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以二层规划的方法建立了模糊需求环境下由多供应商、单制造商和多零售商组成的三级供应链系统的协调决策模型,针对模型约束条件皆以区间形式给出,结合混沌搜索算法求解二层规划的便捷性,以混沌搜索算法求解此模型;最后通过算例论证了此模型的有效性,算例结果表明:作为协调主体的制造商可通过与供应商的“协作研发”、与零售商的“价格折扣”相结合的契约形式协调整个供应链系统各成员的利益,实现利益的Pareto改进.  相似文献   

为提高我国食品质量安全水平,对小型、分散的单个供应商和一个制造商构成的食品供应链中,制造商对原材料和最终食品进行质量检测的情况,建立了以供应商和制造商各自的质量水平为决策变量的优化模型,分析了最优质量水平的影响因素和影响效应.并依据结论提出相应建议,如提高消费者对优劣食品的识别能力,发挥制造商在供应链中的监督检验作用等.  相似文献   

本文从纵向关联的角度,分析现行中药材产业链内药材原料收购者(药材销售企业)与药材原料生产者(药材生产企业)主体间的关联模式及博弈。引入中药材产业组织关联创新机制,包括期权定价机制、价格补贴机制、利益分配机制,分析其实施路径及效果。创新组织机制的探索和施行,对当前中药材产业链优化,提高产业创新能力,保障中药材原料质量安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

由于政府、企业、居民三个利益主体在跨区域森林保护生态补偿过程中,都持有各自的利益诉求,并且会发生行为导向冲突,致使跨区域森林保护生态补偿机制实施具有一定难度,为此提出跨区域森林保护生态补偿的演化博弈分析.分析了政府、企业、居民三个博弈主体间的利益关系和逻辑关系,明确博弈主体之间关系;以演化博弈论作为理论依据,以"谁破坏...  相似文献   

在市场经济条件下,现代企业既要自主经营、自负盈亏,又要自我发展。企业的管理目标就是生存、发展和获利。要生存,企业就要保本经营,要发展、获利,企业就只有不断改善经营、加强管理,增加利润,提高获利能力,才能有充足可靠的财力资源,保证企业独立经营和持续发展;否则,经营混乱、长期亏损,不仅无力发展,还会在激烈的竞争中被淘汰。  相似文献   

自2011年6月份以来,有关猪肉涨价的问题在各类媒体上都被炒得很热,引起了社会公众的极大关注。但各路专家都是站在各自的立场上自说自话,并没有全方位、深入地来考虑我国的生猪生产以及猪肉价格问题,现站在社会公益的立场上,着眼于小农户的利益、低收入市民的利益和全社会长远的乡村生态环境利益进行分析。  相似文献   

朱险峰 《农业展望》2007,3(8):28-30
2007年以来,国际市场粮食、油料油脂、肉蛋等食品价格在生产、库存下降以及生物能源需求增加的影响下持续上涨。展望后市,受生产、供需形势及投资基金炒作等因素影响,预计今后国际市场食品价格将保持高住运行、或继续有所上升走势。在中国市场与国际市场联系日趋密切情况下,国际市场商品的价格变化都会通过市场信息和进出口形式等不同程度地影响国内商品价格变动,并相应影响价格总水平的变化。为此,应进一步加强和完善粮食、大豆与食用油进出口调控工作,完善中国粮食价格调控政策,要把保持食品价格基本稳定作为2007年调控的目标,稳定和促进粮食生产,保证市场供应。  相似文献   

林业政策的制定关系到森林资源开发的好坏。林业政策的制定者和实施者会因各自不同的利益需求去开发和利用森林资源,不同的利益需求使得相关主体的利益产生冲突。通过对炮木湾林场的个案调查,发现林业政策损害了林场承包人的利益,而这种损害不利于森林资源的开发。究其原因是单主体的林业政策损害了个人利益,从而降低其造林积极性,而要提高造林主体的积极性,开发森林资源则要充分考虑其利益需求。  相似文献   

当前,农资价格大幅上涨打击了农民的生产积极性。农资价格上涨有一些原因,即供求关系对价格的影响;生产成本对价格的影响;农资市场环境对价格的影响。政府有必要对农资生产价格进行监管,具体措施有:价格及税收政策;各级价格主管部门要积极有效的落实国家政策;针对农资生产企业成本增高的问题,要增加企业的技改投入,加大对交通、天然气、煤、电等领域的调控力度,从源头降低和稳定农资价格;各地政府要积极引导供销合作社发挥积极作用,加强农资社会化服务;农业、公安、工商、质栓等部门要严厉打击制售假冒伪劣农业生产资料的行为,切实保护农民利益;法律约束;政府要服从并配合舆论监督。  相似文献   

最优分配采购策略和应急采购策略被广泛应用于供应中断风险管理中,基于最优分配采购策略和应急采购策略,研究了由两个制造商与两个零售商组成的两级供应链在供应中断下的订购和生产决策问题,给出了最优订购和最优生产策略.通过数值例子就可靠性如何影响制造商的最优价格和利润进行了比较. 结果表明:随着可靠性的增加,两个制造商的最优价格呈递减态势,且制造商A的递减幅度小于制造商B的递减幅度;当可靠性低于0.3时,制造商A的最优价格低于制造商B的最优价格,当可靠性高于0.3时,制造商A的最优价格高于制造商B的最优价格. 随着可靠性的增加,制造商A的利润呈递减态势,制造商B的利润呈递增态势;当可靠性低于0.8时,制造商A的利润高于制造商B的利润,当可靠性低高于0.8时,制造商A利润低于制造商B的利润.  相似文献   

We attempt to quantify and qualify the preferences of consumers for beef with a number of environmental and food quality attributes. Our goal is to evaluate the viability of a proposed food co-operative based in the Wood River watershed of southern Saskatchewan, Canada. The food co-operative was designed to provide a price premium to producers who adopted alternative management practices. In addition, the study evaluated the acceptance of a proposed food co-operative by consumer that had environmental interests as compared to the general population. Conjoint analysis was used to determine the trade-off and relative value of beef with the following production and purchasing characteristics: (a) use of hormones, antibiotics and vaccination in production; (b) method of obtaining the beef including monthly or yearly purchase contracts or a local market; (c) price relative to beef purchased from the local grocery store; and (d) impact on the river ecosystem. Consumers from environmental groups had stronger environmental and food quality preferences than individuals from the general population. However, consumers from both groups expressed a willingness to pay higher prices for food that had these attributes. It was uncertain whether the magnitude of the premium, in combination with a desire not to enter a long-term purchasing commitment, would be large enough to encourage farmers to adopt the alternative management. Ken W. Belcher is an Associate Professor in the Department of Agricultural Economics at the University of Saskatchewan. His research has focused on ecological economics and environmental policy with a particular interest in environmental conservation in agricultural landscapes. Andrea E. Germann was a Research Assistant with the Centre for Studies in Agriculture, Law and the Environment at the University of Saskatchewan. Josef K. Schmutz is a Research Fellow with the Centre for Studies in Agriculture, Law and the Environment. Joe has expanded his research interest on prairie raptors by fostering strategic design for alternative, local economies that include the conservation of birds and their ecosystems.  相似文献   

Three views of sustainability are juxtaposed with four views about who the members of the moral community are. These provide points of contact for understanding the moral issues in sustainability. Attention is drawn to the preferred epistemic methods of the differing factions arguing for sustainability. Criteria for defining membership in the moral community are explored; rationality and capacity for pain are rejected as consistent criteria. The criterion of having interests is shown to be most coherent for explaining why all living humans belong to the moral community. This criterion allows inclusion of future generations as well, and extends to animals and plants membership in the moral community. Inferences are drawn that food sufficiency advocates hold only presently living persons to be full-fledged members of the moral community, but that this view is internally inconsistent. Stewards should agree that all living things are members of the moral community. A distinction between welfare interests and ulterior interests allows the steward to include the aims of those who argue for sustainability as community without committing some of their errors. Community advocates argue that essential values and virtues will be lost is the culture of agriculture is transformed. I argue that community advocates may fail to pass on our most important virtue — justice — without such a transformation.  相似文献   

农村社会保障法律制度一直游离于国家社会保障法律制度之外,农民权益往往得不到保障。新农村社区发展背景下,农村社会保障法律制度设置应该以农民权益保护为原则,以农村社区为载体,构建新型的农村社会保障法律制度。农村社区保障是农村社会保障法律制度的新导向,将成为我国农村社会保障法律制度最主要的形式。笔者从农民权益保护、社区发展和社区保障等方面论述了社区发展背景下的农村社会保障法律制度。  相似文献   

One of the most attractive aspects of food and agricultural studies for scholars is the level of public interest in the subjects of our research. Such interest means that food and agriculture scholars often become public scholars, asked to comment on issues of great interest to the public. In addition, food and agriculture scholars often have the opportunity to partner more directly with community organizations to perform community-based research. Such studies take many forms, but community members often take a lead role, helping plan the study as well as participate in data collection and analysis. Community based research may be very rewarding, but scholars involved in such research need to deal with a lack of control that inevitably goes along with it. This article gives examples of such research and discusses the public role of food and agriculture studies in general, in particular highlighting what can be learned from public responses to a 2009 shortage of Eggo waffles.  相似文献   

Changes in the US food system and an interest in changing dietary habits among youth have impelled numerous schools and communities to develop programs such as community gardens. Youth community gardens have the potential to positively influence dietary behaviors and enhance environmental awareness and appreciation. However, actual data supporting youth gardening and its influence are limited. The purpose of this study was to explore the effects of community gardens on youth dietary behaviors, values and beliefs, and cooking and gardening behaviors. Focus groups were conducted with inner-city youth living in Minneapolis/St. Paul, Minnesota and compared those involved in a youth garden program with those uninvolved in order to investigate whether the gardening program influenced their habits, beliefs, and values. Findings indicate that youth garden program participants were more willing to eat nutritious food and try ethnic and unfamiliar food than those not in the program. Additionally, it was apparent that garden participants had a stronger appreciation for other individuals and cultures and were more likely to cook and garden on their own than youth not involved in a garden program. The findings suggest that garden programs positively impact youth garden habits, food choice, social skills, nutrition knowledge, and cooking skills. Lauren Lautenschlager is currently a graduate student at the University of Minnesota and working toward obtaining her MS in nutrition and becoming a registered dietitian. She is interested in the education of youth on the food system. Chery Smith is an associate professor in the Department of Food Science and Nutrition at the University of Minnesota. Her research interests include the dietary behavior and nutritional status of low-income and homeless people, community and international nutrition, and food systems.  相似文献   

One of the ongoing debates in the sustainable agriculture community is whether its platform should include social justice issues like farmworker rights, economic concentration, and hunger. The commentary describes the evolution of this controversy, and places it in the context of competing and complicated moral theories that turn out to be of somewhat limited use in political arguments. The essay also outlines ways in which the present political climate is presenting a challenge to sustainable agriculture proponents, who, in response, are building new linkages with urban interests, including anti-hunger organization. Despite abstract philosophical and more real political problems, a community food security agenda is being crafted, joining the interests of small farms, family farm, and sustainability advocates, and anti-hunger groups. Their focus is community and economic development as a way to improve the quality and availability of inner city food supplies, and to develop new markets and political allies for farmers.  相似文献   

现行的水价标准尽管已将供水水价与供水对象的利益联系到了一起,但由于缺乏科学合理的水价调节机制,不仅造成水管单位运行困难,而且降低了水资源利用效率,导致农业节水长期处于低水平、低效率状态.因此,我们要加强政策研究,进一步丰富水价形成机制,在现有水价的基础上,探索实行阶段性水价和作物效益水价制度及基本水费制度,完善水费结构,平衡供需双方的利益,最终保障全社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

东部沿海地区存在一种新型的民间借贷形式,鱼货收购商放贷给渔民,货币利息为零,可以用折扣价收购渔民的鱼货.这种合约通常被认为是收购商利用自己的优势地位收取了很高的实际利率,是高利贷.通过入户调查资料的分析发现,这种表面上的高利率,实际上是由于信贷合约与鱼货收购合约捆绑在一起的捆绑合约,渔民在获得货币贷款的同时,也获取了一些其他服务,扣除其他服务的价格之后,货币信贷本身并没有收取过高的利率.信贷与鱼货产品的捆绑定价是一项很有意义的金融创新,丰富了捆绑定价的理论研究.  相似文献   

食品生物化学是高职高专食品专业重要的一门专业基础课。该文根据食品生物化学课程的教学特点,从培养学生的学习兴趣、引导学生通过本门课程的学习,提升专业认同感并形成专业素质等角度出发,就合理调整教学内容、革新教学方法和教学手段、拓宽课程考核评价方式等方面对食品生物化学课程的教学改革进行了探索式研究。  相似文献   

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