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[目的]为了进一步提高母牛的繁殖率,[方法]我们选择康美公司饲养的122头经产母牛和康乐县德隆公司饲养的100头青年母牛作为本次试验的对象,用"喜得孕"产品(苏州市苏牧动物药业有限公司出品)处理,进行母牛同期发情和受孕情况的效果观察。实验[结果]表明,用"喜得孕"(注射用血促性素、绒促性素)产品处理牛群,牛群同期发情率达到100%,受胎率达到76.1%,[结论]说明"喜得孕"产品做了母牛同期发情效果显著。  相似文献   

[目的]为了诱导始配年龄的部分青年母牛发情,提高奶牛的繁殖效益.[方法]对20头荷斯坦青年奶牛应用孕马血清PMSG注射用绒促性腺素进行诱导发情处理.[结果]处理后1~9 d内出现发情的有18头,发情率为90%,未发情率为10%;5头对照牛发情率为10%,未发情率为90%(P<0.01).[结论]PMSG处理诱导青年母牛发情的效果显著、确实、可靠.  相似文献   

CUE-MATE诱导新疆褐牛同期发情试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
[目的]为了探索新疆褐牛同期发情处理的有效时间段和最佳处理方法.[方法]采用CUE-MATE孕酮栓+PGF2α法进行新疆褐牛同期发情试验,[结果]表明:同期发情主要集中在取栓后的2 d,平均发情率为72.5%,情期受胎率为66.7%;3月的同期发情率显著高于5月和7月(P<0.05),达到90.8%,但情期受胎率低于5月和7月,为61.0%,差异不显著(P>0.05);母牛卵巢上以有黄体的同期发情率最高,达到95.3%,其次是有卵泡的,无黄体、卵泡的最低,三者差异显著(P<0.05);有卵泡的情期受胎率略高于有黄体的,差异不显著(P>0.05),无黄体、卵泡的同期发情率和受胎率都最低,差异显著(P<0.05);育成牛的同期发情率略高于经产牛,为92%,差异不显著(P>0.05);育成牛的情期受胎率显著高于经产牛(P<0.05),为73.9%.[结论]环境温度、营养水平及母牛卵巢上有无黄体、卵泡影响发情率的高低,CUE-MATE孕酮栓+PGF2α法可用于诱导新疆褐牛的同期发情.  相似文献   

[目的]同期发情技术是近年来畜牧生产中应用的繁殖控制新技术;[方法]本试验采用两种方法对安格斯牛进行同期发情处理,研究不同处理药物、处理方式、季节因素等因素对安格斯牛同期发情率的影响。试验分为GnRH+一次PG法处理组和撤CIDR栓后立即肌注PG组。[结果]结果表明,两组都能获得较高的同期发情率,且前者的受胎率略低于后者的受胎率;冬春季(11~4月份)的同期发情率比夏秋季(5~10月份)略高;对经产母牛的同期发情处理效果稍优于育成牛;体况因素也是母牛发情的重要影响因素之一。[结论]综合考虑生产所用经济成本以及操作简易程度等因素,在实际生产实践中更宜使用GnRH+一次PG法。  相似文献   

为了提高奶牛的繁殖力,本试验采取两种不同的给药方法分别对青年母牛和经产母牛进行同期发情处理,并比较研究了发情后不同输精时间对受胎率的影响。结果表明,①两种同期发情的处理方法均取得了较高的同期发情率,方法Ⅱ的处理效果较好,经此法处理的青年母牛和经产母牛的同期发情率分别比方法Ⅰ的处理效果高出3.34和1.67个百分点;②采用两种同期发情处理方法,青年母牛组间和经产母牛组间的同期发情率差异不显著(P>0.05),但两组青年母牛的同期发情率(88.33%、91.67%)均高于经产母牛的同期发情率(85.00%、86.67%)。③青年母牛最佳配种时间为发情后10~12h,而成年母牛最佳配种时间为发情后13~15h。  相似文献   

为了建立针对秦川牛这一地方品种稳定、高效的同期发情程序,选取秦川牛母牛20头,用4种同期发情方案对秦川牛进行108头次处理:方案Ⅰ(CIDR撤栓后直接观察发情)、方案Ⅱ(CIDR撤栓后肌注PG)、方案Ⅲ(1次PG处理)和方案Ⅳ(2次PG处理);应用"2次PG法"在夏秋季(5—10月)和冬春季(11—翌年4月)共处理秦川牛供体84头次。结果表明:秦川牛4种方案的同期发情率分别为60.0%、75.0%、53.3%和79.3%,总同期发情率77.8%,其中方案Ⅳ的同期发情率(79.3%)显著高于方案Ⅲ(53.3%)(P0.05),其余各方案间差异均不显著(P0.05);夏秋季和冬春季的同期发情率(82.5%、75.0%)差异不显著(P0.05)。  相似文献   

为了提高能繁母牛的生产效率,验证肉牛产双胎技术的可行性,笔者开展了利用同期发情、超数排卵+人工授精的方式诱导肉牛产双胎的初步试验,选择了29头试验牛,使用孕酮阴道栓(CIDR)+雌二醇(E2)+黄体酮(P4)+促卵泡素(FSH)+前列腺素F2α(PGF2α)+促黄体素释放激素(LHRH-A3)法进行试验处理,人工诱导肉牛产双胎。结果表明:共产双胎犊牛7头,激素处理后肉牛产双胎率平均达到35%。说明应用同期发情、超数排卵+人工授精的方法对母牛人工诱导生产双胎是可行的。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨“同期发情定时输精”技术在不同群体中的实施效果,提升郏县红牛和夏南牛的繁殖效率,发挥地方良种的繁殖力。[方法]试验以100头郏县红牛和198头夏南牛为研究对象,采用戈那瑞林和PG 079同期发情方案对其进行处理,分析同期发情定时输精效果。[结果]100头郏县红牛的平均受胎率为76.4%,198头夏南牛后备母牛的受胎率为100%。[结论]同期发情定时输精处理的后备牛受胎率高于经产牛。  相似文献   

同期发情对奶牛繁殖障碍的治疗效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]:为探求同期发情对奶牛繁殖障碍的治疗效果,通过研究不同的外源激素组合模式对奶牛同期发情处理后的反应,以期得到更好的同期发情效果和情期受胎率,解决奶牛产后不发情、屡配不孕、假发情、隐性发情等繁殖障碍疾病,降低奶牛繁殖障碍对奶牛场的生产效益影响,提高综合经济效益。[方法]本文利用阴道栓+前列腺素和阴道栓+前列腺素+促排3号对中国荷斯坦奶牛进行同期发情处理。[结果]A组:在奶牛发情周期的任意一天(发情当天除外)用含有孕激素的阴道栓,将其在阴道放置9~12d,取栓时每头肌肉注射前列腺素一支(0.5mg/头),肌肉注射"促排3号"0.25~0.50μg/头,发情后再次肌肉注射"促排3号"0.25~0.50μg/头;B组:在奶牛发情周期的任意一天(发情当天除外)用含有孕激素的阴道栓,将其在阴道放置9~12 d,取栓时每头肌肉注射前列腺素一支(0.5mg/头)。结果表明利用阴道栓+前列腺素和阴道栓+前列腺素+促排3号两种发情方法情期发情率差异不显著(P0.05)、情期受胎率差异显著(P0.05)。[结论]阴道栓+前列腺素+促排3号法诱导同期发情对治疗奶牛的繁殖障碍具有一定的效果,具有很高的应用推广价值。  相似文献   

为了研究不同激素处理方法对夏南母牛同期发情效果及受胎率的影响,试验选择夏南母牛75头,随机分成A组、B组、C组,每组25头,分别采用二次前列腺素(PG)法、促性腺激素释放激素(GnRH)+PG法、促黄体释放激素A3(LH-A3)+PG法进行同期发情处理,对不同激素处理后的同期发情率及受胎率进行测定和分析。结果表明:三种不同激素处理后的同期发情率分别为80%、88%、84%,配种受胎率分别为39%、45%、58%,组间均无显著差异(P0.05)。说明GnRH+PG法同期发情效果最佳,LH-A3+PG法受胎率最高。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨不同月份和精液类型对利用定时输精程序处理奶牛后第一情期受胎率的影响.[方法]选择93头产后60 d以上不发情和产后配1~3次仍未受胎的奶牛,不检查卵巢直接利用激素生源2+1进行同期发情处理.1~3月份处理41头奶牛,6~8月份处理52头;其中,利用性控精液配种58头,常规精液配种35头.[结果]表明:经定时...  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of body weight (BW) change during the early postpartum period and BW on day 50 post partum on the subsequent expression of estrus and fertility at first insemination before day 90 post partum. The data were derived from 1036 postpartum cows reaching 90 days in milk. The following data were recorded for each animal: lactation number, daily milk production at day 50 post partum, calving date, days in milk at estrus and at AI, insemination date, insemination number, inseminating bull, AI technician and body weight at calving, at day 50 post partum and at AI. Of the 1036 cows registered, 817 (78.9%) showed first estrus before day 90 post partum and were inseminated. Using logistic regression procedures and based on the odds ratio a one unit (kg) increase in the daily milk production at day 50 post partum and a one unit (kg) decrease in the BW between calving and day 50 post partum were related to a 1.03-fold increase and a 0.97-fold decrease in the estrus expression rate before day 90 post partum, respectively. Of the 817 cows inseminated before day 90 post partum, 437 became pregnant (53.5%). A one unit increase in the BW at day 50 post partum produced a 1.003-fold increase in the early fertility rate. Pregnancy rate before day 90 was also influenced by the season at calving, bull providing semen and technician. In conclusion, the register of BW during the postpartum period may be a useful tool for evaluating the nutritional status and its relationship with the subsequent reproductive efficiency in dairy cows.  相似文献   

同期发情处理方法对受体牛胚胎移植效果影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
试验设计3个组.分别采用CIDR+PGF2α法、PGF2α一次注射法和PGF2α二次注射法3种不同的处理方法对120头西门塔尔杂交受体牛进行同期发情处理。结果表明:CIDR+PGF2α法同期发情处理的受体牛黄体不合格率达47.4%.显著高于其他两组(P〈0.05);胚胎移植产犊率为45.0%,分别比PGF2α一次注射法和PGF2α二次注射法低10.2和13.1个百分点。PGF2α二次注射法同期发情处理后的受体牛黄体不合格率仅20.5%,低于PGF2α一次注射法(P〉0.05),显著低于CIDR+PGF2α法(P〈0.05);胚胎移植产犊率达58.1%,均高于其他两组。本试验初步显示:采用PGF2α二次注射法进行同期发情处理受体牛效果好,成本较低,操作方便,产犊率也较高。  相似文献   

The objective of these studies was to evaluate whether exposing primiparous, suckled beef cows to the biostimulatory effect of bulls alters breeding performance associated with an estrus synchronization protocol that included GnRH followed 7 d later by PGF(2alpha) and fixed-time AI (TAI). This was a composite analysis of 3 experiments that evaluated (1) the effects of bull exposure at different days after calving (yr 1); (2) the biostimulatory effects of bull excretory products (yr 2); and (3) the biostimulatory effects of familiar and unfamiliar bulls (yr 3) on the resumption of ovarian cycling activity. In all studies, cows were exposed (biostimulated; n = 94) or not exposed (nonbiostimulated; n = 67) to bulls or excretory products of bulls for at least 60 d before the beginning of the estrus synchronization protocol. Average calving day did not differ among years and was 52 +/- 5 d. Year did not affect the proportions of biostimulated and nonbiostimulated cows that were cycling at the beginning of the estrus synchronization protocol; however, a greater (P < 0.001) proportion of biostimulated than nonbiostimulated cows were cycling at this time. In each year, cows were given GnRH followed by PGF(2alpha) 7 d later. Cows were observed for estrus twice daily (am and pm) after PGF(2alpha). Cows that exhibited estrus before 54, 60, and 64 h after PGF(2alpha) were inseminated by AI 12 h later in yr 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Cows that failed to show estrus were given GnRH and TAI at 62, 72, and 72 h after PGF(2alpha) in yr 1, 2, and 3, respectively. Conception rates were determined by transrectal ultrasonography 35 d after TAI in each year. The percentages of cows that exhibited estrus after PGF(2alpha) and before TAI, the interval from PGF(2alpha) to estrus, and the percentages of cows inseminated 12 h after estrus or at TAI did not differ between biostimulated and nonbiostimulated cows and were 51%, 54.7 +/- 7.3 h, 35%, and 65%, respectively. Conception rates for cows bred by AI 12 h after estrus did not differ between biostimulated and nonbiostimulated cows; however, the TAI conception rate was greater (P < 0.05) for biostimulated cows (57.6%) than for nonbiostimulated cows (35.6%). We conclude that TAI conception rates in an estrus synchronization protocol that includes GnRH followed 7 d later by PGF(2alpha) may be improved by the biostimulatory effect of bulls in postpartum, primiparous cows.  相似文献   

[目的]为提高母牛的利用年限、缩短后备母牛的培育时间、探索BMY青年牛的适配年龄(体重)和提前妊娠产犊对母畜和犊牛的影响。[方法]对断乳母犊进行适当培育,使其早进入初情期,运用繁殖生物技术妊娠产犊。[结果]经过培育后BMY青年牛的初情期平均为(270.8±20.8)d,此时的平均体重为(254±10.6)kg,发情周期...  相似文献   

[目的]为了了解南德温牛冻精的受胎效果.[方法]选择607头母牛进行人工授精,并与西门塔尔牛受精效果(727头)进行对比.[结果]表明:南德温牛细管冻配受胎率达到92.3%,产子成活率达到95.6%,而西门塔尔牛细管冻配受胎率达到89.2%,产子成活率为90%.[结论]说明南德温牛的冻配在促进肉牛发展上具有较高的受胎率...  相似文献   

[目的]为了便于集中配种或胚胎移植。[方法]采取了三种方法:一次PG改进法、CI-DR+PMSG+PG+LHRH-A3法、PMSG+PG+LHRH-A3法处理三种不同饲养管理条件下的黄牛,诱导同期发情。[结果]表明四次处理的同期发情率分别为100%、100%、98.8%、82.4%,人工授精或胚胎移植受胎率分别为27.3%、80%、76.5%、59.2%。[结论]从经济角度表明一次PG改进法、PMSG+PG+LHRH-A3法是比较切合实际,也比较理想的同期发情方法,效果也比较理想。  相似文献   

[目的]为了观察引进天津黑白花奶牛在祁连八宝地区的适应性.[方法]青海祁连县八宝地区从天津武清地区引进部分黑白花奶牛,在当地进行分户饲养,并对其适应性包括产犊成活率、泌乳、发病情况观察.[结果]发现产犊成活率62.8%、产奶量7.5 kg/头·d,发病率高.[结论]引种过程必须慎重从事.  相似文献   

In a large herd 427 cows were examined for reproductive condition 26 to 34 days after calving. Progesterone profiles were obtained from a total of over 5000 milk samples which were taken twice weekly for 4 weeks, starting at the time of examination, and again 21, 23, and 25 days later. Researchers lived on the farm during the experiment to sample cows and record all data. Electronic probe measurements of cervical-vaginal mucus also were obtained. All cows were inseminated artificially with frozen semen from one organization. Eleven percent of the cows were not inseminated in the estrual phase as determined by substantial concentrations of progesterone in milk (MP), and 2% were pregnant and aborted following insemination. The MP 23 to 25 days after insemination essentially was 100% accurate in predicting nonpregnancy and was preferable to day 21. When used in conjunction with MP on the day of insemination pregnancy prediction 23 to 25 days after insemination was 84% accurate. Non-return rate 60 days after insemination was 7% higher than palpated pregnancy rate. The use of electronic probes under large herd conditions was labor intensive and did not give repeatably distinctive values at estrus.  相似文献   

[目的]为了解意大利地中海水牛冻精的授精效果及其在我国生长适应情况。[方法]利用国内首次引进意大利地中海水牛冻精与我国现有的摩拉、尼里——拉菲和本地水牛进行人工授精,试验选取自然发情的摩拉水牛20头,尼里水牛16头,本地水牛32头,年龄在2.5~9岁之间,采用直肠把握子宫角深部输精法,配种后40 d应用B超进行早期妊娠诊断怀孕情况。[结果]:摩拉、尼里——拉菲和本地水牛受胎率分别为50.00%、75.00%、56.25%,平均人工授精配种受胎率为58.82%,品种间人工授精受胎率差异不显著(P〉0.1)。[结论]表明引进地中海水牛冻精开展杂交组合,改良我国现有的水牛品种,提高其生产性能是切实可行的。  相似文献   

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