because the average density of the transition zone was similar to the knot density, it was found that the proposed method gives the KDR values for the knot area including the transition zone. The coefficients of determination between the predicted and measured KDR values were 0.87 and 0.83 for Japanese larch and red pine specimens, respectively. Using the KDR information, the ratio of knot area including transition zone to cross-sectional area was calculated. The presence of latewood and earlywood in the same path of the X-ray radiation caused discrepancies in the estimation of KDR values because the density of latewood is much higher than that of earlywood. Fortunately, latewood and earlywood are repeated in a cross section, so the amount of overestimation and underestimation was expected to be nearly identical. As expected, the relationship between the predicted area ratio and the real area ratio of knot and transition zone was strong with R 2 values of 0.89 and 0.93 for Japanese larch and red pine specimens, respectively.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of temperature and sulfonation on the deformation of spruce wood at conditions comparable to those during screw press impregnation prior to mechanical pulping were studied using a dynamic testing method. In addition to the physical properties of wood, shear fracture surfaces obtained at different deformation temperatures and at different sulfonation levels were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM).The results showed that the failure energy of wood decreased gradually with increased deformation temperature in the tested range of 20–95 °C, due to thermal softening of the material. In addition to thermal treatment, the failure energy could also be reduced by sulfite treatment of the wood before deformation, and decreased with increasing sulfonation degree.The SEM analysis showed that increasing the deformation temperature causes the fracture plane to travel around the fiber walls instead of through them, thus exposing a smoother wood surface with less fiber damage. At a given deformation temperature, particularly at the lower temperatures, sulfonation improves fiber separation.Financial support from the Swedish National Board for Industrial and Technical Development (NUTEK) is gratefully acknowledged  相似文献   

木材损伤断裂与木材细观损伤基本构元   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
邵卓平 《林业科学》2007,43(4):107-110
木材承载时细观结构上的损伤会在木材中扩展,并且损伤和缺陷在载荷下的演化行为决定着木材的宏观力学行为.木材的细观损伤基元可以归纳为4类:1)胞、壁层间界面损伤;2)细胞壁屈曲与局部塌溃损伤带;3)微孔洞损伤与汇合;4)微裂隙损伤(区).追踪分析木材从变形、损伤到断裂破坏的全过程,探明微结构演化与宏观行为关系,有助于揭示木材破坏的机制,并从中获得新的木材构造与其强韧功能相互关系的认识,对研发能够克服木材缺点、具有特殊强韧性能的新型木基复合材料具有重要指导意义.  相似文献   

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