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Two experiments investigated (1) the effect of stage of maturity at harvest in the first year on yield and persistency of red clover and lucerne when grown as monocultures and bi‐crops, and (2) the effect of ensiling differing ratios of red clover and lucerne on forage quality and degree of proteolysis. Red clover (cv. Milvus) and lucerne (cv. Vertus) were established in triplicate plots at five sowing ratios:1·00 red clover, 0·75 red clover:0·25 lucerne, 0·50 red clover:0·50 lucerne, 0·25 red clover:0·75 lucerne and 1·00 lucerne. In year 1, plots were harvested in three strips, at different stages of plant maturity, either 11 (early), 13 (mid) or 15 (late) weeks after sowing. In years 2 and 3, the whole plot was harvested at each of four harvests taken during the growing season. The DM yield of lucerne in years 2 and 3 was higher than that of red clover, leading to increased yields from bi‐crops with increasing proportions of lucerne. Strips harvested at the mid‐stage of maturity in the first year on the 0·25 red clover:0·75 lucerne plots produced the highest DM yields overall. Ensiling red clover and lucerne bi‐crops was found to combine the improved wilting properties of lucerne and the reduced proteolysis of ensiled red clover.  相似文献   

Effects of wilting rate and fermentation stimulators and inhibitors on protein characteristics of forages typical for organic production were assessed using traditional analytical methods and a gas production in vitro assay. The hypotheses were that the proportion of the crude protein (CP) fraction that was soluble would be lowest, and the protein feed value highest, under rapid wilting and restricted fermentation. The solubility of the CP fraction varied according to treatments and between a first and a second cut, with moderate and high content of clover respectively. It was, however, of minor importance for the protein value, both calculated as amino acids absorbed in the small intestine (AAT20) and estimated as effective utilizable crude protein (uCP04) by the in vitro assay. In ensiled herbage, AAT20 was highest in rapidly wilted and restrictedly fermented silages made from a first cut dominated by highly digestible grasses. Silages from the second cut dominated by red clover were far lower in AAT20. The in vitro assay did not separate silages according to herbage composition or wilting rate, but ranked restrictedly fermented above extensively fermented with regard to protein supply. The assay might still have caught the characteristics that determine the true protein value in vivo.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of potassium diformate (KDF) as a potential additive for alfalfa silage. Fresh alfalfa was untreated or treated with formic acid (4 g/kg fresh weight, FW) or three concentrations of KDF (4, 5.5 or 7 g/kg FW). After 60 days of ensiling, the addition of formic acid and greater levels of KDF (5.5 and 7 g/kg) effectively reduced silage pH and inhibited the undesirable bacteria, indicated by lower butyric acid, ethanol, ammonia N concentrations and microbial populations (including enterobacteria, yeasts, moulds and clostridia). Additives decreased the dry‐matter loss, and more water‐soluble carbohydrates were preserved in the silages with formic acid or potassium diformate than in the control. Alfalfa silages treated with formic acid at 4 g/kg FW or potassium diformate at 5.5 or 7 g/kg FW were classified as the highest quality silage based on the higher Flieg's point (above 70) and remained stable for more than 9 days during aerobic exposure. Potassium diformate is recommended as an effective additive for alfalfa silages at a level of 5.5 or 7 g/kg FW under the humid and hot conditions of southern China.  相似文献   

Red clover (Trifolium pratense) and lucerne (Medicago sativa) are among the most common legume species used for ruminant feeding systems. Besides the greater nutritive quality and first-year ley yield compared to lucerne, red clover decreases its yield over the years. However, under unfavourable soil conditions the persistency of lucerne can be compromised, not performing as expected. This study compared yield and chemical composition of eight lucerne cultivars and one tetraploid red clover cultivar, with similar growth capacity as lucerne, replicated over two years. In the second year, four lucerne cultivars and the red clover cultivar were analysed for crude protein (CP) fractions, dry matter and neutral detergent fibre (NDF) digestibility. A randomized block design was used with three field blocks per cultivar for the multiple comparisons within each year. There were differences in DM yield, concentrations of CP and NDF and CP fractions among the lucerne cultivars, but the differences were inconsistent between years and between growth cycles within year. The red clover cultivar had lower CP and NDF concentrations than a majority of the lucerne cultivars, and greater in vitro organic matter digestibility compared to all of the lucerne cultivars. Also, the red clover cultivar had greater rumen undegradable-to-degradable CP ratio but confirmed its lower yield persistency compared to the lucerne cultivars.  相似文献   

The effects of Lactobacillus plantarum (LP) and Chinese gallnut (Rhus chinensis Mill) tannin on the fermentation quality, nitrogen distribution, protein fractions and proteases activity of alfalfa (Medicago sativa) silage were studied. Additives added to alfalfa forage (approximately 40% DM) were LP (1 × 106 cfu/g FW) plus sucrose (4 g/kg FW) (LP + S), LP (1 × 106 cfu/g FW) plus commercial cellulase (0.1 g/kg FW) (LP + C) and Chinese gallnut tannin at two levels (20 and 50 g/kg DM) (TA 2% and TA 5%). The control was sprayed with the same volume of distilled water. Silage was sampled and analysed on days 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21, 28 and 35. The results showed that the degradation of protein to nonprotein nitrogen took place mainly during the first 3 days, while the degradation of peptides and free amino acids occurred throughout the ensiling process. All additives lowered nonprotein nitrogen and free amino acids nitrogen proportion during the ensiling. Additive TA 5% was the most effective to inhibit proteolysis among the four additives, followed by LP + S. They inhibited the activities of all three plant proteases and decreased production of nonprotein nitrogen, free amino acids and ammonia nitrogen during the ensiling process.  相似文献   

Despite the high degradability of their proteins, grass and legume silages represent an important option to reach more sustainable livestock systems. To improve the nitrogen use efficiency of these crops, this study assessed the potential of several additives (chestnut tannins, oak tannins, zeolite, erythritol by‐product solution and wood molasses) to reduce proteolysis in the silo and in vitro nitrogen degradability. Ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum) and red clover (Trifolium pratense) were ensiled in varying proportions in laboratory‐scale silos made of vacuum‐packed plastic bags. Dry‐matter content, chemical composition, pH, ammonia and volatile fatty acids content were analysed after 34 days of ensiling. Ruminal nitrogen degradability was assessed in vitro (Aufrère & Cartailler, 1988 ). We observed that the proportion of ammonia in silage was reduced by the addition of oak tannin (?12%) and zeolite (?16%). The addition of zeolite lowered in vitro organic matter digestibility. Rapidly degradable nitrogen (1‐hr degradability) was reduced in vitro by both tannins (?6.8% for chestnut and ?6.6% for oak) and zeolite (?5.8%), but total degradable nitrogen (24‐hr degradability) was only reduced by oak (?6.5%) and chestnut tannins (?7.3%). It suggests that tannins protected proteins from plant and bacterial enzymes by forming a complex that better resists silage fermentations and in vitro protease action. The reduction effects on proteolysis in the silo and on in vitro ruminal nitrogen degradability are limited individually but could be cumulative. Erythritol by‐product solution and wood molasses had no effect on silo or in vitro proteolysis.  相似文献   

Abstract Two experiments were carried out in consecutive years to examine the influence of cutting date and restricting fermentation by carboxylic acid treatment on the nutrient intake from grass silage by beef cattle. In year 1, four cutting dates during July and August after a primary growth harvest and, in year 2, five cutting dates of primary growth between mid‐May and early July were examined. Herbage was ensiled either untreated or treated with high levels of acid additive (‘Maxgrass’, mean 8·6 l t?1). Ninety‐six (year 1) or forty‐eight (year 2) continental cross steers were used in partially balanced changeover design experiments with each silage type either unsupplemented or supplemented with 4·5 (year 1) or 5·5 (year 2) kg concentrates head?1 d?1. Silage digestibility declined significantly between initial and final harvest dates (P < 0·001), whereas silage dry‐matter (DM) and digestible energy (DE) intakes were significantly higher in the initial compared with final harvest dates in both years of the study (P < 0·01). Similarly, silage DM and DE intakes, and total DM intakes, of acid‐treated and unsupplemented silages were greater than those of untreated and concentrate supplemented silages, respectively (P < 0·001). The results indicate that earlier cutting dates, and addition of acid to herbage before ensiling, can increase silage DM intake by beef cattle.  相似文献   

The aim was to compare the effects of additives on direct cut silages of pure timothy and timothy mixed with tetraploid red clover. First and second growth cuts were ensiled during three consecutive years, 1994, 1995 and 1996, either without any additive or with the addition of formic acid, or lactic acid bacteria in combination with molasses. Effects of the additives on the degradation characteristics of the herbage and the silages were analysed using an automatic in vitro gas production (GP) technique. At the end of the in vitro procedures, organic matter and neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) degradabilities were determined. The tetraploid red clover persisted in the leys during the 3 years and was the dominant species at the second growth in the mixed leys. The herbage from the mixed crops had lower dry‐matter contents, higher crude protein concentrations and higher buffering capacity compared with the pure timothy at both cuts. In general, the additives reduced pH, and the concentrations of ammonium‐N and acetic acid in the silages. The treated silages had a more rapid faster GP in both crops. The silages from the mixed crop benefited more from the additives compared with the grass silages. The additives affected the soluble fractions as well as the NDF degradability of the silages of the mixed crop more than those fractions of the grass silages. The addition of molasses in combination with a commercial inocula resulted in increased production of lactic acid and ethanol in silages from both crops. The silages without additives could not meet the requirements for good silages according to the standards of the Swedish dairy industry.  相似文献   

Using new harvesting and ensiling technologies, it is now possible to ensile kale ( Brassica oleracea ) successfully. However, there is little information available regarding the optimum time for harvest. The aim of this 2-year study was to compare the yield, fermentation characteristics and feeding value of kale harvested at different stages of growth, and ensiled with and without a bacterial inoculant. During Year 1 the crop was harvested after 15, 18 and 20 weeks of growth. The yield at each harvest was similar, but as the crop matured the crude protein (CP) concentration and buffering capacity decreased significantly, and there was a marked increase in the water-soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration. During Year 2 the crop was harvested at 14 and 17 weeks of growth. Again, the stage of maturity did not affect yield and, on this occasion, the chemical composition of the crop was unaffected by harvest date. However, the WSC and CP concentrations of the crop were lower in Year 2 than in Year 1, possibly as a result of differences in fertilizer regime. Each of the silages produced in Year 2 was offered to six Suffolk cross wether lambs, aged 10 months, to measure voluntary intake, in vivo digestibility and nitrogen retention. Neither harvesting date nor the use of an inoculant affected voluntary intake or nitrogen retention by the lambs. However, in vivo digestibility was higher in the kale silage harvested after 14 weeks of growth and when an inoculant was applied. The results obtained suggest that harvesting kale after 14 weeks of growth can produce highly digestible silage with a high CP concentration. Although delaying harvest until 18 weeks of growth will probably result in a decrease in the CP concentration of the crop, it should also lead to an increase in the WSC concentration of the crop, ensuring a more reliable fermentation.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of different combinations of added lactic acid bacteria and cellulase applied at two growth stages on chemical composition and in vitro rumen digestibility of Leymus chinensis silage. Fresh grass was harvested at early heading stage (S1) and late heading stage (S2), respectively, and ensiled with five additives: 200 U cellulase (C) kg?1 fresh matter (FM), 1 × 105 colony‐forming units (cfu) Lactobacillus plantarum (LP) g?1 FM, 1 × 105 cfu Lb. casei (LC) g?1 FM, LP+C, LC+C and a control (CK). Four replicates of each treatment were weighed into 5‐L plastic buckets, and the mini silos were stored at ambient temperature (~30°C) for 60 d. Leymus chinensis harvested at S2 showed relatively higher neutral detergent fibre content, coliform bacteria count and lower crude protein content than S1. All additives decreased the pH and ammonia nitrogen (NH3‐N) content of L. chinensis silage (< 0·001) except C. LP+C and LC+C decreased fibre content and increased water‐soluble carbohydrate content (< 0·001). The silages were further anaerobically incubated in vitro at 39°C for 48 h with buffered rumen fluids of lactating cows. Leymus chinensis harvested at S2 showed lower in vitro dry‐matter disappearance, NH3‐N, total volatile fatty acid (VFA) content and higher average gas production rate (< 0·05) than S1. In conclusion, Leymus chinensis should not be harvested too late. Compared with other treatments, a combination of Lb. casei (LC) with cellulase resulted in better fermented silage, but further testing is needed to confirm its efficacy.  相似文献   

A symbiosis between grasses and systemic fungal endophytes exists in both natural and agricultural grassland communities. Our objective was to examine the effects of systemic endophytes on the competitive ability of two agronomically important grass species: meadow fescue [Festuca pratensis (Huds.) syn. Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) P. Beauv] and tall fescue [Festuca arundinacea (Schreb.) syn. Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.)]. Plants of meadow and tall fescue were grown for 48 days in replacement series of interspecific mixture with a legume (red clover, Trifolium pratense L.) in different nutrient environments in a greenhouse. Neither of the grass species gained endophyte‐promoted competitive advantage over red clover in grass–clover mixtures. Endophyte infection increased the growth of meadow fescue monocultures by 89% compared to endophyte‐free monocultures in high‐nutrient soils, but plant competition or the cost of endophyte infection to the meadow fescue decreased the yield in resource‐limited conditions. On average, endophyte‐infected and endophyte‐free meadow fescues produced 0·15 and 0·17 g, and 0·14 and 0·14 g dry biomass per plant in mixtures with red clover in high‐ and low‐nutrient soils respectively. In contrast to meadow fescue, endophyte‐promoted growth of tall fescue monocultures was not detected. Endophyte‐infected and endophyte‐free tall fescue monocultures produced 0·76 and 0·95 g biomass per pot, respectively, in the high‐nutrient environment. Endophyte infection can increase the performance of the host grass, but the positive effects depend on the host species, the species composition and soil nutrient availability.  相似文献   

In a Green Biorefinery processing green biomass, one possible application for the press‐cake fraction is as biomass fuel for combustion. In an industrial setting, the preservation of herbage as silage and its subsequent fractionation into press‐juice and press‐cake fractions represent the two major process steps in the utilization of green biomass. This study investigated (i) the effects of ensiling and fractionation on the chemical composition of three common temperate grassland species harvested at different stages of maturity and (ii) the suitability of the herbage of these species for thermal combustion. The high contents of ash, N, Cl and K in perennial ryegrass, cocksfoot and red clover, at both pre‐ and post‐ensiling, make these materials less suitable for combustion in certain applications. The loss of soluble/fermentable organic matter during ensiling increased the relative proportions of fibre, ash and N in the herbage, but these changes were relatively minor. In contrast, the substantial reduction in the concentration of compounds such as ash, N, Cl and K during fractionation improved the suitability of the press‐cake fraction for combustion compared with the parent material. Press‐cake prepared from later‐harvested grass herbage with lower ash, S and N contents would be more suitable for combustion.  相似文献   

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