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鸵鸟主要分为非洲鸵鸟、美洲鸵鸟、澳洲鸵鸟(鸸鹋)、几维鸟(新西兰)等,属鸟纲平胸总目鸟类目前,在世界范围内养殖的鸵鸟多为非洲鸵鸟,通过对鸵鸟繁殖行为进行观察,介绍了种鸟的繁殖特性和发情、交配、配种、产蛋等生殖行为和世界范围的养殖情况,以及我国鸵鸟的养殖时间及养殖水平.  相似文献   

鸵鸟养殖技术与养殖成败有着密切的联系,为此,养殖人员在养殖鸵鸟前,要对其特点及习性进行充分了解,确保鸵鸟正常生长发育及生产性能,优化鸵鸟养殖质量.本文对鸵鸟具体饲养管理进行了详细阐述,以期通过优化鸵鸟的生长环境,推动鸵鸟养殖业的可持续发展.  相似文献   

介绍了世界 5 0多个国家与地区鸵鸟的养殖情况及鸵鸟与鸵鸟产品的国际市场现状 ,指出发展鸵鸟养殖的潜力很大 ,发展前景乐观。同时对鸵鸟的特性和经济价值作了比较详细的论述 ,对将鸵鸟养殖列入开发大陆西部地区的“扶贫项目”提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

我国于1992年从国外引进鸵鸟进行规模化养殖以来,发展很快,至1998年全国已建鸵鸟养殖企业400余家,饲养鸵鸟的数量近10万只,成为亚洲地区养殖鸵鸟最多的国家。与国内省区比较,我区鸵鸟养殖起步晚、数量少,至1999年底仅有鸵鸟养殖场3家、存栏76只。为了交流经验,笔者将几年来在鸵鸟养殖生产中积累的有关资料整理成文,以供同行参考。1 广西鸵鸟养殖的基本情况我区鸵鸟养殖始于1995年,计有北海西南珍奇动物养殖有限责任公司、武鸣鸵鸟有限责任公司、广西区饮食服务公司、广西区畜牧研究所及崇左县种畜场5家企(事)业单位投资900余万元,创建了北…  相似文献   

我国鸵鸟业现已进入一个关键发展时期。客观形势要求鸵鸟业界联合起来,共享信息,共同推进产、供、销各环节大市场的逐渐形成。因而鸵鸟产业的进一步发展迫切需要一份影响广泛的核心媒体为广大鸵鸟企业产供销搭起桥梁。 本刊杂志社自从去年举办中外鸵鸟养殖技术交流会、鸵鸟养殖技术培训班和出版全国第一本《鸵鸟养殖》科普专辑以来,实际上已成为我国鸵鸟业中发行量大、影响面广的媒体信息中心。因而受到广大鸵鸟企业、养殖爱好者的赞赏和热情关注,并经常到本刊杂志社或来函来电提出许多生产实践中的问题希望得到解答或共同商讨鸵鸟行业发展大计。正是由于广大鸵鸟企业、养殖爱好者的积极要求和热情推动,本刊杂志社决定自本期起开设“鸵鸟养殖”专栏,广泛介绍鸵鸟养殖技术、鸵鸟产品市场开发成果及市场信息,以期起到提高我国鸵鸟养殖技术水平、开拓鸵鸟产品市场、促进鸵鸟业健康发展的作用。  相似文献   

本文综述了国内外鸵鸟养殖业的概况、养殖技术及鸵鸟养殖业的发展前景及其经济效益  相似文献   

我国鸵鸟养殖的可行性初步分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文从鸵鸟的生物学特性出发 ,以生物学、饲养学、经济学和社会学的观点对我国当前发展鸵鸟养殖的可行性进行了初步分析和研究 ,并在此基础上进一步探讨了鸵鸟养殖的前景 ,为我国鸵鸟养殖的发展提出了笔者的意见。  相似文献   

●中国成为世界鸵鸟养殖大国 中国的鸵鸟养殖业不断发展。目前全国有300多家鸵鸟养殖企业,鸵鸟存栏10万只,已经成为世界鸵鸟养殖大国,中国的鸵鸟产业正向深度和广度开发推进。据介绍,鸵鸟全身都是宝,鸵鸟肉高蛋白、低脂肪、含有多种有益的微量元素,其营养价值高于牛、羊肉;鸵鸟  相似文献   

近几年来,在我国一些地区兴起鸵鸟养殖热,养殖规模不断扩大,产业化经营的趋势正逐步形成,鸵鸟产业蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力.介绍了鸵鸟生活习性、生物特性、孵化特点.以及繁殖、育雏、饲养管理技术,以期对鸵鸟养殖提供参考.  相似文献   

鸵鸟是经济价值极高的养殖动物,南非是鸵鸟的主要产地。随着鸵鸟产品需求量的增加,其价格在国际市场上不断上升。从80年代起,美国、澳大利亚、加拿大、津巴布韦及以色列等国纷纷开始发展本国的养鸵业。我国南方一些地区,在80年代引进了鸵鸟,进行人工养殖,当前不少投资者对鸵鸟养殖表现出极大的兴趣。本文介绍鸵鸟的养殖方法及营养需要,为我国养鸵业提供必要的资料。1鸵鸟简介鸵鸟学名Ratites,包括5个品种,其中(Ostriches)个体大,易训养,是目前国内外的主要养殖品种,也是本文主要的介绍对象。主产非洲,故又称非洲鸵。成年公…  相似文献   

鸵鸟养殖产业的现状与发展前景   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述了国内外鸵鸟养殖业的现状 ,提出了发展我国鸵鸟产业的具体意见和措施 ,为鸵鸟养殖产业化、规范化和集约化提出了合理的建议。  相似文献   

雏鸵鸟趾腿病是鸵鸟育雏期最易发生的疾病之一,一年四季均可发生,危害性非常大,给养殖企业和养殖户带来巨大经济损失,严重影响鸵鸟产业的健康发展。论文就雏鸵鸟趾腿病发生的原因进行分析,并提出有效的预防措施,旨在为鸵鸟养殖户提供参考。  相似文献   

中国鸵鸟产业发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从鸵鸟养殖的品种科学配制、利用地方饲料资源 ,疾病防治及产品加工 4个方面论述了我国鸵鸟产业发展的前景  相似文献   

This review discusses the historical, developmental and practices of ostrich farming in Egypt. In the early 20th century, ostrich farming was very important for production of ostrich feathers and documents were produced to perfect the art of procuring the plumes from the birds and subsequently processing them. Pharaohs used ostrich feathers for adornment. Of 43 provinces, 12 were featured in 2003-2004 as farming ostriches: Alexandria, Al-Behera, Al-Dakahlia, Al-Wadi Al-Gadid, Aswan, Cairo, El-Sharkia, Geiza, Ismailia, Kafr-El-Sheikh, Matrouh and Nubaria. Abattoirs and tanneries specialising in ostrich handling are limited to two. Egypt has numerous strengths and opportunities to develop its ostrich sector. Rising meat prices suggest that fresh ostrich meat is unaffordable to many locals. Funds may be allocated to local advertising campaigns to promote ostrich meat; provision of incentives to farmers; and improving the capacity of abattoirs.  相似文献   

鸵鸟流感研究进展   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
自90年代以来,驯养鸵鸟在世界很多国家发展迅猛,已成为经济动物养殖业中重要成员。然而,随之鸵鸟流感也扩散蔓延,危害严重而复杂。本文仅就流感病毒及其疫苗方面的新进展和世界鸵鸟流感现状作一论述。  相似文献   

Ostrich meat was originally considered to be a by-product of the leather industry. Ostrich farming focused on the production of good quality hides and was mainly based on experience. Since a few years there has been a move from hide production to meat production; however, little is known about ostrich meat production which has consequences for legislation. There is insufficient knowledge about the factors influencing muscle growth. The strong growth of ostrich meat production in the EU member states should be discussed because the climatic conditions are not optimal and the price of the meat may remain high compared to meat of broilers, pigs, and cattle. Information programmes have to be set up for all members in the production chain. The present method for stunning of ostriches has to be changed in most slaughterhouses. In this study the effects of electrical and mechanical stunning on unconsciousness, duration of unconsciousness, behaviour, and meat quality parameters were examined. At least 500 mA is needed to stun ostriches effectively, and they can be killed using a short-stick interval or a long stunning duration. A modified captive needle pistol, using air pressure, is an alternative to electrical head-only stunning.  相似文献   

A report is given on an analysis of meteorological data on five locations in the region of Hessia in order to apply the BML's expert recommendation concerning ostrich farming. According to this recommendation black ice, very strong frost and continuous rain should not make it necessary to keep the animals in pens longer than 3 days or more often than 10 days per month. Otherwise a dry paddock must be provided. It was investigated whether and how often the above mentioned weather conditions exceeded the critical duration or frequency in the last decades at the different locations. Previously the weather related terms which were used in the BML-recommendation were defined more precisely in order to provide an objective basis for the analysis. Frequent periods of frost lasting longer than 3 days with temperatures below -5 degrees C were found to be a critical factor. They occurred in 79 to 90% of the winter seasons under investigation, although the climate was thought to be rather mild in comparison to other regions. Frost can not be remedied by a dry paddock. Therefore the locations in question are not suitable for ostrich farming. The same conclusion holds at least for all locations with a colder climate. Black ice occurred only scarcely. At none of the investigated locations periods of continuous rain were longer than 3 days or occurred more often than 10 days per month. This result might not only be due to the given climatic conditions but also due to methodological reasons. It seems that the meteorological definition of continuous rain is too restricted to take the relevant precipitation for ostriches into account. It is suggested to find a new definition and consider factors like humidity and wind speed as well.  相似文献   

The ratite industry remains in the market introduction stage of evolution; basic information on markets and production is limited. It is uncertain when, or perhaps whether, either the ostrich or emu industries will progress to the market growth stage. Until significant expansion occurs, ratite operations are likely to be faced with low or even nonexistant profits. It is the authors' observation that the ostrich industry is making slow but significant progress toward introducing products into potential growth markets. The fact that ostrich products were in demand prior to the ostrich being introduced into North America has helped the industry. The future of the emu industry appears to be much less certain. In the authors' opinion, in order for the emu industry to become profitable and grow, significant promotion of emu meat and immediate resolution of the value of the oil must be achieved. Meat sales alone will not carry emu production as a profitable commercial enterprise. Veterinarians can derive significant conclusions from this information. Currently, ratite production is composed of firms generating losses or minimal profits. South African producers are receiving approximately the same amount for a slaughter ostrich as North American producers. It is unlikely that North American ostrich prices will increase significantly. Prices of ostrich breeders of $2,000 to $4,000 per pair and $400 to $450 for slaughter birds are likely to remain the same for some time. Given that world demand has increased at a slower rate than supply, prices may decrease further. Breeder and slaughter birds will continue to require significant veterinary care; however, the producer will be forced to perform more farm treatments, given the negligible margins. Based on the differences in efficiency of existing operations, there are ample opportunities for veterinarians and extension services to assist producers. Vertical coordination in the ratite industry may evolve slowly in the future, especially in the arid regions of the country; however, economies of size in ratite slaughter are likely to remain uncaptured in the short run, limiting the rate at which vertical coordination evolves. If significant opportunities develop for veterinarians in vertically integrated ratite firms, the emphasis, as with other intensive livestock operations, will be preventative rather than therapeutic medicine, and will involve the integration of nutrition, management, genetics, and the control of disease.  相似文献   

The aim of the current report was to study the literature pertinent to wild populations of ostriches and their ecological and behavioural adaptations in the wild. Selected areas included palaeontology; ostrich distribution; conservation status and relationships with humans and habitat. There is an immediate and urgent need to conserve and protect the apparently rapidly declining populations of wild ostriches with the committed involvement of governments and funding bodies. Wildlife management is an important complement to the farming of livestock. Scientists need to understand the elements of ostrich behaviour in the wild in order to make informed decisions on their management and contact with other animals. Information of the like should be included in readily-accessible and annually updated wildlife manuals. We deemed that such information was an essential part in the conservation of this dwindling ratite.  相似文献   

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