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Knowledge of thermal conductivity of granular materials under reduced air pressure can be utilized for studying intricate mechanisms of heat transfer in two‐phase systems. We measured the thermal conductivity of three soils of varied texture and two sets of glass beads (GB) under reduced air pressure using a twin heat probe. We also predicted the thermal conductivity of a two‐phase system at reduced air pressure from the modified Woodside & Messmer equation based on the kinetic theory of gases. This equation includes a thermal separation of solid particles (d) defined by the heat conduction. We compared this separation with the geometrical mean separation of solid particles (D). The results showed a linear relation between d and D for the GB, and in all cases d was smaller than D. This suggests that conductive heat transfer in two‐phase GB takes place mainly through air spaces the dimension of which is smaller than D. The d of a Red Yellow soil and an Ando soil, however, were about 200–300 times larger than D. This result seems to be related to the soil aggregation. We showed that in soil aggregates the conduction of heat through the solid was the dominant mode of heat transfer, and the micropores in a soil aggregate had very little effect on the diminished thermal conductivity under reduced air pressure. The decrease in the thermal conductivity of two‐phase soil under reduced air pressure is probably caused by the air molecules confined in interaggregate pore spaces rather than those in the intra‐aggregate pore spaces. The d of soils can be used to represent the thermal separation of the interaggregate pore spaces, and soil aggregates can be treated as single‐grained particles in evaluating heat conduction.  相似文献   

One of the best ways to evaluate the coupled heat and mass transfer in soil is to measure the heat flux and water distribution simultaneously. For this purpose, we developed an apparatus for measuring the one‐dimensional steady‐state heat flux and water distribution in unsaturated soil under reduced air pressure. The system was tested using four samples with known thermal conductivity (0.6–8.0 W m?1 K?1). We confirmed that the system could measure the one‐dimensional steady‐state heat flux under a fixed temperature difference between ends of the samples over a wide range of thermal conductivity values. Time domain reflectometry was used to measure the water distribution with a repeatability of less than ± 1.0%. We used the apparatus to measure the soil heat flux and distribution of water content and temperature under steady‐state conditions with reduced air pressure. The initial volumetric water content, θini, of the soil samples was set at 0.20 and 0.40 m3m?3. For a θini of 0.20, the heat flux was not significantly affected by air pressure, and the water content on the hot side decreased whilst that on the cold side increased, i.e. a pronounced water content gradient was formed. For a θini of 0.40, the heat flux increased sharply with reduced air pressure, and the water content did not change, i.e. a homogeneous water distribution was observed. The increase in the heat flux with air pressure reduction is caused by the vapour transfer in soil pores. We found that a large vapour transfer took place in the soil with the homogeneous water distribution, and that the vapour transfer was less in the soil with the pronounced water content gradient. These experimental facts were entirely different from the traditional knowledge of vapour transfer in soil under temperature gradients. A lack of data on heat flux must have resulted in the previously incorrect conclusions. The new apparatus will serve to clarify the intricate phenomena of thermally induced vapour transfer in unsaturated soil in further experiments.  相似文献   

To clarify the role of air molecules in coupled heat and mass transfer in soil, we measured the thermal conductivity of three kinds of soil (Ando soil, Red Yellow soil, and Toyoura sand) under reduced air pressure over a wide range of water content and temperature (10–75°C). The thermal conductivity increased sharply under reduced air pressure above a critical water content of the soil, becoming several times larger than that under normal pressure (101 kPa). The maximum thermal conductivity for each soil was obtained below 75°C and was similar to the thermal conductivity of some metals such as Mn, Hg and stainless steel. When the soil was drier than its critical water content, the thermal conductivity did not increase under reduced air pressure. The hydraulic diffusivity at the critical water content for each soil was of the order of 10?8 m2 s?1. This suggests that the latent heat transfer is enhanced by the circulation of the condensed water. However, very little is known about the effect of circulating water on the latent heat transfer under reduced air pressure. To make this clear, the thermal conductivity would need to be measured in the steady state under reduced air pressure.  相似文献   

为探究气吸式播种机气力系统多分支汇流管路负压气流的流动规律,掌握管路总体压力损失与管路几何结构之间的关联特性,获取管路总体压力损失的定量预测目标值,该研究对多分支汇流管路气流流动状态进行分析,明确了影响管路气流流动的主要因素,采用单因素试验及Fluent仿真模拟,从宏观、微观尺度阐明多分支汇流管路中的气流流动规律及总流气压损失原因,通过量纲分析法建立了总体压力损失(ΔP,Pa)与空气密度(ρ,kg/ m3)、空气动力黏度(μ,Pa·s)、集管封闭端长度(L,mm)、入口支管1的入口流量(Q,m3/s)、入口支管内径(d,mm)、入口支管长度(l,mm)、入口支管间距(δ,mm)、集管内径(γ,mm)、出口支管内径(D,mm)和出口支管长度(Δ,mm)关系的经验公式。台架试验结果表明,所建立的经验公式应用范围为0.0009 m3/s≤Q≤0.0045 m3/s,28 mm≤d≤45.2 mm,100 mm≤l≤200 mm、200 mm≤δ≤300 mm, 42.6 mm≤γ≤81.4 mm,150 mm≤Δ≤250 mm,34 mm≤D≤42.6 mm、53.6 mm≤D≤57 mm,对多分支汇流管路总体压力损失的预测精度在经验公式计算值的10%以内。所建立的经验公式可为气吸式播种机多分支汇流管路的设计选型、结构优化提供参考。  相似文献   

Phytoextraction of soil Cd and Zn may require reduction in soil pH in order to achieve high metal uptake. Reducing the pH of high metal soil, however, could negatively affect soil ecosystem function and health. The objectives of this study were to characterize the quantitative causal relationship between pH and soil biological activities in two Zn and Cd contaminated soils and to investigate the relationship between metals and soil biological activities under low pH. Soils were adjusted to five or six different pH levels by sulfur addition, followed by salt leaching. Thlaspi caerulescens was grown for 6 months, and both the rhizosphere and non-rhizosphere soil biological activities were tested after harvest. Reducing pH significantly lowered soil alkaline phosphatase activity, arylsulphatase activity, nitrification potential, and respiration. However, acid phosphatase activity was increased with decreasing pH. The relationship between soil biological activities and pH was well characterized by linear or quadratic regression models with R2 values ranging from 0.57 to 0.99. In general, the three enzyme activities, nitrification potential, and the ratio of alkaline phosphatase to acid phosphatase activity were very sensitive indicators of soil pH status while soil respiration was not sensitive to pH change. The rhizosphere soil had higher biological activities than non-rhizosphere soil. The negative effects observed in the non-rhizosphere soil were alleviated by the rhizosphere influence. However, rhizosphere soil after 6 months phytoextraction showed lower nitrification potential than non-rhizosphere soil, probably due to substrate limitation in our study.  相似文献   

Under laboratory conditions, the spores of a xerotolerant Streptomyces odorifera strain germinated in brown semidesert soil even at extremely low soil water pressure (P = ?96.4 MPa, ?964 atm, a w 0.50); the plantlets increased in length and formed mycelium, on which a new generation of spores was produced (a complete development cycle of the actinomycetes??from a spore to the formation of new spores??passed). The duration of the first cycles of the actinomycetes?? development varied from 13 days at P = ?27 atm to 57 days at P = ?964 atm and was directly proportional to the absolute value of the soil water pressure (P). In the first cycles of the actinomycetes?? development, the rate of increase of the concentration of the germinated spores and mycelium, as well as the logarithms of the mycelium-to-germinated spore concentration ratios, was inversely proportional to the logarithm of P. These relationships indicated that the energy state of the water determined its availability to soil biota and, hence, the activity of its physiological and biochemical processes.  相似文献   

Conservation tillage (no-till and reduced tillage) brings many benefits with respect to soil fertility and energy use, but it also has drawbacks regarding the need for synthetic fertilizers and herbicides. Our objective was to adapt reduced tillage to organic farming by quantifying effects of tillage (plough versus chisel), fertilization (slurry versus manure compost) and biodynamic preparations (with versus without) on soil fertility indicators and crop yield. The experiment was initiated in 2002 on a Stagnic Eutric Cambisol (45% clay content) near Frick (Switzerland) where the average annual precipitation is 1000 mm. This report focuses on the conversion period and examines changes as tillage intensity was reduced. Soil samples were taken from the 0–10 and 10–20 cm depths and analysed for soil organic carbon (Corg), microbial biomass (Cmic), dehydrogenase activity (DHA) and earthworm density and biomass. Among the components tested, only tillage had any influence on these soil fertility indicators. Corg in the 0–10 cm soil layer increased by 7.4% (1.5 g Corg kg−1 soil, p < 0.001) with reduced tillage between 2002 and 2005, but remained constant with conventional tillage. Similarly, Cmic was 28% higher and DHA 27% (p < 0.001) higher with reduced than with conventional tillage in the soil layer 0–10 cm. In the 10–20 cm layer, there were no significant differences for these soil parameters between the tillage treatments. Tillage had no significant effect on total earthworm density and biomass. The abundance of endogeic, horizontally burrowing adult earthworms was 70% higher under reduced than conventional tillage but their biomass was 53% lower with reduced tillage. Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spelt (Triticum spelta L.) yield decreased by 14% (p < 0.001) and 8% (p < 0.05), respectively, with reduced tillage, but sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) yield was slightly higher with reduced tillage. Slurry fertilization enhanced wheat yield by 5% (p < 0.001) compared to compost fertilization. Overall, Corg, Cmic, and DHA improved and yields showed only a small reduction with reduced tillage under organic management, but long-term effects such as weed competition remain unknown.  相似文献   

Natural S supplies are insufficient for high crop yields. The S brought down by rain is limited, even in industrial areas, and much of it is lost in drainage. Additional supplies are needed either as fertilizers or as SO2, which vegetation readily absorbs. The margin between the minimum SO2 concentration for full growth and the concentration at which damage occurs is wide enough for distribution via the air, without deleterious effects, of such S as is available from the combustion of fuels.  相似文献   

 There has been concern that the measurement of gas emissions from a soil surface may not accurately reflect gas production within the soil profile. But, there have been few direct assessments of the error associated with the use of surface emissions for estimating gas production within soil profiles at different water contents. To determine the influence of air porosity on the distribution of gases within soil profiles, denitrification assays were performed using soil columns incubated with different water contents to provide air porosities of 18%, 13%, and 0% (equivalent to 62%, 73%, and 100% water-filled pore space, respectively). The soil columns were formed by packing sieved soil into cylinders which could be sealed at the top to form a headspace for the measurement of surface emissions of soil gases. Gas-permeable silicone tubing was placed at three depths (4.5, 9, and 13.5 cm) within each soil core to permit the measurement of gas concentration gradients within the soil core. Assays for denitrification were initiated by the addition of acetylene (5 kPa) to the soil column, and gas samples were taken from both the headspace and gas-permeable tubing at various times during a 46-h incubation. The results showed that at 18% air porosity, the headspace gases were well equilibrated with pore-space gases, and that gas emissions from the soil could provide good estimates of N2O and CO2 production. At air porosities of 13% and 0%, however, substantial storage of these gases occurred within the soil profiles, and measurements of surface emissions of gas from the soils greatly underestimated gas production. For example, the sole use of N2O emission measurements caused three to five fold underestimates of N2O production in soil maintained at 13% air porosity. It was concluded that the confounding influence of soil moisture on gas production and transport in soil greatly limits the use of surface emissions as a reliable indicator of gas production. This is particularly pertinent when assessing processes such as denitrification in which N gas production is greatly promoted by the conditions that limit O2 influx and concurrently limit N gas efflux. Received: 15 January 1999  相似文献   

减量施肥下小麦产量、肥料利用率和土壤养分平衡   总被引:21,自引:7,他引:21  
【目的】我国化肥过量施用现象普遍,不利于生态环境保护和农业可持续生产。研究化肥减量施用对小麦产量、籽粒灌浆和肥料利用率的影响,可以为我国化肥高效施用和零增长目标提供理论依据。【方法】在四川盆地进行了两个大田试验,以习惯施肥 (N、P2O5、K2O 分别为 180、120、45 kg/hm2) 为对照,设置减量施肥 (N、P2O5、K2O 分别为 96、60、45 kg/hm2) 处理,测定了小麦产量及构成、籽粒灌浆、花后干物质转运、旗叶叶绿素含量、养分平衡和肥料利用率。【结果】与习惯施肥相比,减量施肥下小麦产量、穗数、穗粒数没有显著变化,小麦–玉米轮作田块小麦千粒重显著提高 5.8%。根据 Logistics 方程拟合结果,减量施肥显著提高了小麦–玉米轮作田块小麦理论最大千粒重,渐增期、缓增期籽粒净增重,对其他灌浆参数影响不显著。减量施肥下小麦干物质转运量、转运率及其对籽粒灌浆的贡献率增加 28.5%、17.5% 和 20.7%,但花后旗叶叶绿素含量下降速度加快。习惯施肥和减量施肥土壤氮素盈余分别为 22.6 和 –30.2 kg/hm2,土壤磷盈余分别为 80.4 和 22.8 kg/hm2。减量施肥后氮肥偏生产力、农学效率和表观回收率比习惯施肥提高 79.2%、69.1% 和 27.9%,磷肥偏生产力、农学效率和表观回收率提高 91.1%、72.7% 和 68.5%。【结论】本试验的两年时间内,减量施肥可以维持小麦产量,促进小麦干物质转运及其对籽粒灌浆的贡献,但花后功能叶衰退加速。减量施肥下肥料利用率提高,土壤磷素盈余降低,土壤氮素亏缺,需要在确保维持小麦产量、土壤肥力和养分平衡的基础上,继续优化减氮量。  相似文献   

Abstract. Nepal is facing a serious problem of being unable to maintain soil fertility in agriculture and forestry. Land use practices initiated over the past 10–15 years have resulted in insufficient nutrient inputs, while biomass use and production have increased. Changes in forest soil fertility have resulted from intensive use of forest biomass for animal feed and collection of forest litter for use in agriculture. The agricultural fertility changes have resulted from intensifying annual crop rotations from 1.5 to 2.5 crops and insufficient inputs. The removal of biomass from the forest has curtailed the natural organic cycle by virtually eliminating nutrient inputs.
The soils are very acidic and have little C, N, P and exchangeable bases, but have large amounts of active iron. Basic nutrients are not sustained in agriculture and differences in inputs and management between irrigated and rainfed agricultural systems are becoming visible. Irrigated fields show the largest cation content because of input from irrigation water. Rainfed agricultural sites, which receive the most nutrients (fertilizers and manure), have the highest pH values and C and N contents. All soil fertility conditions are marginal and put into question the long-term sustainability of current levels of production. Alterations in the cropping intensity are needed and the introduction of nitrogen fixing trees and crops seems to be the most viable option towards sustainability.  相似文献   

The total content of air entrapped, adsorbed, dissolved, and occurring as bubbles in soil water is termed “bound soil air.” The content of free soil air is determined from the difference between the total and bound soil air. Data on the content of free and bound air in different-sized aggregates of calcareous coarse silty-clayey meadow alluvial soil in the Dnestr River floodplain are presented. The effect of density, aeration, and sand and straw addition on the content of the free and bound air in soil aggregates was shown. A classification of aggregates based on their density and the content of the free, bound, and total soil air was proposed.  相似文献   

少免耕土壤结构与导水能力的季节变化及其水保效果   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对黑土坡耕地免耕、少耕与传统耕作土壤物理性状全生育期观测,比较研究土壤结构和导水性状季节变化差异及其与水土流失的关系。结果表明,表层0~20 cm土壤,免耕土壤容重全生育期维持在1.20~1.30 g cm-3,变化小,大于0.25 mm的水稳性团聚体含量(WR0.25)和平均重量直径(MWD)高于传统耕作,初始和稳定入渗速率均高于少耕和传统耕作,土壤含水量分别较少耕和传统耕作高4.7和4.4个百分点,较传统耕作分别减少地表径流和土壤流失量86%和100%;少耕除夏季各项性状均介于免耕和传统耕作之间,夏季垄沟深松后,垄沟土壤容重显著降低,较免耕和传统耕作降低0.15 g cm-3以上,提高土壤初始入渗速率30%以上,较传统耕作减少水和土壤流失量20%和40%。传统耕作土壤容重,垄台由播种时的0.91 g cm-3增加至收获时的1.23 g cm-3,垄沟一直维持在1.30 g cm-3左右,WR0.25、MWD、土壤稳定入渗速率、含水量均较低,全生育期10%的雨水流失,土壤流失量615 t km-2a-1。免耕土壤结构稳定,蓄水保水最佳,为效果显著的水土保持耕作措施,少耕也有一定的保水保土作用;免耕和少耕均能够改善土壤物理性状。  相似文献   

  【目的】  氮肥施用量影响农田氨挥发量和氮肥利用效率。研究减量施氮后土壤的氨挥发特征及排放系数,为科学评估化肥减施对环境的影响提供依据。  【方法】  选取华北砂壤质潮土农田,进行小麦–玉米轮作周年土壤氨挥发监测研究。试验包括不施氮磷钾化肥 (CK)、常规施氮肥 (N)、优化施肥 (OPT)、减量优化 (LOPT) 和优化加有机肥 (mOPT) 5个施肥处理。小麦季常规、优化和减量优化处理施氮量分别为315、225和135 kg/hm2,玉米季分别为330、240和150 kg/hm2。试验采用密闭海绵法,在小麦、玉米基肥和追肥后,定期取样测定不同处理的氨挥发量,并计算氨排放系数。  【结果】  不同施氮量下,供试农田玉米季土壤氨挥发总量在12.8~20.4 kg/hm2,占总施氮量的5.9%~8.5%;小麦季氨挥发总量在6.8~12.0 kg/hm2,占总施氮量的3.3%~5.0%,玉米季氨总挥发量明显高于小麦季。4个施氮处理相比,N和LOPT处理的氨排放系数较高,小麦季分别为3.8%和5.0%,玉米季分别为6.2%和8.5%,而OPT和mOPT处理的氨排放系数相对较低,小麦季分别为3.6%和3.3%,玉米季均为5.9%。除此之外,OPT和mOPT处理小麦和玉米产量显著高于N和LOPT处理(P<0.05),说明过量或过少施氮不利于砂壤质潮土作物产量的提高,适当添加有机肥不仅增产还可以降低氨挥发量。对不同施氮量进行拟合,发现潮土小麦和玉米季常规施氮量处理的氨挥发量在施肥后均呈极显著指数增加趋势 (P<0.01)。  【结论】  华北砂壤质潮土区小麦–玉米轮作体系中,玉米追肥期的氨挥发量高于基肥期,小麦基肥期的氨挥发量高于追肥期,玉米季的总氨挥发量高于小麦季。优化氮肥施用不论是否配合有机肥,均可显著降低小麦季和玉米季的氨挥发量和氨排放系数,提高两季作物的产量,而过量减施氮肥虽然减少了氨挥发量,但大大增加了氨排放系数。  相似文献   



Copper (Cu) contamination has been increasing in land ecosystems due to economic development activities. Excessive amount of Cu in soils is toxic to both plants and microorganisms. Biochar (BC) is known to immobilize soil Cu. The objectives of this research were to investigate the effects of chicken-manure-derived BC (CMB) on Cu immobilization, and growth of native metallophyte Oenothera picensis in a Cu-contaminated soil.

Materials and methods

A Cu-contaminated sandy soil (338 mg Cu kg?1) was spiked and equilibrated with additional Cu (0, 100, and 500 mg Cu kg?1). The spiked soil was then amended with CMB (0, 5, and 10 % w/w) and incubated for 2 weeks. The metallophyte was grown on these treatments under greenhouse conditions for 3 months. Pore water solutions were collected from the plant pots every 30 days. After the harvest, soil and pore water pH, soil Cu fractions, pore water Cu concentration, soil microbial activity, plant biomass weight, and Cu concentration in plant parts were determined.

Results and discussion

The CMB increased the pH of soils and soil pore water, and probably also soil major nutrients. It reduced the exchangeable fraction of Cu but increased its organic matter and residual fractions. At the same time, it decreased the Cu concentration in the soil pore water. The CMB increased basal respiration and dehydrogenase activity. The CMB application produced up to three and seven times more root and shoot biomass, respectively. In addition, shoots accumulated lesser Cu than control but roots did more. Plants survived in soil that was spiked with 500 mg Cu kg?1, only when CMB dose was 10 %.


The CMB affected the Cu uptake in plant by altering the mobility, bioavailability, and spatial distribution of Cu in soils. The increase in available nutrients and decrease in Cu toxicity facilitated plant growth. The increased microbial activity probably also promoted the plant growth and reduced the Cu bioavailability. Therefore, CMB can be used to remediate Cu-contaminated soils.

This study aimed to design ecologically acceptable formulations of acetochlor by adsorbing it on montmorillonite exchanged by a small organic cation, phenyltrimethylammonium (PTMA). Adsorption of acetochlor on the clay mineral exchanged with different organic cations and its release from these complexes were determined by GC and modeled by Langmuir equation. Interactions between acetochlor molecules and the exchanged organic cation on the clay surface were studied by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Leaching of acetochlor in soil was determined by a bioassay using a column technique and Setaria viridis as a test plant. The adsorbed amounts of acetochlor on montmorillonite exchanged by PTMA at a loading of 0.5 mmol/g of clay were higher than at a loading up to the cation-exchange capacity, i.e., 0.8 mmol/g, and were higher than obtained by using a clay mineral exchanged by other organic cations. Preloading montmorillonite by PTMA at 0.5 mmol/g yielded maximal shifts of the infrared peaks of the herbicide. The above formulation of acetochlor yielded slow release in water and showed improved weed control in field and greenhouse experiments in comparison with the commercial formulation. The PTMA-clay formulation of acetochlor maintained herbicidal activity in the topsoil and yielded the most significant reduction in herbicide leaching and persistence under field conditions. The application of this formulation can minimize the risk to groundwater and can reduce the applied rates.  相似文献   

Amending soils with glucose (5 mg g?1) resulted in an immediate increase in microbial activity and within 30 min the rates of heat output and respiration at 22° C were increased by up to 17.8 and 23.4 times, respectively. The increased rate of heat output remained stable for up to 6 h and there was good correlation with the amount of CO2 respired. The soil biomass was calculated by the method of Anderson and Domsch (1978). The rate of heat output of the biomass varied in different soils and ranged from 11.5 to 83.7 Jh?1 g?1 biomass C. In glucose-amended soils, however, the rate of heat output was much more consistent; the soils were in two groups having between 169–265 Jh?1g?1 biomass C or 454–482 J h?1 g?1 biomass C, both the latter two soils were from pasture. The increased rate of heat output from the amended soils was lower than expected from the respiration rate and the heat of oxidation of glucose, suggesting that a proportion of the CO2 respired was from catabolism of substrates other than glucose. Use of 14C-glucose confirmed that between 57–91% of the CO2 was derived from the glucose substrate.  相似文献   

土石混合介质导气率变化特征试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
土壤中碎石的存在改变了土壤结构和孔隙分布,进而影响土壤通气性能。该文通过对碎石单粒径土石混合介质导气率变化特征研究,旨在探讨单粒径土石混合介质导气内在机理,为进一步研究复杂的野外土石混合介质的导气特性提供基础。为了研究土石混合介质中碎石对导气率的影响,该文通过试验研究,分析土壤颗粒小于2mm的样本(砂土、砂壤土、黏壤土)、碎石质量分数(10%、20%、30%、40%、50%)和碎石粒径(2~3、>3~5mm)对土石混合介质导气率的影响。结果表明:在土壤颗粒小于2mm的样本条件下,土壤导气率呈砂土>砂壤土>黏壤土;在相同碎石质量分数的土石混合介质中导气率呈砂壤土>砂土>黏壤土;碎石的存在改善黏壤土的导气性能,使黏壤土碎石混合介质的导气率大于黏壤土的导气率;降低了砂壤土和砂土的导气性能,且砂土的降低幅度远大于砂壤土;在砂壤土中碎石粒径2~3mm的导气率大于>3~5mm的导气率;在砂土中碎石质量分数30%之内,碎石粒径>3~5mm的导气率稍大于2~3mm的导气率,在40%则相反,但两种粒径下混合介质导气率差异不是很明显。  相似文献   

竖管地表滴灌下风沙土稳定入渗率与湿润体估算模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了量化解决竖管地表滴灌过程中滴头流量与竖管结构参数(竖管直径和竖管埋深)、土壤湿润体与植物根系的匹配问题,该研究通过12组竖管内积水(2 cm水头)入渗试验(9组率定,3组验证),测定不同竖管直径(8.8、10.6、12.6、14.2 cm)和竖管埋深(15、20、25 cm)条件下风沙土累积入渗量变化过程,并采用P...  相似文献   

Irrigation by surge flooding does not always wet the soils thoroughly, and we have investigated the reasons for this on an irrigated plot in northern Senegal by monitoring the water budget during a rice cropping season (100 days). The amount of water added during each irrigation event was measured, and evapotranspiration and infiltration were estimated with lysimeters and Muntz infiltration rings, respectively. At the same time, piezometric levels, neutron probe values and water tension data were recorded at two stations in the plot. These measurements showed unusual results: infiltration rate was less than 1 × 10?6 mm s?1 (less than 0.1 mm a day), there was a constant water deficit during the entire irrigation period, around 50 cm deep, and tensiometers at 40 cm reacted very slowly to water infiltration. The water fluxes in the vadose zone derived from these data showed clearly a discrepancy between fluxes calculated from hydraulic gradients and fluxes calculated from mass conservation. The hydraulic gradients suggested a zero flux plane at 40 cm below the surface, but the calculated values of the fluxes overestimated by several orders of magnitude the infiltration rates determined on the plot, whereas fluxes determined from mass conservation matched far better. These results show that air was entrapped between the shallow water table and the wetting front, and this inhibited water infiltration. Modelling water flow down the soil profile with a computer program for simulating one‐dimensional water movement (Hydrus) confirmed that single‐phase models cannot describe imbibition in this situation. Simple infiltration models based on a modified Green–Ampt equation accounting for air compression and air counter‐flow, however, fit experimental infiltration data much better. We demonstrated that where surge flooding is associated with a shallow water table, as in many large irrigation schemes, one must take into account the presence of air to quantify the flow of water into the soil.  相似文献   

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