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This review paper synthesizes published research and unpublished data on the abundance and distribution patterns, ecology and population dynamics of walleye pollock ( Theragra chalcogramma ) during their first year of life (age-0) in the Gulf of Alaska. Distribution patterns have been described using mainly trawl catches, but recently, acoustic methodology has been employed, especially in examining vertical distributions. Although age-0 pollock are found throughout the Gulf, the highest catches occurred west of Kodiak Island. Pollock are pelagic for at least their first 6 months of life but show an ontogenetic increase in depth distribution superimposed on a pronounced diel vertical migration at a larger size. Daily growth rates are variable depending on year, season and area, and growth generally ceases during the winter. The diet of age-0 pollock shifts from mainly copepods in early juveniles to euphausiids by fall, with epibenthic organisms becoming important during the winter months. Feeding occurs mainly at night in surface waters. Age-0 pollock are most frequently associated with gelatinous zooplankton (medusae) and older pollock. Many predators on age-0 pollock have been identified; the most important are arrowtooth flounder ( Atheresthes stomias ), adult pollock, puffins ( Fratercula spp.), murres ( Una spp.), harbor seals ( Phoca vitulina richardsi ) and Steller sea lions ( Eumetopiasjubatus ). Modelling provides some insight into the population dynamics of these juveniles and environmental conditions which interannually affect their survival. These results are discussed relative to the importance of age-0 pollock in the recruitment of this species and to their role in the pelagic ecosystem.  相似文献   

Eastern Bering Sea pollock have two distinctly different stable spawning grounds—along the shelf and in the eastern and central Aleutian Islands between 400 and 500 m water columns. Pollock spawning behavior supports the hypothesis that the shelf and deepwater “basin” spawning pollock are completely independent reproductive stocks. Deepwater pollock inhabit the shelf and, once mature at age 5–6 years, migrate from the shelf onto the continental slope into the Zhemchug, Pribilof, and Bering canyons by the end of winter. Bering Sea pollock recruitment and year class abundance have high annual variability, but there are no clear relationships between pollock year class strength and water temperature, ice distribution or survival on early ontogenesis stages (eggs and larvae). Young-of-the-year fish survival varies dramatically during winter supporting the hypothesis that the Bering Sea pollock recruitment and strength of year class have high annual variability depending on young-of-the-year fish survival during winter. The annual change of physical oceanography condition, productivity and species composition of zooplankton community are associated with great differences in pollock seasonal migrations and distribution, reproduction, survival of recruits at early stages of development and finally with abundance of year classes and total biomass. Implementation of ecosystem-based fishery management most important for application of pollock research both of Russian national program and on base of International Agreements.  相似文献   

Concern about impacts of climate change in the Bering Sea prompted several research programs to elucidate mechanistic links between climate and ecosystem responses. Following a detailed literature review, Hunt et al. (2011) (Deep‐Sea Res. II, 49, 2002, 5821) developed a conceptual framework, the Oscillating Control Hypothesis (OCH), linking climate‐related changes in physical oceanographic conditions to stock recruitment using walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma) as a model. The OCH conceptual model treats zooplankton as a single box, with reduced zooplankton production during cold conditions, producing bottom‐up control of apex predators and elevated zooplankton production during warm periods leading to top‐down control by apex predators. A recent warming trend followed by rapid cooling on the Bering Sea shelf permitted testing of the OCH. During warm years (2003–06), euphausiid and Calanus marshallae populations declined, post‐larval pollock diets shifted from a mixture of large zooplankton and small copepods to almost exclusively small copepods, and juvenile pollock dominated the diets of large predators. With cooling from 2006–09, populations of large zooplankton increased, post‐larval pollock consumed greater proportions of C. marshallae and other large zooplankton, and juvenile pollock virtually disappeared from the diets of large pollock and salmon. These shifts in energy flow were accompanied by large declines in pollock stocks attributed to poor recruitment between 2001 and 2005. Observations presented here indicate the need for revision of the OCH to account for shifts in energy flow through differing food‐web pathways due to warming and cooling on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf.  相似文献   

Populations of several species of marine birds and mammals in the Bering Sea and Gulf of Alaska have been declining since the mid-1970s, with numbers of one, the Steller sea lion (Eumetopias jubatus) , so depressed it was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in spring 1990. All of the declining populations depend to an important extent on walleye pollock (Theragra chakogramma) for food, although they eat numerous other species as well. In contrast, certain animals that compete with pollock for common prey have been increasing in abundance. All of these changes could be related through food web connections mediated by pollock. Pollock is also important to people–it presently supports the largest single-species commercial fishery in the world, in large part because of its great biomass, which has averaged about 15 × 106t in the Bering Sea over the past 15 years. Pollock consume an inordinate proportion of the pelagic production in the Bering Sea, which further supports the conclusion that it is a key species in the ecosystem. However, there are conflicting hypotheses about the importance of the roles played by pollock as predator and prey, and about the effect that changes in pollock abundance might have on biomass yield at higher trophic levels.  相似文献   

I examined the age, growth, maturity, mortality, and body condition of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, in the northeastern Japan Sea (northern Japan Sea population) and evaluated their resilience to exploitation. Walleye pollock were collected in pre-spawning (October 1991-1995) and post-spawning (April 1990-1996) seasons. Estimated ages ranged from 3 to 18 years for both sexes. A von Bertalanffy growth model showed that females had longer asymptotic fork length (460 mm) than males (425 mm). Fifty percent of females and males were mature at 348 mm (4.6 years) and 322 mm (3.9 years), respectively. The instantaneous natural mortality rate was estimated to be 0.22. These life-history traits in the northern Japan Sea population were compared to those in the Bering Sea, the Gulf of Alaska, and the Japan Pacific populations. As a result, female walleye pollock in this population matured at small body sizes, grew rapidly toward small maximum sizes, and had short reproductive lifespans with low size-specific fecundity and poor body condition. Low prey availability and habitat temperatures are considered as a possible mechanism for the small maximum sizes in this population. The potential rate of population increase of both the northern Japan Sea population and other pollock populations tended to be lower than other exploited populations of non-viviparous marine fishes, suggesting potentially lower resilience to exploitation in this population and walleye pollock populations in general.  相似文献   

Information on the annual variability in abundance and growth of juvenile groundfish can be useful for predicting fisheries stocks, but is often poorly known owing to difficulties in sampling fish in their first year of life. In the Western Gulf of Alaska (WGoA) and Eastern Bering Sea (EBS) ecosystems, three species of puffin (tufted and horned puffin, Fratercula cirrhata, Fratercula corniculata, and rhinoceros auklet, Cerorhinca monocerata, Alcidae), regularly prey upon (i.e., “sample”) age-0 groundfish, including walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogramma, Gadidae) and Pacific cod (Gadus microcephalus, Gadidae). Here, we test the hypothesis that integrating puffin dietary data with walleye pollock stock assessment data provides information useful for fisheries management, including indices of interannual variation in age-0 abundance and growth. To test this hypothesis, we conducted cross-correlation and regression analyses of puffin-based indices and spawning stock biomass (SSB) for the WGoA and EBS walleye pollock stocks. For the WGoA, SSB leads the abundance of age-0 fish in the puffin diet, indicating that puffins sample the downstream production of the WGoA spawning stock. By contrast, the abundance and growth of age-0 fish sampled by puffins lead SSB for the EBS stock by 1–3 years, indicating that the puffin diet proxies incoming year class strength for this stock. Our study indicates connectivity between the WGoA and EBS walleye pollock stocks. Integration of non-traditional data sources, such as seabird diet data, with stock assessment data appears useful to inform information gaps important for managing US fisheries in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock is the second most extensively fished species in the world. The major fishing grounds include the Bering and Okhotsk Seas. Large-scale fishing started in the 1960s and continues to date with average annual landings over this 50-year period of 1.5 million tons. Yet over this period catches were characterized by considerable volatility. This volatility makes rational management of stock and planning of annual fishing activities difficult. The changes in annual catches correlate with the changes in the biomass of walleye pollock. Existing data suggest a close link between climate change in the northern Pacific and biomass, which allows quantitative estimates of future trends in the biomass, and consequently annual catch, of walleye pollock. Cooling of the northern Pacific is expected to increase the biomass in the Sea of Japan and decrease it in the Bering Sea and Sea of Okhotsk. The opposite is predicted to occur if the northern Pacific experiences warming.  相似文献   

We examine the distribution and mortality of walleye pollock ( Theragra chakogramma ) eggs in the western Gulf of Alaska. Most pollock eggs were found in mid-water, with low proportions in the neustonic and epibenthic layers during all years of sampling. A silhouette camera towed through a high egg density region provided new information on small-scale spatial distributions and provided density estimates at two depth layers similar to those of depth-discrete net sampling. Annual egg production curves and natural mortalities were estimated for 1987-92 based on the abundance of several cohorts relative to their production rate. Production during 1989 and 1990 was lower than in the other four years but 1988 was the only year to show markedly different (higher) mortality than the rest. Fertilization rate was generally very high (>99%) but several collections early in the season contained a substantial fraction of unfertilized eggs. Invertebrate egg predation was mainly due to euphausiids and was variable among locations and years. Egg cannibalism by adult pollock on the spawning grounds was inconsequential (< 1% for all years) compared to invertebrate predation.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma (pollock hereafter) is a key ecological and economic species in the eastern Bering Sea, yet detailed synthesis of the spatial and temporal patterns of pollock ichthyoplankton in this important region is lacking. This knowledge gap is particularly severe considering that egg and larval distribution are essential to reconstructing spawning locations and early life stages drift pathways. We used 19 yr of ichthyoplankton collections to determine the spatial and temporal patterns of egg and larval distribution. Generalized additive models (GAMs) identified two primary temporal pulses of pollock eggs, the first occurring from 20 February to 31 March and the second from 20 April to 20 May; larvae showed similar, but slightly lagged, pulses. Based on generalized cross‐validation and information theory, a GAM model that allowed for different seasonal patterns in egg density within three unique areas outperformed a GAM that assumed a single fixed seasonal pattern across the entire eastern Bering Sea. This ‘area‐dependent’ GAM predicted the highest densities of eggs (i.e., potential spawning locations) in three major areas of the eastern Bering Sea: near Bogoslof Island (February–April), north of Unimak Island and the Alaska Peninsula (March–April), and around the Pribilof Islands (April–August). Unique temporal patterns of egg density were observed for each area, suggesting that pollock spawning may be more spatially and temporally complex than previously assumed. Moreover, this work provides a valuable baseline of pollock spawning to which future changes, such as those resulting from climate variability, may be compared.  相似文献   

The eastern Bering Sea fishery for pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, yields a first wholesale value over $1 billion; it is the premier US fishery. While there is general agreement that this fishery is managed under principles that foster sustainability, the stock is not wholly contained within the US Exclusive Economic Zone. Management of straddling stocks can be highly contentious, particularly when, as is the case for pollock, the spatial distribution varies considerably. When the center of pollock abundance shifts to the northwest, an increased portion of the stock is exposed to harvest by vessels operating in the Russian Federation Exclusive Economic Zone. The lack of coordination in the management of this transboundary stock presents a risk that is not reflected in current management strategies. We use a multiple product/multiple market bioeconomic model to characterize optimal cooperative and non-cooperative harvest management strategies from the perspective of US and Russian pollock fisheries under environmentally induced changes in pollock abundance and the distribution of that abundance.  相似文献   

Interannual variability in growth of walleye pollock, Theragra chalcogramma, was examined. Adult walleye pollock were collected from the central Bering Sea (Aleutian Basin) from 1978 to 1999. Average fork lengths were found to be approximately 47 cm during the 1970–80s, this increased to 56 cm in the late 1990s. Age was determined for 4805 individuals using the otolith break and burn method. Ages ranged from 5–23 years and the year classes of 1978 and 1989 were dominant in the 1980s and the 1990s, respectively. Fish had significantly larger length-at-age in the 1990s compared to the 1970–80s, and interannual variability in age–length relationship was clearly observed. Taking into consideration a recent decrease of the walleye pollock biomass in the central Bering Sea, density-dependent growth was supported as one possibility of the growth variability. At the same time, we could not rule out the possibility that oceanographic variability affected the growth of walleye pollock in the area.  相似文献   

During summer 1997, hundreds of thousands of emaciated short-tailed shearwaters ( Puffinus tenuirostris ) died in the south-eastern Bering Sea. Using strip transect methodology, we documented the distribution and abundance of short-tailed shearwaters during cruises conducted prior to, during, and after the die-off, as well as the distributions and abundances of floating carcasses. The distributions and abundances of short-tailed shearwaters in 1997 were similar to those found during the 1970s and early 1980s. In August–September 1997, we observed 163 floating shearwater carcasses, most of which were between St Paul Island and Nunivak Island. We estimated ≈ 190 000 carcasses were afloat in the study area, about 11% of the surveyed population. Between spring (June) and autumn (August/September), mean net body mass of shearwaters decreased by 19%, mean pectoral muscle mass decreased by 14%, and mean percentage body lipid content decreased by 46%, from 15.6% in spring to 8.4% in autumn. Compared with spring, short-tailed shearwater diets broadened in autumn 1997, to include, in addition to adult euphausiids Thysanoessa raschii, juveniles of T. inermis, T. raschii and T. spinifera, crab megalops, fish and squid. We discuss how the ecosystem anomalies in the south-eastern Bering Sea during spring and summer 1997 relate to the mortality event and suggest possible implications of long-term climate change for populations of apex predators in the south-eastern Bering Sea.  相似文献   

Walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus) supports one of the largest commercial fisheries in the world. Juvenile pollock are important forage fish in the eastern Bering Sea (EBS) ecosystem, often representing the largest fraction in the diets of major Bering Sea piscivores. Large variability in the EBS pollock stock biomass in recent years has been attributed primarily to fluctuations in recruitment. It has been hypothesized that predation rates on forage fishes increase when the cold pool (a body of cold water < 2°C) is extensive and covers much of the middle continental shelf, which tends to concentrate larger predatory fishes in the outer shelf and slope regions. In contrast, young pollock appear to tolerate colder temperatures than older fish and can stay in the cold pool, thereby reducing predation. We used a multispecies modeling approach to examine the effects of the cold pool size on predation of juvenile pollock. We found that predation on age‐1 pollock by age‐3+ pollock decreased, and predation on age‐1 and age‐2 pollock by arrowtooth flounder increased with increasing bottom temperature, which was used as a proxy for the cold pool size. These results suggest that the cold pool creates spatial separation between juvenile pollock and arrowtooth flounder, but not between adult and juvenile pollock. The model developed in this study could be used to examine the effects of other covariates on interspecific interactions, help explain observed changes in fish communities, and understand implications of climate change on ecosystems and their productivity.  相似文献   

Here we investigate processes affecting productivity of capelin and walleye pollock in the Gulf of Alaska. We examine pelagic habitat selection by comparing the distribution of juvenile fish and their prey with oceanographic properties and we evaluate the potential for interspecific competition by comparing diets and measures of foraging. The primary field study was conducted in Barnabus Trough, Kodiak Island, Alaska, during September 2005. The distribution of fish was assessed acoustically and trawls were used to collect individual fish for stomach content analyses. Physical and biological data were collected with conductivity–temperature–depth probes and zooplankton tows. Age‐0 pollock were distributed in cool waters offshore of a mid‐trough front, coincident with the distribution of euphausiids, their preferred prey. In contrast, capelin and their prey (copepods) were distributed throughout the trough. We observed that sympatric capelin (occurring with pollock) often had reduced foraging success compared to allopatric capelin (occurring alone). Results of a bioenergetic model also suggest that the exclusion of capelin from foraging on euphausiids can have negative consequences for capelin growth.  相似文献   

Differences in zooplankton populations in relation to climate have been explored extensively on the southeastern Bering Sea shelf, specifically in relation to recruitment of the commercially important species walleye pollock (Gadus chalcogrammus). We addressed two research questions in this study: (i) Does the relative abundance of individual copepod species life history stages differ across warm and cold periods and (ii) Do estimated secondary production rates for copepods differ across warm and cold periods? For most copepod species, warmer conditions resulted in increased abundances in May, the opposite was observed in colder conditions. Abundances of smaller‐sized copepod species did not differ significantly between the warm and cold periods, whereas abundances of larger‐sized Calanus spp. increased during the cold period during July and September. Estimated secondary production rates in the warm period were highest in May for smaller‐sized copepods; production in the cold period was dominated by the larger‐sized Calanus spp. in July and September. We hypothesize that these observed patterns are a function of temperature‐driven changes in phenology combined with shifts in size‐based trophic relationships with primary producers. Based on this hypothesis, we present a conceptual model that builds upon the Oscillating Control Hypothesis to explain how variability in copepod production links to pollock variability. Specifically, fluctuations in spring sea‐ice drive regime‐dependent copepod production over the southeastern Bering Sea, but greatest impacts to upper trophic levels are driven by cascading July/September differences in copepod production.  相似文献   

Immunological detection of yolk protein was used to assess predation by pelagic amphipods (gammarid and hyperiid), mysids, and euphausiids on eggs and yolk-sac larvae of walleye pollock Theragra chalcogramma during 1988 and 1989. Consumption estimates were made on the basis of frequency of positive immunoassays, assay detection times (gut clearance time), predator abundance, and spatial overlap of predators and prey. From our results gammarid amphipods and euphausiids were important predators on eggs and yolk-sac larvae, respectively. Gammarid amphipods alone consumed about 14% of the standing stock of pollock eggs in 1989. These results were compared with those from clearance rate experiments of predators feeding on pollock eggs in 300-1 bags. In general, clearance rate estimates of egg consumption were lower than those determined from gut contents.  相似文献   

In 2003, the Alaska walleye pollock industry reported product quality issues attributed to an unspecified parasite in fish muscle. Using molecular and histological methods, we identified the parasite in Bering Sea pollock as Ichthyophonus. Infected pollock were identified throughout the study area, and prevalence was greater in adults than in juveniles. This study not only provides the first documented report of Ichthyophonus in any fish species captured in the Bering Sea, but also reveals that the parasite has been present in this region for nearly 20 years and is not a recent introduction. Sequence analysis of 18S rDNA from Ichthyophonus in pollock revealed that consensus sequences were identical to published parasite sequences from Pacific herring and Yukon River Chinook salmon. Results from this study suggest potential for Ichthyophonus exposures from infected pollock via two trophic pathways; feeding on whole fish as prey and scavenging on industry‐discharged offal. Considering the notable Ichthyophonus levels in pollock, the low host specificity of the parasite and the role of this host as a central prey item in the Bering Sea, pollock likely serve as a key Ichthyophonus reservoir for other susceptible hosts in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Anomalies in the regional weather over the south-eastern Bering Sea during spring and summer of 1997 resulted in significant differences in nutrient availability, phytoplankton species composition, and zooplankton abundance over the continental shelf as compared with measurements in the 1980s. Calm winds and the reduction of cloud cover in spring and summer produced a very shallow mixed layer in which nitrate and silicate were depleted after an April diatom bloom. High submarine light levels allowed subsequent phytoplankton growth below the pycnocline and eventual depletion of nitrate from the water column to depths of 70 m or more. Thus, total new production during 1997 may have exceeded that of previous years when nitrate was not depleted below the pycnocline. A bloom of the coccolithophorid, Emiliania huxleyi , was observed in early July in the warm, nutrient-depleted waters over the middle and inner shelf. Emiliania huxleyi concentrations reached 4.5 × 106 cells L–1 by September, and the bloom persisted through the autumn. There was evidence for increased abundance of some species of copepods in 1997 as compared with data from the middle domain in June 1981. The abundance of adult and juvenile euphausiids in 1997 was statistically similar to values measured in 1980 and 1981. However, near-surface swarms were rarely observed on the inner shelf in August–September 1997. Lack of euphausiid availability in the upper water column may partially explain the August–September mass mortality of planktivorous short-tailed shearwaters ( Puffinus tenuirostris ) observed on the inner shelf.  相似文献   

Climate variability on decadal time scales is generally recognized to influence high‐latitude marine populations. Our recent work in studying air–sea interactions in the Bering Sea suggests that interannual to decadal climate variability is important through its modulation of the frequencies and magnitudes of weather events on intraseasonal time scales. We hypothesize that it is these weather events that directly impact the marine ecosystem of the Bering Sea shelf. The linkages between the event‐scale weather and the ecosystem are illustrated with three examples: walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma), Tanner crabs (Chionoecetes bairdi), and coccolithophorid phytoplankton (Emiliania huxleyi). We hypothesize that the strong recruitment of walleye pollock that occurred in 1978, 1982, and 1996 can be attributed in part due to the seasonably strong storms that occurred in the early summer of those years. These storms caused greater than normal mixing of nutrients into the euphotic zone which presumably led to sustained primary productivity after the spring bloom and, possibly, enhanced prey concentrations for pollock larvae and their competitors. Recruitment of Tanner crab was particularly strong for the 1981 and 1984 year‐classes. These years had periods of prominent east wind anomalies along the Alaska Peninsula during the previous winter. Such winds promote flow through Unimak Pass, and hence an enhanced flux of nutrient‐rich water onto the shelf. This mechanism may have ultimately resulted in favorable feeding conditions for Tanner crab larvae. Finally, an unprecedented coccolithophorid bloom occurred over the Bering Sea shelf in the summer of 1997. This summer featured lighter winds and greater insolation than usual after a spring that included a very strong May storm. This combination brought about a warm, nutrient‐poor upper mixed layer by mid‐summer. This provided a competitive advantage for coccolithophorid phytoplankton in 1997 and to a lesser extent in 1998. Unusually high concentrations of coccolithophores persisted for the following two years although physical environmental conditions did not remain favorable. While slow variations in the overall aspects of the physical environment may be important for setting the stage, we propose that the significant multi‐year adjustments in the marine ecosystem of the Bering Sea shelf are more directly caused by major air–sea interaction events on intraseasonal time scales.  相似文献   

Between 1988 and 1993, 12 satellite-tracked buoys were deployed in four eddies in the south-eastern Bering Sea. Our success in finding eddies resulted from placing buoys in high concentrations of walleye pollock (Them-gra chalcogramma) larvae. We utilize data from hydro-graphic surveys, satellite-tracked buoys and moored current meters to describe the eddies. Small (< 25 km diameter) eddies likely transit along the slope of the eastern Bering Sea every 45–60 days. In previous studies such small features were not observed because their size fell within typical separation of hydrographic stations and the weak sea surface temperature gradients are not resolved by satellite-borne infrared imagery.  相似文献   

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