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羊布鲁氏菌病(以下简称羊布病)是一种由布鲁氏菌侵入机体引起以生殖系统为主的多器官损伤的人畜共患传染病,笔者结合工作实践经验,对羊布病的流行病学、临床症状、病理变化和实验室诊断方法等方面进行了简要归纳,同时提出了坚持自繁自养、加强疫苗免疫预防,定期开展布病全群检测等措施,从而有效防控羊布鲁氏菌病的发生。  相似文献   

正布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)是一种由布鲁氏菌引起的人畜共患的传染病,我国将其列为二类动物疫病。在家畜中,牛、羊最易感,其他家畜也可发生。可引起母畜流产,公畜出现睾丸炎等。人感染后,表现为长期发热、多汗、关节炎、睾丸炎和孕妇可引起流产等。目前,布病的防控形势十分严峻,永昌县已被甘肃省兽医局列为奶牛和羊布病一类防控区;金川区为奶牛布病一类防控区,羊布病二类防控区。在《金昌市中长期动物疫病防治规划(2012-2020)》,布病  相似文献   

本文对当地奶畜(牛、羊)的饲养情况、牛羊布病检测和流行病学调查、人间布病感染情况进行研究分析,梳理出牛羊布病防控中存在的主要问题并分析了原因,有针对性的提出了防控布病的技术措施和意见建议,对做好畜间布病防控和确保公共卫生安全有较好的借鉴意义。布鲁氏菌病(又称布鲁菌病,简称“布病”)是由布鲁氏菌感染引起的一种人畜共患传染病。患病的羊、牛等疫畜是人间布病的主要传染源,做好畜间布病防控,对公共卫生安全意义重大。  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)是由布鲁氏杆菌引起的人畜共患的二类传染病.本病广泛分布于世界各地,引起不同程度的流行,给畜牧业发展和人类的健康带来严重危害.本文通过对汇旺养殖场75只布鲁氏菌病羊只得扑杀、消毒,和周边羊只的监测,及时有效地控制了布鲁氏菌病.并对全县羊布病进行流行病学调查,查清疫源,对规模化羊场全部采集样品监测,并通过实验室虎红平板凝集试验进行诊断.针对调查中发现的问题,结合实际提出今后羊布鲁氏菌病的防控对策.  相似文献   

范在义 《兽医导刊》2022,(5):126-127
布病又被称为布鲁氏菌病,是由布鲁氏菌属细菌引起的一种传染性疾病,也是一种人畜共患病.发病之后会造成母羊流产,公羊出现睾丸炎,对羊养殖业的危害比较大,会给养殖户带来很大的经济损失.为此,应该分析羊布病的流行特点并且科学的诊断,做好防控工作,减少该病的发生,保证羊养殖业的健康发展.  相似文献   

自2014年来,羊布鲁氏菌病在全国范围内呈现反弹态势,其致病菌-羊布鲁菌(马耳他布鲁菌)又是引起人感染布鲁氏菌病的优势菌种,因此做好羊布病防控工作势在必行。结合华亭市布鲁氏菌病流行情况,本文从病原、流行病学及症状、防制现状和防控措施等方面进行探讨,为羊布鲁氏菌病的防治提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌引起的人畜共患传染病,其特征为动物生殖器官和胎膜发炎,引起流产、不孕、关节炎、睾丸炎和患病动物长期带菌等。目前本病呈世界性分布,各地有不同程度的流行,我区近年也有动物布病阳性出现。牛、羊的布病分布较广,特别是养羊户中,饲养员有患布病的案例,不但给畜牧业造成严重危害,同时也严重威胁公共卫生安全。以下详细介绍牛、羊的布鲁氏菌病(布病)的防控知识。1病原体  相似文献   

<正>玉门市是一个养羊大县,近年来人畜感染布病不断增加。为有效防控布病,本文结合玉门市羊布病监测净化现状,深入查找和分析工作中存在的问题,提出了今后布病防控对策及建议。布鲁氏菌病(简称布病)是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种人畜共患传染病。我国把其列为二类动物疫病。家畜中牛、羊、猪较易感染,重点侵害的是家畜的生殖系统,雌性动物表现为流产和不孕,雄性动物则出现睾丸炎等症状。人感染布病主要是通过与病畜接  相似文献   

布鲁氏菌病是由布鲁氏菌引起的一种人畜共患慢性传染病,羊感染后,以母羊发生流产和公羊发生睾丸炎为特征,从而影响羊的养殖效益,因此需重视该疾病的综合防治工作.本文对羊布病的症状表现与综合防治措施进行了分析,旨在更好地防控该病.  相似文献   

正布鲁氏杆菌病(以下称布病)是由布鲁氏菌杆菌引起的人畜共患传染病,临床上以牛、羊、猪种布鲁氏菌最为常见,其中羊种布鲁氏菌的致病力最强,约80%的人感染病例由羊布鲁氏菌引起。本文通过对2017~2019年88个山羊养殖场的饲养、引种等生产情况进行调查,采取检测-扑杀-监测-净化等综合防控措施,应用虎红平板凝集试验初筛,c ELISA复核确诊,对山区家畜布病监测控制净化具有重大  相似文献   

In India, brucellosis was first recognised in 1942 and is now endemic throughout the country. The disease is reported in cattle, buffalo, sheep, goats, pigs, dogs and humans. B. abortus biotype-1 in cattle and buffaloes and B. melitensis biotype-1 in sheep, goats and man are the predominant infective biotypes. The long-term serological studies have indicated that 5% of cattle and 3% of buffaloes are infected with brucellosis. Economic losses due to brucellosis in livestock are considerable in an agrarian country like India. There is no organised and effective brucellosis control programme in the country. With the indigenous development of serum and milk based ELISA kits, the population survey of the disease has been undertaken on a large scale in several states and plans for the control of the disease through calf-hood vaccination are being worked out. An innovative approach—Bovine Brucellosis Progressive Control Programme (BBPCP) is targeted to overcome the basic problems of ban on cow slaughter, distress sale of animals following the positive serological diagnosis of brucellosis and absence of a disease control strategy. The work plan for the implementation of BBPCP is presented.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is an endemic anthropozoonotic disease in most Middle East countries including Iraq. It causes considerable loss of economy and energy, particularly in the rural areas. Since 1966 when the prevalence of brucella agglutinin from slaughtered sheep and goat was reported in Baghdad, several trials have been conducted including serological studies of brucellosis in the northern provinces of Iraq (Nainava, Duhok, Erbil, Kirkuk and Sulaimani). Humans, sheep, goats, cattle and buffalo have been involved. The studies also included isolation and identification of Brucella species, including B. abortus, B. melitensis and B. ovis. Local veterinary authorities, international organizations, universities and some NGOs have been involved. Moreover, limited efforts have been reported concerning the control and eradication of the disease among goats and sheep in some restricted areas. A limited vaccination program for newborn lambs and kids also has been conducted by the FAO, which was involved in the veterinary emergency plan for brucellosis in 2000. Northern provinces share an extensive border with Iran, Turkey and Syria, in addition to the direct and intimate contacts with other provinces of Iraq, which share borders with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Hence any strategic planning for the control or eradication of this devastating anthropozoonotic disease in the country should be implemented regionally and not locally.  相似文献   

羊布鲁氏杆菌病俗称布病,是由布鲁氏杆菌感染引起的一种人畜共患病。近年,我国家畜饲养量不断增加,动物及其产品流通不断频繁,部分地区布鲁氏杆菌病呈现上升趋势,严重威胁当地畜牧养殖产业和人民群众的身体健康。该文主要就祁连县羊布鲁氏杆菌病的发生情况进行调查,提出相应的防治对策。  相似文献   

布鲁氏杆菌病是由布鲁氏菌属细菌侵入机体引起的牛羊易感的一种人畜共患传染病。布鲁氏杆菌病的发生不仅降低了养殖户的经济效益,还对人的生命健康产生极大威胁。观察最近15年的发病趋势,发现布氏杆菌病疫情在世界范围内呈反弹趋势,我国尤甚。应在之前的防控、防治的基础上,进一步研究布氏杆菌病的发病机理,寻求更加有效的措施降低发病率,并探寻能够降低人感染率的有效方法。本文概述了牛羊布氏杆菌病的发病机理和临床特征,并结合近几年布氏杆菌病的流行情况和国内外已有的防治措施,探寻新背景下能够有效降低感染率的方法。  相似文献   

Control and eradication programs of brucellosis in cattle, sheep, goats and pigs have been more or less successfully implemented within the Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU) and Norway after Word War II. As a result, the epidemiological situation of animal brucellosis is extremely diverse among different MS or regions within a MS and among the different animal species. Some MS, mainly North European countries, and Norway are declared “officially bovine brucellosis free” and/or “officially ovine and caprine (Brucella melitensis) free”. The situation is less favorable in Southern European countries, particularly as far as sheep and goat brucellosis are concerned. This situation has important zoonotic consequences as reflected in the number of human brucellosis cases due to B. melitensis that are still encountered in those countries. Brucellosis in swine has re-emerged as a result of spillover from the wild boar brucellosis (Brucella suis biovar 2) reservoir, particularly in outdoor reared pigs. Besides the actual challenge to eradicate brucellosis, further issues have to be addressed: (1) the management of false positive serological results that occur in the course of brucellosis testing, particularly in cattle; (2) the impact of wildlife brucellosis, particularly wild boar brucellosis in domestic animals; and (3) the importance of B. melitensis infection in cattle that are in contact with infected sheep.  相似文献   

Brucellosis is an endemic anthropozoonotic disease in most Middle East countries including Iraq. It causes considerable loss of economy and energy, particularly in the rural areas. Since 1966 when the prevalence of brucella agglutinin from slaughtered sheep and goat was reported in Baghdad, several trials have been conducted including serological studies of brucellosis in the northern provinces of Iraq (Nainava, Duhok, Erbil, Kirkuk and Sulaimani). Humans, sheep, goats, cattle and buffalo have been involved. The studies also included isolation and identification of Brucella species, including B. abortus, B. melitensis and B. ovis. Local veterinary authorities, international organizations, universities and some NGOs have been involved. Moreover, limited efforts have been reported concerning the control and eradication of the disease among goats and sheep in some restricted areas. A limited vaccination program for newborn lambs and kids also has been conducted by the FAO, which was involved in the veterinary emergency plan for brucellosis in 2000. Northern provinces share an extensive border with Iran, Turkey and Syria, in addition to the direct and intimate contacts with other provinces of Iraq, which share borders with Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. Hence any strategic planning for the control or eradication of this devastating anthropozoonotic disease in the country should be implemented regionally and not locally.  相似文献   

布鲁氏杆菌病是牧区主要人畜共患病之一,受市场等因素影响,牧区与农区的动物及其产品交流频繁,动物疫病发生、流行、传播风险加大。为进一步加强牧区布鲁氏杆菌病防控工作,以肃南县皇城绵羊育种场和赛美奴高山细毛羊种畜繁育公司为示范点,通过集中集成布鲁氏菌病检测净化方法、规范饲养管理行为、严格控制跨区域移动、强制扑杀阳性羊等综合防控措施,探索出适合我县畜间布鲁氏菌病科学的防控策略与成功经验,为我县户、村、乡(镇)实施畜间布鲁氏菌病净化无疫,提供可借鉴可复制的集成示范经验。  相似文献   

Brucellosis in sub-Saharan Africa: epidemiology,control and impact   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Brucellosis is an important disease among livestock and people in sub-Saharan Africa. In general, the incidence is the highest in pastoral production systems and decreases as herd size and size of landholding decreases. The prevalence of risk factors for infections are best understood for bovine brucellosis and to a lesser extent for ovine and caprine brucellosis. The occurrence and epidemiology of brucellosis in pigs is poorly understood. This species bias is also reflected in control activities. As with other public-sector animal health services, the surveillance and control of brucellosis in sub-Saharan Africa is rarely implemented outside southern Africa. Brucellosis is even more ignored in humans and most cases go undiagnosed and untreated, leading to considerable suffering for those affected. Decision-making to determine the importance of brucellosis control relative to other public concerns and what brucellosis control strategies should be applied is urgently required. A strategy for how brucellosis decision-making might be considered and applied in future is outlined.  相似文献   

This article reports epidemiological investigations on the occurrence of brucellosis in Romania. Like in other former communist countries, data concerning epidemiology of brucellosis and published articles are very few. The epidemiology and control of brucellosis in Romania was analyzed using data made available by the Office International des Epizooties and Veterinary Service of Romania. Romania, like many other developed countries, has eradicated Brucella abortus from cattle since 1969. Brucellosis caused by Brucella melitensis has never been reported. The incidence of brucellosis in swine and sheep is very rare but still there are a few outbreaks in some regions. In 2000, the number of cases was 47 in swine and 270 cases in sheep. Vaccination against brucellosis is prohibited in Romania.  相似文献   

Incidence and control of brucellosis in the Near East region   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In countries of the Near East region, brucellosis was reported in almost all domestic animals, particularly cattle, sheep and goats. Brucellosis in camels has been reported in Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Oman, Iraq, Iran, Sudan, Egypt, Libya and Somalia. It has been reported even in racing camels in the United Arab Emirates. In Egypt, brucellosis has been reported also in buffaloes, equines and swine. Brucella melitensis biovar 3 is the most commonly isolated species from animals in Egypt, Jordan, Israel, Tunisia and Turkey. B. melitensis biovar 2 was reported in Turkey and Saudi Arabia, and B. melitensis biovar 1 in Libya, Oman and Israel. B. abortus biovar 1 was reported in Egypt, biovar 2 in Iran, biovar 3 in Iran and Turkey, and biovar 6 in Sudan. The countries with the highest incidence of human brucellosis are Saudi Arabia, Iran, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Jordan and Oman. Bahrain is reported to have zero incidence. Most human cases are caused by B. melitensis, particularly biovar 3. However, B. abortus has been responsible for an increasing number of cases in recent years, e.g. in Yemen, where B. abortus was identified in 45 cases and B. melitensis in 7 cases out of 330 cultures performed in 1995. Concerning control of brucellosis in animals, there is a controversy on the choice of policy. In some countries, the test and slaughter policy together with the vaccination of young females is adopted, in others, particularly with regard to sheep and goats; mass vaccination has been recently started. The most commonly used vaccines are B. abortus S19 and B. melitensis Rev.1 vaccines. B. abortus RB51 vaccine is used in some countries on small scale. Vaccination is limited to cattle and small ruminants.  相似文献   

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