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“民以食为天,食以安为先”,食品安全始终是涉及到国计民生的大事,而保证食品安全的基础则是初级农产品的质量。近年来,随着对外经济的发展,出口产品的增加以及人民生活水平的提高,各种农副产品的生产呈现出广阔的前景,特别是养殖业已成为各地农业的主导产业和广大农民增收致富的主渠道。  相似文献   

2019年4月21日,由河北省畜牧业协会禽业分会主办、河北冠通生物技术有限公司承办的“第三届J20禽业可持续发展高峰论坛”在山东泰安举行,来自河北、河南、山东、山西、安徽、云南、广西、贵州等十余省份的规模蛋鸡和肉鸡企业、肉鸡放养龙头企业、专业合作社代表等近百人参加了本次论坛。河北省畜牧业协会禽业分会秘书长赵万青、山东省畜牧业协会禽业分会秘书长冯楠等出席开幕式并讲话。  相似文献   

经过四审、横跨三年、历时一年多,社会各界广泛建言、备受瞩目的《食品安全法》已于2009年2月28日经全国人大常委会审议通过,将于2009年6月1日起正式施行,届时现行《食品卫生法》(1995年10月30日施行)同时废止。业内人士普遍认为,这部法律将对中国食品安全体系的完善产生深远影响。  相似文献   

This paper reports on some aspects of food safety which will gain more importance in the near future. The legal development in the European Community is explained based on the legal regulation of 2002. The most important topics of the regulation are: inclusion of feed and primary production as part of risk analysis, manufacturers' responsibility for product safety, traceability of food and feed, risk analysis and precautionary principle. Finally, some more future trends are highlighted and pre-conditions are explained for an improved food safety.  相似文献   

Since the early days of veterinary science, vets have played an important part in protecting public health through controls over the safety of food of animal origin. Traditionally, public health has been treated as a topic separate from the mainstream veterinary subjects of diagnosis and treatment of animal disease. However, there is now increasing awareness of the interconnection between animal and human health, and between the work of vets in production animal practice and those in food safety and other disciplines, as Kenneth Clarke explains.  相似文献   

Safepork is a biennial international symposium for researchers investigating the epidemiology and control of foodborne hazards in pork. Current research is heavily weighted towards enteric bacterial pathogens for which development of reliable practical interventions for farmers has proven frustrating. In contrast, modern production practices have greatly reduced the risk of parasitic foodborne pathogens. Better understanding of host adaptation of emerging agents is important for assessing their potential zoonotic and foodborne risks.  相似文献   

A comprehensive food safety strategy involves establishing risk management goals, food safety objectives and, for production systems, performance objectives and performance criteria. The working instructions for each step of the process should be validated for their effect before integration within a specific HACCP plan. The importance of realistic inactivation models to predict the hygienic equivalence of food processing operations is discussed.  相似文献   

食品安全关系到广大人民群众的身体健康和生命安全,关系到经济健康发展和社会稳定,关系到国家和政府的形象.食品安全已成为衡量人民生活质量、社会管理水平和国家法制建设的一个重要方面.食品安全与人民生命财产息息相关.近年来,被公开曝光生产和销售伪劣、有毒有害食品的案件频出.  相似文献   

农产品质量安全问题,一直是全社会关注的热点问题。目前,我国对安全食品主要有无公害农产品、绿色食品和有机食品这3种称谓,长期食用这3类食品,不会对人体健康产生危害,并将此3类食品统称为无公害食品。它涵盖了所有农业初级产品及其加工品,包括粮油、蔬菜、水果、畜产品、水产品、食用林产品及其加工产品等。  相似文献   

一中国政府积极作为维护食品安全 焦点事件一:由国务院副总理吴仪领军,在全国范围内启动了一场产品质量和食品安全专项整治.  相似文献   

由于全世界范围内的消费者对食品安全的需要,国际兽疫局(动物健康和人畜共患病的国际标准制定组织)已经指出有必要将其科学的制定标准程序扩展至动物产品食品的安全领域。在这个新的领域中,在动物被加工成产品之前,它将与其他相关组织进行合作。目的是为了减少动物性食品对人类健康的威胁,而这种威胁在不断的增加。在这种情况下,危害是指食物中具有潜在性的、对人体健康不利的生物的、化学的或物理的成分。国际兽疫局在2001~2005年的工作计划中提议他们将在公众健康和消费权益保护方面更加积极主动,并且还指出这还包括人畜共患病和通过食物…  相似文献   

污染饲料危害动物性食品安全   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘志国 《中国饲料》2001,(17):25-26
近年来国际上动物性食品不安全问题时有发生 ,诸如疯牛病和激素牛肉、兴奋剂猪肉、二口恶英牛奶及鸡肉等。其共同点都是通过动物性产品 ,将由饲料途径进入动物体内的有害物质向人体转移。不难发现发生这些问题大都与饲料污染有关。污染饲料不仅影响着动物产品的安全 ,并通过这些产品危害人类的健康。污染源主要来自以下一些方面 :1 霉变饲料污染主要见之于加工或贮存不当引发的霉变饲料或是使用含有霉变原料生产的饲料。霉变饲料中的霉菌毒素 ,是饲料中的有害因子 ,其中危害最大的是黄曲霉菌 ,在高温高湿的环境中 ,当无有效预防措施时 ,玉…  相似文献   

The goal of this article was to review the evidence surrounding the risks posed by insufficient or excessive dietary protein. Dietary protein is required to provide essential amino acids and replenish protein reserves. When intake is deficient, protein turnover slows and lean body mass is gradually depleted. These changes lead to increased morbidity and mortality. Dogs can maintain nitrogen balance (typically used to define minimum requirements in adults), yet be in a protein-depleted state due to physiologic adaptations. Preservation of protein turnover and lean body mass requires about threefold more protein than nitrogen balance. The ability of excess dietary protein to induce renal pathology was studied in both dogs with chronic kidney failure and older dogs without kidney failure. Numerous studies have confirmed that protein does not adversely affect the kidneys. However, phosphorus- and protein-restricted diets are clinically beneficial in dogs with existing chronic kidney failure. Protein restriction for healthy older dogs is not only unnecessary, it can be detrimental. Protein requirements actually increase by about 50% in older dogs, while their energy requirements tend to decrease. When insufficient protein is provided, it can aggravate the age-associated loss of lean body mass and may contribute to earlier mortality. Older dogs should receive at least 25% of their calories from protein, typically provided by diets containing at least 7 g protein/100 Kcal ME.  相似文献   

近年来,日本借口存在食品安全问题不开放农产品市场,相继出台了一系列保护措施。这些措施名义上是为了食品安全,实质上是借食品安全之名行贸易保护之实——高筑农业贸易壁垒。这在国际上是一致公认的,如2002年5月,日本前农水相官员访问欧洲与世贸组织总干事穆尔会谈时,穆尔就敦促日本开放农产品市场,日  相似文献   

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