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一个新的玉米叶色突变体的遗传分析及基因定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在玉米自交系81647中发现了一个叶色突变体,该突变体在苗期叶片表现出黄绿色,随后叶片上出现坏死斑,短时间内植株萎蔫死亡。遗传分析表明,该突变性状由1对隐性基因控制,命名为nec-t(necrotic-temporary)。以玉米自交系B73与nec-t突变体的F2分离群体作为定位群体,利用SSR标记将该基因定位在第2条染色体的K2和K14之间(SSR标记),其物理距离约为2.52 Mb。  相似文献   

玉米自交系昌7-2同型系配合力分析及应用评价   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以昌7-2及8个糯玉米同型系和5个普通玉米自交系为材料,采用NCⅡ(不完全双列杂交)设计对组配的45个杂交种进行配合力分析,并估算遗传参数.结果表明,(昌7-2)-1、(昌7-2)-2和(昌7-2)-6是一般配合力效应值表现优良的自交系;筛选出(昌7-2)-2×明2325、(昌7-2)-6×9058、(昌7-2)-1×明2325等6个高产组合.研究表明,穗粗、穗长、行粒数等性状可以进行早代选择,株高受环境效应最大,不宜早代选择.  相似文献   

以昌7-2和应用EMS对昌7-2诱变选育的无叶舌新种质—10H045为父本,以郑58、WX201620和WX201623表型差异显著的3个自交系为母本进行杂交,研究无叶舌种质10H045对F1代植株叶片生长态势和产量的影响。结果表明,以10H045为父本杂交的F1代,其茎叶夹角和叶向值均比以昌7-2为父本杂交的F1代的植株要小,且差异显著;穗3叶以上的叶片上冲特性尤为突出,植株塔型结构明显,有利于提高杂交种产量。无叶舌种质10H045为父本的组合,其产量均比以昌7-2为父本的组合产量高,组合WX201623×10H045的产量最高,与其他组合产量差异达极显著水平。无叶舌种质10H045不但对后代株型结构有很大的改善作用,而且产量的一般配合力较高,是一个优异亲本。  相似文献   

利用近等基因系定位玉米无叶舌基因的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
2008年发现隐性遗传的无叶舌突变株,经过连续自交后育成无叶舌自交系黄早四lg。为了充分挖掘并利用玉米无叶舌优异的基因资源,分别以5个玉米骨干自交系为轮回亲本、黄早四lg为供体亲本进行回交转育,获得相应的无叶舌自交系吉V203lg、K10lg、吉V088lg、吉V152lg和哲461lg,同时获得5对玉米无叶舌性状的近等基因系。以5对近等基因系为定位群体,利用Affymetrix 5H90K基因芯片对5对玉米无叶舌近等基因系进行基因型检测,对玉米无叶舌基因进行定位,在此基础上对候选基因进行初步分析。结果表明,玉米无叶舌基因位于2.01~2.02 bin上约1.12 Mb的物理区间内,在此区间内有64个基因,其中,有26个基因编码功能蛋白,有38个未知功能的蛋白和假定蛋白。  相似文献   

采用NCⅡ遗传交配设计,以分属于5个杂种优势群的自交系昌7-2、DH34、Mo17、郑58和丹988为测验种,与5个欧洲玉米种质BRC选系组配25个杂交组合,分析5个欧洲玉米种质BRC选系的主要农艺性状的配合力及杂种优势。结果表明,自交系BRC-1和BRC-5单株产量及相关性状一般配合力表现较好,在玉米育种中有较大的利用潜力;组合BRC-5×Mo17、BRC-6×DH34和BRC-1×丹988是产量及相关性状特殊配合力综合表现优良的组合;BRC-5×DH34、BRC-1×DH34、BRC-1×丹988、BRC-6×DH34和BRC-1×昌7-2是单株产量总配合力和杂种优势表现突出的组合。BRC种质选系或BRC改良自交系可与旅大红骨、塘四平头、PN78599类群的玉米自交系杂交组配出强优势玉米杂交种。  相似文献   

新的玉米显性矮秆基因的发现及初步分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
玉米杂交种CL1077中的矮秆突变体52333与5个高秆自交系进行杂交,对P1、P2、F1、F2、BC1和BC2群体株高变异进行分析。结果表明,正反交杂种F1均表现为矮秆,没有显著差异;F2代矮株与高株的分离比为3∶1,杂种F1与高株自交系回交后代的分离比为1∶1,与矮秆突变体回交的后代全为矮株,证明该矮秆材料的矮秆性状受一对显性矮秆基因控制,且不受细胞质的影响。对纯合矮秆植株及杂种F1芽期和苗期进行赤霉素处理,结果表明,此矮秆基因对赤霉素敏感,表明与以前报道的所有矮秆基因不同,此矮秆基因可能是一新的矮秆基因,并将此矮秆基因初步定名为D(t)。  相似文献   

采用人工接种鉴定法评价72份玉米自交系对丝黑穗病的抗性。在72份自交系中高抗系18个,占25%;抗病系15个,占20.8%;中抗系12个,占16.7%。采用双列杂交方法 4的遗传交配设计,对其中11份自交系的抗病力进行配合力分析及遗传参数估算。结果表明,917-1、4F1和吉818的GCA负效应较大,昌7-2、黄早四和长3的GCA正效应较大;吉818×黄早四、917-1×黄早四、吉818×昌7-2、KD-13×昌7-2组合具有显著的负效应,黄早四×昌7-2和917-1×吉818组合具有显著正效应。玉米抗丝黑穗病基因的加性效应和显性效应同时存在,加性效应占主导。选育杂交种时不仅要考虑双亲的一般配合力,也要注重其特殊配合力的作用。要选育中抗以上类型杂交种,其双亲之一必须为抗病系。  相似文献   

以YXD053和98A-04两个茎秆高糖自交系及Y6-1茎秆低糖自交系为材料,分析玉米棒三叶光合性状对玉米茎秆糖含量的影响。结果表明,3个自交系茎秆糖含量在雄穗始花期基本一致,雄穗始花后21 d茎秆糖含量差异最大。不同茎秆糖含量玉米自交系光合参数特征明显,与茎秆低糖自交系Y6-1相比,茎秆高糖自交系YXD053和98A-04光合速率有较长的高光合功能持续期,且在子粒发育后期有较高的光合速率。茎秆低糖自交系Y6-1胞间CO_2浓度及蒸腾速率高于茎秆高糖自交系YXD053和98A-04,气孔导度及叶面积对茎秆糖含量的影响在2个茎秆高糖自交系之间表现不一致。乳熟期棒三叶光合速率可作为茎秆糖含量的选择指标。  相似文献   

改良昌7-2玉米自交系配合力研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
利用13个玉米自交系,按NCⅡ不完全双列杂交设计配制成42个杂交组合,随机区组排列,田间品比鉴定和室内鉴定相结合。结果表明,西农672产量配合力高于昌7-2和7117,穗长、结实长、穗行数和行粒数性状的配合力高于昌7-2、PH6wc和7117;西农672出籽率性状配合力低于昌7-2,株高配合力低于PH6wc,高于昌7-2,也高于7117;西农672穗位高配合力高于PH6wc和7117,低于昌7-2。西农672出籽率配合力与PH6wc相近;叶面积系数、穗长、穗行数、结实长、行粒数比昌7-2高,百粒重、小区产量配合力比PH6wc略低。用PH6wc来改良昌7-2得到的西农672,综合性状改良效果较为显著。用PH6wc改良昌7-2育成西农672与用昌7-2×武117育成的7117和昌7-2相比较,其产量配合力、产量性状、农艺性状配合力等均有显著提升。  相似文献   

玉米穗上叶与主茎夹角性状的数量遗传研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
丰光 《玉米科学》2012,20(1):53-56
以两个株型不同的玉米自交系自330和PH4CV构成的6世代群体为试验材料,利用量角器测定玉米穗上叶基部与主茎自然夹角角度。通过P1、P2、F1、F2、B1和B26个世代联合分析法,研究玉米穗上叶与主茎夹角性状的基因遗传分离规律。结果表明,该性状在F2分离世代群体呈多峰分布,B1和B2群体分离世代呈双峰分布,说明玉米穗上叶与主茎夹角性状遗传由多基因数量性状控制,且符合一对加-显主基因+加-显-上位性多基因遗传模型(即D模型),主基因遗传率为27.55%~52.60%,多基因遗传率为47.40%~72.45%,两者在后代遗传方面都具有重要作用。  相似文献   

Resistance to rice gall midge in rice germplasm 91-1A2 was identified and genetically analyzed. F1s of rice population were derived from 91-1A2 which crossed with rice materials Jinggui, TN1, W1263 (Gm1), IET2911 (Gm2), BG404-1 (gm3), OB677 (Gm4), ARC5984 (Gm5) and Duokang 1 (Gm6) as a male parent. The resistance of all parental lines and F1, BC1F1 and F2 populations to rice gall midge was identified. The results showed that 91-1A2 and all F1s were resistant to Chinese rice gall midge biotype IV. The segregation ratio of resistant plants to susceptible ones in BC1F1 and F2 were accorded with 1:3 and 9:7 rules by χ2 test, suggesting that the resistance of 91-1A2 to Chinese rice gall midge biotype IV was controlled by two dominant genes which were new resistance genes, non-allelic to the known rice gall midge resistance genes.  相似文献   



Root system architecture is an important trait affecting the uptake of nutrients and water by crops. Shallower root systems preferentially take up nutrients from the topsoil and help avoid unfavorable environments in deeper soil layers. We have found a soil-surface rooting mutant from an M2 population that was regenerated from seed calli of a japonica rice cultivar, Nipponbare. In this study, we examined the genetic and physiological characteristics of this mutant.


The primary roots of the mutant showed no gravitropic response from the seedling stage on, whereas the gravitropic response of the shoots was normal. Segregation analyses by using an F2 population derived from a cross between the soil-surface rooting mutant and wild-type Nipponbare indicated that the trait was controlled by a single recessive gene, designated as sor1. Fine mapping by using an F2 population derived from a cross between the mutant and an indica rice cultivar, Kasalath, revealed that sor1 was located within a 136-kb region between the simple sequence repeat markers RM16254 and 2935-6 on the terminal region of the short arm of chromosome 4, where 13 putative open reading frames (ORFs) were found. We sequenced these ORFs and detected a 33-bp deletion in one of them, Os04g0101800. Transgenic plants of the mutant transformed with the genomic fragment carrying the Os04g0101800 sequence from Nipponbare showed normal gravitropic responses and no soil-surface rooting.


These results suggest that sor1, a rice mutant causing soil-surface rooting and altered root gravitropic response, is allelic to Os04g0101800, and that a 33-bp deletion in the coding region of this gene causes the mutant phenotypes.  相似文献   

For genetic analysis of resistance to the whitebacked planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horvath) (Homoptera: Delphacidae), in 13 rice varieties, seedlings at the one-leaf stage were artificially infested in the greenhouse with second; and third-instar nymphs of this planthopper. Reactions of the seedlings were recorded 7–10 days after infestation when the susceptible check (control variety) TN1 was completely killed. The reactions of the F1, F2, and F3 populations from the crosses of resistant varieties with TN1 revealed that single dominant genes condition resistance in the varieties Sinnanayam, ARC 13349, MGL 1, Sukhwel 20, Bam 3, Hornamawee, Senawee, A1, T1432, W128, and Chuvanna Kumbolum. The resistance in NP130 and CI-5662-2 was conditioned by two independent dominant genes. The allelic relationships of the latter genes for resistance in the test varieties to resistance genes Wbph 1 and Wbph 2 were determined. Reactions of the F2 and F3 progenies from the crosses of test varieties with IR13475-7-3-2 which is homozygous for Wbph 1, and with IR30659-2-165, which is homozygous for Wbph 2, showed that the resistance genes in Sukhwel 20, Senawee, T1432, and W128 are allelic to Wbph 1. The resistance genes in Sinnanayam, ARC 13349, MGL 1, Bam 3, A1, and Chuvanna Kumbolum are allelic to Wbph 2. The two independent dominant genes for resistance in NP130 and CI-5662-2 are Wpbh 1 and Wbph 2. However, there is a single dominant gene for resistance in Hornamawee which is independent and non-allelic to Wbph 1 and Wpbh 2.  相似文献   

Grain mould causes qualitative and quantitative loss to grain in sorghum. Grain mould resistance is a complex problem as grain mould is caused by complex of fungi and the resistance is governed by many traits. Breeding efforts during the last 3 decades to develop grain mould resistance in high yielding genotypes have not paid many dividends. We developed a strategy to breed for grain mould resistance in high yielding back ground. Twenty five crosses between elite lines and grain mould resistant genetic stocks (susceptible × resistant/moderately resistant and moderately resistant × resistant crosses) were evaluated in F1, and derivatives performing superiorly for grain mould resistance in F2-F4 at physiological maturity were advanced. The early generation material F2s (10) and F3s (125) in 6 locations (representing rainy-season-sorghum growing 6 states of India where grain mould is one of the major biotic stresses), and later generations F4s and F5s in 3 locations (one location, Parbhani is a hot spot for grain moulds and 2 locations, Hyderabad and Coimbatore in epiphytotic conditions) were evaluated. Only 25 selections out of 384 derivatives in F4 were superior over locations for grain mould resistance at physiological maturity and harvest maturity (Our simultaneous studies in RILs for grain mould resistance across years and locations have shown that the variation obtained for grain mould resistance at physiological maturity is genetically governed and the grain mould score further gets compounded at harvest maturity depending on rainfall received after physiological maturity). These superior lines were advanced and further evaluated in F5 and F6 for grain mould resistance and grain yield. During 2007, out of 25 F5 derivatives, 12 were on par (scored 3.1-4.4) with resistant check, B 58586 (3.2 score) where as susceptible check, 296 B registered a score of 7.5. GMN nos. 41, 52, 59, and 63 performed on par with resistant check, B 58586 for grain mould resistance over 9 environments. Since we selected for grain mould resistance in early generations at physiological maturity in multi-locations, we could identify superior lines for grain mould resistance. Most of these lines are high yielding and on par with elite check, C43 for grain yield. These lines are distinct for DUS testing traits from grain mould resistant check, B 58586.  相似文献   

玉米回交后代群体中供体基因组成分分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以郑58为受体亲本,昌7-2为供体亲本,通过杂交、回交和79对亲本间有多态的SSR标记,分析BC2F1和BC3F1世代供体的基因组成分。结果表明:BC2F1世代单株内的供体染色体片段数平均为11.4个,BC3F1世代为4.8个,从BC2F1到BC3F1单株内的供体染色体片段数减少了57.6%;BC2F1世代单株内的供体染色体片段长度平均为99.3 cM,BC3F1世代为87.1 cM,BC3F1较BC2F1减少了12.3%;BC2F1世代单株内的供体基因组大小平均为1 132.8 cM,BC3F1世代为421.4 cM,BC3F1较BC2F1减少了62.8%。  相似文献   

以玉米雄性不育突变体ms1153为材料,通过减数分裂期花粉母细胞染色体观察和不同发育时期花药石蜡切片分析突变体不育表型产生的原因,利用F1和F2群体确定突变体MS1153的遗传方式和基因ms1153物理位置。结果表明,与野生型相比,突变体植株在营养生长期无明显差异,在生殖生长阶段花药不能从颖壳外露,成熟花粉粒内无淀粉积累。细胞学分析发现,突变体减数分裂过程正常,但减数分裂后绒毡层降解推迟。遗传分析表明,突变体ms1153的不育性状受1对隐性核基因控制。利用图位克隆的策略将MS1153基因定位于玉米第4染色体分子标记8243与8275之间,物理区间为221.4~226.2 Mb,此区间内没有已克隆雄性育性基因,说明MS1153是一个新的玉米雄性育性基因。  相似文献   

水稻长穗颈性状的一种新遗传行为的发现与分析   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:10  
在罗沙米的自然群体中发现一种隐性高秆突变体,秆型分析表明,突变体的株高增加主要是倒1节间伸长所致,属最上节间伸长型,是一种长穗颈突变。该突变还引起了剑叶和粒长发生显著变化。突变体/野生型、野生型/突变体的F1代全部为正常穗颈,F2代正常穗颈与长穗颈之比为3∶1;突变体/缙恢10号、缙1B/突变体的F1代全部为正常穗颈,F2代正常穗颈与长穗颈之比为13∶3。遗传分析结果表明,除主要基因外,高秆性状的遗传还受到一对抑制基因的作用,有两种遗传模式可解释该突变体的遗传行为。  相似文献   

以3个高抗玉米自交系承351、丹598、吉V203和1个高感自交系ZW18为亲本,分别构建3个F2群体及其对应的F2:3家系,通过对F2:3家系发病果穗进行图像处理的方法鉴定抗病表型,对禾谷镰孢穗腐病抗性进行QTL定位。3个F2群体共检测到11个与禾谷镰孢穗腐病抗性有关的QTLs,分别可解释4.87%~40.98%的表型变异率。来源于抗病亲本承351的QTL-qRgr7-1位于7.02 bin,可解释高达13.76%~40.98%的表型变异率。通过与前期病害评级方法定位到的QTLs相比,qRgr7-1在Bins7.02上和qRger7.1完全重合,qRgr2-1在Bins2.01-2.02上和qRger2.1完全重合,qRgr10-1在Bins10.01-10.02上和qRger10.1完全重合。基于图像分析定位到的qRgr9-1、qRgr1-2、qRgr3-1分别与基于抗病评级定位到的区间存在重叠区域。利用不同方法定位到了相同的QTLs,一方面说明基于图像分析进行表型鉴定有一定的准确性,另一方面也验证了这些QTLs位点的真实性。  相似文献   

Seven new azalomycin F analogs (1–7) were isolated from the broth of mangrove Streptomyces sp. 211726, and respectively identified as 25-malonyl demalonylazalomycin F5a monoester (1), 23-valine demalonylazalomycin F5a ester (2), 23-(6-methyl)heptanoic acid demalonylazalomycins F3a ester (3), F4a ester (4) and F5a ester (5), 23-(9-methyl)decanoic acid demalonylazalomycin F4a ester (6) and 23-(10-methyl)undecanoic acid demalonylazalomycin F4a ester (7). Their structures were established by their spectroscopic data and by comparing with those of azalomycins F3a, F4a and F5a. Biological assays exhibited that 1–7 showed broad-spectrum antimicrobial and anti HCT-116 activities.  相似文献   

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