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Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melongenae (Fomg), causal agent of Fusarium wilt of eggplant, is a serious pathogen in open fields and greenhouses. Inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) banding profiles, sequence analyses of inter-transcribed-spacer (ITS), translation elongation factor 1-alpha (TEF-1α), and actin (actA) DNA regions were employed in this study to determine genetic diversity and population structure of Fomg isolates obtained from Turkey. For ISSR study, (ACTG)5, (GACAC)3, (GACA)4, (GATA)4, HVH(TG)7 and (CA)8RG primers were selected from a set of 16. Discriminative ability of the primers revealed with various indices including polymorphic information content (PIC), and mean PIC value was calculated as 0.26. The ISSR data revealed 31 loci belonging to 202 Fomg isolates and 14 of them were found to be polymorphic. The isolates on neighbor joining ISSR tree were grouped into two major clusters which separated Fomg and outgroup isolates. Population structure was investigated based on bayesian modeling and results indicated five subpopulations (K = 5, ?K = 205.42). Mean genetic and geographical distances among sampling locations revealed only a weak and insignificant correlation (r = 0.583, P = 0.06). Phylogenetic analyses were carried out with ITS, TEF-1α and actA DNA regions with a selected subset of 30 Fomg, along with one non-host and one outgroup isolates. Since ITS region were not able to provide a meaningful separation, TEF-1α and actA sequences of each organism were concatenated individually to build a dendrogram. The clustering tree successfully separated the Fomg, non-host and outgroup isolates in which all Fomg were located on the same branch, forming a monophyletic group in the dendrogram.  相似文献   

The vascular wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis causes worldwide yield losses of muskmelon. In this study, we characterized a UV-induced non-pathogenic mutant (strain 4/4) of F. oxysporum f. sp. melonis, previously identified as a potential biological control agent. During comparative analysis of vegetative growth parameters using different carbon sources, mutant strain 4/4 showed a delay in development and secretion of extracellular enzymes, compared to the wild type strain. Amendments of the growth medium with yeast extract, adenine or hypoxanthine, but not guanine, complemented the growth defect of strain 4/4, as well as secretion and partial activity of cellulases and endopolygalacturonases, indicating that the strain is an adenine auxotroph. Incubation of strain 4/4 conidia in adenine solution, prior to inoculation of muskmelon plants, partially restored pathogenicity to the mutant strain.  相似文献   

Twenty-seven seed samples belonging to the lettuce cultivars most frequently grown in Lombardy (northwestern Italy), in an area severely affected by Fusarium wilt of lettuce, were assayed for the presence ofFusarium oxysporum on a Fusarium-selective medium. Isolations were carried out on subsamples of seeds (500 to 1500) belonging to the same seed lots used for sowing, and either unwashed or disinfected in 1% sodium hypochloride. The pathogenicity of the isolates ofF. oxysporum obtained was tested in four trials carried out on lettuce cultivars of the butterhead type, very susceptible to Fusarium wilt. Nine of the 27 samples of seeds obtained from commercial seed lots used for sowing in fields affected by Fusarium wilt were contaminated byF. oxysporum. Among the 16 isolates ofF. oxysporum obtained, only one was isolated from disinfected seeds. Three of the isolates were pathogenic on the tested cultivars of lettuce, exhibiting a level of pathogenicity similar to that of the isolates ofF. oxysporum f.sp.lactucae obtained from infected wilted plants in Italy, USA and Taiwan, used as comparison. The results obtained indicate that lettuce seeds are a potential source of inoculum for Fusarium wilt of lettuce. The possibility of isolatingF. oxysporum f.sp.lactucae, although from a low percent of seeds, supports the hypothesis that the rapid spread of Fusarium wilt of lettuce observed recently in Italy is due to the use of infected propagation material. Measures for prevention and control of the disease are discussed. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Dec. 16, 2003.  相似文献   

We selected a reduced-pathogenicity mutant of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, a tomato wilt pathogen, from the transformants generated by restriction enzyme-mediated integration (REMI) transformation. The gene tagged with the plasmid in the mutant was predicted to encode a protein of 321 amino acids and was designated FPD1. Homology search showed its partial similarity to a chloride conductance regulatory protein of Xenopus, suggesting that FPD1 is a transmembrane protein. Although the function of FPD1 has not been identified, it does participate in the pathogenicity of F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici because FPD1-deficient mutants reproduced the reduced pathogenicity on tomato.The nucleotide sequence data reported are available in the DDBJ/EMBL/GenBank databases under the accession number AB110097  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense (Foc) is the causal pathogen of Fusarium wilt of banana. To understand infection of banana roots by Foc race 4, we developed a green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged transformant and studied pathogenesis using fluorescence microscopy and confocal laser scanning microscopy. The transformation was efficient, and GFP expression was stable for at least six subcultures with fluorescence clearly visible in both hyphae and spores. The transformed Foc isolate also retained its pathogenicity and growth pattern, which was similar to that of the wild type. The study showed that: (i) Foc race 4 was capable of invading the epidermal cells of banana roots directly; (ii) potential invasion sites include epidermal cells of root caps and elongation zone, and natural wounds in the lateral root base; (iii) in banana roots, fungal hyphae were able to penetrate cell walls directly to grow inside and outside cells; and (iv) fungal spores were produced in the root system and rhizome. To better understand the interaction between Foc race 4 and bananas, nine banana cultivars were inoculated with the GFP-transformed pathogen. Root exudates from these cultivars were collected and their effect on conidia of the GFP-tagged Foc race 4 was determined. Our results showed that roots of the Foc race 4-susceptible banana plants were well colonized with the pathogen, but not those of the Foc race 4-resistant cultivars. Root exudates from highly resistant cultivars inhibited the germination and growth of the Fusarium wilt pathogen; those of moderately resistant cultivars reduced spore germination and hyphal growth, whereas the susceptible cultivars did not affect fungal germination and growth. The results of this work demonstrated that GFP-tagged Foc race 4 isolates are an effective tool to study plant–fungus interactions that could potentially be used for evaluating resistance in banana to Foc race 4 by means of root colonization studies. Banana root exudates could potentially also be used to identify cultivars in the Chinese Banana Germplasm Collection with resistance to the Fusarium wilt pathogen.  相似文献   

Sorghum is an important drought tolerant crop cultivated for food and fodder purposes. Anthracnose disease caused by Colletotrichum graminicola is a major constraint in sorghum productivity in India. Certain antagonistic fungi, that were isolated in the previous study from the rhizosphere and rhizoplane of perennial grasses in India, were studied for their antagonism in vitro to C. graminicola, root colonization ability and rhizosphere competence. Out of 138 isolates tested, 89 were antagonistic. Fifteen fungal isolates with greater than 70 % in vitro inhibition zone to the pathogen tested positive for root and rhizosphere colonization abilities. Three isolates – Chaetomium globosum isolate 57, Trichoderma harzianum isolate 184 and Fusarium oxysporum (NSF isolate 9) with prominent biocontrol potentials were tested for the control of sorghum anthracnose in greenhouse and field. Chaetomium globosum, Trichoderma harzianum and Fusarium oxysporum isolates decreased seedling mortality, and incidence and severity of disease at different growing stages. They promoted plant growth (dry biomass- 45.3, 40.0 and 46.7 %) and increased yield (grain biomass- 33.3, 23.8 and 49.2 %) respectively, over control in field. The population of the above fungi in soil was moderately high at harvest stage. The present investigation revealed that fungal isolates from rhizosphere and rhizoplane of perennial grasses could be employed to manage anthracnose and enhance plant growth and yield potentialities in sorghum, at the same time.  相似文献   

Temporal variation in Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum (Fov) populations was determined by comparing the genetic diversity of pathogen isolates recovered from three consecutive cotton crops (2002, 2004 and 2006) in the Boggabilla area of New South Wales, Australia. A total of 288 isolates were collected, among which 25 distinct AFLP genotypes were identified. These genotypes were classified into two main groups corresponding to known vegetative compatibility groups (VCG)—01111 and 01112. The Fov populations were dominated by four genotypes (I-A, I-B, II-A, II-B) that accounted for 87.5% of the isolates. Significant temporal variation was observed in both sampled fields with 6.8% and 10.7% of total genetic variation being attributed to differences among collections in different years. Genetic diversity based on Nei’s gene diversity and the Shannon-Wiener index increased over time. Significant changes in the frequency of the dominant Fov genotypes were observed in one field, where genotype I-A declined from 84.8% to 40.0% over the study period (2002–2006), while genotype I-B increased from 7.6% to 35.4%. Strong inter-genotype competition was detected in glasshouse bioassays with 93.4% of symptomatic plants sampled from dual inoculation trials being infected by single genotypes. Competition was differentially mediated by cotton cultivars as the competitive ability of pathogen genotype I-B was enhanced on the resistant cultivar Sicot 189 relative to the susceptible cultivar Siokra 1–4. This suggests that host-mediated inter-genotype competition may play an important role in temporal variation in Fov populations in the field.  相似文献   

The objective of the current study was to characterize Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum isolates from cucumbers in Turkey in terms of pathogenicity, vegetative compatibility and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) variation. In the 2007 and 2008 greenhouse cucumber-growing seasons, surveys were conducted in Adana, Antalya, Hatay and Mersin provinces of the Mediterranean region of Turkey. Forty-seven fungal isolates of F. oxysporum were recovered from diseased cucumber plants. The pathogenicity of each isolate was tested on cucumber seedlings at the one-true-leaf stage. Forty of the 47 isolates of F. oxysporum were virulent on cucumber seedlings. Based on disease symptoms, the differential effect of temperatures of 17°C and 29°C on disease development, and the virulence on cucumber seedlings, these 40 isolates were identified as F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum. Nitrate non-utilizing mutants were generated on minimal medium containing 1.5% KClO3 and their phenotypes were determined. Mutants in different phenotypic classes were paired on minimal medium; of 40 F. oxysporum f. sp. radicis-cucumerinum isolates, thirty-eight were placed into VCG 0260. Remaining two strains were assigned to VCG 0261. The AFLP primers produced a total of 180 fragments between 200 and 500 bp in length for the 30 isolates tested. At a genetic similarity of 0.71, the UPGMA analysis separated the isolates into two distinct clusters. The first cluster, AFLP I, included 28 isolates, of which all belonged to VCG 0260. Two strains in the second AFLP cluster both belonged to VCG 0261.  相似文献   

Bois noir (BN) is the most widespread European grapevine yellows disease caused by ‘Candidatus Phytoplasma solani’. Although our knowledge of the mechanisms of interactions of this pathogenic bacteria with host is largely unknown, the plant-pathogen system of BN is commonly used as a model system for studying grapevine yellows diseases. We applied here a conceptual model of general plant pathology – a disease triangle for describing interactions among the host plant, the pathogen and the environment. We generated a proof-of-concept statistical model for disease triangle using original experimental data and different statistical and data mining approaches for a selected system of ‘Ca. P. solani’ infection of cv. ‘Chardonnay’ grapevine plants. We monitored individual plants from a single vineyard over a period of six years. Phytoplasma content, the expression of 21 selected grapevine genes and environmental conditions were recorded and related to disease severity. Our model predicts that in described conditions BN is a function of the expression of grapevine gene VvDMR6, summer rainfall and abundance of ‘Ca. P. solani’. The greatest impact among elements of the disease triangle is attributed to the pathogen, and is independent of the pathogen titer. We showed that this first de facto representation of the disease triangle is useful for showing disease dynamics over several years and could be applied to other plant-pathogen systems. The overall results of this study will contribute to understanding of ‘Ca. P. solani’ biology and its interactions with grapevine host.  相似文献   

Better soil disinfestation methods, such as biological soil disinfestation (BSD), that are environmentally safe are increasingly been developed and used because of rising concerns related to environmental risks. We evaluated the efficacy of soil disinfestation using ethanol to control the fungus Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici, which causes fusarium wilt of tomato. Survival of bud cells and chlamydospores declined markedly in soil saturated with diluted ethanol solution in the laboratory. In field trials, artificially added nonpathogenic Fusarium oxysporum and indigenous F. oxysporum were both strongly suppressed in soil saturated with 1% ethanol solution; a wheat bran treatment was not as effective. The artificially added fungus was not detected in three of four sites treated with ethanol but was detected in three of four sites amended with wheat bran. Using ethanol in pre-autoclaved soil was not suppressive; thus native microorganisms are essential for the suppression. This ethanol-mediated biological soil disinfestation (Et-BSD) temporarily increased the number of anaerobic bacteria, but the number of fungi and aerobic bacteria was stable. Polymerase chain reaction–denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR–DGGE) analysis revealed slight but apparent differences in bacterial community structures in the soil treated with Et-BSD compared with the structure in soils after other treatments such as water irrigation and in the control soil, which received neither organic amendment nor irrigation after 15 days. Et-BSD is a potentially effective and easy soil disinfestation method, and its impact on native, beneficial microorganisms is moderate.  相似文献   

A bacterial strain was isolated from the rhizosphere of healthy watermelon plants in a heavily wilt-diseased field. This isolate was tentatively identified as Paenibacillus polymyxa (SQR-21) based on biochemical tests and partial 16S rRNA sequence similarity. The purified antifungal compounds were members of the fusaricidin group of cyclic depsipeptides having molecular masses of 883, 897, 947, and 961 Da with an unusual 15-guanidino-3-hydroxypentadecanoic acid moiety, bound to a free amino group. The strain SQR-21 was not able to produce antifungal volatile compounds but was able to produce cellulase, mannase, pectinase, protease, β-1,3-glucanase and lipase enzymes. However, the strain did not show any chitinase activity. Biocontrol potential of this strain was evaluated against Fusarium oxysporum cause of Fusarium wilt disease of watermelon in a greenhouse experiment. This strain combined with organic fertiliser decreased the disease incidence by 70% and increased the dry plant weight by 113% over the control.  相似文献   

Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense is the causal agent of Panama disease of banana. A rapid and reliable diagnosis is the foundation of integrated disease management practices in commodity crops. For this diagnostic purpose, we have developed a reliable molecular method to detect Foc race 4 isolates in Taiwan. By PCR amplification, the primer set Foc-1/Foc-2 derived from the sequence of a random primer OP-A02 amplified fragment produced a 242 bp size DNA fragment which was specific to Foc race 4. With the optimized PCR parameters, the molecular method was sensitive and could detect small quantities of Foc DNA as low as 10 pg in 50 to 2,000 ng host genomic DNA with high efficiency. We also demonstrated that by using our PCR assay with Foc-1/Foc-2 primer set, Foc race 4 could be easily distinguished from other Foc races 1 and 2, and separated other formae speciales of F. oxysporum. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Bread wheat (BW) and durum wheat (DW) are both strongly affected by Septoria tritici blotch caused by the hemibiotrophic fungus Zymoseptoria tritici. However, only the BW-Z. tritici pathosystem has been well studied so far. Here, we compared compatible interactions between Z. tritici and both BW and DW species at the cytological, biochemical and molecular levels. Fungal infection process investigations showed close spore germination and leaf penetration features in both interactions, although differences in the patterns of these events were observed. During the necrotrophic phase, disease severity and sporulation levels were associated in both interactions with increases of the two cell-wall degrading enzyme activities endo-β-1,4-xylanase and endo-β-1,3-glucanase as well as protease. An analysis of plant defense responses during the first five days post inoculation revealed inductions of GLUC, Chi4, POX and PAL and a repression of LOX gene expressions in both wheat species, although differences in kinetics and levels of induction or repression were observed. In addition, peroxidase, catalase, glucanase, phenylalanine ammonia-lyase and lipoxygenase activities were induced in both wheat species, while only weak accumulations of hydrogen peroxide and polyphenols were detected at the fungal penetration sites. Our study revealed overall a similarity in Z. tritici infection process and triggered wheat defense pathways on both pathosystems.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt, one of the destructive diseases of cucumber can be effectively controlled by using biocontrol agents such as Trichoderma harzianum. However, the mechanisms controlling T. harzianum-induced enhanced resistance remain largely unknown in cucumber plants. Here we screened the potent T. harzianum isolate TH58 that could effectively control F. oxysporum (FO). Glasshouse efficacy trials also showed that TH58 decreased disease incidence by 69.7 %. FO induced ROS over accumulation, while TH58 inoculation suppressed ROS over accumulation and improved root cell viability under F. oxysporum infection. TH58 inoculation could reverse the FO-induced cell division block and regulate the proportional distribution of nuclear DNA content through inducing 2C fraction. Moreover, the expression levels of cell cycle-related genes such as CDKA, CDKB, CycA, CycB, CycD3;1 and CycD3;2 in TH58 - pre-inoculated seedlings were up-regulated compared with those infected with FO alone. Taken together, these results suggest that T. harzianum improved plant resistance against Fusarium wilt disease via alterations in nuclear DNA content and cell cycle-related genes expression that might maintain a lower ROS accumulation and higher root cell viability in cucumber seedlings.  相似文献   

DNA markers in chickpea, targetting resistance genes for different races of Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. ciceris (Foc), have been identified in chickpea, but validation of these markers is essential for effective use in resistance breeding. In view of this, different simple sequence repeats (SSR) markers were analysed in Pakistani germplasm including induced mutants and some local lines. Most of the SSR markers showed good correlation with phenotypic evaluation of genotypes to different races of Foc and may be used effectively in resistance breeding, except those markers for race 3. Markers for race 3 showed deviations from phenotypic data and the reason might be that race 3 is actually Fusarium proliferatum as reported recently and resistance to this race might involve some other major resistance genes. Poor correlation of markers with foc-3 on LG2 in our study and a recent report of independent segregation of foc-2 and foc-3 in near isogenic lines suggested that linkage distances among different resistance genes need further investigation. Moreover three Pakistani mutant lines (97477, CM444/92 and CM368/93) depicted high levels of resistance to Foc races and can be deployed as a valuable source in resistance breeding programmes.  相似文献   

Fusarium wilt, caused by Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cucumerinum Owen (FOC), is a destructive disease affecting cucumber production worldwide. Developing an accurate and reliable method for detection of FOC is important for disease prediction and control. In this study, a loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) assay was developed and validated for specific and sensitive detection of FOC. Four LAMP primers were designed based on the sequence of the FOC-specific random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker OPZ-12865. LAMP reactions were performed at different temperatures and for different durations, and the optimal temperature and duration were 63 °C for 60 min, respectively. Hence, a LAMP assay for detection of FOC was established. The specificity of the LAMP method was evaluated against 119 isolates of FOC and other pathogens, and only FOC isolates yielded positive results. In sensitivity tests, the lowest concentration of genomic DNA required for the LAMP assay was 10 fg in a 25 μL reaction. The LAMP assay was successfully applied to detect FOC in cucumber tissues and soil from infested fields, and the positive ratios of LAMP, PCR, and traditional tissue isolation for detecting FOC from diseased cucumber root samples were100%, 86.6 and 83.3%, respectively. Therefore, the LAMP assay developed herein should serve as a simple, cost-effective, rapid, highly specific, and sensitive tool for the visual detection of FOC and contribute to improved disease management.  相似文献   

Plant growth promoting Bacillus subtilis MSS9 and Bacillus licheniformis MSS14 were isolated from the tomato rhizosphere. These isolates were capable of inhibiting the fungal pathogen, Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici causing fusarium wilt in tomato, tested by dual culture method and by mycolytic enzyme production. The isolates have the capacity to form biofilm on the microtitre plate. Scanning electron microscopy revealed good colonization capacity of Bacillus licheniformis MSS14 on tomato plant root as compared to Bacillus subtilis MSS9, pot experiments were also analyzed to study the effects of both rhizobacterial cultures on pathogen development and plant growth. It was observed that MSS14 reduces the incidence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici in tomato and there was significant increase in vegetative parameters like root length, shoot length, plant wet weight, dry weight and chlorophyll content after which indicates that the root colonization property of the culture MSS14 helps in enhancing the biocontrol capacity against pathogen than that of MSS9.  相似文献   

Wilt disease of lentil caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. lentis (Fol) is one of the most important diseases affecting lentil worldwide. Differential response of six lentil accessions with reported differences in the level of resistance to Fol was studied micro and macroscopically. Penetration took place through root epidermal cells without formation of any specific structure. Hyphae reached the stele within two days after inoculation (dai) and subsequently invaded xylem bundles having colonised the endodermis, vascular system and even vascular parenchyma phloem already by 4 dai. Resistance was observed as a quantitative trait in all studied accessions resulting from varying levels of xylem occlusion with gum-like substances and of degree of colonization observed only after 4 dai. An indication of a qualitative resistance was detected in accession BGE019696 inoculated with pathotype 1 as a fast secretion of phenolic compounds at 4 dai. Plasmolysis of cytoplasm, lignification and accumulation of phenolic compounds, gum-like substances and/or tyloses were observed from 15 to 30 dai. As a result of the various operative mechanisms, significantly lower numbers of propagules were recovered from roots by 15 dai, and a retardation of disease was measured as lower disease index by 30 dai in plants inoculated with pathotype 1, but not in those inoculated with pathotype 7.  相似文献   

Seed treatments with essential oils (from savory and thyme) and biocontrol agents (Pseudomonas spp. and Fusarium oxysporum) have been evaluated in vivo after dry hot air treatments against Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. basilici on basil seeds. The savory and thyme essential oils showed a significant pathogen control activity because of their innate antifungal activity and because of the seed application method, but the dry hot pre-treatment did not show any obvious effect on the performance of the essential oil treatments. The dry heat treatment improved the Pseudomonas seed dressing effect against F.oxysporum f. sp. basilici, and showed important reductions in plant infection and the disease index on the treated seed plants, without any negative effect on seed germination. However, the pathogen control provided by the heat treatments combined with the application of the biocontrol agents never reached the same performance as the chemical treatments considered as the reference. Thus, short dry heat treatments on basil seeds have been shown to be a valid but complementary seed disinfection method against Fusarium wilt.  相似文献   

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