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中国古典园林与现代园林水体植物景观对比   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以古典园林和现代园林各自在水体植物方面的应用为基础,从水景形式、植物品种选择、植物造景手法3个方面探讨了它们的各自特点,通过分析二者的异同点,建议今后园林水体植物景观的发展应该从观赏性、生态性和文化意境3个方面予以提高。  相似文献   

为研究花卉在园林艺术中所起到的重要性,从园林美的要求出发,在具体环境中,各类植物比例可以不同,形成不同的植物群落外貌,从而创造丰富的植物景观。它们在园林中都具有各自不同的功能,从景观作用的角度概括地说,园林树木主要形成绿化,的骨架,园林花卉以其丰富的色彩起美化装饰作用。随着观念的转变,在传统园林中作为四大造园要素之一的园林植物,已成为今日园林的主要要素,重要原因是由于生态平衡遭到破坏,作为与人类生活环境最密切的植物群体,其在环境中的潜在生态效益受到相当的重视,并渴望被充分发挥出来。  相似文献   

李德坤 《现代园艺》2014,(6):209-209
以园林树木养护为研究对象,阐述了园林树木养护的具体方法,分析了不同季节园林树木养护的主要内容,以期对园林养护和生态环境改善有所帮助。  相似文献   

园林景观是城市建设发展的名片,也是构建舒适宜居环境的重要举措。在园林景观建设中最为关键的就是园林树木以及花卉的选择,为了避免园林景观建设同质化,就要根据不同地区的实际状况进行系统的分析,合理选择园林树木以及花卉,科学规划配置。基于辽宁省实际状况,探究了园林树木和园林花卉选用的相关内容,以供参考。  相似文献   

李萍 《现代园艺》2014,(4):136-136
以求"理"为目标的2个层次组合,根据具体的外部环境条件和内在文化心态,逐渐形成了多样化的外部结构特征,这些外部结构特征直接和艺术表现手法相联,可称之为表现性结构,它们是内在结构和同一座园林中呈现的不同侧面。  相似文献   

李佳  张薇 《现代园艺》2011,(21):63+65
伊斯兰园林是世界园林的重要组成部分,唐初伊斯兰教传入中国,2种不同哲学观的碰撞反映在了建筑和园林的形态上。由于失去了其赖以存在的自然环境,伊斯兰园林更多的是在遵循宗教教义的前提下,汲取中国本土园林的处理手法。  相似文献   

本文主要就园林空间的植物组合展开分析,通过分析植物和建筑之间的关系,结合不同植物带给人的不同感觉等,调整园林空间中不同植物的种植区域,促进其发挥划分以及连接空间等作用,打造空间层次鲜明的园林景色,提高园林的观赏价值。  相似文献   

园林道路是组织和引导游人观赏景物的驱足空间,与建筑、水体、山石、植物等造园要素一起组成丰富多彩的园林景观。而园林道路又是园林的脉络,它们的规划布局及走向必须满足该区域使用功能的要求,同时也要与周围环境相协调。  相似文献   

随着城市化进程不断加快,我国城市环境面临严峻的考验,园林植物要承担比以往更加重要的角色。城市环境的改善和维护离不开园林植物,而园林树木栽培技术历来是个重大问题,如何提高园林树木栽培技术和成活率,如何适当地应用它们,非常值得深究。园林树木的栽培及应用直接影响到我国城市化发展的进程,对我国的经济社会产生巨大的影响,为此,有必要深入探讨。  相似文献   

日本园林初始发展在很大程度上是和中国古典园林相仿的。由于中日两国的地理、文化、经济、民俗等的不同,形成了不同的园林观。采用不同的造园要素,主要从中日园林的建筑,水体和石3个造园要素进行了对比研究。  相似文献   

Domestic gardens provide a significant component of urban green infrastructure but their relative contribution to eco-system service provision remains largely un-quantified. ‘Green infrastructure’ itself is often ill-defined, posing problems for planners to ascertain what types of green infrastructure provide greatest benefit and under what circumstances. Within this context the relative merits of gardens are unclear; however, at a time of greater urbanization where private gardens are increasingly seen as a ‘luxury’, it is important to define their role precisely. Hence, the nature of this review is to interpret existing information pertaining to gardens/gardening per se, identify where they may have a unique role to play and to highlight where further research is warranted. The review suggests that there are significant differences in both form and management of domestic gardens which radically influence the benefits. Nevertheless, gardens can play a strong role in improving the environmental impact of the domestic curtilage, e.g. by insulating houses against temperature extremes they can reduce domestic energy use. Gardens also improve localized air cooling, help mitigate flooding and provide a haven for wildlife. Less favourable aspects include contributions of gardens and gardening to greenhouse gas emissions, misuse of fertilizers and pesticides, and introduction of alien plant species. Due to the close proximity to the home and hence accessibility for many, possibly the greatest benefit of the domestic garden is on human health and well-being, but further work is required to define this clearly within the wider context of green infrastructure.  相似文献   

The present research examined individual differences in preferences for three basic garden styles: manicured, romantic, and wild. Building on theoretical insights from landscape preference research, it was hypothesized that preferences for garden styles are guided by psychological needs. This hypothesis was empirically tested in two studies that used Personal Need for Structure (PNS; Neuberg and Newsom, 1993) as a predictor of preferences for allotment gardens in the Netherlands. In Study 1, 150 respondents rated the beauty of 30 photos of manicured, romantic, and wild allotment gardens. Results showed that respondents with a high PNS, as compared to respondents with a low PNS, rated wild gardens as less beautiful, and manicured gardens as more beautiful. Study 2 investigated the relationship between the PNS of allotment gardeners and the actual appearance of their gardens. One hundred and twenty-three owners of allotment gardens filled out the PNS scale and classified their garden as manicured, romantic, or wild. Gardeners with a high PNS, as compared to gardeners with a low PNS, more often owned a manicured or romantic garden, and less often owned a wild garden. In both studies, preference for garden types was also related to demographic characteristics, including gender, education level, and age. The theoretical and practical implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   



Complex landscapes with high resource availability can support more diverse natural enemy communities and better natural pest control by providing resources and facilitating organism dispersal. Moreover, in agricultural landscapes, local agroecosystem management can support biodiversity maintenance and pest control by adding resources in less complex landscapes with fewer resources. However, we lack an understanding of how local and landscape factors interact to affect natural enemy communities and their site fidelity to agroecosystems in urban landscapes (i.e., cityscapes).


To better understand how local and landscape factors influence natural enemies in urban agroecosystems, we used urban community gardens as a model system to test if and how local resource manipulation and differences in cityscape quality affect natural enemy (ladybird beetles, parasitoid wasps) communities and their fidelity to urban habitats.


We performed two manipulations. First, we added local floral resources in 6 of 12 gardens situated in different cityscapes to measure differences in natural enemy biodiversity. Second, in those 12 gardens, with and without resource additions, we manipulated populations of a common natural enemy, Hippodamia convergens, to assess fidelity to the gardens.


Floral resource additions increased parasitoid abundance and changed community composition, but had little effect on ladybeetle abundance, richness or site fidelity. Rather, ladybeetle fidelity to gardens was lower in gardens in low quality cityscapes with high impervious cover.


Cityscape quality influences natural enemies in and fidelity to gardens. Landscape-moderated biodiversity patterns observed in rural landscapes likely differ from urban contexts with implications for pest control.

Globally, rapid urbanisation has substantially reduced the amount of viable agricultural land – a food security issue. Food security is bringing a renewed scholarly interest in community gardens. This paper reviews the extent of English academic literature on community gardens, including: who has undertaken the research, where it has been published, the geographical location of the gardens studied, and the various methods used to undertake the research. The characteristics of the community gardens are summarised, including what types of plants are grown, who is involved in the gardens, and who owns the land. The motivations, benefits and limitations of community gardening are also examined. Finally, potential directions for research into community gardens are highlighted. Academic literature on community gardens is dominated by studies investigating gardens in low-income areas with diverse cultural backgrounds. Research based in cities in the USA also dominates the literature. Scholars from a wide diversity of disciplines have examined community gardens but research is mostly concentrated in the social sciences. The natural sciences are notably under-represented, yet they have much to offer including assessing gardening practices to better understand the agro-biodiversity conservation potential of community gardens.  相似文献   

试论我国生态园林城市建设的基本模式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对目前我国城市生态建设进程中的园林城市、生态园林城市及生态城市,从由来到内涵进行辨析,明确了园林城市、生态园林城市、生态城市是我国城市生态建设进程中三个渐进的不同发展阶段;总结了我国生态园林城市建设的三种基本模式.  相似文献   

There are few formal studies on the contribution of botanical gardens as urban green spaces, particularly within developing countries. Therefore, this paper reports on an assessment of the use and appreciation of botanical gardens as urban green spaces in South Africa. Users and staff were surveyed in six national botanical gardens. The gardens provided numerous benefits in terms of conservation, education and recreation. However, the people using the gardens were not demographically representative of the general population of the surrounding city or town. Generally, most of the visitors were middle- to old-aged, well-educated professionals with medium to high incomes. Most were white and English was their home language. There was an even gender representation. Most visited only a few times per year. The majority of users visited the gardens for recreation and psychological reasons rather than educational ones. However, the staff of each garden placed emphasis on education in the gardens and amongst surrounding schools. Most visitors appreciated the conservation dimensions of botanical gardens, and felt that there was insufficient public green space in their town or city. Understanding how people perceive and use the botanical gardens of South Africa is important to inform future research and strategies regarding the conservation of urban green space within a developing country.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in the use of healing gardens in healthcare settings to provide therapeutic benefits. However it is not yet well understood how people who spend time in these gardens use these spaces, and whether the intended benefits are experienced. This paper evaluates visitor feedback about healing gardens at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital in Brisbane, Australia, to gain insight into end-user experiences compared with existing literature about experiences of healing gardens and natural contexts. We have coded and analysed unsolicited comments left in visitors’ books over a period of four weeks immediately after the hospital was opened. Several themes have been identified relating to reasons for which people access the healing gardens; benefits they perceive from spending time in these spaces; and features and aspects of the gardens that are most appreciated. We conclude that the gardens at the Lady Cilento Children’s Hospital provide emotional respite to visitors, through appreciation of the views, being able to have time out, being in nature, restorative experiences, and access to outdoor air. The visitor feedback suggests that the original intention of the garden design has been largely successful, and provides insight into particular aspects of the garden design that are critical to enhancing visitor benefits.  相似文献   

Sky gardens have been actively studied and installed in different cities. Their development potential in compact developing cities has received little attention. Using remote sensing and GIS techniques, this study evaluates the vegetation configuration and development potential of sky gardens in urban Hong Kong, their underlying location, land use and building factors, and future planning and implementation concerns. Existing sky garden area is limited with sparse vegetation cover and low biomass. Existing podium gardens exceed roof gardens by about nine times. District development age has little effect on existing and potential sky gardens. Old towns have higher potential roof and podium gardens than new towns in most land uses. The effect of land use on potential sky gardens varies greatly by districts. Buildings with 10–20 floors have higher potential roof gardens in most districts. Building area is the main determinant of potential roof garden, and population density of potential podium gardens. Three scenarios of realization, namely minimum (20%), medium (50%) and maximum (80%), are adopted to project sky garden provision in individual districts. The projection extends to the contribution of new sky gardens to urban greening in terms of green cover and greening rate in districts. The challenges include susceptibility to typhoon damage in high-rise exposed sites, aggressive weed invasion, lack of roof-slab loading data in old buildings, and poor building maintenance. The opportunities include affordability of the new technology, enabling government policy, and establishment of scientific and research foundation in the local context. The development strategy could aim squarely at stringent technical standards and contractor skill requirement, and programme prioritization based on research findings. The study provides useful hints, approaches and recommendations for a systematic sky-garden action plan in Hong Kong and other similar compact cities.  相似文献   

The beneficial effect of nature on patients with mental disorders is of particular importance. There has been an increase in mental illnesses in recent years, but research on the design of healing gardens for mental and behavioural disorders remains limited. This paper is part of a wider study that aims to investigate the effect of selected design elements of healing gardens on patients with mental disorders. This study examines the effect of seasonal colour change in plantings in the design of healing gardens on patients suffering from psychotic disorders by using a questionnaire survey and by recording and analysing human behaviour. Images depicting seasonal colour change in different plantings were viewed on a computer monitor by patients. Patients’ behaviour was studied using biosensors for eye-tracking, facial expression analysis and galvanic skin response. The results showed that differences in gender and age between participants did not affect their preferences. However, it appeared to be more difficult to positively affect the emotions of male participants compared to female participants. Seasonal colour change in a tree canopy created positive and intense emotions in the patients. Based on the results, the use of deciduous trees is proposed in the design of healing gardens for patients with psychotic disorders to create seasonal colour change. Further research is necessary to obtain more detailed design recommendations for landscape architects.  相似文献   

With rising interest in urban agriculture and urban food issues, community gardens have become an increasingly welcomed feature of urban landscapes. Reflecting this growing interest and demand, there has been a corresponding shift from temporary occupation of vacant sites to integration of community gardens into urban parks system. Such integration holds significant opportunities for community gardens to achieve stability, expand their overall footprint, and become a more integral part of the urban built environment. But as community gardens become a more accepted feature of public parks, what are some of the key issues and challenges of integration? How can community gardens thrive under a different spatial and institutional framework that governs public parks? Using Seattle as a case study where integration of community gardens into public parks has a long history as well as significant recent growth, this article examines lessons and challenges of such integration. Specifically, it identifies lessons including the clarity of roles and responsibilities of different agencies and the importance of collaboration and partnership as well as participatory site planning and design. It also points to perception of community gardens as private use and spatial and programming conflicts between gardening and other park uses as continued challenges.  相似文献   

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