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Due to their marked antiinflammatory effect, synthetic corticosteroids are used to mask illness, especially lameness in horses. The detection of these drugs in equine body fluids requires accurate methods, particularly where misuse of corticosteroids is suspected. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) is well established as a reliable technique for the identification of drugs in biological fluids. Using GC/MS, we determined dexamethasone levels in horse urine and serum after intravenous application of a therapeutic dose. Dexamethasone was detectable, in serum for up to six hours, and in urine for up to 32 hours, after its administration. These findings indicate that serum measurements are unreliable for the detection of corticosteroid abuse, and demonstrate urine to be a more suitable body fluid for investigation. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that, regardless of the technique employed, the clinical effects of dexamethasone last longer than 32 hours; thus, failure to detect dexamethasone does not disprove corticosteroid abuse.  相似文献   

Xylazine and Ketamine were used for anaesthesia in 250 adult horses. This combination is useful both for induction and maintenance of anaesthesia. The induction with Xylazine and Ketamine has been successful not only with foals but also with high risk patients such as horses with colic. During the maintenance of anaesthesia Xylazine/Ketamine can be used with injectable anaesthetics as well as with volatile anaesthetics at the same time. A form of injection anaesthesia for short-time surgical procedures like castration and wound repair is presented. The maintenance of a Thiobarbiturate/Guaifenesin anaesthesia with Xylazine/Ketamine seems to be suitable for field conditions.  相似文献   

With the aid of a flexible glassfibre endoscope, a 300 W cold light source and a special adapted camera, colour photographs of the upper respiratory tract of horses were taken. These pictures served to present especially the disease processes of the different areas of the upper respiratory tract which lead to a constriction of the lumen. These included proliferation in the nose, guttural pouch diseases and larynx diseases such as hemiplegia, subepiglottic cysts, epiglottic entrapment and rostral displacement of the plica palatopharyngica. Furthermore endoscopic findings of changes in the soft palate and in the recessus pharyngicus were shown.  相似文献   

Plasma gastrin levels in horses with colic]   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The plasma gastrin levels in fasted horses (21.1 +/- 15.6 pg/ml), in horses with spasmodic colic (7.3 +/- 5.4 pg/ml) and in horses with impaction of the left ventral large colon and/or pelvic flexure (11.4 +/- 3.1 pg/ml) were not significantly different. The plasma gastrin concentrations of horses with strangulation obstruction of the small intestine, large colon displacement or adynamic ileus, and which had no gastric reflux, were 12.9 +/- 8.7 pg/ml and did not differ from fasted gastrin levels. Horses which had 5-10 litres of stomach content reflux had a higher mean gastrin level (32.2 +/- 22.6 pg/ml) (range 8.7-83.0) than the fasted horses. The mean plasma gastrin level (69.0 +/- 32.2 pg/ml) (range 27.0-122.0 pg/ml) in horses which had gastric reflux and 11-20 litres of stomach content outflow through the nasogastric tube were significantly higher (P less than 0.0004) than in fasted horses or in horses with spasmodic colic, impaction of the left ventral large colon or in horses from which no gastric reflux could be obtained.  相似文献   

Pleural effusion in the horse can be caused by diseases such as pneumonia, trauma, pulmonary abscesses and thoracic neoplasms. Besides clinical (auscultation, percussion) and radiographic diagnostic procedures, the ultrasonic examination represents a method that supplies detailed information on quantity and location of fluid in the pleural space. By means of ultrasonic examination the most favourable position for a thoracentesis can be determined. Control of thoracentesis' efficiency as well as exact supervision of the disease's course are made feasible by repeated sonographic examinations.  相似文献   

Metacarpal or metatarsal exostoses were diagnosed in 112 horses used for sport purposes between January 1976 to December 1987. Fourteen of these patients were treated surgically by subperiosteal removal of the exostosis. All animals which could be followed up had returned to their original use. The average time of use after discharge from the clinic was 38.4 months. Surgery was successful in completely removing the exostoses in 58.3% of these horses. The indications for anaesthesia and resection of the ulnar nerve are discussed.  相似文献   

This is a review on Morbus maculosus equorum (purpura haemorrhagica) on the base of literature data and of a case report on 13 own patients. It is shown, that the clinical picture of this disease has not changed within the last 150 years. Clinical main symptoms are haemorrhagic diathesis (petechiae, ecchymosis, suggillations) as well as peripheral edema and fever. The main haematological findings are neutrophilia, mostly going along with shift to the left and lymphopenia. In the last few years thrombocytopenia was also described in some cases. Basic therapeutics are glucocorticoids and penicillins. Problems of differential diagnosis and of nomenclature are discussed.  相似文献   

Trichomonads of the oral cavity were found in 9 of 60 investigated horses. Apart from dental tartar, the oral cavity showed no clinical signs in all positive horses. The clinical investigation of these horses additionally revealed colic in 4 and coughing in 4 horses as well as lumbago in 1 animal. By means of scanning electron microscopy the trichomonads were shown to be round or piriform with an average length of 7.6 microns and greatest width of 6.3 microns. They had 4 anterior flagella with an average length of 8.3 microns, an undulating membrane measuring 8.7 microns with no trailing flagellum as well as an axostyle extending on average 7.8 microns beyond the body, and therefore have to be placed into the genus Trichomonas.  相似文献   

In the ampulla roof of the wave-like extending horse rectum the muscular coat is only weakly developed as a deltoid-shaped tunica muscularis area, thus forming a place of minor resistance. With regard to the degree of development of the muscular coat a rectal ampulla with a stable form and strong muscles can be distinguished from an ampulla with a labile form and weak muscles. The rupture of the intestinal wall in this region in the case of rupture-experiments as well as the frequent occurrence of diverticula reveals this area as being a place of minor resistance which requires extreme caution during rectal examination. The forensic judgement of a rectal perforation has to be based on detailed pathoanatomical investigations. If the rules of veterinary art had been neglected, the proof of blamelessness for the investigator is being out of consideration. If all rules of veterinary art, however, had fully been observed during rectal exploration, the proof of blamelessness for the investigator is very difficult to be obtained, when a perforation or a rupture has resulted. Only if the rupture is located in the dorsal part of the rectum, there exists the possibility, that it is a spontaneous one, if anatomical conditions, thickness of the muscular coat or the presence of diverticula do support this.  相似文献   

Serum iron concentration and iron-binding capacity were determined in 34 respectively 35 clinically healthy horses of different sex, with the age of 3 to 21 years. In the Warm blooded horse, the Half bred, the Haflinger horse, the Heavy horse and the Arabian Haflinger the mean serum iron concentration amounted to 253 +/- 66 micrograms/dl, 202 +/- 87 micrograms/dl, 166 +/- 67 micrograms/dl, 183 micrograms/dl and 366 micrograms/dl, while the iron-binding capacity in the Warm blooded horse, the Half bred, the Haflinger horse, the Thoroughbred, the Heavy horse and the Arabian Haflinger ran up to 427 +/- 55 micrograms/dl, 530 +/- 162 micrograms/dl, 422 +/- 63 micrograms/dl, 447 micrograms/dl, 467 micrograms/dl and 394 micrograms/dl. Regarding serum iron concentration no age or sex differences were ascertained, whereas they were obvious when observing the iron-binding capacity. Diurnal variations in serum iron concentration are pointed out. The quotient of the two examined parameters showed race-related differences. The results are presented in tables.  相似文献   

[目的]利用PCR技术,探究鸡毒支原体(MG)的检测方法。[方法]针对MG脂蛋白的基因序列,建立PCR扩增体系,测定其灵敏度和特异性,并对鸡胚样品进行检测。[结果]PCR扩增得到了400bp的基因片段,最低检出浓度为0.2 pg·μL~(-1);该PCR法仅与MG的DNA反应,与大肠杆菌、猪肺炎支原体、新城疫病毒、沙门氏菌的DNA或cDNA反应结果均为阴性;利用该PCR对鸡胚样品进行检测,核酸阳性率为76%。[结论]该研究初步建立了基于MG脂蛋白基因的特异性PCR检测方法,为MG的临床检测奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The anaesthesia with Xylazine and Ketamine in 24 foals is described. Special qualities of this form of anaesthesia and dosages for foals of different age are discussed. The combination of Xylazine and Ketamine is well suited for the anaesthesia of foals of all age and risk-groups. The induction takes place quickly and calmly, without signs of cardiorespiratory depression. The maintenance of anaesthesia is possible, without any problem, by repeated injection with Xylazine and Ketamine, as well as by inhalation anaesthesia with volatile anaesthetics. The recovery is short; the animals rise swiftly and safely. For these reasons we prefer, in foals, the anaesthesia with Xylazine and Ketamine to the induction and maintenance of anaesthesia with thiobarbiturates.  相似文献   

Using a fibreoptic endoscope ("small gastroscope" with outside diameter of 9.3 mm) a simple and sparing inspection of the guttural pouch is performed. The flap-type tube cover is opened by means of medial leverage with a guidance probe shifted through the work duct of the endoscope. The same procedure is used in diagnostic specimen collection and therapeutical measures such as irrigations. Guttural pouch topography and pathological disorders are illustrated by endoscopic photography. The different diseases such as follicular hyperplasia, ascending pharyngeal catarrh, perforating abscesses of the retropharyngeal lymphnodes, empyema and chondroid formation, guttural pouch mycosis leading to arrosion of the carotid artery, tympanites of the guttural pouch in foals caused by congenital defects of the eustachian tube flap and rarely observed tumors are discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract A total of 1239 kidney samples from four species of salmonid fish, Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., brown trout, Salmo trutta L., Arctic charr, Salvelinus alpinus (L.), and rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), were screened for Renibacterium salmoninarum using double-sandwich ELISA and bacterial isolation. For bacterial isolation, samples were homogenized, washed, plated onto S-KDM and incubated for 12 weeks. Samples for ELISA were kept frozen until tested. After thawing, 25% homogenates in PBS were heated at 100°C for 15 min in the presence (2.5% v/v) of HemoDe solvent (terpene and butylated hydroxyanisole) and then centrifuged. The supernatant was tested with polyclonal antibodies against whole bacterium in a double-sandwich ELISA. In seven out of 12 groups tested, all samples were negative in both tests. Positive ELISA results occurred in five groups. Renibacterium salmoninarum was isolated on SKDM from samples in four out of these five groups. The ELISA test gave significantly higher numbers of positive samples in three out of the four groups showing positive results in both tests.  相似文献   

气相色谱法测定鱼虾肌肉组织中氯霉素的残留量   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
鱼虾肌肉组织中氯霉素残留量的检测有很多种方法 ,定量确认方法一般有气相色谱法 (GC) ,高效液相色谱法 (HPLC) ,气相色谱一质谱联机 (GC -MC) ,液相色谱—质谱联机 (LC -MC)等方法 ,本文采用GC法 (ECD)研究测定了鱼虾肌肉中氯霉素的残留量。用乙酸乙脂提取样品中的氯霉素 ,经去蛋白质 ,脱脂 ,过C18柱后 ,用BSYFA -TMCS衍生后进样。方法的回收率为 6 4 5± 8 7% ,检测限为 0 1~ 1μg/kg。  相似文献   

Over 130 cases of equine periodic ophthalmia (p.o.), which were treated as in-patients at the Equine Clinic of the Free University of Berlin in the last 35 years, were examined statistically in relation to the age and gender of the animals involved as well as to the development of the illness and the season in which it arose. As regards aetiology, the extraction of 71 affected Trotters was investigated. Antibodies to toxoplasmosis, leptospirosis and intestinal parasites were found only in some of the patients. Younger animals, aged between one and four years, and male animals (63.6%) were predominantly affected. The results of the examinations of faeces showed no correlation between cases of p.o. and a vermination of the horses. The examinations for antibodies to toxoplasmosis gave no indication of a participation of the toxoplasmas in the aetiology of recurrent uveitis. In contrast, the results of the examinations for antibodies to leptospirosis, of which 58.8% were positive, showed a seven to ten times higher infection than in healthy horses in Berlin. Breed analysis showed that in certain breeds of Trotters and warm-blooded horses, p.o. illnesses were frequent, supporting the hypothesis that the occurrence of p.o. is due to a hereditary, allergic reaction, triggered by various factors, in particular an infection without clinical signs.  相似文献   

Clinical symptoms of hepatopathies are not specific and must be verified by further investigation. Laboratory diagnosis is a very useful method to decide if liver disease is present or not. In individual cases laboratory methods can give hints as to the aetiology of the illness. If necessary, biopsy, angiography or/and cholecystography can be carried out for further clarification of the diagnosis.  相似文献   

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