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In the United States, pet foods are subject to regulation at both the federal and the state levels. The US Food and Drug Administration has jurisdiction over all animal feeds (including pet foods, treats, chews, supplements, and ingredients) in interstate commerce, which includes imported products. Many states adopt and enforce at least in part the Association of American Feed Control Officials Model Bill and Model Regulations for Pet Food and Specialty Pet Food. Thus, all pet foods in multi-state distribution are subject to a host of labeling requirements covering aspects such as product names, ingredient lists, nutrient content guarantees, and nutritional adequacy statements. Ingredients must be GRAS (generally recognized as safe) substances, approved food additives, or defined by Association of American Feed Control Officials for their intended use. Pet food labels may not bear claims that are false or misleading or that state or imply use for the treatment or prevention of disease. Pet foods that are found to be adulterated or misbranded may be subject to seizure or other enforcement actions.  相似文献   

There is a recent trend to feed pet dogs and cats in Britain and other developed countries on raw meat and animal by‐products using either commercial preparations or home recipes. This shift from heat‐treated processed food has been driven by perceived health benefits to pets and a suspicion of industrially produced pet food. The diets of wild‐living related species have been used as a rationale for raw feeding, but differences in biology and lifestyle impose limitations on such comparisons. Formal evidence does exist for claims by raw‐feeding proponents of an altered intestinal microbiome and (subjectively) improved stool quality. However, there is currently neither robust evidence nor identified plausible mechanisms for many of the wide range of other claimed benefits. There are documented risks associated with raw feeding, principally malnutrition (inexpert formulation and testing of diets) and infection affecting pets and/or household members. Surveys in Europe and North America have consistently found Salmonella species in a proportion of samples, typically of fresh‐frozen commercial diets. Another emerging issue concerns the risk of introducing antimicrobial‐resistant bacteria. Raw pet food commonly exceeds hygiene thresholds for counts of Enterobacteriaceae. These bacteria often encode resistance to critically important antibiotics such as extended‐spectrum cephalosporins, and raw‐fed pets create an elevated risk of shedding such resistant bacteria. Other infectious organisms that may be of concern include Listeria, shiga toxigenic E scherichia coli , parasites such as Toxoplasma gondii and exotic agents such as the zoonotic livestock pathogen Brucella suis, recently identified in European Union and UK raw pet meat imported from Argentina.  相似文献   

Some veterinarians have been reluctant to discuss the prospect of the death of a pet because of a sense of discomfort and a lack of understanding about how to respond to the client's grief reaction. It is essential to take the time for this important communication and help clients deal with fears about the process, any feelings of guilt and helplessness, and judgments about the medical aspects of a case. Clients must be encouraged to express grief over the loss of a pet, particularly a geriatric pet that has lived with them many years and to which they are deeply bonded. Veterinarians need to counsel clients about obtaining additional pets or another pet. The phrase "replacement pet" must be stricken from the veterinarian's vocabulary. One does not "replace" a deceased spouse, mother, father, or child. It is possible to have another child or find another spouse, but it is not possible to replace a person. Neither can a pet be "replaced," because each pet is a unique living being. It is disrespectful to the memory of deceased pets to belittle their uniqueness by suggesting that they can be replaced. Instead, the veterinarian has the capability and responsibility to help pet owners maintain fond and happy memories of an irreplacable pet, while finding room in their hearts for another new pet to create happiness for the future. Once the grief is resolved, clients will be thankful for having had the privilege of sharing their life with an animal and experiencing the joy of the bond between two unique individuals.  相似文献   

Small exotic mammals have been companions to people for almost as long as dogs and cats have been. The challenge for veterinary medicine today is to decipher the tea leaves and determine whether small mammals are fad or transient pets or whether they will still be popular in 20 years. This article focuses on pet small-mammal medicine, as the concerns of the laboratory animal are better known and may differ profoundly from those of a pet. Dozens of species of small exotic mammals are kept as pets. These pet small-mammal species have historically served human purposes other than companionship: for hunting, for their pelts, or for meat. Now, they are common pets. At present, most veterinary schools lack courses in the medical care of these animals. Veterinary students need at least one required class to introduce them to these pets. Currently, there are no small-mammal-only residency programs. This does not correspond with current needs. The only way to judge current needs is by assessing what employers are looking for. In a recent JAVMA classified section, almost 30% of small-animal practices in suburban/urban areas were hiring veterinarians with knowledge of exotic pets. All veterinarians must recognize that pet exotic small mammals have changed the landscape of small-animal medicine. It is a reality that, today, many small-animal practices see pet exotic small mammals on a daily basis.  相似文献   

This review demonstrates that manufactured pet foods contain more than adequate levels of all the essential nutrients needed by normal dogs and cats. Under normal circumstances, therefore, it is completely unnecessary to supplement the rations of these animals with protein, energy, fatty acids, vitamins, or minerals. We have tried to show that, in addition to being unnecessary, supplementation of the rations of normal animals may be quite dangerous, leading to serious--indeed, sometimes fatal--clinical consequences. Pet food manufacturers have responded to newer information regarding increased requirements for specific nutrients such as taurine and potassium. Thus, supplements of these nutrients, as well, are unnecessary in the absence of specific clinical indications. As practitioners, we should be wary of beneficial effects claimed for nutritional supplements. Anecdotal comments, in particular, should be discounted completely. Objective data, including statistical evaluation demonstrating efficacy, should be demanded before accepting claims for such products. Finally, the use of nutritional supplements should be restricted to those cases in which specific clinical problems dictate their use.  相似文献   

Questions regarding pet animal nutrition are probably among the most frequent queries encountered by companion animal veterinarians. Given the plethora of pet food products available and the amount of advertising used to promote them, it is not surprising that pet owners have concerns as to what they should feed their pets. This "practical" review of pet foods and feeding is designed to assist veterinarians in making nutritional recommendations to their clients, with respect to feeding normal adult pets at maintenance.  相似文献   

The safety, adequacy, and efficacy of pet foods are important considerations for veterinarians and consumers. Manufacturers of pet foods in the United States are required to comply with multiple regulations from a variety of governmental and state agencies to market foods in the public sector. However, consumers and veterinarians may not be aware of the multiple systems in place that help ensure the safety and adequacy of foods for their pets. Since the veterinarian occupies a key role to make recommendations to consumers regarding pet foods, it is the purpose of this article to review the processes of pet food manufacturing, as well as the processes that have been developed to help ensure safety and adequacy of pet foods in the United States.  相似文献   

During a recent national study of intestinal parasites in dogs and cats in Australia, questionnaires were submitted to veterinarians and pet owners to evaluate from a veterinary and public health standpoint the veterinarians’ perception, awareness and knowledge of gastrointestinal parasites in their locality. The study included sourcing information with regard to commonly recommended deworming protocols. The awareness of pet owners regarding parasitic zoonoses and the degree of education provided to them by veterinarians was also determined.Very few veterinarians routinely discussed the zoonotic potential of pet parasites with clients but most recommended regular prophylactic administration of anthelmintics throughout a pet’s life. Some pet owners were unaware of the existence of zoonoses. It is possible that an overreliance on anthelmintics may have led to a certain complacency about the need to educate pet owners about the risks of zoonoses. Veterinarians are important educators in the community and it is important to evaluate their performance if improvements are to be made.  相似文献   

探究居住于广州地区的宠物饲养者在新冠疫情前后对宠物中医的态度和服务需求变化,并就该情况进行分析,为后疫情时代宠物中医的传承和发展提供思路和建议。线上线下相结合,采用问卷调查法和深度访谈法,对广州市各个区的100位宠物饲养者进行线下走访调研,同时发布334份线上问卷对居住于广州的宠物饲养者进行调研;另外,从前期问卷调查阶段同意接受进一步访谈的对象中,筛选出10位宠物主人用半结构化访谈法进行深度访谈。并综合运用Excel和SPSS对定性和定类数据进行描述性统计、Pearson卡方检验、可视化图表等研究分析,得出结论。疫情发生前,大部分宠物主人对宠物中医持有保留态度,而疫情后愿意选择宠物中医服务的比例大幅上升;同时,疫情前宠物主人多选择针灸作为宠物中医的主要服务形式,疫情后宠物饲养者对中兽药的信任度则显著提升。疫情对宠物主人选择宠物中医服务的态度和宠物中医的服务方式有很大的影响和转变,后疫情时代大部分人对宠物中医有更多的信任与期待。由此可见,通过完善宠物中医诊断标准,加强宠物中医治疗用药研发;建立综合性的宠物辅助诊疗及科普平台,提高宠物中医的宣传力度;充分结合多种治疗方法,发挥宠物中医不同服务形式的各种作用;传承传统宠物中医精华,守正创新,可促进宠物中医的进一步发展与壮大。  相似文献   

Dog foods with similar claims for nutritional adequacy were tested by chemical analysis and the American Association of Feed Control Officials' growth trial. All foods tested were similar chemically, however, dogs given one regionally marketed food had lower growth rate and food efficiency as well as suboptimal PCV and hemoglobin values during the growth trial. Pups fed this diet also had clinical signs typical of zinc and copper deficiencies. We concluded that American Association of Feed Control Officials' approved feeding tests provide valid assessment of pet food quality, and procedures involving only chemical analysis or calculated values may not.  相似文献   

Canine shelters frequently have inadequate living conditions that affect the behavior of dogs. This study compared fear-appeasement and sociability reactions in shelter and pet dogs when they are confronted by an unfamiliar experimenter. Results indicated that shelter dogs used for this study showed more fear-appeasement behavior—tail down, ears down, and crouching—as compared with pet dogs. In addition, shelter dogs quite frequently remained closer to the individual, despite showing signs of fear-appeasement, as compared with pet dogs. Finally, shelter dogs remained near the door of the enclosure less often when compared with pet dogs. This difference might be accounted for by the lack of any attachment bonds among shelter dogs toward their caretakers. These results may be associated to the usual stressful conditions and limited interactions with human beings that may be observed in shelters with scarce resources.  相似文献   

Pigs are clean, intelligent, and entertaining animals. Because they are domesticated animals, they are not even as unusual a pet as a hedgehog or snake. The animal lover that buys a pig on impulse, however, is likely to have a disappointing experience. Those who acquire a pet pig with the most common preconceived but inaccurate notions are even more likely to be quickly disenchanted with their "exotic pet." Many pet owners will complain of the size that their pig attains; but if the pig were more manageable and better behaved, its ultimate size would probably be of less concern. Given the proper environment, diet and veterinary care, the miniature pig can be a terrific pet.  相似文献   

As rabbits are becoming more popular as pets and owners are willing to pay for specialized care, veterinary practitioners are required to maintain their expertise treating these animals. In recent years, ophthalmic patients have become an important part of the small mammal pet population. Ocular disorders in pet rabbits can be caused by genetic defects, congenital malformations, traumatic events, infections, housing conditions, and nutritional deficiencies. Knowledge of the species-specific anatomy and physiology forms the basis for the interpretation of findings and prevents misinterpretation of a normal state as an abnormality. The ophthalmic examination of rabbits should adhere to the same principles and techniques used for canine and feline patients, although adjustments are required because of different anatomical and physiologic features. Magnification is necessary for accurate assessment. This article summarizes the common ophthalmic disorders of pet rabbits, especially those that are unique to rabbits.  相似文献   

The study of thanatology has recently taken on increased importance in the field of veterinary medicine. Today, the roles of companion animals have expanded to include beloved pet and family member, provider of social and emotion support, and in the case of service dogs, provider of assistance to owners with special needs. For these reasons, companion animals have taken on greater significance within their human families. Their deaths can be as painful and difficult for their families as the death of human family members. Veterinarians are tasked with working in concert with the pet owner, throughout the lifetime of the pet, to promote the pet’s health and well-being. In critical and or terminal situations, it is the veterinarian’s role to educate the owner so that informed decisions regarding treatment options or a decision to euthanize the pet can take place. In veterinary medicine, euthanasia means to end life painlessly. Veterinarians and owners, working in partnership to make subjective and objective assessments on the pets quality of life, produce the best results. For the veterinarian, the medical approach (including: clinical history, physical exam, laboratory tests, diagnosis, prognosis and treatment) can assist in assessing the pet’s physical health status, any potential treatments, and the likely short and long term outcomes. The owner’s role in the partnership is to subjectively assess overall behavioral changes and the pet’s quality of life. Once owners have decided to euthanize their pet, there are still more factors to consider: where to perform the procedure, which family members will be present, and how the remains will be handled. The veterinarian can do everything possible to minimize any anxiety for the pet during the euthanasia, including administration of a tranquilizer prior to the procedure. The veterinarian will allow the pet’s family time to say goodbye and educate them on what to expect when their pet dies. There is a possibility that other pets that lived in the same household may also experience distress at the loss of their animal family member. The veterinarian can let the owners know what signs may be signaling depression or anxiety in that pet. The grieving process is extremely personal and people must be allowed to grieve in the way that helps them deal with their loss. Veterinarians need to be careful not to minimize the owner’s loss or grief. The owner will count on the veterinarian’s guidance and expertise when making decisions affecting their pet’s well-being. Making an informed decision can help assuage any guilt about opting for euthanasia when done in the best interest of the pet.  相似文献   

随着人类和宠物关系的日益密切,宠物体外寄生虫感染导致宠物瘙痒难安等问题逐渐显现,引起了人们对宠物健康的高度关注,同时,人们更应重视跳蚤、蜱等携带的病原体从宠物向人类传播的风险。为了有效预防和治疗宠物体外寄生虫病,国内外诸多研究者开发杀灭宠物体外寄生虫制剂,其中,杀虫剂吡丙醚属烷氧吡啶类保幼激素类的几丁质合成抑制剂,作用机理独特,对害虫综合治理效果显著。综述了吡丙醚的理化性质、作用机制、检测方法、抗体外寄生虫研究概况等研究进展,旨在为今后驱虫药的开发以及体外寄生虫病防控提供参考。  相似文献   

Risk factors for pet evacuation failure after a slow-onset disaster.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
OBJECTIVE: To determine risk factors for pet evacuation failure during a flood. DESIGN: Cross-sectional survey. SAMPLE POPULATION: 203 pet-owning households in a flooded region. PROCEDURES: Persons under evacuation notice because of a flood were interviewed by use of a random telephone survey. RESULTS: 102 households evacuated with their pets, whereas 101 households evacuated without their pets. Low pet attachment and commitment scores were significantly associated with a greater chance of pet evacuation failure. Risk of pet evacuation failure and lower attachment and commitment scores were also associated with pet management practices prior to the disaster, such as dogs being kept outdoors most of the time or owners not having carriers for their cats. More than 90% of owners made housing arrangements for their pets without assistance. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Predictors of pet evacuation failure are usually present before a disaster strikes and are potentially modifiable. Mitigation of pet evacuation failure should focus on activities that reinforce responsible pet ownership and strengthen the human-animal bond, including socializing dogs, attending dog behavior training classes, transporting cats in nondisaster times, and seeking regular preventive veterinary care. Most pet owners are self-reliant in disasters, and this behavior should be encouraged.  相似文献   

The prevalence of human allergy to pet danders has increased rapidly over the past six decades, as a consequence of lifestyle changes that have enhanced ambient exposure to pet allergens. This is a problem of global public health importance, as the morbidity associated with allergic diseases disproportionately affects socio‐economically disadvantaged populations, particularly children. Although the public often seeks advice from veterinary health‐care professionals regarding healthy pet ownership practices, including strategies for reducing residential pet dander exposure, many misconceptions persist in the public domain regarding pet dander allergy, such as the belief that certain dog and cat breeds are ‘hypoallergenic’ due to their hair/coat type. This review considers the epidemiology of human exposure to the major cat and dog dander allergens, Fel d 1 and Can f 1 respectively, and the sensitization mechanisms to them, including the hygiene hypothesis and the putative role of bacterial endotoxin. The literature regarding primary and secondary exposures in different ambient environments is explored including threshold effects that influence allergen sensitization and elicitation of symptoms, and environmental intervention strategies that seek to reduce allergen exposure. Pet‐specific factors, including the aetiopathogenesis of the several cat and dog allergens that have been characterized to the molecular level, individual animal characteristics that influence Fel d 1 and Can f 1 shedding, and pet‐directed interventions intended to reduce allergen dispersal, are discussed.  相似文献   

近年来宠物经济快速发展,新型宠物食品层出不穷,而对于宠物食品快速发展的原因鲜有从人类需求层面进行分析.本文从犬猫起源的角度出发,针对犬猫与人类的关系及宠物食品的发展进行讨论,发现犬猫在起源上就具有陪伴属性,是宠物食品创造了宠物本身,宠物食品的快速发展恰恰体现的是"人民对美好生活的需要",于是从人类本身需求的层面上对宠物...  相似文献   

This article is the first to describe the clinical picture and potential human health impact of laboratory-confirmed rabies infection in a pet Vietnamese pot-bellied pig in Maryland. Although cases of confirmed rabies infection have been infrequently reported in pet or agricultural during the past 10 years in the United States, exposure to rabies-positive animals remains a public health concern particularly for veterinarians, pet owners and other animal caretakers. It is important that individuals who are in a high-risk rabies exposure group remain vigilant to this potential public health threat in all mammal species.  相似文献   

益生菌是一种定植于宿主肠道,能够调节肠道微生态平衡,提高宿主机体健康水平的活菌制剂。目前益生菌已被证实能够对动物起到多种有益的作用。随着宠物医疗行业的快速发展,犬猫的健康越来越受到主人的重视,益生菌被广泛添加到宠物食品以及营养补充剂中,通过维持肠道微生态的平衡达到预防肠道疾病或提高肠道免疫力的目的。对益生菌的定义、种类和作用机制,以及益生菌在犬猫上的应用研究进展进行综述,以期为犬猫益生菌制剂的开发以及益生菌在宠物医疗行业的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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