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Water relations of three Eucalyptus species (E. x trabutii Wilm., E. viminalis Labill., E. dalrympleana Maid.), widely planted in the Mediterranean basin, were analyzed throughout an entire year in relation to natural cold hardening. Osmotic potential, both at saturation and at the turgor loss point, showed a greater reduction during hardening in the more frost-resistant E. viminalis and E. dalrympleana than in the more frost-sensitive E. x trabutii. The hardening capabilities of all species were analyzed in relation to the freezing dehydration index, FDI, a parameter derived from pressure-volume analysis which represents the water lost when cells, initially at the turgor loss point, attain thermodynamic equilibrium with extraplasmatic ice. The FDI at the killing temperature showed little variation either between frost-sensitive and frost-resistant species, or between hardened and non-hardened plants. The index may, therefore, be useful for evaluating a plant's potential for injury by freeze-induced desiccation.  相似文献   

Henderson DE  Jose S 《Tree physiology》2005,25(12):1487-1494
We determined how specific leaf area (SLA), specific leaf nitrogen (SLN), leaf area index (LAI), light-saturated photosynthesis (Amax) and aboveground net primary productivity (ANPP) of three commercially important hardwood species, eastern cottonwood (Populus deltoides Bartr.), American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis L.) and cherrybark oak (Quercus falcata var.pagodafolia Ell.), vary across a soil resource gradient. Five treatments were applied in a randomized block design (control, irrigation only (IRR), and irrigation plus fertilization with 56, 112 or 224 kg N ha-1 year-1 (N56, N112 and N224)) with four replications per species. When trees were 6 years old, Amax, SLA, SLN, LAI and ANPP were quantified during peak leaf production within a single growing season. In all species, Amax for sun leaves was significantly higher than for shade leaves (34, 32 and 29 micromol m2 s-1 versus 27, 23 and 23 micromol m2 s-1 for cottonwood, cherrybark oak and sycamore sun and shade leaves, respectively) and tended to plateau in the N112 treatment. The SLA was significantly lower in sun than in shade leaves and reached a plateau in IRR-treated cottonwood and sycamore, and in N56-treated oak. Values of SLN peaked in the N122 treatment for cottonwood sun leaves (1.73 g N m2) and in the N56 treatment for sycamore and oak (1.54 and 1.90 g N m2, respectively). In sun and shade leaves of all species, Amax increased with increasing SLN. Cherrybark oak LAI reached a plateau across the resource gradient in the N56 treatment, whereas cottonwood and sycamore LAI reached a plateau in the IRR treatment. All species exhibited significant curvilinear relationships between canopy Amax and ANPP. These findings indicate that nutrients and water regulate leaf-level traits such as SLA and SLN, which in turn influence LAI and canopy photosynthesis, thereby affecting ANPP at the tree and stand levels.  相似文献   

We compared seedling water relations of three Mediterranean Quercus species (the evergreen shrub Q. coccifera L., the evergreen tree Q. ilex L. subsp. ballota (Desf.) Samp. and the deciduous or marcescent tree Q. faginea L.). We also explored seedling potential for acclimation to contrasting growing conditions. In March, 1-year-old seedlings of the three species were planted in pots and grown outdoors in a factorial combination of two irrigation regimes (daily (HW) and alternate day watering (LW)) and two irradiances (43 and 100% of full sunlight). At the end of July, predawn and midday water potentials (Psi(pd), Psi(md)) were measured, and pressure-volume (P-V) curves were obtained for mature current-year shoots. Species exhibited similar Psi(pd) and Psi(md) values, but differed in leaf morphology and water relations. The evergreens possessed larger leaf mass per area (LMA) and were able to maintain positive turgor pressure at lower water potentials than the deciduous species because of their lower osmotic potential at full turgor. However, the three species had similar relative water contents at the turgor loss point because Q. faginea compensated for its higher osmotic potential with greater cell wall elasticity. Values of Psi(pd) had a mean of -1.12 MPa in LW and -0.63 MPa in HW, and Psi(md) had a mean of -1.13 MPa in full sunlight and -1.64 MPa in shade, where seedlings exhibited lower LMA. However, the P-V curve traits were unaffected by the treatments. Our results suggest that Q. faginea seedlings combine the water-use characteristics of mesic deciduous oak and the drought-tolerance of xeric evergreen oak. The ability of Q. coccifera to colonize drier sites than Q. ilex was not a result of higher drought tolerance, but rather may be associated with other dehydration postponement mechanisms including drought-induced leaf shedding. The lack of treatment effects may reflect a relatively low contrast between treatment regimes, or a low inherent responsiveness of these traits in the study species, or both.  相似文献   

The amount and composition of sugar units comprising polysaccharides in sapwood and heartwood, or stemwood, of 11 industrially important pulpwood species were analysed. The polysaccharide content was between 60 and 80% (w/w) for all species, with cellulose as the predominant polysaccharide type and glucuronoxylans as the main non-cellulosic polysaccharides. The second most abundant non-cellulosic polysaccharides were either pectins, i.e. polygalacturonic acids, or glucomannans. The amount of acidic sugar units were 15–23% of the total amount of non-cellulosic sugar units in all samples, with the Acacia species in the high end. The amount and composition of water-soluble carbohydrates from ground wood samples were also analysed, since these are important in mechanical and chemimechanical pulping, and as a possible source of bioactive polymers. Sapwood released more carbohydrates than heartwood for most species. It is to be noted that the relative amount of dissolved acidic sugar units was larger from the heartwood than from the sapwood for all species. Probably due to the mild treatment conditions, the main dissolved polysaccharides were xylans only for a few samples, while easily soluble galactans, arabinogalactans, or mannans dominated in most species. Pectins dominated in heartwood of Populus grandidentata. Generally, pectins and acidic xylans were the main acidic polysaccharides.  相似文献   

Containerized seedlings of three commercially important tropical species were grown under four different light treatments [i.e., 100 (open site), 45, 22 and 10% sunlight] for 130 days. Light-saturated photosynthesis (A max) and light saturation estimates (LSE) reflected the species successional status with Terminalia superba Engl. and Diels, the pioneer species showing largest mean A max and LSE at 100% sunlight, whereas at 10% sunlight, it showed the lowest A max and LSE. At 22% sunlight, Cedrela odorata L., an intermediate successional species had greater A max and LSE than Mansonia altissima A. Chev., a non-pioneer light demander and T. superba. T. superba had the lowest relative growth rate (RGR) at 10% sunlight and greatest net assimilation rate (NAR) at 100% sunlight; although a higher RGR at this light level was not seen for this species. Strong and positive linear mean A max–mean NAR relationship of C. odorata and T. superba indicated that differences in leaf photosynthetic rates of the two species were reflected in their NAR, which increased with increasing light. At final harvest, superior biomass production was found at 45% sunlight for all the species. Seedling responses in specific leaf area, leaf area ratio, leaf mass ratio and root mass ratio were typically those found along a light gradient. At the 100% sunlight, intrinsic water-use efficiency (WUE), F v/F m and final root system of the plants was generally superior in T. superba but at 10% sunlight, WUE was inferior in T. superba when compared to C. odorata and M. altissima, reflecting the respective species’ short-term acclimation to high or low light. Results of this study may have practical use in screening tropical tree species for use in plantation forestry.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of altered precipitation on leaf osmotic potential at full turgor (Psi(pio)) of several species in an upland oak forest during the 1994 growing season as part of a Throughfall Displacement Experiment at the Walker Branch Watershed near Oak Ridge, Tennessee. The main species sampled included overstory chestnut oak (Quercus prinus L.), white oak (Q. alba L.), red maple (Acer rubrum L.); intermediates sugar maple (A. saccharum L.) and blackgum (Nyssa sylvatica Marsh.); and understory dogwood (Cornus florida L.) and red maple. The precipitation treatments were: ambient precipitation; ambient minus 33% of throughfall (dry); and ambient plus 33% of throughfall (wet). Except in late September, midday leaf water potentials (Psi(l)) were generally high in all species in all treatments, ranging from -0.31 to -1.34 MPa for C. florida, -0.58 to -1.51 MPa for A. rubrum, and -0.78 to -1.86 MPa for Q. prinus. Both treatment and species differences in Psi(pio) were evident, with oak species generally exhibiting lower Psi(pio) than A. saccharum, A. rubrum, C. florida, and N. sylvatica. The Psi(pio) of C. florida saplings declined in the dry treatment, and Q. prinus, Q. alba, and A. saccharum all exhibited a declining trend of Psi(pio) in the dry treatment, although Psi(pio) of Q. prinus leaves increased in late August, corresponding to a recovery in soil water potential. Cornus florida exhibited osmotic adjustment with the largest adjustment coinciding with the period of lowest soil water potential in June. The only other species to exhibit osmotic adjustment was Q. prinus, which also maintained a lower baseline Psi(pio) than the other species. We conclude that a 33% reduction of throughfall is sufficient both to alter the water relations of some species in the upland oak forest and to enable the identification of those species capable of osmotic adjustment to a short-term drought during a wet year.  相似文献   

The effects of different simulated rainfall regimes on water relations, growth, and biomass production and allocation of five provenances of Cedrela fissilis, C. saltensis and C. balansae were assessed in a pot-grown seedling experiment in greenhouse under uncontrolled conditions. Four simulated rainfall regimes were applied: 600 mm year?1 (severe water deficit), 800 mm year?1 (mild water deficit), 1,000 mm year?1 (mild wet), and 1,200 mm year?1 (well-watered) used as control. Provenances were compared in terms of water relations (midday leaf water potential, Ψ md and relative water content, RWC), growth (root, shoot and leaf length, neck diameter), growth rate (shoot- and neck growth rate, SGR and NGR), biomass production (root, shoot and leaf dry weight), and biomass allocation (root:shoot ratio, RSR). Multivariate analyses revealed that water relations differed significantly under all simulated rainfall treatments by means of several variables throughout time. Effects of species × treatment, and provenance nested within species × treatment interactions significantly were important. SGR and RSR also were important to explain differences in Ψ md and RWC between treatments and provenances. Broadly C. balansae and C. saltensis provenances seem to display a better performance than C. fissilis provenances under severe water deficit only. However, despite differences between provenances, it was not possible to clearly separate them according to their origin, based on water relations and growth performance. Even though the results of this study performed on pot-grown seedlings are based on relatively few observations and require additional confirmation, they allow an opportunity for speculation on the factors that are related to intraspecific variations that are likely to occur during the growth of seedlings from different geographical sites in field condition.  相似文献   

Two experimental techniques were used to test the water permeability of two Korean hardwood species: diffuse porous Populus tomentiglandulosa T. Lee (eunsasi poplar) and ring porous white oak, Quercus serrata Thunb (konara oak). The first technique measured the void volume filled at different moisture content (MC) levels. Samples were treated with water via a schedule of full-cell impregnation. A significant relation between MC and permeability (the fractional void volume) was found. A reduction in liquid permeability was observed at MC above the fiber saturation point (FSP), whereas the opposite result was observed at MC below FSP due to the effect of the voids available in the wood. However, the differences of increased permeability from MC level 20% to 0% were found satistically the same in either wood species. The second technique measured the speed of liquid penetration in vessels, fibers, and rays with no application of external pressure. In this method, liquid flow was captured via video and the penetration speed was measured. Vessels, fibers, and rays in poplar were found to be more permeable than those in oak. Different anatomical factors such as cell diameter, cell length, pit number, pit aperture area, and thickness of the pit membrane seemed to be responsible for the variation of liquid flow rate in different cells of the two hardwood species.  相似文献   

Medina E  Francisco M 《Tree physiology》1994,14(12):1367-1381
Godmania macrocarpa Hemsley, a deciduous tree characteristic of fire protected areas of the savanna region of central Venezuela, was more drought tolerant, allocated more N to leaves and had consistently higher photosynthetic rates than Curatella americana L., a ubiquitous species growing successfully within the grasslands of tropical American savannas. Godmania macrocarpa maintained higher leaf conductance and photosynthesized at higher xylem water tensions than C. americana. As the dry season progressed, G. macrocarpa was more affected by water stress than C. americana, which may explain why G. macrocarpa shed its leaves before forming new leaves. For both species, leaf sap osmolality was strongly correlated with, but not completely accounted for by, soluble sugars. Integrated water-use efficiency, as measured by delta(13)C, was similar for both species, but young leaves were more efficient than old leaves. Water-use efficiency of adult leaves was similar in both species as a result of higher photosynthetic rates in G. macrocarpa and lower leaf conductances in C. americana. Compared to G. macrocarpa, instantaneous photosynthetic N-use efficiency was higher in C. americana despite its lower maximum photosynthetic rates. The absence of G. macrocarpa trees from open grasslands, despite their high productive capacity, is possibly the result of unfavorable conditions for germination, poor survival of seedlings, and lack of resistance against fire.  相似文献   

Slope is a complex environmental factor that can subject plants to a number of mechanical stresses. The anchorage of roots and improvement of slope stability mainly depend on specific properties of root systems, such as root distribution. In the present study, 24 trees (from three species) growing on gentle slopes (10–20°) were randomly chosen for root distribution analysis. The profile trenching method was used to obtain root characteristics. The findings indicated that root area ratio (RAR) decreased with depth and that maximum RAR values were observed in the upper layers; RAR values were between 0.0004% and 6.6444%. Average RAR values were not statistically different in upslope and downslope layers except in one case. The dot grid method (100 × 150 mm) usually overestimated the RAR values. The amount of roots decreased with depth following a power law. About 50% and 90% of roots were located in the first 30 and 60 cm depths, respectively. Results of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA) showed a significant effect of diameter at breast height (DBH) on total RAR but not on the total number of roots. About 70% of roots had diameter of less than 10 mm. Spearman’s correlation showed significant negative correlation between the total number of roots and the amount of N, P, and K elements, and a positive correlation between DBH and RAR. The results serve to develop understanding of the biotechnical characteristics of root systems of Caspian species.  相似文献   

Dielectric properties of hardwood species at microwave frequencies   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dielectric measurements at 9.8GHz and 2.45GHz were made for the three hardwoods Euramerican hybrid poplar, alder, and oriental beech. The method used was based on Von Hippels transmission line method. The measurements were carried out at room temperature of 20°–24°C. The dielectric properties of the wood species were determined for the three principal structural directions at six different moisture conditions, covering the range of 0% to 28% moisture content. Results indicated that the behavior of all wood species studied is quantitatively similar. In general, the dielectric properties increase within the range studied with rising moisture content. The grain direction of the wood also plays a significant role.  相似文献   

We evaluated ground-layer plant diversity and community composition in northern hardwood forests among uncut controls and stands managed with even-age or uneven-age silvicultural systems. Even-age treatments included diameter-limit cuttings (20-cm diameter at 30-cm stem height) in 1952 and shelterwood removals in 1964. Uneven-age treatments included three intensities of selection harvest (light, 20.6 m2/ha residual basal area after harvest; medium, 17.2 m2/ha residual basal area; and heavy, 13.8 m2/ha residual basal area) that were applied in 1952, 1962, 1972, and 1982. All treatments were winter logged over snow pack. In 1991, plant diversity and community composition were examined. Species richness for spring ephemerals ranged from 1 to 6 species/150-m2, spring ephemeral diversity (Shannon's Index of Diversity) averaged 0.57 ± 0.04 and evenness averaged 0.45 ± 0.03. Summer flowering species richness ranged from 1 to 18 species/1-m2, with an average diversity of 0.71 ± 0.07 and evenness of 0.42 ± 0.03. We found no significant differences among treatments for any of these variables, although power to detect a difference (at p = 0.05) was low in all cases (0.15–0.55) due to high variance and low replication. Community composition was not significantly different among the treatments, for either spring (p = 0.09) or summer (p = 0.79) flora. Few exotic species were found in any treatment. Lack of exotic invasions and minimal differences in plant diversity or composition among treatments may be due, in part, to the negligible amount of soil disturbance that resulted from winter logging. While other (unmeasured) ecosystem components may differ among these silvicultural treatments, our results suggest that ground-layer plant communities in northern hardwood ecosystems are either resistant to change or have recovered within the 40 years since disturbance in the even-age treatments and within 10 years since disturbance in the uneven-age treatments.  相似文献   

本文报导23种广东常见阔叶树材的耐磨性试验结果,并对耐磨性与木材密度、硬度的关系及木材耐磨性各向异性问题作了讨论。  相似文献   

Robakowski P 《Tree physiology》2005,25(9):1151-1160
Susceptibility to photoinhibition of the evergreen conifers Abies alba Mill., Picea abies (L.) Karst. and Pinus mugo Turra was investigated in an unheated greenhouse during winter and spring 2003. Photosynthetic performance of the seedlings was assessed by chlorophyll a fluorescence and analyses of chlorophyll and total carotenoid concentrations in needles. During winter months, maximum quantum yield of PSII photochemistry (ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm) was significantly greater in A. alba than in P. abies and P. mugo. Abies alba also sustained higher maximum apparent electron transport rate (ETRmax) than P. abies and P. mugo. Total concentrations of chlorophyll and carotenoids in needles decreased during the winter in P. mugo and P. abies, but remained stable in A. alba. For all species, Fv/Fm decreased from December until February and then increased to a maximum in April. Photoinhibition was greatest (Fv/Fm < 0.80) in all seedlings in February, the month with the lowest mean temperature. Saturating photosynthetic photon flux (PPFsat) and ETRmax were positively related to air temperature. All species had lower values of ETRmax and PPFsat in winter than in spring. Non-photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence (NPQ) was highest at low air temperatures. Differences among species in susceptibility to winter photoinhibition resulted from their specific light preferences and led to different mechanisms to cope with photoinhibitory stress. The more shade-tolerant A. alba sustained a higher photosynthetic capacity in winter than P. abies and P. mugo. Winter photoinhibition in P. abies, P. mugo and, to a lesser extent, in A. alba may reflect adaptive photoprotection of the photosynthetic apparatus in winter.  相似文献   



Understanding tree interactions requires an insight into their spatial distribution.


We looked for presence and extent of tree intraspecific spatial point pattern (random, aggregated, or overdispersed) and interspecific spatial point pattern (independent, aggregated, or segregated).


We established twelve 0.64-ha plots in natural bottomland hardwood stands in the southeastern USA.


Spatial point pattern analyses (Ripley’s K, L, and L 12) indicated that, when species were combined, trees were frequently aggregated and less commonly overdispersed. Plots with larger trees were more likely to exhibit overdispersion, confirming a shift to this pattern as trees grow. The intraspecific pattern of cherrybark oak and water oak was either aggregated or random. Sweetgum was aggregated on all plots and always at smaller distances (less than 5 m) than the two oak species. Intraspecific overdispersion was very rare. Interspecific segregation among the two oak species was more commonly observed (six plots) than aggregation (one plot). Cherrybark oak and sweetgum were segregated at some scale on seven of the 12 plots and aggregated on only two plots.


The results from the analyses suggest that strong interspecific competition may result in segregation of trees from different species, while weaker intraspecific competition may lead to aggregations of conspecifics.  相似文献   

Background:Coarse woody debris(CWD)is an important element of forest structure that needs to be considered when managing forests for biodiversity,carbon storage or bioenergy.To manage it effectively,dynamics of CWD decomposition should be known.Methods:Using a chronosequence approach,we assessed the decomposition rates of downed CWD of Fagus sylvatica,Picea abies and Pinus sylvestris,which was sampled from three different years of tree fall and three different initial diameter classes(10 –≤ 20 cm,20 –≤40 cm,40 cm).Samples originating from wind throws in 1999 were collected along a temperature and precipitation gradient.Based on the decay class and associated wood densities,log volumes were converted into CWD mass and C content.Log fragmentation was assessed over one year for log segments of intermediate diameters(20 – 40 cm)after 8 and 18 years of decomposition.Results:Significantly higher decomposition constants(k)were found in logs of F.sylvatica(0.054 year~(-1))than in P.abies(0.033 year~(-1))and P.sylvestris(0.032 year~(-1)).However,mass loss of P.sylvestris occurred mainly in sapwood and hence k for the whole wood may be overestimated.Decomposition rates generally decreased with increasing log diameter class except for smaller dimensions in P.abies.About 74 % of the variation in mass remaining could be explained by decomposition time(27 %),tree species(11 %),diameter(17 %),the interactive effects between tree species and diameter(4 %)as well as between decomposition time and tree species(3 %)and a random factor(site and tree; 9.5 %),whereas temperature explained only 2 %.Wood fragmentation may play a more important role than previously thought.Here,between 14 % and 30 % of the decomposition rates(for the first 18 years)were attributable to this process.Carbon(C)density(mg C · cm~(-3)),which was initially highest for F.sylvatica,followed by P.sylvestris and P.abies,decreased with increasing decay stage to similar values for all species.Conclusions:The apparent lack of climate effects on decomposition of logs in the field indicates that regional decomposition models for CWD may be developed on the basis of information on decomposition time,tree species and dimension only.These can then be used to predict C dynamics in CWD as input for C accounting models and for habitat management.  相似文献   

五种福建阔叶树材的干燥特性   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
李娜  何定华 《木材工业》1993,7(1):30-33
本文论述了利用百度试验法,查明福建五种阔叶树材的干燥特性,以进一步制定合理的干燥工艺。实验结果表明:这五种阔叶树材干燥特性差异显著,其中椆木干燥缺陷严重,干燥速度缓慢;润楠及枫香干燥缺陷中等;蓝果树及荷木干燥缺陷程度最轻,枫香干燥速度最快。  相似文献   

The responses of three riparian cottonwood species to water table decline   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The influence of rate of water table decline was studied with three North American cottonwood (poplar) species: the prairie cottonwood, Populus deltoides; the narrowleaf cottonwood, P. angustifolia; and the balsam poplar, P. balsamifera. Shoot cuttings were rooted and transplanted into rhizopods, experimental devices that permit the controlled manipulation of water table depth. Three rates of water table decline were applied, 0, 4 and 10 cm day−1, and growth and transpiration were studied.

Two clones of each species performed relatively similarly; the P. balsamifera clones grew fastest under all three treatments, followed by P. deltoides under 0 and 4 cm day−1 conditions. Under the 10 cm day−1 treatment, the P. deltoides grew as slowly as P. angustifolia. In all genotypes, shoot growth and apparent transpiration were progressively reduced with increasing rate of water table decline. Conversely, root growth was promoted by water table decline and root elongation was most rapid under the gradual 4 cm day−1 treatment; root elongation was insufficient for the abrupt 10 cm day−1 decline and some P. angustifolia and P. deltoides saplings died under that treatment.

The present study demonstrates that tolerance to water table decline varies across cottonwood genotypes and that P. balsamifera saplings were the most vigorous. This is relevant to the natural distribution in which P. balsamifera occurs in mountain regions where stream stages and riparian water table depths often change abruptly. The vigor of P. balsamifera is also consistent with the reproductive mechanism of ‘branch propagation', a process of clonal recruitment in which browsed or broken branch fragments root along stream edges, enabling dispersive propagation, particularly of P. balsamifera and P. trichocarpa.  相似文献   

Fredericksen  T.S.  Justiniano  M.J.  Mostacedo  B.  Kennard  D.  McDonald  L. 《New Forests》2000,20(1):45-64
A comparative study of the regeneration ecology ofthree lesser-known leguminous timber species wasconducted in the seasonally dry forests of SantaCruz, Bolivia to determine species regenerationstrategies and make silvicultural recommendationsfor these species. The study included arepresentative from each subfamily of Leguminosae:Anadenanthera colubrina (Vell. Conc.) Benth.(Mimosaceae), Copaifera chodatiana Kunth.(Caesalpinaceae), and Centrolobium microchaeteC. Martius (Fabaceae). After production in themid-late dry season, seeds of all species sufferedhigh (>30%) rates of predation. For seedssurviving predation, Anadenanthera germinatedwithin three days after the first rains and a highgermination capacity (82%), but most seedlings diedfrom inadequate light or during subsequent periodsof drought. Copaifera germinated more slowlybut had high germination capacity (85%). Centrolobium had very low germination capacity(4%) and germinative energy. Most successfulregeneration of Centrolobium occurred viasprouting from damaged roots on or near loggingroads where it had a density of 261 root sprouts/ha.Anadenanthera regenerated best from seedin areas with soil disturbance or burning. Theregeneration of these species will likely increaseunder more intensive logging and/or post-harvestcompetition control treatments in logging gaps. Themore shade-tolerant Copaifera is most suitedto the current regime of light selective logging,but all three species are likely to be responsive topost-harvest competition control treatments. Impacts of controlled and natural fire were mixed,but generally seedling regeneration and growth wereeither not significantly affected or were increasedby fire.  相似文献   

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